IMPC Data Release 21.1 Notes


  • Release: 21.1
  • Published: 13th June 2024

Statistical Package

Genome Assembly


  • Number of phenotyped genes: 8,901
  • Number of phenotyped mutant lines: 9,594
  • Number of phenotype calls: 106,511

Data access

  • Ftp interface: ftp
  • RESTful interfaces: APIs


Data release 21.1

Release notes:

Represents a minor data release.

  • The analysis of the late adult eye mophology data has been revised to ensure the ‘no data’ categories are excluded for all centre specific pipelines for version 3 of the IMPReSS protocol.
  • The metadata associated with images displayed in the Image Comparator has been reorganised to remove duplication and link the metadata to the appropriate images.
  • In other respects the data in DR21.1 is identical to DR21.0.

Data Reports

Total Number of Lines and Specimens in DR 21.1

Phenotyping Center Mutant Lines Baseline Mice Mutant Mice
TCP 768 9,287 30,857
JAX 2,061 15,657 58,604
HMGU 530 7,193 10,501
CCP-IMG 342 3,643 6,253
MRC Harwell 846 7,521 20,685
MARC 233 1,858 3,588
KMPC 98 2,956 3,768
RBRC 113 2,163 2,616
ICS 239 2,619 3,882
WTSI 1,621 5,364 18,660
UC Davis 1,574 9,428 39,596
BCM 1,170 9,508 35,144

Experimental Data and Quality Checks

Data Type QC Passed Data Points
categorical 27,007,526
image record 794,481
time series 27,943,516
ontological 1,982,542
text 600,819
unidimensional 23,321,419

Distribution of Phenotype Annotations

Production Status


By Center

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More charts and status information are available from our mouse tracking service GenTaR.

Phenotype Associations

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