Milia, Multiple Eruptive |
Milia |
OMIM:157400 |
Nevus Comedonicus |
Nevus comedonicus |
OMIM:617025 |
Elastosis Perforans Serpiginosa |
Nevus |
OMIM:130100 |
Capillary Malformations, Congenital |
Nevus flammeus |
OMIM:163000 |
Nevus Flammeus Of Nape Of Neck |
Nevus flammeus nuchae |
OMIM:163100 |
Knuckle Pads |
Subcutaneous nodule |
OMIM:149100 |
Dyschromatosis Universalis Hereditaria 3 |
Hypopigmented macule, Hypermelanotic macule |
OMIM:615402 |
Nevus, Epidermal |
Melanocytic nevus, Numerous nevi |
OMIM:162900 |
Syringocystadenoma Papilliferum |
Papule, Nevus sebaceous, Subcutaneous nodule |
ORPHA:840 |
Pruritic Urticarial Papules And Plaques Of Pregnancy |
Pruritus on foot, Erythematous papule, Eczematoid dermatitis, Pruritis on breast, Urticarial plaq... |
ORPHA:64745 |
Darier Disease |
Plantar pits, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Hypermelanotic macule, Subungual hyperkeratotic fragments... |
ORPHA:218 |
Pemphigus Foliaceus |
Abnormal oral mucosa morphology, Erythema, Skin erosion, Psoriasiform dermatitis, Erythematous pl... |
ORPHA:79481 |
Aplasia Cutis Congenita Of Limbs, Autosomal Recessive |
Congenital absence of skin of limbs, Aplasia cutis congenita |
OMIM:600360 |
Aplasia Cutis Congenita, Nonsyndromic |
Aplasia cutis congenita over the scalp vertex |
OMIM:107600 |
Localized Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, Pretibial Form |
Hyperkeratotic papule, Localized skin lesion, Carious teeth, Atypical scarring of skin, Keloids, ... |
ORPHA:79410 |
Familial Benign Chronic Pemphigus |
Erythema, Skin erosion, Skin vesicle |
ORPHA:2841 |
Pemphigoid Gestationis |
Skin vesicle |
ORPHA:63275 |
Iga Pemphigus |
Annular cutaneous lesion, Skin erosion, Cutaneous abscess, Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin,... |
ORPHA:555905 |
Erythema Elevatum Diutinum |
Skin nodule, Skin vesicle |
ORPHA:90000 |
Dowling-Degos Disease |
Hyperkeratotic papule, Palmar pits, Erythematous papule, Acne inversa, Epidermoid cyst, Hypermela... |
ORPHA:79145 |
Lichen Planus Pemphigoides |
Abnormal oral mucosa morphology, Skin vesicle, Pruritus, Hyperkeratosis |
ORPHA:254478 |
Diarrhea 2, With Microvillus Atrophy, With Or Without Cholestasis |
Protracted diarrhea, Villous atrophy, Death in infancy, Abnormal intestine morphology, Dehydration |
OMIM:251850 |
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex With Circinate Migratory Erythema |
Parakeratosis, Pruritus, Skin vesicle, Erythema migrans |
ORPHA:158681 |
Wells Syndrome |
Skin vesicle |
ORPHA:901 |
Familial Reactive Perforating Collagenosis |
Abnormal oral mucosa morphology, Hyperkeratotic papule, Inflammatory abnormality of the skin, Ery... |
ORPHA:79147 |
Warty Dyskeratoma |
Localized skin lesion, Erythematous papule, Oral mucosa nodule, Abnormal hard palate morphology, ... |
ORPHA:69745 |
Dermatitis Herpetiformis |
Dental enamel pits, Erythema, Eczematoid dermatitis, Delayed eruption of teeth, Erosion of oral m... |
ORPHA:1656 |
Pierre Robin Syndrome |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Glossoptosis, Cleft palate, Pierre-Robin sequence |
OMIM:261800 |
Pemphigus Erythematosus |
Localized skin lesion, Skin erosion, Hypopigmented skin patches, Focal dermal aplasia/hypoplasia,... |
ORPHA:79480 |
Darier-White Disease |
Palmar pits, Plantar pits, Hypermelanotic macule, Enlargement of parotid gland, Subungual hyperke... |
OMIM:124200 |
Autosomal Dominant Generalized Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex, Intermediate Form |
Abnormality of the dentition, Papule, Hypermelanotic macule, Milia, Hypomelanotic macule, Oral mu... |
ORPHA:79399 |
Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis |
Predominantly dermal neutrophilic infiltrate, Pustule, Eosinophilic dermal infiltration, Skin ves... |
ORPHA:293173 |
Pruritic Urticarial Papules And Plaques Of Pregnancy |
Striae distensae |
OMIM:178995 |
Striae Distensae, Familial |
Striae distensae |
OMIM:185200 |
Porokeratosis Of Mibelli |
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the skin, Pruritus, Hyperkeratosis |
ORPHA:735 |
Lactase Deficiency, Congenital |
Diarrhea, Decreased small intestinal mucosa lactase level, Dehydration |
OMIM:223000 |
Pyoderma Gangrenosum |
Atrophic scars, Papule, Skin vesicle, Skin ulcer |
ORPHA:48104 |
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex With Muscular Dystrophy |
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the skin, Dermal atrophy, Papule, Skin vesicle |
ORPHA:257 |
Isolated Pierre Robin Syndrome |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Glossoptosis, Cleft palate |
ORPHA:718 |
Proliferating Trichilemmal Cyst |
Skin ulcer, Epidermoid cyst |
ORPHA:492 |
Hypotrichosis And Recurrent Skin Vesicles |
Abnormality of the dentition, Angular cheilitis, Follicular hyperkeratosis, Skin vesicle |
OMIM:613102 |
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type I |
Tongue fasciculations, Respiratory failure, Death in childhood, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:253300 |
Acrokeratosis Verruciformis |
Verrucous papule, Acrokeratosis, Punctate palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, Acantholysis, Hyperkeratosis |
OMIM:101900 |
Chronic Hiccup |
Abnormal eating behavior, Dehydration |
ORPHA:396 |
Peeling Skin With Leukonychia, Acral Punctate Keratoses, Cheilitis, And Knuckle Pads |
Oral leukoplakia, Dry skin, Angular cheilitis, Follicular hyperkeratosis, Punctate palmoplantar h... |
OMIM:616295 |
Inflammatory Skin And Bowel Disease, Neonatal, 2 |
Vomiting, Secretory diarrhea, Pustule, Polyhydramnios, Papule, Dehydration |
OMIM:616069 |
Autosomal Dominant Hyper-Ige Syndrome Due To Stat3 Deficiency |
Abnormality of the dentition, Papule, Eczematoid dermatitis, Delayed eruption of teeth, Skin ulce... |
ORPHA:2314 |
Superficial Epidermolytic Ichthyosis |
Erythema, Acantholysis, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Thin skin |
ORPHA:455 |
Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia, Type 1C |
Tongue fasciculations, Respiratory failure, Death in childhood, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:616081 |
Congenital Short Bowel Syndrome |
Congenital shortened small intestine, Decreased intestinal transit time, Vomiting, Intestinal mal... |
OMIM:615237 |
Diarrhea 4, Malabsorptive, Congenital |
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Dehydration |
OMIM:610370 |
Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome |
Facial edema, Furrowed tongue |
OMIM:155900 |
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 12 |
White scaling skin |
OMIM:617320 |
High-Grade Dysplasia In Patients With Barrett Esophagus |
Barrett esophagus, Gastroesophageal reflux, Dysphagia, Esophageal obstruction |
ORPHA:231080 |
Lipoid Proteinosis |
Abnormal oral mucosa morphology, Acne, Microglossia, Thick lower lip vermilion, Pustule, Subcutan... |
ORPHA:530 |
Combined Malonic And Methylmalonic Aciduria |
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:614265 |
Localized Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, Acral Form |
Erythema, Dermal atrophy, Milia, Erythematous plaque, Crusting erythematous dermatitis, Palmoplan... |
ORPHA:158673 |
Alpha-Methylacetoacetic Aciduria |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:203750 |
Hennekam-Beemer Syndrome |
Erythema, Papule, Respiratory insufficiency, Thick lower lip vermilion, Skin vesicle, Subcutaneou... |
ORPHA:2135 |
Reducing Body Myopathy, X-Linked 1A, Severe, With Infantile Or Early Childhood Onset |
Death in adolescence, Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency due to muscle weakness |
OMIM:300717 |
Diffuse Palmoplantar Keratoderma, Bothnian Type |
Erythema, Papule, Skin ulcer, Diffuse palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, Pruritus |
ORPHA:2337 |
Familial Cold Urticaria |
Erythema, Pruritus, Polydipsia, Dehydration |
ORPHA:47045 |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 12 With Or Without Frontotemporal Dementia |
Tongue fasciculations, Respiratory failure, Tongue atrophy, Dysphagia |
OMIM:613435 |
Reticular Dysgenesis |
Skin rash, Diarrhea, Skin ulcer, Dehydration |
ORPHA:33355 |
Epidermolysis Bullosa, Lethal Acantholytic |
Skin erosion, Natal tooth, Neonatal death, Aplasia cutis congenita, Acantholysis |
OMIM:609638 |
Krabbe Disease, Atypical, Due To Saposin A Deficiency |
Respiratory failure, Death in infancy, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:611722 |
Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica, Pretibial |
Atrophic scars, Pruritus, Hyperkeratosis |
OMIM:131850 |
Congenital Myopathy 10A, Severe Variant |
Tongue fasciculations, Gastroesophageal reflux, Respiratory insufficiency, High palate, Dysphagia... |
OMIM:614399 |
Pemphigus Vulgaris |
Atypical scarring of skin, Urticarial plaque, Erosion of oral mucosa, Oral mucosal blisters, Acan... |
ORPHA:704 |
Dyskeratosis Congenita |
Abnormality of the dentition, Carious teeth, Periodontitis, Oral leukoplakia, Palmoplantar kerato... |
ORPHA:1775 |
Secondary Short Bowel Syndrome |
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Volvulus, Villous atrophy, Abnormal small intestine morphology, Aganglionic m... |
ORPHA:95427 |
Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis Et Progressiva 6 |
Abnormal dental morphology, Erythematous plaque, Superficial dermal perivascular inflammatory inf... |
OMIM:618531 |
Sweet Syndrome |
Inflammation of the large intestine, Erythematous papule, Acne inversa, Predominantly dermal neut... |
ORPHA:3243 |
Lamellar Ichthyosis |
Dry skin, Lack of skin elasticity, Erythroderma, Pruritus, Hyperkeratosis, Dehydration |
ORPHA:313 |
Porphyria Variegata |
Localized skin lesion, Skin erosion, Milia, Ileus, Skin vesicle, Constipation, Nausea, Hepatocell... |
ORPHA:79473 |
Glycine Encephalopathy 2 |
Respiratory failure |
OMIM:620398 |
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 14 |
Erythema, Orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, Scaling skin, Pruritus, Hyperkeratosis |
OMIM:617571 |
Epidermolysis Bullosa, Junctional 6, With Pyloric Atresia |
Aplasia cutis congenita of scalp, Congenital pyloric atresia, Oral mucosal blisters, Neonatal dea... |
OMIM:619817 |
Pierre Robin Sequence With Facial And Digital Anomalies |
Glossoptosis, Cleft palate, Pierre-Robin sequence |
OMIM:311895 |
Central Diabetes Insipidus |
Diarrhea, Polydipsia, Dehydration, Anorexia |
ORPHA:178029 |
Isobutyryl-Coa Dehydrogenase Deficiency |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
ORPHA:79159 |
Nemaline Myopathy 8 |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure, Death in infancy |
OMIM:615348 |
Congenital Enterocyte Heparan Sulfate Deficiency |
Protein-losing enteropathy, Hematochezia, Diarrhea, Edema, Dehydration |
ORPHA:103910 |
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, With Woolly Hair And Keratoderma |
Palmoplantar keratoderma, Tooth agenesis, Palmoplantar scaling skin, Death in early adulthood, De... |
OMIM:605676 |
Myopathy, Myofibrillar, Fatal Infantile Hypertonic, Alpha-B Crystallin-Related |
Respiratory failure, Death in infancy, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:613869 |
Lethal Osteosclerotic Bone Dysplasia |
Gingival fibromatosis, Gingival overgrowth, Median cleft palate, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:1832 |
Diabetes Mellitus, Transient Neonatal, 1 |
Dehydration |
OMIM:601410 |
Hyperkeratosis Lenticularis Perstans |
Papule, Skin ulcer, Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the skin, Pruritus |
ORPHA:409 |
Lichen Planopilaris |
Hypopigmented skin patches, Skin ulcer, Neoplasm of the oral cavity, Dermal atrophy, Abnormal int... |
ORPHA:525 |
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia With Atlantoaxial Instability |
Tongue fasciculations, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:600561 |
Congenital Myopathy 14 |
High palate, Respiratory failure, Death in infancy, Respiratory insufficiency due to muscle weakness |
OMIM:618414 |
Congenital Arthrogryposis With Anterior Horn Cell Disease |
Neonatal death, High palate, Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency due to muscle weakness |
OMIM:611890 |
Autosomal Dominant Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 1A |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
ORPHA:266 |
Hereditary Butyrylcholinesterase Deficiency |
Respiratory failure, Respiratory failure requiring assisted ventilation |
ORPHA:132 |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 28 |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:620452 |
Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris |
Papule, Subungual hyperkeratosis, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Eczematoid dermatitis, Pustule, Abnor... |
ORPHA:2897 |
Erythroderma, Congenital, With Palmoplantar Keratoderma, Hypotrichosis, And Hyper-Ige |
Orthokeratosis, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Psoriasiform dermatitis, Eosinophilic infiltration of t... |
OMIM:615508 |
Medium Chain 3-Ketoacyl-Coa Thiolase Deficiency |
Vomiting, Dehydration, Neonatal death |
OMIM:602199 |
Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia, Type 4 |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure, Death in infancy |
OMIM:225753 |
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 47 |
Dysphagia, Dehydration |
OMIM:618958 |
Proton-Pump Inhibitor-Responsive Esophageal Eosinophilia |
Atopic dermatitis, Gastroesophageal reflux, Vomiting, Eosinophilic microabscess formation in the ... |
ORPHA:411696 |
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 8A (Zellweger) |
Cataract, Glossoptosis, Death in infancy |
OMIM:614876 |
Harlequin Ichthyosis |
Self-injurious behavior, Hyperkeratosis, Erythroderma, Dehydration |
ORPHA:457 |
Oculopharyngeal Myopathy With Leukoencephalopathy 1 |
Gastrointestinal dysmotility, Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:618637 |
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 71 |
Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:618328 |
Visceral Myopathy 2 |
Barrett esophagus, Gastroesophageal reflux, Volvulus, Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Intestinal m... |
OMIM:619350 |
Woolly Hair-Skin Fragility Syndrome |
Acantholysis, Palmoplantar keratoderma |
OMIM:620415 |
Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease |
Erythema, Gastroesophageal reflux, Xerostomia, Diarrhea, Skin ulcer, Ascites, Abnormal esophagus ... |
ORPHA:99921 |
Psoriasis 14, Pustular |
Erythema, Furrowed tongue, Psoriasiform dermatitis, Pustule, Parakeratosis, Geographic tongue |
OMIM:614204 |
Combined Malonic And Methylmalonic Acidemia |
Intermittent diarrhea, Vomiting, Dehydration |
ORPHA:289504 |
Microvillus Inclusion Disease |
Diarrhea, Villous atrophy, Abnormal small intestinal villus morphology, Pruritus, Dehydration |
ORPHA:2290 |
Chikungunya |
Facial edema, Erythema, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Joint swelling, Petechiae, Skin rash, Crusting erythe... |
ORPHA:324625 |
Congenital Tufting Enteropathy |
Vomiting, Secretory diarrhea, Abnormal large intestinal mucosa morphology, Villous atrophy, Abnor... |
ORPHA:92050 |
Ring Dermoid Of Cornea |
Abnormal cornea morphology, Abnormal corneal limbus morphology, Corneal astigmatism, Conjunctival... |
OMIM:180550 |
Hyperekplexia 4 |
High palate, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:618011 |
Enteric Anendocrinosis |
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Dehydration |
ORPHA:83620 |
Vulvovaginal Gingival Syndrome |
Erythema, Skin erosion, Oral ulcer, Parakeratosis, Gingivitis, Pruritus |
ORPHA:83453 |
Hereditary Mucoepithelial Dysplasia |
Cataract, Alopecia, Fine hair, Furrowed tongue, Gingival overgrowth, Hematuria, Tracheoesophageal... |
ORPHA:1839 |
Congenital Muscular Dystrophy With Intellectual Disability |
Abnormality of the tongue muscle, Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
ORPHA:370968 |
Renal Hypodysplasia/Aplasia 4 |
Respiratory failure |
OMIM:619887 |
Ectodermal Dysplasia/Short Stature Syndrome |
Palmoplantar keratoderma, Delayed eruption of teeth, Hypodontia, Enamel hypoplasia, Hyperkeratosi... |
OMIM:616029 |
Hereditary Motor And Sensory Neuropathy, Okinawa Type |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure, Respiratory failure requiring assisted ventilation |
ORPHA:90117 |
Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus |
Macroglossia, Dehydration |
ORPHA:99886 |
Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Type Ii |
Gingival overgrowth, Protruding tongue, Recurrent gastroenteritis, Skin vesicle, Deep philtrum, L... |
ORPHA:99843 |
Immunodeficiency 95 |
Respiratory failure |
OMIM:619773 |
Neuropathy, Congenital Hypomyelinating, 3 |
Gastroesophageal reflux, Respiratory insufficiency, Thick vermilion border, Gingival overgrowth, ... |
OMIM:618186 |
Mulibrey Nanism |
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Microglossia, Dental malocclusion, Dental crowding, As... |
OMIM:253250 |
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome, Myopathic Form |
Respiratory insufficiency, Respiratory insufficiency due to muscle weakness, Ventilator dependenc... |
ORPHA:254875 |
Peeling Skin Syndrome 6 |
Atopic dermatitis, Orthokeratosis, Dry skin, Parakeratosis, Scaling skin, Pruritus |
OMIM:618084 |
Intermediate Nemaline Myopathy |
High, narrow palate, Dysphagia, Respiratory failure, Long philtrum |
ORPHA:171433 |
Boutonneuse Fever |
Skin rash, Petechiae, Macule, Skin nodule, Maculopapular exanthema, Skin detachment, Respiratory ... |
ORPHA:83313 |
Herpes Simplex Virus Stromal Keratitis |
Herpetiform vesicles |
ORPHA:137599 |
Plummer-Vinson Syndrome |
Narrow mouth, Pallor, Intra-oral hyperpigmentation, Esophageal web, Dysphagia, Glossitis, Cheilit... |
ORPHA:54028 |
Spinal Muscular Atrophy-Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy Syndrome |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency due to muscle weakness |
ORPHA:2590 |
Renal Tubulopathy, Diabetes Mellitus, And Cerebellar Ataxia |
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Death in childhood, Death in adolescence, Dehydration |
OMIM:560000 |
Autosomal Agammaglobulinemia |
Diarrhea, Skin rash, High palate, Recurrent skin infections, Dehydration |
ORPHA:33110 |
Vacterl Association With Hydrocephalus |
Anal atresia, Stillbirth, Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:276950 |
Ichthyosis With Erythrokeratoderma |
Erythema, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Diffuse palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, Parakeratosis, Palmoplan... |
OMIM:620507 |
Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, Neuronal, 10 |
Neonatal death, Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:610127 |
Solar Urticaria |
Abnormal lip morphology, Angioedema, Abnormal tongue morphology, Periorbital edema, Edema |
ORPHA:97230 |
Lattice Corneal Dystrophy Type I |
Abnormal cornea morphology, Corneal scarring, Astigmatism, Subepithelial corneal opacities, Recur... |
ORPHA:98964 |
Beta-Ketothiolase Deficiency |
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Edema, Dehydration, Pallor, Oral aversion, Anorexia, Agitation |
ORPHA:134 |
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 28 |
Respiratory failure |
OMIM:616794 |
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 51 |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:619057 |
Autosomal Recessive Generalized Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, Intermediate Form |
Atypical scarring of skin, Gastroesophageal reflux, Carious teeth, Skin erosion, Nevus, Anal fiss... |
ORPHA:89842 |
Vitamin B12-Responsive Methylmalonic Acidemia |
Dehydration |
ORPHA:28 |
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 9 (Encephalomyopathic Type With Methylmalonic Aciduria) |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Respiratory insufficiency, Death in childhood, Death in infancy, N... |
OMIM:245400 |
Vitamin B12-Unresponsive Methylmalonic Acidemia Type Mut- |
Dehydration, Anorexia |
ORPHA:79312 |
Epidermolysis Bullosa, Junctional 5B, With Pyloric Atresia |
Intractable diarrhea, Atrophic scars, Milia, Congenital pyloric atresia, Death in infancy, Esopha... |
OMIM:226730 |
Netherton Syndrome |
Eczematoid dermatitis, Angioedema, Hypernatremic dehydration, Recurrent infection of the gastroin... |
OMIM:256500 |
Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome |
Cataract, Alopecia, Dystrophic toenail, Sparse body hair, Lymphedema, Furrowed tongue, Stomach ca... |
ORPHA:2930 |
Methylmalonyl-Coa Epimerase Deficiency |
Gastroesophageal reflux, Dehydration |
OMIM:251120 |
Lethal Acantholytic Erosive Disorder |
Acantholysis, Natal tooth, Respiratory failure, Cleft palate |
ORPHA:158687 |
Cataract-Intellectual Disability-Hypogonadism Syndrome |
Depressed nasal bridge, Tooth malposition, Cataract, Furrowed tongue, Low posterior hairline, Sho... |
ORPHA:1387 |
Netherton Syndrome |
Eczematoid dermatitis, Dry skin, Skin rash, Erythroderma, Dehydration |
ORPHA:634 |
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita 6 |
Death in infancy, Respiratory failure, Death in childhood, Neonatal death |
OMIM:619334 |
Mitochondrial Short-Chain Enoyl-Coa Hydratase 1 Deficiency |
Respiratory failure, Death in infancy |
OMIM:616277 |
Robin Sequence-Oligodactyly Syndrome |
Abnormality of the dentition, Glossoptosis, Cleft palate |
ORPHA:3104 |
Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia, X-Linked |
Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:313420 |
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Xv |
Wide nasal bridge, Midline notch of upper alveolar ridge, Anteverted nares, Hydronephrosis, Lobul... |
OMIM:617127 |
Cerebrooculofacioskeletal Syndrome 1 |
Death in childhood, Dehydration |
OMIM:214150 |
Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica, Autosomal Recessive |
Esophageal stricture, Atrophic scars, Milia, Abnormal esophagus morphology, Constipation, Dysphag... |
OMIM:226600 |
Lymphatic Malformation 12 |
Fetal ascites, Lymphedema, Nonimmune hydrops fetalis, Neonatal death, Death in adolescence, Polyh... |
OMIM:620014 |
Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Deafness Syndrome, Autosomal Dominant |
Trichiasis, Sparse eyebrow, Keratitis, Oral leukoplakia, Furrowed tongue, Corneal scarring, Nail ... |
OMIM:148210 |
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Xix |
Wide nasal bridge, Bifid nasal tip, Narrow palate, Carious teeth, Downturned corners of mouth, Un... |
OMIM:620107 |
Snakebite Envenomation |
Gingival bleeding, Erythema, Localized skin lesion, Neuromuscular dysphagia, Pseudobulbar paralys... |
ORPHA:449285 |
Familial Renal Glucosuria |
Dehydration |
ORPHA:69076 |
Multiple Mitochondrial Dysfunctions Syndrome 3 |
High palate, Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:615330 |
Hypercalcemia, Infantile, 1 |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:143880 |
Corneal Dystrophy, Fuchs Endothelial, 2 |
Corneal guttata, Corneal degeneration, Corneal dystrophy, Edema |
OMIM:610158 |
Auriculocondylar Syndrome 2A |
Mandibular condyle aplasia, Microglossia, Dental malocclusion, Dental crowding, Narrow mouth, Man... |
OMIM:614669 |
Renal Tubular Acidosis, Distal, 3, With Or Without Sensorineural Hearing Loss |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:602722 |
Pai Syndrome |
Bifid uvula, Depressed nasal bridge, Nasal polyposis, Midline defect of the nose, Median cleft up... |
ORPHA:1993 |
Catel-Manzke Syndrome |
Highly arched eyebrow, Oral synechia, Glossoptosis, Cleft palate |
ORPHA:1388 |
Auriculocondylar Syndrome 4 |
Glossoptosis, Narrow mouth, Cleft palate |
OMIM:620457 |
Oculocerebrofacial Syndrome, Kaufman Type |
High, narrow palate, Preauricular skin tag, Abnormal lip morphology, Abnormal upper lip morpholog... |
ORPHA:2707 |
Propionic Acidemia |
Vomiting, Eczematoid dermatitis, Dehydration, Constipation |
OMIM:606054 |
Isovaleric Acidemia |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:243500 |
Spinal Muscular Atrophy With Congenital Bone Fractures 2 |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:616867 |
Osteootohepatoenteric Syndrome |
Secretory diarrhea, Increased intestinal transit time, Villous atrophy, Ileoileal intussusception... |
OMIM:619377 |
Deafness-Craniofacial Syndrome |
Wide nasal bridge, Abnormality of the dentition, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Short lingual frenulu... |
ORPHA:3241 |
Cleft, Median, Of Upper Lip With Polyps Of Facial Skin And Nasal Mucosa |
Bifid uvula, Nasal polyposis, Median cleft upper lip, High palate, Iris coloboma |
OMIM:155145 |
Shigellosis |
Vomiting, Ulcerative colitis, Anorexia, Bloody diarrhea, Paralytic ileus, Peritonitis, Intestinal... |
ORPHA:810 |
Tylosis With Esophageal Cancer |
Oral leukoplakia, Diffuse palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, Parakeratosis, Follicular hyperkeratosis, ... |
OMIM:148500 |
Isolated Congenital Hypoglossia/Aglossia |
Microglossia, Cleft palate |
ORPHA:141152 |
Whistling Face Syndrome, Recessive Form |
Whistling appearance, Microglossia, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Long philtrum, Prominent nasal bri... |
OMIM:277720 |
Carnitine Deficiency, Systemic Primary |
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Dehydration |
OMIM:212140 |
Cystinosis |
Polydipsia, Vomiting, Motor stereotypy, Dehydration |
ORPHA:213 |
Pseudohypoaldosteronism, Type Ib1, Autosomal Recessive |
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:264350 |
Pearson Marrow-Pancreas Syndrome |
Erythema, Vomiting, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, Villous atrophy, Pallor, Death in childhoo... |
OMIM:557000 |
Bazex-Dupre-Christol Syndrome |
Atopic dermatitis, Acne inversa, Eczematoid dermatitis, Nevus, Furrowed tongue, Milia |
OMIM:301845 |
Alg1-Cdg |
Protein-losing enteropathy, Abnormality of the gastrointestinal tract, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:79327 |
Alternating Hemiplegia Of Childhood |
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Oral-pharyngeal dysphagia, Pallor, Impulsivity, Gastrointestinal dysmotility,... |
ORPHA:2131 |
Myasthenic Syndrome, Congenital, 10 |
Tongue atrophy, Respiratory insufficiency due to muscle weakness |
OMIM:254300 |
Hyper-Ige Syndrome 1, Autosomal Dominant, With Recurrent Infections |
Erythema, Diarrhea, Eosinophilic infiltration of the esophagus, High palate, Duodenal ulcer, Dysp... |
OMIM:147060 |
Systemic Sclerosis |
Barrett esophagus, Intestinal bleeding, Abnormal large intestine morphology, Gastroesophageal ref... |
ORPHA:90291 |
Hartnup Disorder |
Glossitis, Elevated urinary indoleacetic acid level, Neutral hyperaminoaciduria |
OMIM:234500 |
Burning Mouth Syndrome |
Tongue pain, Strawberry tongue, Xerostomia, Smooth tongue, Parageusia, Abnormality of taste sensa... |
ORPHA:353253 |
Imperforate Oropharynx-Costovertebral Anomalies Syndrome |
Abnormal lip morphology, Respiratory failure, Abnormality of the philtrum, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of ... |
ORPHA:2759 |
Pachyonychia Congenita 3 |
Palmoplantar keratoderma, Oral leukoplakia, Chapped lip, Furrowed tongue, Follicular hyperkeratos... |
OMIM:615726 |
Ophthalmoplegia, Progressive, With Scrotal Tongue And Mental Deficiency |
Furrowed tongue |
OMIM:165150 |
Generalized Pseudohypoaldosteronism Type 1 |
Pustule, Atopic dermatitis, Vomiting, Dehydration |
ORPHA:171876 |
Olmsted Syndrome 1 |
Alopecia universalis, Subungual hyperkeratosis, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Orthokeratosis, Hyperpa... |
OMIM:614594 |
Hemifacial Atrophy, Progressive |
Dental malocclusion, Delayed eruption of teeth, Patchy alopecia, Tongue atrophy, Poliosis, Short ... |
OMIM:141300 |
Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease |
Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:890 |
Pseudohypoaldosteronism, Type Ib3, Autosomal Recessive |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:620126 |
Polycystic Kidney Disease 4 With Or Without Polycystic Liver Disease |
Oligohydramnios, Neonatal death, Esophageal varix, Hematemesis, Dehydration |
OMIM:263200 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Hypotonia, Stereotypic Hand Movements, And Impaired Language |
Depressed nasal bridge, Downturned corners of mouth, Anteverted nares, Thin upper lip vermilion, ... |
OMIM:613443 |
Corneal Dystrophy, Fuchs Endothelial, 1 |
Corneal guttata, Corneal degeneration, Descemet Membrane Folds, Corneal stromal edema, Corneal dy... |
OMIM:136800 |
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis |
Erythema, Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Skin ulcer, Tracheoesophageal fistula, Macule, Acantholysi... |
ORPHA:537 |
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Or Without Impaired Intellectual Development), Type B, 5 |
Macroglossia, Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:606612 |
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 52 |
Respiratory failure, Death in infancy |
OMIM:619386 |
Glucose/Galactose Malabsorption |
Chronic diarrhea, Hypertonic dehydration |
OMIM:606824 |
Chromosome 16P12.2-P11.2 Deletion Syndrome, 7.1- To 8.7-Mb |
Wide nasal bridge, Bulbous nose, Anteverted nares, Open mouth, Thin upper lip vermilion, High pal... |
OMIM:613604 |
Bazex Syndrome |
Yellow nails, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Lip hyperpigmentation, Nail dystrophy, Parakeratosis, Hyp... |
ORPHA:166113 |
Ullrich Congenital Muscular Dystrophy |
Respiratory failure, Abnormal palate morphology |
ORPHA:75840 |
Pseudohypoaldosteronism, Type I, Autosomal Dominant |
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:177735 |
Congenital Lactic Acidosis, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Type |
Gastroesophageal reflux, Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:70472 |
Anterior Segment Dysgenesis 8 |
Cataract, Ectopia lentis, Ectopia pupillae, Hypoplasia of the iris, Uveal ectropion, Corneal stro... |
OMIM:617319 |
Muscular Dystrophy, Congenital, 1B |
Respiratory failure |
OMIM:604801 |
Corticosterone Methyloxidase Type I Deficiency |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:203400 |
9q subtelomeric deletion syndrome |
Anteverted nares, Protruding tongue, Short nose, Synophrys |
Cholesteryl Ester Storage Disease |
Pruritus, Diarrhea, Esophageal varix |
ORPHA:75234 |
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase E1-Alpha Deficiency |
Respiratory failure, Long philtrum |
OMIM:312170 |
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 11 |
Tongue fasciculations, Death in childhood, Death in infancy, Neonatal death, Stillbirth, Respirat... |
OMIM:614922 |
Portal Hypertension, Noncirrhotic, 2 |
Ascites, Petechiae, Ecchymosis, Esophageal varix, Hepatocellular carcinoma |
OMIM:619463 |
Intellectual Disability-Brachydactyly-Pierre Robin Syndrome |
Abnormality of canine, Microglossia, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Thin eyebrow, Bulbous nose, Oligo... |
ORPHA:364577 |
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 18 |
Respiratory failure, Death in infancy |
OMIM:618240 |
Hereditary Acrokeratotic Poikiloderma |
Gingival bleeding, Abnormality of the dentition, Erythema, Xerostomia, Oral leukoplakia, Eczemato... |
ORPHA:2907 |
Scedosporiosis |
Abnormal jejunum morphology, Subcutaneous nodule, Unusual skin infection, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:449280 |
Kindler Epidermolysis Bullosa |
Erythema, Inflammation of the large intestine, Carious teeth, Periodontitis, Palmoplantar keratod... |
ORPHA:2908 |
Ectodermal Dysplasia-Skin Fragility Syndrome |
Abnormality of the dentition, Carious teeth, Anoperineal fistula, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Chapp... |
ORPHA:158668 |
Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia Type 1 |
Tongue fasciculations, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:2254 |
Noonan Syndrome 7 |
Webbed neck, Abnormal esophagus morphology, Thick vermilion border, Dysphagia, Impaired oropharyn... |
OMIM:613706 |
Kyphoscoliosis-Lateral Tongue Atrophy-Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Syndrome |
Tongue atrophy, Dysphagia |
ORPHA:496689 |
Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Inversa |
Localized skin lesion, Carious teeth, Atrophic scars, Milia, Oral mucosal blisters, Gastrointesti... |
ORPHA:79409 |
Diabetes Insipidus, Nephrogenic, 2, Autosomal |
Vomiting, Polydipsia, Hypertonic dehydration, Constipation |
OMIM:125800 |
Diabetes Insipidus, Nephrogenic, 1, X-Linked |
Vomiting, Polydipsia, Hypertonic dehydration, Constipation |
OMIM:304800 |
Cholera |
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Palmoplantar cutis laxa, Achlorhydria, Dehydration, Miscarriage |
ORPHA:173 |
3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-Coa Lyase Deficiency |
Diarrhea, Pallor, Death in childhood, Episodic vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:246450 |
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome |
Erythema, Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Macule, Acantholysis, Dysphagia, Esophageal stricture |
ORPHA:36426 |
Tmem70-Related Mitochondrial Encephalo-Cardio-Myopathy |
Short philtrum, Wide mouth, Respiratory failure, Death in infancy |
ORPHA:1194 |
Lelis Syndrome |
Yellow nails, Carious teeth, Sparse lateral eyebrow, Furrowed tongue, Nail dystrophy, Hypodontia,... |
ORPHA:140936 |
Vitamin B12-Unresponsive Methylmalonic Acidemia |
Dehydration |
ORPHA:27 |
Kindler Syndrome |
Diffuse skin atrophy, Anal stenosis, Carious teeth, Periodontitis, Oral leukoplakia, Dermal atrop... |
OMIM:173650 |
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iil |
Inflammation of the large intestine, Dry skin, Death in infancy, Esophageal varix, Chronic diarrh... |
OMIM:614576 |
Congenital Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:168486 |
Odontoonychodermal Dysplasia |
Sparse eyebrow, Dry hair, Short nail, Dystrophic toenail, Fine hair, Sparse body hair, Widely spa... |
OMIM:257980 |
Auriculocondylar Syndrome 1 |
Mandibular condyle aplasia, Preauricular skin tag, Dental malocclusion, Dental crowding, Narrow m... |
OMIM:602483 |
Shiga Toxin-Associated Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome |
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Dehydration, Bloody diarrhea, Rectal prolapse, Peritonitis, Colonic stenosis,... |
ORPHA:90038 |
Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia-Myopathy-Emaciation Syndrome |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency due to muscle weakness |
ORPHA:352447 |
Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder |
Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:71211 |
Frontotemporal Dementia And/Or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 6 |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:613954 |
Early-Onset Familial Hypoaldosteronism |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
ORPHA:556030 |
3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaric Aciduria |
Diarrhea, Edema, Pallor, Episodic vomiting, Anorexia, Dehydration |
ORPHA:20 |
Glucose-Galactose Malabsorption |
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Osmotic diarrhea, Dehydration |
ORPHA:35710 |
Neuropathy, Hereditary Motor And Sensory, Type Vib, With Optic Atrophy |
Narrow palate, Tented upper lip vermilion, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:616505 |
Diarrhea 1, Secretory Chloride, Congenital |
Polyhydramnios, Secretory diarrhea, Dehydration, Elevated stool chloride content |
OMIM:214700 |
Arthrogryposis, Renal Dysfunction, And Cholestasis 1 |
Oligohydramnios, Dehydration, Death in infancy |
OMIM:208085 |
Autoinflammation With Pulmonary And Cutaneous Vasculitis |
Petechiae, Purpura, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:620296 |
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis With Alopecia |
Wide nasal bridge, Alopecia, Dental crowding, Hydroureter, Delayed eruption of primary teeth, Spa... |
OMIM:616367 |
Ring Chromosome 22 Syndrome |
Wide nasal base, Lymphedema, Bulbous nose, Thick eyebrow, Pleural effusion, Protruding tongue, Th... |
ORPHA:1446 |
Leigh Syndrome, Nuclear |
Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:256000 |
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic, 9 |
Microglossia |
OMIM:616540 |
Multiple Mitochondrial Dysfunctions Syndrome 1 |
Neonatal death, Respiratory failure, Death in infancy, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:605711 |
Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency |
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Ascites, Xanthelasma, Xanthomatosis, Esophageal varix, Steatorrhea, Pruritus,... |
ORPHA:275761 |
Methylmalonic Aciduria Due To Methylmalonyl-Coa Mutase Deficiency |
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Dehydration |
OMIM:251000 |
Congenital Myopathy 10B, Mild Variant |
High palate, Dysphagia, Respiratory failure, Cleft palate |
OMIM:620249 |
Pseudohypoaldosteronism, Type Ib2, Autosomal Recessive |
Dehydration |
OMIM:620125 |
Alacrima, Achalasia, And Impaired Intellectual Development Syndrome |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Downturned corners of mouth, Achalasia, Hyperkeratosis, Short phil... |
OMIM:615510 |
Malignant Atrophic Papulosis |
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Intestinal fistula, Gastrointestinal infarctions, Dermal atrophy, Pa... |
ORPHA:679 |
Mucoepithelial Dysplasia, Hereditary |
Cataract, Alopecia, Coarse hair, Erythematous oral mucosa, Furrowed tongue, Opacification of the ... |
OMIM:158310 |
Pallister-Hall-Like Syndrome |
Depressed nasal bridge, Microglossia, Death in infancy, Median cleft upper lip, Short nose, Micro... |
OMIM:241800 |
Multiple Mitochondrial Dysfunctions Syndrome 2 With Hyperglycinemia |
Respiratory failure, Death in infancy, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:614299 |
Agel Amyloidosis |
Cataract, Xerostomia, Blepharochalasis, Stage 5 chronic kidney disease, Nail dystrophy, Proteinur... |
ORPHA:85448 |
Auriculocondylar Syndrome |
Mandibular condyle aplasia, Bifid uvula, Difficulty in tongue movements, Microglossia, Dental mal... |
ORPHA:137888 |
Postsynaptic Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes |
High palate, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:98913 |
Sandestig-Stefanova Syndrome |
High palate, Orofacial cleft, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:618804 |
Clark-Baraitser syndrome |
Broad nasal tip, Exaggerated median tongue furrow, Thick lower lip vermilion, Anteverted nares, P... |
OMIM:300602 |
Hypotrichosis-Lymphedema-Telangiectasia Syndrome |
Abnormal sweat gland morphology, Alopecia, Predominantly lower limb lymphedema, Abnormality of th... |
OMIM:607823 |
Corticosterone Methyloxidase Type Ii Deficiency |
Dehydration |
OMIM:610600 |
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Type 5 |
High, narrow palate, Bifid uvula, Absent cupid's bow, Crossed fused renal ectopia, Cleft soft pal... |
ORPHA:2919 |
Achondroplasia, Severe, With Developmental Delay And Acanthosis Nigricans |
Gastroesophageal reflux, Skin tags, Redundant skin, Neonatal death, Palmoplantar cutis laxa, Resp... |
OMIM:616482 |
Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome |
Oligosacchariduria, Furrowed tongue, Periorbital edema, Macroglossia, Cheilitis, Edema |
ORPHA:2483 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Iv |
Ascites, Esophageal varix, Polyhydramnios, Hydrops fetalis, Edema |
OMIM:232500 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Hypotonia, Neonatal Respiratory Insufficiency, And Thermodysregulation |
Depressed nasal bridge, High anterior hairline, Cataract, Horizontal eyebrow, Anteverted nares, T... |
OMIM:618797 |
Amoebic Keratitis |
Cataract, Corneal perforation, Abnormal cornea morphology, Punctate opacification of the cornea, ... |
ORPHA:67043 |
Naxos Disease |
Subungual hyperkeratosis, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Diffuse palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, Acanthol... |
OMIM:601214 |
Hypomandibular Faciocranial Dysostosis |
Bifid uvula, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tongue, Anteverted nares, Narrow mouth, Death in infancy, ... |
ORPHA:1790 |
Autosomal Dominant Otospondylomegaepiphyseal Dysplasia |
Glossoptosis, Long philtrum, Cleft palate |
ORPHA:166100 |
Ramos-Arroyo Syndrome |
Depressed nasal bridge, High anterior hairline, Carious teeth, Xerostomia, Smooth tongue, Long ph... |
ORPHA:1051 |
Immunodeficiency 54 |
Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:609981 |
Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole Carboxylase Deficiency |
Choanal atresia, Depressed nasal bridge, Bilateral choanal atresia, Anteverted nares, Neonatal de... |
OMIM:619859 |
Mitochondrial Complex Iii Deficiency, Nuclear Type 6 |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:615453 |
Robin Sequence With Distinctive Facial Appearance And Brachydactyly |
Exaggerated median tongue furrow, Everted lower lip vermilion, High palate, Pierre-Robin sequence... |
OMIM:608670 |
Aplasia Cutis Congenita |
Erythema, Skin ulcer, Aplasia cutis congenita, Aplasia cutis congenita over the scalp vertex, Con... |
ORPHA:1114 |
Pneumocystosis |
Respiratory failure requiring assisted ventilation, Chronic oral candidiasis, Respiratory failure... |
ORPHA:723 |
Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy |
Abnormal corneal endothelium morphology, Abnormal Descemet membrane morphology, Reduced number of... |
ORPHA:98974 |
Atypical Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration |
Tongue atrophy, Dysphagia |
ORPHA:216873 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Central And Peripheral Motor Dysfunction |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Glossoptosis, Cleft palate, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:618356 |
Severe Generalized Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa |
Skin erosion, Vomiting, Edema, Esophageal stricture, Pyoderma, Constipation, Aplasia cutis congen... |
ORPHA:79404 |
Ventricular Extrasystoles With Syncopal Episodes-Perodactyly-Robin Sequence Syndrome |
High, narrow palate, Submucous cleft hard palate, Abnormality of the sense of smell, Low anterior... |
ORPHA:3201 |
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 4 |
Respiratory failure, Death in infancy |
OMIM:610678 |
Intermediate Generalized Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa |
Palmoplantar keratoderma, Atrophic scars, Milia, Oral mucosal blisters, Scarring alopecia of scal... |
ORPHA:79402 |
Marshall-Smith Syndrome |
Choanal atresia, Anteverted nares, Gingival overgrowth, Open mouth, Protruding tongue, Generalize... |
ORPHA:561 |
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 5 |
Respiratory insufficiency due to defective ciliary clearance, Neonatal respiratory distress, Resp... |
OMIM:608647 |
Chromosome 17Q11.2 Duplication Syndrome, 1.4-Mb |
Bifid nasal tip, Sparse eyebrow, Hypospadias, Ankyloglossia, Alopecia of scalp, Sparse eyelashes,... |
OMIM:618874 |
Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia, Type 1B |
Tongue fasciculations, Tongue atrophy, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:614678 |
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Lower Extremity-Predominant, 2B, Prenatal Onset, Autosomal Dominant |
Respiratory failure, Sacral dimple, Respiratory insufficiency due to muscle weakness |
OMIM:618291 |
Vipoma |
Erythema, Secretory diarrhea, Abnormal gastrointestinal motility, Ascites, Neoplasm of the liver,... |
ORPHA:97282 |
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva |
Respiratory insufficiency, Respiratory failure, Widely spaced teeth |
OMIM:135100 |
Lymphangiectasia, Pulmonary, Congenital |
Facial edema, Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Chylothorax, Edema, Lymphedema, Ascites,... |
OMIM:265300 |
Bronchogenic Cyst |
Abnormal stomach morphology, Abnormal esophagus morphology, Dysphagia |
ORPHA:2357 |
Basel-Vanagaite-Smirin-Yosef Syndrome |
Cataract, Microcornea, Furrowed tongue, Anteverted nares, Tented upper lip vermilion, Hydronephro... |
OMIM:616449 |
Severe Neurodegenerative Syndrome With Lipodystrophy |
Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:363400 |
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome |
Nasal polyposis, Abnormality of the nose, Neoplasm of the colon, Neoplasm of the nose, Stomach ca... |
ORPHA:2869 |
Oculogastrointestinal Muscular Dystrophy |
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Gastroparesis, Abnormal gastric mucosa morphology, Abnormality of ... |
ORPHA:1876 |
Agnathia-Holoprosencephaly-Situs Inversus Syndrome |
Microglossia, Aplasia/Hypoplasia involving the nose, Narrow mouth, Absent nares, Aplasia/Hypoplas... |
ORPHA:990 |
Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome |
Gastroesophageal reflux, Cardiorespiratory arrest, Thin skin, Esophagitis, Median cleft palate, R... |
ORPHA:3342 |
Wolcott-Rallison Syndrome |
Ascites, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, Dehydration |
ORPHA:1667 |
Deafness-Lymphedema-Leukemia Syndrome |
Pallor, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:3226 |
Poirier-Bienvenu Neurodevelopmental Syndrome |
Smooth philtrum, Open mouth, Protruding tongue, Downturned corners of mouth |
OMIM:618732 |
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 10 |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:618233 |
Central Hypoventilation Syndrome, Congenital, 3 |
Respiratory failure |
OMIM:619483 |
Cowden Syndrome 5 |
Colonic diverticula, Furrowed tongue, Skin tags, Narrow mouth, Palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, High ... |
OMIM:615108 |
Ophthalmoplegia-Intellectual Disability-Lingua Scrotalis Syndrome |
Furrowed tongue |
ORPHA:2743 |
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy 1 |
Tongue atrophy, Dysphagia |
OMIM:158900 |
Mitochondrial Complex Iii Deficiency, Nuclear Type 8 |
Respiratory failure, Death in childhood |
OMIM:615838 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Acid Maltase Deficiency, Infantile Onset |
Difficulty in tongue movements, Respiratory insufficiency, Respiratory insufficiency due to muscl... |
ORPHA:308552 |
Wolman Disease |
Steatorrhea, Ascites, Esophageal varix |
ORPHA:75233 |
Retinitis Pigmentosa 89 |
Esophageal varix |
OMIM:618955 |
Vertebral, Cardiac, Tracheoesophageal, Renal, And Limb Defects |
Preauricular skin tag, Webbed neck, Preauricular pit, Submucous cleft hard palate, Tracheoesophag... |
OMIM:619227 |
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Spectrum |
Atypical scarring of skin, Inflammatory abnormality of the skin, Xerostomia, Skin ulcer, Oral-pha... |
ORPHA:95455 |
Vacterl Association, X-Linked, With Or Without Hydrocephalus |
Neonatal death, Tracheoesophageal fistula, Esophageal atresia, Polyhydramnios, Anal atresia, Sacr... |
OMIM:314390 |
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1 |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:98755 |
Proximal Spinal Muscular Atrophy |
Tongue fasciculations, Neonatal respiratory distress, Gastroesophageal reflux, Intercostal muscle... |
ORPHA:70 |
X-Linked Alport Syndrome-Diffuse Leiomyomatosis |
Gastroesophageal reflux, Vomiting, Abnormal gastrointestinal tract morphology, Esophageal neoplas... |
ORPHA:1018 |
Agnathia-Otocephaly Complex |
Microglossia, Aglossia, Narrow mouth, Polyhydramnios, Cleft palate, Wide nose |
OMIM:202650 |
Tarp Syndrome |
Wide nasal bridge, Meckel diverticulum, Horseshoe kidney, Anteverted nares, Oligohydramnios, Neon... |
OMIM:311900 |
Surfactant Metabolism Dysfunction, Pulmonary, 1 |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Respiratory failure, Death in infancy, Neonatal death |
OMIM:265120 |
Mandibuloacral Dysplasia |
Alopecia, Dental crowding, Abnormal tongue morphology, Narrow nose, High palate, Sparse hair, Hyp... |
ORPHA:2457 |
Dend Syndrome |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
ORPHA:79134 |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
Tongue atrophy, Respiratory failure, Xerostomia, Dysphagia |
ORPHA:803 |
Aspergillosis |
Localized skin lesion, Abnormal esophagus morphology, Pleural effusion |
ORPHA:1163 |
Muscular Dystrophy, Congenital, With Or Without Seizures |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:620166 |
Interstitial Pneumonitis, Desquamative, Familial |
Respiratory failure |
OMIM:263000 |
Metatropic Dysplasia |
Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:156530 |
Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C2 |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Respiratory insufficiency, Death in childhood, Death in infancy, D... |
OMIM:607625 |
Acquired Hypertrichosis Lanuginosa |
Fine hair, Abnormal eyebrow morphology, Generalized hirsutism, Glossitis, Macroglossia, Hypopigme... |
ORPHA:2221 |
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Iii |
Bifid uvula, Bulbous nose, Microdontia, Bifid tongue, Supernumerary tooth, Tongue nodules |
OMIM:258850 |
Renal Hypoplasia |
Polydipsia, Dehydration |
ORPHA:93101 |
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus |
Polydipsia, Hypernatremic dehydration, Constipation, Anorexia, Polyhydramnios |
ORPHA:223 |
Neuronopathy, Distal Hereditary Motor, Autosomal Recessive 1 |
Ventilator dependence with inability to wean, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:604320 |
3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria, Type Viib |
Polyhydramnios, Dehydration |
OMIM:616271 |
Hepatoportal Sclerosis |
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Ascites, Gastric varix, Pruritus, Esophageal varix, Hepatocellular c... |
ORPHA:64743 |
Homocystinuria-Megaloblastic Anemia, Cblg Complementation Type |
Respiratory failure |
OMIM:250940 |
Seckel Syndrome 2 |
Microglossia, Prominent nose, Microdontia, Ectopic kidney, Hypospadias |
OMIM:606744 |
Coffin-Siris Syndrome 11 |
Bifid uvula, Downturned corners of mouth, Cleft soft palate, Esophageal atresia, High palate, Wid... |
OMIM:618779 |
Portal Hypertension, Noncirrhotic, 1 |
Esophageal varix |
OMIM:617068 |
Cowden Syndrome 6 |
Colonic diverticula, Furrowed tongue, Skin tags, Narrow mouth, Palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, High ... |
OMIM:615109 |
Carey-Fineman-Ziter Syndrome |
Long philtrum, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tongue, Glandular hypospadias, Anteverted nares, Hydrone... |
ORPHA:1358 |
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica |
Erythema, Skin ulcer, Furrowed tongue, Dry skin, Pustule, Abnormality of the tongue, Glossitis, C... |
ORPHA:37 |
Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase Ii Deficiency, Lethal Neonatal |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Respiratory insufficiency, Death in infancy, High palate, Narrow p... |
OMIM:608836 |
Trisomy 8Q |
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of penis, Displacement of the urethral meatus, Abnormal oral frenul... |
ORPHA:1752 |
Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis |
Pallor, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:99931 |
Holzgreve Syndrome |
Webbed neck, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tongue, Oligohydramnios, Bifid tongue, Cleft palate |
ORPHA:2167 |
Congenital Myopathy 21 With Early Respiratory Failure |
Respiratory failure |
OMIM:620326 |
Hyperchlorhidrosis, Isolated |
Hypernatremic dehydration |
OMIM:143860 |
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 6 |
Aplasia cutis congenita of scalp, Esophageal varix |
OMIM:616589 |
Congenital Multicore Myopathy With External Ophthalmoplegia |
High palate, Tented upper lip vermilion, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:98905 |
Encephalopathy, Progressive, Early-Onset, With Brain Edema And/Or Leukoencephalopathy, 1 |
Skin erosion, Respiratory failure, Death in childhood |
OMIM:617186 |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 27, Juvenile |
Tongue fasciculations, Tongue atrophy, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:620285 |
Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency |
Abnormal temper tantrums, Vomiting, Recurrent hand flapping, Anorexia, Compulsive behaviors, Dehy... |
ORPHA:3008 |
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 5D |
Highly arched eyebrow, Bulbous nose, Anteverted nares, Furrowed tongue, Open mouth, Narrow mouth,... |
OMIM:615065 |
Neurodegeneration, Childhood-Onset, With Progressive Microcephaly |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure, Death in childhood |
OMIM:619847 |
Faciocardiomelic Dysplasia, Lethal |
Microglossia, Narrow mouth, Neonatal death |
OMIM:227270 |
Laminin Subunit Alpha 2-Related Congenital Muscular Dystrophy |
Gastroesophageal reflux, Respiratory insufficiency, Open mouth, Protruding tongue, Intercostal mu... |
ORPHA:258 |
Kagami-Ogata Syndrome Due To Maternal 14Q32.2 Microdeletion |
Open mouth, Exaggerated cupid's bow, Redundant neck skin, Macroglossia, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:254528 |
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 19 With Or Without Polydactyly |
Respiratory failure, Long philtrum |
OMIM:617895 |
Microsporidiosis |
Vomiting, Intermittent diarrhea, Peritonitis, Anorexia, Skin nodule, Nausea, Glossitis, Chronic d... |
ORPHA:2552 |
Mitochondrial Complex Iv Deficiency, Nuclear Type 1 |
High palate, Respiratory failure, Death in childhood, Respiratory insufficiency due to muscle wea... |
OMIM:220110 |
Robinow Syndrome, Autosomal Dominant 3 |
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Webbed neck, Cleft lip, Dental malocclusion, Downturne... |
OMIM:616894 |
Cystic Fibrosis |
Diarrhea, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, Ileus, Rectal prolapse, Steatorrhea, Meconium ileus,... |
OMIM:219700 |
Polyposis, Skin Pigmentation, Alopecia, And Fingernail Changes |
Protein-losing enteropathy, Alopecia, Cataract, Xerostomia, Nail dystrophy, Glossitis, Hamartomat... |
OMIM:175500 |
Budd-Chiari Syndrome |
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Ascites, Gastrointestinal infarctions, Intestinal obstruction, Perit... |
ORPHA:131 |
Immunodeficiency 12 |
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis, Skin rash, Death in adolescence, Cheilitis, Esophageal stricture |
OMIM:615468 |
Adrenal Hypoplasia, Congenital |
Dehydration |
OMIM:300200 |
Barrett Esophagus |
Barrett esophagus, Gastroesophageal reflux, Esophageal carcinoma, Esophageal ulceration |
OMIM:614266 |
Methylmalonic Aciduria, Cblb Type |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:251110 |
Leukodystrophy, Hypomyelinating, 26, With Chondrodysplasia |
Glossoptosis, Cleft palate, Pierre-Robin sequence |
OMIM:620269 |
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome |
Vomiting, Dehydration, Nausea, Dysphagia, Agitation |
ORPHA:94093 |
Hartnup Disease |
Gingivitis, Glossitis, Skin rash, Hypopigmented skin patches |
ORPHA:2116 |
Congenital Myopathy 2C, Severe Infantile, Autosomal Dominant |
Death in childhood, Death in infancy, High palate, Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:620278 |
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 |
Peptic ulcer, Gastroesophageal reflux, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Anorexia, Confetti-like hypopigmented ... |
ORPHA:652 |
Moebius Syndrome |
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tongue, Tooth agenesis, Breast aplasia, Open mouth, Abnormality of the ... |
ORPHA:570 |
Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome Of Lowe |
Self-injurious behavior, Atypical scarring of skin, Gastroesophageal reflux, Skin ulcer, Joint sw... |
ORPHA:534 |
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Ii |
Depressed nasal bridge, Bifid nasal tip, Broad nasal tip, Lobulated tongue, Agenesis of central i... |
OMIM:252100 |
Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever |
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Bloody diarrhea, Petechiae, Skin rash, Aggressive behavior, Abnormality of th... |
ORPHA:99826 |
Myopathy, Myofibrillar, 9, With Early Respiratory Failure |
Respiratory failure |
OMIM:603689 |
Methylmalonic Aciduria, Cbla Type |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
OMIM:251100 |
Congenital Sialidosis Type 2 |
Cataract, Ascites, Gingival overgrowth, Protruding tongue, Corneal opacity, Developmental catarac... |
ORPHA:93400 |
Dopamine Beta-Hydroxylase Deficiency |
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Dehydration |
ORPHA:230 |
Raine Syndrome |
Depressed nasal bridge, Highly arched eyebrow, Choanal atresia, Natal tooth, Hydroureter, Wide mo... |
OMIM:259775 |
Nephronophthisis 2 |
Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:602088 |
Pearson Syndrome |
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, Median cleft palate, Chronic diarrhea, Corneal stromal edema, ... |
ORPHA:699 |
Corneal Dystrophy, Posterior Polymorphous, 1 |
Band keratopathy, Abnormal corneal endothelium morphology, Ectopia pupillae, Thinning of Descemet... |
OMIM:122000 |
Cowden Syndrome 1 |
Colonic diverticula, Furrowed tongue, Skin tags, Narrow mouth, Acrokeratosis, Palmoplantar hyperk... |
OMIM:158350 |
Ventricular Extrasystoles With Syncope, Perodactyly, And Robin Sequence |
Posteriorly placed tongue, Submucous cleft hard palate, Pierre-Robin sequence |
OMIM:192445 |
Bloom Syndrome |
Gastroesophageal reflux, Neoplasm of the colon, Stomach cancer, Skin rash, Esophageal neoplasm, R... |
ORPHA:125 |
Infantile Nephropathic Cystinosis |
Vomiting, Polydipsia, Dehydration, Constipation |
ORPHA:411629 |
X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia |
Hypopigmented skin patches, Skin ulcer, Skin rash, Glossoptosis, Recurrent cutaneous abscess form... |
ORPHA:47 |
Tracheoesophageal Fistula With Or Without Esophageal Atresia |
Tracheoesophageal fistula, Esophageal atresia |
OMIM:189960 |
Septo-Optic Dysplasia Spectrum |
Polydipsia, Dry skin, Tracheoesophageal fistula, Esophageal atresia, Constipation, Cleft palate |
ORPHA:3157 |
Early-Onset Progressive Leukoencephalopathy-Central Nervous System Calcification-Deafness-Visual Impairment Syndrome |
Atopic dermatitis, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:3240 |
Orofaciodigital Syndrome V |
Bifid uvula, Hamartoma of tongue, Ankyloglossia, Horseshoe kidney, Thin upper lip vermilion, Medi... |
OMIM:174300 |
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia |
Intestinal malrotation, Neonatal respiratory distress, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:244 |
S-Adenosylhomocysteine Hydrolase Deficiency |
Abnormality of the dentition, Respiratory failure, Hepatocellular carcinoma |
ORPHA:88618 |
9Q21.13 Microdeletion Syndrome |
Hydronephrosis, Downturned corners of mouth, Wide nasal ridge, Abnormal tongue morphology |
ORPHA:531151 |
Joubert Syndrome 18 |
Horseshoe kidney, Renal cyst, Cleft palate, Lobulated tongue |
OMIM:614815 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Variable Motor And Language Impairment |
Depressed nasal bridge, Thin skin, Thin eyebrow, Upper eyelid edema, Open mouth, Protruding tongu... |
OMIM:617804 |
Autosomal Recessive Robinow Syndrome |
Multicystic kidney dysplasia, Open bite, Ankyloglossia, Short nose, Alopecia, Downturned corners ... |
ORPHA:1507 |
Autosomal Dominant Generalized Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex, Severe Form |
Erythema, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Smooth tongue, Atrophic scars, Milia, Oral mucosal blisters, ... |
ORPHA:79396 |
Distal Limb Deficiencies-Micrognathia Syndrome |
Renal hypoplasia, Microglossia, Prominent nasal bridge, Narrow mouth, Renal insufficiency, Microd... |
ORPHA:1307 |
Orofaciodigital Syndrome I |
Dry hair, Carious teeth, Ankyloglossia, High palate, Sparse hair, Polycystic kidney dysplasia, Al... |
OMIM:311200 |
Oligomeganephronia |
Polydipsia, Dehydration |
ORPHA:2260 |
Basel-Vanagaite-Smirin-Yosef Syndrome |
High, narrow palate, Hypospadias, Sparse eyebrow, Microcornea, Male urethral meatus stenosis, Fur... |
ORPHA:464738 |
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iia |
Long philtrum, Diastema, Macrodontia, Long eyelashes, Thick eyebrow, Prominent nasal bridge, Open... |
OMIM:212066 |
Colchicine Poisoning |
Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Dehydration |
ORPHA:31824 |
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Due To 3-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Deficiency |
Vomiting, Dehydration |
ORPHA:90791 |
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Type 1 |
Multicystic kidney dysplasia, Open bite, Brittle hair, High palate, Sparse hair, Accessory oral f... |
ORPHA:2750 |
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Axonal, Type 2S |
Tongue atrophy |
OMIM:616155 |
Tooth Agenesis, Selective, 4 |
Sparse eyebrow, Sparse scalp hair, Dystrophic toenail, Sparse body hair, Peg-shaped maxillary lat... |
OMIM:150400 |
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Dominant 6 |
Abnormality of the dentition, Oral leukoplakia, Esophageal stenosis |
OMIM:616553 |
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 58 |
Wide nasal bridge, Broad nasal tip, Dental crowding, Protruding tongue, Submucous cleft hard pala... |
OMIM:618106 |
Lymphatic Malformation 7 |
Facial edema, Chylothorax, Lymphedema, Ascites, Increased nuchal translucency, Pleural effusion, ... |
OMIM:617300 |
Severe Congenital Nemaline Myopathy |
Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:171430 |
Hereditary Motor And Sensory Neuropathy, Type Iic |
Respiratory failure, Intercostal muscle weakness |
OMIM:606071 |
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Type 3 |
Bifid uvula, Abnormality of the dentition, Hamartoma of tongue, Bulbous nose, Stage 5 chronic kid... |
ORPHA:2752 |
Growth Retardation, Developmental Delay, And Facial Dysmorphism |
Bifid uvula, Anteverted nares, Protruding tongue, Death in childhood, Alveolar ridge overgrowth, ... |
OMIM:612938 |
Infantile Krabbe Disease |
Hypopigmented skin patches, Gastroesophageal reflux, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:206436 |
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iig |
Wide nasal bridge, Long philtrum, Anteverted nares, Narrow mouth, Renal insufficiency, Thin upper... |
OMIM:611209 |
Hepatic Fibrosis-Renal Cysts-Intellectual Disability Syndrome |
Multicystic kidney dysplasia, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Anteverted nares, Renal cyst, Glossoptos... |
ORPHA:2031 |
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 4A (Zellweger) |
Respiratory failure, Death in infancy |
OMIM:614862 |
Cleft Palate With Or Without Ankyloglossia, X-Linked |
Bifid uvula, Ankyloglossia, Cleft palate |
OMIM:303400 |
Car T Cell Therapy-Associated Cytokine Release Syndrome |
Skin rash, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:542323 |
Polyneuropathy-Intellectual Disability-Acromicria-Premature Menopause Syndrome |
Furrowed tongue |
ORPHA:2928 |
Gracile Bone Dysplasia |
Ascites, Ankyloglossia, Aniridia, Death in infancy, Micropenis |
OMIM:602361 |
Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere Syndrome 1 |
Tongue fasciculations, Respiratory insufficiency, Death in childhood, Dysphagia, Tongue atrophy, ... |
OMIM:211530 |
Hypoglossia With Situs Inversus |
Hypodontia, High palate, Microglossia, Narrow mouth |
OMIM:612776 |
Lethal Congenital Contracture Syndrome 2 |
Respiratory failure |
OMIM:607598 |
Microcephaly 26, Primary, Autosomal Dominant |
Wide nasal bridge, Prominent eyelashes, Long philtrum, Prominent nasal bridge, Gingival overgrowt... |
OMIM:619179 |
Methimazole Embryofetopathy |
Polyhydramnios, Tracheoesophageal fistula, Esophageal atresia |
ORPHA:1923 |
Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis |
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Polydipsia, Constipation, Dehydration |
ORPHA:18 |
Triosephosphate Isomerase Deficiency |
Respiratory insufficiency, Death in infancy, Death in adolescence, Respiratory insufficiency due ... |
OMIM:615512 |
Multiple Congenital Anomalies-Hypotonia-Seizures Syndrome 2 |
Downturned corners of mouth, Widely spaced teeth, Gingival overgrowth, Narrow mouth, Death in inf... |
OMIM:300868 |
Otospondylomegaepiphyseal Dysplasia |
Depressed nasal bridge, Bifid uvula, Anteverted nares, Polyhydramnios, Glossoptosis, Cleft palate |
ORPHA:1427 |
Treacher-Collins Syndrome |
Abnormal hair morphology, Open bite, Narrow mouth, Absent eyelashes, High palate, Rectovaginal fi... |
ORPHA:861 |
Early-Onset Progressive Diffuse Brain Atrophy-Microcephaly-Muscle Weakness-Optic Atrophy Syndrome |
Respiratory failure requiring assisted ventilation, Dysphagia, Respiratory failure, Widely spaced... |
ORPHA:496641 |
Acrocallosal Syndrome |
Everted upper lip vermilion, Open mouth, Narrow mouth, Protruding tongue, Alveolar process hypopl... |
OMIM:200990 |
Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome |
High, narrow palate, Choanal atresia, Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Natal tooth, Abnormality of the d... |
ORPHA:2108 |
Auriculocondylar Syndrome 3 |
Bifid uvula, Glossoptosis |
OMIM:615706 |
Contractures-Developmental Delay-Pierre Robin Syndrome |
High, narrow palate, Hypospadias, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Abnormal columella morphology, Gloss... |
ORPHA:436003 |
Mhc Class I Deficiency 1 |
Nasal polyposis, Ectopia lentis |
OMIM:604571 |
Cerebroretinal Microangiopathy With Calcifications And Cysts 2 |
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Esophageal varix |
OMIM:617341 |
Cohen Syndrome |
High, narrow palate, Abnormality of the dentition, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tongue, Tooth agenes... |
ORPHA:193 |
Tetraamelia Syndrome 2 |
Absent nipple, Ankyloglossia, Bilateral cleft lip, Micropenis, Glossoptosis, Cleft palate |
OMIM:618021 |
Adams-Oliver Syndrome |
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Ascites, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the skin, Aplasia cutis congenita, Es... |
ORPHA:974 |
Multiple Acyl-Coa Dehydrogenase Deficiency |
Cardiorespiratory arrest, Dysphagia, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:26791 |
Caroli Disease |
Vomiting, Ascites, Cholangiocarcinoma, Anorexia, Nausea, Pruritus, Esophageal varix |
ORPHA:53035 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency |
Ascites, Polyhydramnios, Esophageal varix, Nonimmune hydrops fetalis |
ORPHA:367 |
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 80 |
Wide nasal bridge, Increased urine alpha-ketoglutarate concentration, Long philtrum, Tented upper... |
OMIM:618580 |
Rabson-Mendenhall Syndrome |
Abnormality of the dentition, Nephrocalcinosis, Long penis, Dental crowding, Hypertrichosis, Prem... |
ORPHA:769 |
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 13 With Or Without Polydactyly |
Sparse eyebrow, Cleft lip, Natal tooth, Renal hypoplasia, Hamartoma of tongue, Prominent nose, Re... |
OMIM:616300 |
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked, Syndromic, Claes-Jensen Type |
Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Diastema, Furrowed tongue, Thick eyebrow, Prominent... |
OMIM:300534 |
Infant Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome |
Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:70587 |
Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome 1 |
Wide nasal base, Carious teeth, Smooth tongue, Pursed lips, Anteverted nares, Oligohydramnios, Op... |
OMIM:601559 |
Cowden Syndrome |
Palmoplantar keratoderma, Hypopigmented skin patches, Generalized hyperkeratosis, Furrowed tongue... |
ORPHA:201 |
Hyperuricemia, Pulmonary Hypertension, Renal Failure, And Alkalosis Syndrome |
Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency |
OMIM:613845 |
Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne Type |
Respiratory failure, Respiratory insufficiency due to muscle weakness |
OMIM:310200 |
Avian Influenza |
Respiratory failure, Miscarriage |
ORPHA:454836 |
Cleidocranial Dysplasia |
High, narrow palate, Depressed nasal bridge, Abnormality of the dentition, Carious teeth, Dystrop... |
ORPHA:1452 |
Methylmalonic Acidemia With Homocystinuria, Type Cblc |
Glossitis, Hydrops fetalis, Stomatitis, Dehydration |
ORPHA:79282 |
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Iv |
Hamartoma of tongue, Accessory oral frenulum, High palate, Tongue nodules, Cleft palate, Lobulate... |
OMIM:258860 |
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 42 |
Nasal polyposis, Recurrent sinusitis, Chronic rhinitis |
OMIM:618695 |
Thoracic Dysplasia-Hydrocephalus Syndrome |
Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:1861 |
Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis |
Keratoconus, Abnormal cornea morphology, Allergic conjunctivitis, Corneal neovascularization, Con... |
ORPHA:70476 |
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 5 |
Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita, Aplasia cutis congenita, Esophageal varix |
OMIM:616028 |
Achondrogenesis, Type Ia |
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplastic nasal bridge, Anteverted nares, Increased nuchal translucency... |
OMIM:200600 |
Poliomyelitis |
Paralytic ileus, Dysphagia, Respiratory failure, Respiratory failure requiring assisted ventilation |
ORPHA:2912 |
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Recessive 1 |
Carious teeth, Oral leukoplakia, Microdontia, Palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, Esophageal stricture |
OMIM:224230 |
Visceral Myopathy, Familial, With External Ophthalmoplegia |
Gastroparesis, Spontaneous esophageal perforation |
OMIM:277320 |
Adult Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome |
Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:70578 |
Acute Lung Injury |
Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:178320 |
Okamoto Syndrome |
Facial hypertrichosis, Exaggerated median tongue furrow, Open bite, Extension of hair growth on t... |
ORPHA:2729 |
Down Syndrome |
Depressed nasal bridge, Depressed nasal ridge, Narrow palate, Abnormality of the dentition, Downt... |
ORPHA:870 |
Hypoglossia-Hypodactyly Syndrome |
Wide nasal bridge, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tongue, Narrow mouth, Death in infancy, Jejunal atre... |
ORPHA:989 |
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 73 |
Ankyloglossia, Cleft soft palate, Everted lower lip vermilion, Long nose, High palate, U-Shaped u... |
OMIM:620450 |
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Defect Type 23 |
Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:444013 |
Robinow Syndrome |
Flared nostrils, Tooth malposition, Multicystic kidney dysplasia, Ankyloglossia, Marked delay in ... |
ORPHA:97360 |
Immunodeficiency-Centromeric Instability-Facial Anomalies Syndrome 1 |
Depressed nasal bridge, Anteverted nares, Protruding tongue, Macroglossia, Short nose |
OMIM:242860 |
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Recessive 8 |
Inflammation of the large intestine, Oral leukoplakia, Petechiae, Pancolitis, Esophageal stricture |
OMIM:620133 |
Surfactant Metabolism Dysfunction, Pulmonary, 3 |
Neonatal respiratory distress, Respiratory failure, Death in infancy, Neonatal death |
OMIM:610921 |
Brain-Lung-Thyroid Syndrome |
Hypodontia, Neonatal respiratory distress, Webbed neck, Respiratory failure |
ORPHA:209905 |
Hypomandibular Faciocranial Dysostosis |
Aglossia, Choanal stenosis, Pursed lips |
OMIM:241310 |
Fraser Syndrome 2 |
Intestinal malrotation, Narrow mouth, Rectal atresia, Anal atresia, Respiratory failure |
OMIM:617666 |
Kleefstra Syndrome 1 |
Natal tooth, Anteverted nares, Persistence of primary teeth, Protruding tongue, Everted lower lip... |
OMIM:610253 |
Developmental And Speech Delay Due To Sox5 Deficiency |
Dental crowding, Narrow palate, Gastroesophageal reflux, Exaggerated median tongue furrow |
ORPHA:313892 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder-Craniofacial Dysmorphism-Cardiac Defect-Skeletal Anomalies Syndrome |
Wide nasal bridge, Bifid uvula, Downturned corners of mouth, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Furrowed ... |
ORPHA:453499 |
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 29 |
Narrow palate, Dental crowding, Long philtrum, Ankyloglossia, Thick |