Cephalin Lipidosis |
Abnormality of the spleen |
OMIM:212800 |
Tuftsin Deficiency |
Abnormality of the spleen |
OMIM:191150 |
Glycoprotein Storage Disease |
Splenomegaly |
OMIM:232900 |
Peeling Skin Syndrome 5 |
Epidermal acanthosis, Scaling skin |
OMIM:617115 |
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 12 |
White scaling skin |
OMIM:617320 |
Peeling Skin Syndrome 2 |
Erythema, Scaling skin |
OMIM:609796 |
Ichthyosis-Hepatosplenomegaly-Cerebellar Degeneration Syndrome |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly |
ORPHA:2274 |
Peeling Skin Syndrome 3 |
Erythema, White scaling skin |
OMIM:616265 |
Amyloidosis, Primary Localized Cutaneous, 1 |
Dry skin, Scaling skin |
OMIM:105250 |
Splenomegaly Syndrome With Splenic Germinal Center Hypoplasia And Reduced Circulating T Helper Cells |
Decreased helper T cell proportion, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Hypersplenism |
OMIM:183350 |
Hemoglobin H Disease |
HbH hemoglobin, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Reduced alpha/beta synthesis ratio, Hemolytic anemia |
OMIM:613978 |
Neutrophilia, Hereditary |
Splenomegaly, Neutrophilia |
OMIM:162830 |
Chylomicronemia, Familial, Due To Circulating Inhibitor Of Lipoprotein Lipase |
Recurrent pancreatitis, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:118830 |
Reticuloendotheliosis, X-Linked |
Anemia, Jaundice, Hepatosplenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy |
OMIM:312500 |
Anemia, Nonspherocytic Hemolytic, Possibly Due To Defect In Porphyrin Metabolism |
Jaundice, Splenomegaly, Nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia |
OMIM:206400 |
Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis 1 |
Epidermal acanthosis, Scaling skin |
OMIM:113800 |
Immunodeficiency 16 |
Pancytopenia, Coombs-positive hemolytic anemia, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:615593 |
Hereditary Persistence Of Fetal Hemoglobin-Beta-Thalassemia Syndrome |
Hepatomegaly, Anemia, Splenomegaly, Persistence of hemoglobin F |
ORPHA:46532 |
Ceroid storage disease |
Abnormality of the spleen |
OMIM:214200 |
Hemoglobin D Disease |
Reduced beta/alpha synthesis ratio, Reduced hemoglobin A, Imbalanced hemoglobin synthesis, Pallor... |
ORPHA:90039 |
Hemoglobin C-Beta-Thalassemia Syndrome |
Anemia, Splenomegaly, Microcytic anemia, Abnormal hemoglobin |
ORPHA:231242 |
Ichthyosis Hystrix, Curth-Macklin Type |
Scaling skin |
OMIM:146590 |
Krt1-Related Diffuse Nonepidermolytic Keratoderma |
Erythema, Scaling skin, Palmoplantar scaling skin, Dry skin |
ORPHA:530838 |
Neutropenia, Severe Congenital, 9, Autosomal Dominant |
Splenomegaly |
OMIM:619813 |
Dowling-Degos Disease 4 |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:615696 |
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 14 |
Erythema, Scaling skin |
OMIM:617571 |
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex 4, Localized Or Generalized Intermediate, Autosomal Recessive |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:615028 |
Keratosis Palmoplantaris Striata Ii |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:612908 |
Acral Self-Healing Collodion Baby |
Erythema, Palmoplantar scaling skin, Lack of skin elasticity |
ORPHA:281127 |
Persistent Polyclonal B-Cell Lymphocytosis |
Hepatomegaly, Lymphocytosis, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:606445 |
Beta-Thalassemia, Dominant Inclusion Body Type |
Persistence of hemoglobin F, Microcytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Erythrocyte inclusion bodies, Hepat... |
OMIM:603902 |
Acral Peeling Skin Syndrome |
Erythema, Excessive wrinkling of palmar skin, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:263534 |
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Recessive 54 |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:617028 |
Psoriasis 2 |
Epidermal acanthosis, Scaling skin |
OMIM:602723 |
Red Cell Phospholipid Defect With Hemolysis |
Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Intermittent jaundice |
OMIM:179700 |
Palmoplantar Keratoderma, Nagashima Type |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:615598 |
Erythrocytosis, Familial, 8 |
Polycythemia, Increased hematocrit, Splenomegaly, Increased circulating hemoglobin concentration,... |
OMIM:222800 |
Proteasome-Associated Autoinflammatory Syndrome 5 |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:619175 |
Beta-Thalassemia-X-Linked Thrombocytopenia Syndrome |
Anemia, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia, Abnormal hemoglobin |
ORPHA:231393 |
Erythroleukemia, Familial, Susceptibility To |
Erythroid hyperplasia, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Anemia, Acute myeloid leukemia, Thrombocytopen... |
OMIM:133180 |
Hyperbilirubinemia, Shunt, Primary |
Erythroid hyperplasia, Splenomegaly, Anemia of inadequate production, Reticulocytosis, Hepatomega... |
OMIM:237800 |
Mantle Cell Lymphoma |
Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy |
ORPHA:52416 |
Ichthyosis-Alopecia-Eclabion-Ectropion-Intellectual Disability Syndrome |
Dry skin, Epidermal acanthosis, Cutis laxa, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:2269 |
Verrucous Hemangioma |
Epidermal acanthosis |
ORPHA:464318 |
Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome 5 |
Dry skin, Scaling skin, Thrombocytopenia |
OMIM:612952 |
Portal Hypertension, Noncirrhotic, 1 |
Hepatomegaly, Portal hypertension, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:617068 |
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 5 |
Epidermal acanthosis, White scaling skin, Acanthocytosis |
OMIM:604777 |
Idiopathic Localized Lipodystrophy |
Erythema, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:90158 |
Tyrosinemia Type 1 |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Hepatocellular carcinoma |
ORPHA:882 |
Erythrocytosis, Familial, 3 |
Increased circulating hemoglobin concentration, Increased hematocrit, Increased red blood cell mass |
OMIM:609820 |
Ichthyosis Vulgaris |
Dry skin, Absent keratohyalin granules |
OMIM:146700 |
Peeling Skin Syndrome 4 |
Epidermal acanthosis, Scaling skin |
OMIM:607936 |
Felty Syndrome |
Splenomegaly, Neutropenia |
OMIM:134750 |
Peeling Skin Syndrome 6 |
Dry skin, Scaling skin |
OMIM:618084 |
Hemolytic Disease Of Fetus And Newborn, Rh-Induced |
Hepatomegaly, Fetal ascites, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:619462 |
Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis Et Progressiva 4 |
Erythema, Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:617526 |
Erythrocytosis, Familial, 7 |
Increased circulating hemoglobin concentration, Increased hematocrit, Polycythemia |
OMIM:617981 |
Erythrocytosis, Familial, 6 |
Increased circulating hemoglobin concentration, Increased hematocrit, Polycythemia |
OMIM:617980 |
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Biosynthesis Defect 1 |
Portal vein thrombosis, Hepatomegaly, Portal hypertension, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:610293 |
Ichthyosis, Annular Epidermolytic, 2 |
Erythema, Scaling skin |
OMIM:620148 |
Anemia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic, Type Ii |
Cholelithiasis, Splenomegaly, Anemia of inadequate production, Reticulocytosis, Jaundice |
OMIM:224100 |
Autoinflammation With Episodic Fever And Lymphadenopathy |
Recurrent tonsillitis, Microcytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomegaly |
OMIM:618852 |
Erythrocytosis, Familial, 5 |
Increased circulating hemoglobin concentration, Increased hematocrit, Polycythemia |
OMIM:617907 |
Immunodeficiency 84 |
Splenomegaly, B lymphocytopenia |
OMIM:619437 |
Immunodeficiency 42 |
Hepatomegaly, Hypoplasia of the thymus, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:616622 |
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia-Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia-Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome |
Hepatitis, Lymphopenia, Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Autoimmune th... |
ORPHA:444463 |
Trimethylaminuria |
Anemia, Splenomegaly, Neutropenia |
OMIM:602079 |
Ichthyosis With Erythrokeratoderma |
Erythema, Epidermal acanthosis, Scaling skin |
OMIM:620507 |
Encephalopathy Due To Prosaposin Deficiency |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly |
ORPHA:139406 |
Splenoportal Vascular Anomalies |
Hepatic fibrosis, Ascites, Splenomegaly, Cirrhosis, Anomalous splenoportal venous system |
OMIM:271500 |
Asplenia, Isolated Congenital |
Howell-Jolly bodies, Asplenia, Thrombocytosis |
OMIM:271400 |
Mast Cell Sarcoma |
Mastocytosis, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomegaly, Mediastinal lymphadenopathy |
ORPHA:66661 |
Hypotrichosis Simplex Of The Scalp |
Epidermal acanthosis, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:90368 |
Sea-Blue Histiocyte Disease |
Cirrhosis, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia, Sea-blue histiocytosis |
OMIM:269600 |
Bazex Syndrome |
Anemia, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:166113 |
Peeling Skin Syndrome 1 |
Eosinophilia, Scaling skin |
OMIM:270300 |
Hypereosinophilic Syndrome, Idiopathic |
Hepatomegaly, Eosinophilia, Myeloproliferative disorder, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:607685 |
Erythrocytosis, Familial, 4 |
Increased circulating hemoglobin concentration, Increased hematocrit, Polycythemia |
OMIM:611783 |
Familial Reactive Perforating Collagenosis |
Abnormal epidermal morphology |
ORPHA:79147 |
Spherocytosis, Type 5 |
Abnormal leukocyte count, Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Abnormal platelet count, Spherocytosis, ... |
OMIM:612690 |
Immunodeficiency 104 |
Hepatomegaly, T lymphocytopenia, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy |
OMIM:608971 |
Neutropenia, Severe Congenital, 5, Autosomal Recessive |
Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Leukopenia, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Neutropenia, He... |
OMIM:615285 |
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 6 |
Dry skin, Epidermal acanthosis, Scaling skin |
OMIM:612281 |
Hypertriglyceridemia, Transient Infantile |
Hepatomegaly, Hepatic fibrosis, Hepatic steatosis, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:614480 |
Hereditary Persistence Of Fetal Hemoglobin-Sickle Cell Disease Syndrome |
Splenic infarction, Persistence of hemoglobin F, Increased red cell sickling tendency, Reticulocy... |
ORPHA:251380 |
Thrombocytopenia, Anemia, And Myelofibrosis |
Anemia, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia, Anisopoikilocytosis |
OMIM:617441 |
Thrombocythemia 1 |
Splenomegaly, Thrombocytosis |
OMIM:187950 |
Centrifugal Lipodystrophy |
Erythema, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:90156 |
Ichthyosis, Spastic Quadriplegia, And Impaired Intellectual Development |
Erythema, Scaling skin, Dry skin |
OMIM:614457 |
White Sponge Nevus 2 |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:615785 |
Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis |
Leukocytosis, Skin vesicle, Eosinophilia, Neutropenia, Neutrophilia, Scaling skin, Acantholysis, ... |
ORPHA:293173 |
Peeling Skin With Leukonychia, Acral Punctate Keratoses, Cheilitis, And Knuckle Pads |
Dry skin, Acantholysis, Epidermal acanthosis, Scaling skin |
OMIM:616295 |
Ichthyosis, Annular Epidermolytic, 1 |
Erythema, Scaling skin |
OMIM:607602 |
Cryohydrocytosis |
Stomatocytosis, Hemolytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis |
OMIM:185020 |
B-Cell Expansion With Nfkb And T-Cell Anergy |
Increased B cell count, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:616452 |
Immunodeficiency 69 |
Hemophagocytosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Pancytopenia, Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytosis, A... |
OMIM:618963 |
Neonatal Severe Primary Hyperparathyroidism |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly |
ORPHA:417 |
Galactose Epimerase Deficiency |
Hepatomegaly, Jaundice, Splenomegaly |
ORPHA:79238 |
Cutaneous Mastocytoma |
Erythema, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:79455 |
Polycythemia Vera |
Increased hematocrit, Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly, Increased red blood cell mass, Increased circul... |
OMIM:263300 |
Bathing Suit Ichthyosis |
Epidermal acanthosis, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:100976 |
Wolman Disease |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:620151 |
Immunodeficiency 76 |
Lymphopenia, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, B lymphocytopenia, T lymphocytopenia |
OMIM:619164 |
Gray Platelet Syndrome |
Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia |
ORPHA:721 |
Acute Radiation Syndrome |
Skin ulcer, Lymphopenia, Scaling skin, Thrombocytopenia, Granulocytopenia |
ORPHA:454831 |
Ras-Associated Autoimmune Leukoproliferative Disorder |
Leukemia, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Follicular hyperplasia, Lymphocytosis, Neutropenia, Monocyt... |
OMIM:614470 |
Elliptocytosis 1 |
Jaundice, Hemolytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Elliptocytosis |
OMIM:611804 |
Hemoglobin E Disease |
Increased red blood cell count, Reduced hemoglobin A, Drug-sensitive hemolytic anemia, Splenomega... |
ORPHA:2133 |
Spherocytosis, Type 4 |
Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Spherocytosis, Jaundice, Hemolytic anemia |
OMIM:612653 |
T-B+ Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Due To Il-7Ralpha Deficiency |
Decreased proportion of CD8-positive T cells, Lymphopenia, Hepatosplenomegaly, Psoriasiform lesio... |
ORPHA:169154 |
Elastosis Perforans Serpiginosa |
Epidermal acanthosis, Cutis laxa |
ORPHA:79148 |
Alpha-Heavy Chain Disease |
Ascites, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomegaly |
ORPHA:100025 |
Anemia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic, Type Ib |
Erythroid hyperplasia, Splenomegaly, Anemia of inadequate production, Anisocytosis, Reticulocytos... |
OMIM:615631 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Lactate Dehydrogenase M-Subunit Deficiency |
Psoriasiform lesion, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:284426 |
Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy |
ORPHA:86893 |
Pemphigus Foliaceus |
Erythema, Acantholysis, Skin vesicle, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:79481 |
Anemia, Sideroblastic, 3, Pyridoxine-Refractory |
Hepatosplenomegaly, Erythroid hyperplasia, Splenomegaly, Anisocytosis, Anemia, Cirrhosis, Elevate... |
OMIM:616860 |
Mu-Heavy Chain Disease |
Abnormal B cell count, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomegaly |
ORPHA:100024 |
Immunodeficiency 14A With Lymphoproliferation, Autosomal Dominant |
Splenomegaly, Decreased proportion of class-switched memory B cells, Increased proportion of tran... |
OMIM:615513 |
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 9 |
Malformation of the hepatic ductal plate, Intrahepatic cholestasis, Micronodular cirrhosis, Porta... |
OMIM:619849 |
Alpha-Thalassemia-Myelodysplastic Syndrome |
Acute leukemia, HbH hemoglobin, Microcytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Neutropenia, Thrombocytopenia |
ORPHA:231401 |
Galactosemia Iii |
Hepatomegaly, Jaundice, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:230350 |
Atrophoderma Vermiculata |
Erythema, Abnormal epidermal morphology |
ORPHA:79100 |
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, Familial, 4 |
Hemophagocytosis, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Neutropenia, Thrombocytopenia, Hepatomeg... |
OMIM:603552 |
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 12 |
Cholestasis, Hepatomegaly, Jaundice, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:620010 |
Immunodeficiency 41 With Lymphoproliferation And Autoimmunity |
Decreased proportion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, Hepatosplenomegaly, Decreased CD4:CD8 ratio... |
OMIM:606367 |
Hemolytic Anemia, Nonspherocytic, Due To Hexokinase Deficiency |
Normocytic anemia, Cholelithiasis, Splenomegaly, Cholecystitis, Reticulocytosis, Nonspherocytic h... |
OMIM:235700 |
Ectodermal Dysplasia/Skin Fragility Syndrome |
Scaling skin |
OMIM:604536 |
Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis, Susceptibility To, 3 |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:618267 |
Nephronophthisis 19 |
Malformation of the hepatic ductal plate, Hepatic fibrosis, Cholestasis, Splenomegaly, Hepatomega... |
OMIM:616217 |
Congenital Bile Acid Synthesis Defect Type 1 |
Neonatal cholestatic liver disease, Splenomegaly, Biliary tract abnormality, Cirrhosis, Hepatomeg... |
ORPHA:79301 |
Spherocytosis, Type 1 |
Cholelithiasis, Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Spherocytosis, Jaundice, Hemolytic anemia |
OMIM:182900 |
Follicular Lymphoma |
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy, Splenomegaly, Abnormal peritoneum morphology, Lymphadenopathy |
ORPHA:545 |
Ghosal Hematodiaphyseal Dysplasia |
Anemia, Splenomegaly |
ORPHA:1802 |
Spherocytosis, Type 2 |
Acanthocytosis, Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Spherocytosis, Jaundice, Hemolytic anemia |
OMIM:616649 |
Overhydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis |
Abnormal mean corpuscular volume, Stomatocytosis, Hemolytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis... |
ORPHA:3203 |
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 7, With Or Without Hearing Loss |
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Hepatic fibrosis, Cholestasis, Splenomegaly, Jaundice |
OMIM:619658 |
Immunodeficiency 48 |
Abnormal B cell count, Splenomegaly, Impaired lymphocyte transformation with phytohemagglutinin, ... |
OMIM:269840 |
Recon Progeroid Syndrome |
Anemia, Dry skin, Scaling skin, Thrombocytopenia |
OMIM:620370 |
Diffuse Cutaneous Mastocytosis |
Abnormality of the spleen, Scaling skin, Myeloproliferative disorder, Lymphocytosis |
ORPHA:79456 |
Ichthyosis With Confetti |
Scaling skin |
OMIM:609165 |
Dehydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis 2 |
Increased mean corpuscular volume, Increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, Thrombocy... |
OMIM:616689 |
Immunodeficiency 52 |
Increased proportion of gamma-delta T cells, Lymphopenia, Abnormal B cell count, Decreased propor... |
OMIM:617514 |
Fish-Eye Disease |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy |
ORPHA:79292 |
Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis |
Cholestasis, Hepatomegaly, Jaundice, Splenomegaly |
ORPHA:172 |
Mal De Meleda |
Erythema, Epidermal acanthosis |
ORPHA:87503 |
Cholestasis-Lymphedema Syndrome |
Neonatal cholestatic liver disease, Splenomegaly, Cirrhosis, Hepatomegaly, Jaundice |
OMIM:214900 |
Hemolytic Anemia Due To Red Cell Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency |
Reduced red cell pyruvate kinase level, Congenital hemolytic anemia, Abnormal erythrocyte morphol... |
ORPHA:766 |
Gaucher Disease, Atypical, Due To Saposin C Deficiency |
Hypersplenism, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Hepatomegaly |
OMIM:610539 |
Bile Acid Synthesis Defect, Congenital, 5 |
Hepatic fibrosis, Portal fibrosis, Portal hypertension, Splenomegaly, Iron deficiency anemia, Hep... |
OMIM:616278 |
Niemann-Pick Disease, Type B |
Sea-blue histiocytosis, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Hepatomegaly, Bone-marrow foam cells |
OMIM:607616 |
Hemochromatosis, Type 2B |
Hepatic fibrosis, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Cirrhosis, Hepatomegaly |
OMIM:613313 |
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type If |
Dry skin, Scaling skin |
OMIM:609180 |
Cancer, Alopecia, Pigment Dyscrasia, Onychodystrophy, And Keratoderma |
Dry skin, Scaling skin |
OMIM:618373 |
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia |
Abnormal granulocyte morphology, Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly, Abnormal basophil morphology, Thromb... |
ORPHA:521 |
Thrombocytopenia With Beta-Thalassemia, X-Linked |
Increased RBC distribution width, Reduced platelet alpha granules, Reticulocytosis, Splenomegaly,... |
OMIM:314050 |
Combined Immunodeficiency Due To Partial Rag1 Deficiency |
Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Neutropenia in presence of anti-neutropil antibodies, ... |
ORPHA:231154 |
Infantile Digital Fibromatosis |
Epidermal acanthosis |
ORPHA:199267 |
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, Familial, 5, With Or Without Microvillus Inclusion Disease |
Hemophagocytosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Thrombocytopenia, Anemia |
OMIM:613101 |
Erythrocytosis, Familial, 1 |
Increased circulating hemoglobin concentration, Increased hematocrit, Splenomegaly, Increased red... |
OMIM:133100 |
Short Fifth Metacarpals-Insulin Resistance Syndrome |
Spherocytosis, Splenomegaly |
ORPHA:66518 |
Retinal Dystrophy, Optic Nerve Edema, Splenomegaly, Anhidrosis, And Migraine Headache Syndrome |
Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:614979 |
Keratoderma Hereditarium Mutilans With Ichthyosis |
Epidermal acanthosis, Scaling skin on fingertip |
ORPHA:79395 |
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency |
Cirrhosis, Splenomegaly, Hepatocellular carcinoma |
OMIM:613490 |
Acquired Idiopathic Sideroblastic Anemia |
Normocytic anemia, Bone marrow hypocellularity, Megaloblastic erythroid hyperplasia, Hypochromic ... |
ORPHA:75564 |
Ataxia-Pancytopenia Syndrome |
Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, Pancytopenia, Abnormal macrophage morphology, Splenomegaly, Hypopl... |
ORPHA:2585 |
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 10 |
Portal fibrosis, Splenomegaly, Acholic stools, Hepatomegaly, Jaundice |
OMIM:619868 |
Immunodeficiency 64 With Lymphoproliferation |
Increased proportion autoreactive unresponsive CD21-/low B cells, Abnormal CD4:CD8 ratio, Cervica... |
OMIM:618534 |
Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency |
Splenomegaly |
ORPHA:664 |
Acrokeratosis Verruciformis |
Acantholysis, Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:101900 |
X-Linked Sideroblastic Anemia |
Anemia, Splenomegaly |
ORPHA:75563 |
Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency, Type Iii |
Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Abnormal lymph node morphology, Hepatosplenomegaly, Leukocytosis, S... |
OMIM:612840 |
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 3 |
Intrahepatic cholestasis, Portal fibrosis, Portal inflammation, Ascites, Splenomegaly, Cirrhosis,... |
OMIM:602347 |
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable, 8, With Autoimmunity |
Pancytopenia, Psoriasiform lesion, Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Decreased proportio... |
OMIM:614700 |
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iio |
Cholestatic liver disease, Hepatosplenomegaly, Splenomegaly, Prolonged neonatal jaundice, Cirrhos... |
OMIM:616828 |
Immunodeficiency 109 With Lymphoproliferation |
Pancytopenia, Generalized lymphadenopathy, Splenomegaly, Absent circulating B cells |
OMIM:620282 |
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 7 |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:615022 |
Immunodeficiency 27A |
Hepatosplenomegaly, Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Thrombocytosis, Anemia, Enlarged... |
OMIM:209950 |
Pfapa Syndrome |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy |
ORPHA:42642 |
Amyloidosis, Hereditary Systemic 2 |
Cholestasis, Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:105200 |
Hyperekplexia-Epilepsy Syndrome |
Exaggerated startle response |
ORPHA:163985 |
Dysplastic Cortical Hyperostosis, Kozlowski-Tsuruta Type |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly |
ORPHA:2204 |
Hemolytic Anemia, Nonspherocytic, Due To Glucose Phosphate Isomerase Deficiency |
Spontaneous hemolytic crises, Cholelithiasis, Pigment gallstones, Cholecystitis, Splenomegaly, No... |
OMIM:613470 |
Portal Hypertension, Noncirrhotic, 2 |
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of liver, Ascites, Portal hypertension, Splenomegaly, Thrombocyt... |
OMIM:619463 |
Mpdu1-Cdg |
Scaling skin |
ORPHA:79323 |
Cholesteryl Ester Storage Disease |
Hepatomegaly, Jaundice, Cirrhosis, Splenomegaly |
ORPHA:75234 |
Myelofibrosis |
Hemophagocytosis, Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Myeloproliferative di... |
OMIM:254450 |
Palmoplantar Keratoderma, Punctate Type Ia |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:148600 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Ixb |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Increased hepatic glycogen content |
OMIM:261750 |
Cholestasis-Lymphedema Syndrome |
Portal hypertension, Splenomegaly, Neonatal cholestatic liver disease, Biliary tract abnormality,... |
ORPHA:1414 |
Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis Et Progressiva 1 |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:133200 |
Autoinflammatory Syndrome, Familial, With Or Without Immunodeficiency |
Splenomegaly, Decreased proportion of class-switched memory B cells, Coombs-positive hemolytic an... |
OMIM:619375 |
Seborrhea-Like Dermatitis With Psoriasiform Elements |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:610227 |
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 8 |
Erythema, Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:613943 |
Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis |
Mastocytosis, Increased proportion of CD25+ mast cells, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomega... |
ORPHA:98848 |
Sea-Blue Histiocytosis |
Sea-blue histiocytosis, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia, Hepatomegaly, Mediastinal lymphadenopathy |
ORPHA:158029 |
Palmoplantar Keratoderma, Nonepidermolytic, Focal Or Diffuse |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:615735 |
Tempi Syndrome |
Increased hematocrit, Facial erythema, Polycythemia |
ORPHA:284227 |
Focal Facial Dermal Dysplasia Type Iv |
Abnormal epidermal morphology, Abnormal mast cell morphology |
ORPHA:398189 |
Familial Benign Chronic Pemphigus |
Erythema, Acantholysis, Skin vesicle |
ORPHA:2841 |
Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Of Red Cells |
Cholelithiasis, Reduced red cell pyruvate kinase level, Erythroid hyperplasia, Splenomegaly, Reti... |
OMIM:266200 |
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome |
Chronic noninfectious lymphadenopathy, Follicular hyperplasia, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Splen... |
OMIM:601859 |
Lipodystrophy, Congenital Generalized, Type 3 |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Hepatosplenomegaly, Hepatic steatosis |
OMIM:612526 |
Anemia, Hypochromic Microcytic, With Iron Overload 2 |
Sideroblastic anemia, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Elevated hepatic iron concentration, Poikilocytosis, ... |
OMIM:615234 |
Immunodeficiency 63 With Lymphoproliferation And Autoimmunity |
Decreased CD4:CD8 ratio, Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomegaly |
OMIM:618495 |
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, X-Linked, 2 |
Aplastic anemia, Hepatitis, Hemophagocytosis, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly |
OMIM:300635 |
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, With Woolly Hair And Keratoderma |
Acantholysis, Palmoplantar scaling skin, Palmoplantar erythema |
OMIM:605676 |
Periodic Fever, Immunodeficiency, And Thrombocytopenia Syndrome |
Abnormal CD4:CD8 ratio, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Neutropenia, B lymphocytopenia, Intermitte... |
OMIM:150550 |
Osteopetrosis, Autosomal Recessive 8 |
Hepatomegaly, Anemia, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia |
OMIM:615085 |
Overhydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis |
Stomatocytosis, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Hepatomegaly, P... |
OMIM:185000 |
Sclerosing Cholangitis, Neonatal |
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Portal fibrosis, Biliary cirrhosis, Cholestasis, Ascites, Portal hyper... |
OMIM:617394 |
Immunodeficiency 7 |
Hypereosinophilia, Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Neutropenia, Hepat... |
OMIM:615387 |
Autoinflammation With Pulmonary And Cutaneous Vasculitis |
Hepatomegaly, Anemia, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:620296 |
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome 2 |
Aplastic anemia, Hemophagocytosis, Ascites, Hepatosplenomegaly, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Lymph... |
OMIM:615122 |
Bacterial Toxic-Shock Syndrome |
Ecchymosis, Increased circulating myelocyte count, Scaling skin, Thrombocytopenia, Increased circ... |
ORPHA:36234 |
Schnitzler Syndrome |
Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomegaly |
ORPHA:37748 |
Epidermolytic Palmoplantar Keratoderma |
Epidermal acanthosis |
ORPHA:2199 |
Cold Agglutinin Disease |
Hepatomegaly, Hemolytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy |
ORPHA:56425 |
Graft Versus Host Disease |
Hepatosplenomegaly, Hemophagocytosis, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:39812 |
Hb Bart'S Hydrops Fetalis |
Hepatomegaly, Anemia, Splenomegaly, Abnormal hemoglobin |
ORPHA:163596 |
Joubert Syndrome 33 |
Splenomegaly |
OMIM:617767 |
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda |
Abnormal erythrocyte enzyme concentration or activity, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:101330 |
Neonatal Ichthyosis-Sclerosing Cholangitis Syndrome |
Cholestasis, Portal hypertension, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Jaundice |
ORPHA:59303 |
Dehydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis 1 With Or Without Pseudohyperkalemia And/Or Perinatal Edema |
Cholelithiasis, Increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, Hepatitis, Splenomegaly, Ret... |
OMIM:194380 |
Harderoporphyria |
Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Hepatomegaly, Prolonged neonatal jaundice, Hemolytic anemia |
OMIM:618892 |
X-Linked Dominant Chondrodysplasia Punctata |
Scaling skin |
ORPHA:35173 |
Griscelli Syndrome Type 2 |
Hemophagocytosis, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Neutropenia, Hepatomegaly, Jaundice |
ORPHA:79477 |
Basan Syndrome |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:129200 |
Proteus Syndrome |
Epidermal acanthosis, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:176920 |
Osteopetrosis, Autosomal Dominant 3 |
Hepatomegaly, Anemia, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:618107 |
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable, 1 |
Abnormal T cell count, Splenomegaly, Decreased proportion of class-switched memory B cells, Lymph... |
OMIM:607594 |
Beta-Thalassemia |
Cholelithiasis, Hepatitis, Microcytic anemia, Abnormal hemoglobin, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Thromboc... |
ORPHA:848 |
Hepatoportal Sclerosis |
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of liver, Periportal fibrosis, Abnormality of the hepatic vascul... |
ORPHA:64743 |
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 2 |
Intrahepatic cholestasis, Splenomegaly, Intermittent jaundice, Cirrhosis, Hepatomegaly, Hepatocel... |
OMIM:601847 |
Singleton-Merten Syndrome 2 |
Psoriasiform lesion |
OMIM:616298 |
Alpha-Thalassemia |
Cholelithiasis, Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Microcytic anemia, Hemoglobin Barts, Hepatosplenome... |
ORPHA:846 |
Congenital Syphilis |
Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Palmoplantar scaling skin, Petechiae, Thrombocy... |
ORPHA:499009 |
Vulvovaginal Gingival Syndrome |
Erythema, Epidermal acanthosis |
ORPHA:83453 |
Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis Et Progressiva 3 |
Erythema, Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:617525 |
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, Dyserythropoietic Anemia, And Calvarial Hyperostosis |
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, Splenomegaly, Anemia of inadequate production, Hepatomegaly, J... |
OMIM:612714 |
Primary Myelofibrosis |
Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Pancytopenia, Leukocytosis, Portal hypertension... |
ORPHA:824 |
Acrokeratoelastoidosis Of Costa |
Epidermal acanthosis, Granulomatosis |
ORPHA:38 |
Immunodeficiency 58 |
Psoriasiform lesion, Scaling skin |
OMIM:618131 |
Lipoid Proteinosis Of Urbach And Wiethe |
Reduced epidermal extracellular matrix protein 1 protein expression |
OMIM:247100 |
Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus |
Psoriasiform lesion |
ORPHA:163525 |
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, X-Linked, 1 |
Abnormal T cell count, Aplastic anemia, Hemophagocytosis, Pancytopenia, Abnormal B cell count, Sp... |
OMIM:308240 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Ixa1 |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:306000 |
Leishmaniasis |
Leukopenia, Pancytopenia, Abnormal macrophage morphology, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Lymphadenopathy, ... |
ORPHA:507 |
Immunodeficiency 100 With Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis And Hypogammaglobulinemia |
Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:618042 |
Erythrocytosis, Familial, 2 |
Increased circulating hemoglobin concentration, Increased hematocrit, Increased red blood cell mass |
OMIM:263400 |
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, Type Iia |
Chronic noninfectious lymphadenopathy, Follicular hyperplasia, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Splen... |
OMIM:603909 |
Wolman Disease |
Ascites, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Hepatomegaly, Bone-marrow foam cells |
ORPHA:75233 |
Immunodeficiency 98 With Autoinflammation, X-Linked |
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Hemophagocytosis, Agranulocytosis, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Sple... |
OMIM:301078 |
Congenital Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Ascites |
ORPHA:2414 |
Osteopetrosis, Autosomal Recessive 4 |
Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Hepatomegaly |
OMIM:611490 |
Deafness-Lymphedema-Leukemia Syndrome |
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Acute leukemia, Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Thrombo... |
ORPHA:3226 |
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome 1 |
Hemophagocytosis, Pancytopenia, Leukopenia, Decreased proportion of CD4-positive helper T cells, ... |
OMIM:613011 |
Immunodeficiency 32B |
Impaired oxidative burst, Splenomegaly, Eosinophilia, Anemia, Monocytopenia, Thrombocytopenia, Ne... |
OMIM:226990 |
Bile Acid Synthesis Defect, Congenital, 2 |
Hepatomegaly, Intrahepatic cholestasis, Jaundice, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:235555 |
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 68 |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:618201 |
Anemia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic, Type Ia |
Macrocytic dyserythropoietic anemia, Erythroid hyperplasia, Reticulocytosis, Anemia of inadequate... |
OMIM:224120 |
Hyperekplexia 2 |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:614619 |
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 8 |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:300607 |
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency With Sensitivity To Ionizing Radiation |
Abnormally low T cell receptor excision circle level, Lymphopenia, Lymph node hypoplasia, Splenom... |
OMIM:602450 |
Rat-Bite Fever |
Anemia, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:31205 |
Anemia, Nonspherocytic Hemolytic, Due To G6Pd Deficiency |
Leukocytosis, Reticulocytosis, Splenomegaly, Anisocytosis, Heinz bodies, Fava bean-induced hemoly... |
OMIM:300908 |
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 1 |
Cholelithiasis, Splenomegaly, Cirrhosis, Intrahepatic cholestasis with episodic jaundice, Hepatom... |
OMIM:211600 |
Autosomal Dominant Palmoplantar Keratoderma And Congenital Alopecia |
Dry skin, Facial erythema, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:1010 |
Sickle Cell Disease |
Splenic infarction, Cholelithiasis, Increased red cell sickling tendency, Leukocytosis, Splenomeg... |
OMIM:603903 |
Myoectodermal Gonadal Dysgenesis Syndrome |
Accessory spleen, Dry skin, Scaling skin |
OMIM:618419 |
Inflammatory Skin And Bowel Disease, Neonatal, 2 |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:616069 |
Cholesteryl Ester Storage Disease |
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Hepatic fibrosis, Periportal fibrosis, Increased hepatic echogenicity,... |
OMIM:278000 |
Psoriasis 14, Pustular |
Erythema, Epidermal acanthosis, Leukocytosis, Neutrophilia |
OMIM:614204 |
Gamma-Heavy Chain Disease |
Abnormal lymphocyte morphology, Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Anemia, Lymphadenopath... |
ORPHA:100026 |
Tafro Syndrome |
Ascites, Hepatosplenomegaly, Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Thrombocytopeni... |
ORPHA:457077 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Ixc |
Splenomegaly, Increased hepatic glycogen content, Cirrhosis, Hepatomegaly, Bile duct proliferation |
OMIM:613027 |
Proteasome-Associated Autoinflammatory Syndrome 4 |
Hepatomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia |
OMIM:619183 |
Aromatic L-Amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency |
Blepharospasm, Oculogyric crisis, Limb dystonia, Limb tremor, Torticollis, Exaggerated startle re... |
OMIM:608643 |
Budd-Chiari Syndrome |
Ascites, Portal hypertension, Splenomegaly, Cholecystitis, Peritonitis, Cirrhosis, Hepatomegaly, ... |
ORPHA:131 |
Immunodeficiency 97 With Autoinflammation |
Decreased proportion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, Reduced natural killer cell count, Hemophag... |
OMIM:619802 |
T-Cell Lymphoma, Subcutaneous Panniculitis-Like |
Anemia, Splenomegaly, Pancytopenia, Hemophagocytosis |
OMIM:618398 |
Bile Acid Synthesis Defect, Congenital, 1 |
Intrahepatic cholestasis, Giant cell hepatitis, Splenomegaly, Cirrhosis, Acholic stools, Hepatome... |
OMIM:607765 |
Drug-Induced Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia |
Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia |
ORPHA:90037 |
Kid Syndrome |
Epidermal acanthosis, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:477 |
Stiff Person Spectrum Disorder |
Exaggerated startle response |
ORPHA:3198 |
Hyperekplexia 3 |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:614618 |
Omenn Syndrome |
Splenomegaly, Hypoplasia of the thymus, Eosinophilia, Hepatomegaly, Anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Thro... |
OMIM:603554 |
Woolly Hair-Skin Fragility Syndrome |
Acantholysis |
OMIM:620415 |
Dehydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis |
Cholelithiasis, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Polycythemia, Increased mean corpuscular hemog... |
ORPHA:3202 |
Acute Panmyelosis With Myelofibrosis |
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Acute mye... |
ORPHA:86843 |
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 5 |
Acute pancreatitis, Recurrent tonsillitis, Lymphadenitis, Lymphopenia, Hepatosplenomegaly, Impair... |
OMIM:618935 |
Bile Acid Synthesis Defect, Congenital, 3 |
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Intrahepatic cholestasis, Hepatitis, Splenomegaly, Ductal bile plugs, ... |
OMIM:613812 |
Apolipoprotein C-Ii Deficiency |
Hepatomegaly, Pancreatitis, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:207750 |
Microcephaly-Lymphedema-Chorioretinopathy Syndrome |
Leukemia, Dry skin, Skin ulcer, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:2526 |
Autoinflammation With Arthritis And Dyskeratosis |
Dry skin, Hypereosinophilia, Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:617388 |
Riddle Syndrome |
Erythema, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:420741 |
Anemia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic, Type Iv |
Increased RBC distribution width, Persistence of hemoglobin F, Hepatosplenomegaly, Reduced hemato... |
OMIM:613673 |
Neonatal Inflammatory Skin And Bowel Disease |
Erythema, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:294023 |
Pulmonary Fibrosis And/Or Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome, Telomere-Related, 8 |
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of liver, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Portal hypertension... |
OMIM:620367 |
Gm2 Gangliosidosis, Ab Variant |
Dystonia, Exaggerated startle response |
ORPHA:309246 |
Acrokeratosis Verruciformis Of Hopf |
Epidermal acanthosis |
ORPHA:79151 |
Systemic-Onset Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis |
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy |
ORPHA:85414 |
Beta-Thalassemia Intermedia |
Cholelithiasis, Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Persistence of hemoglobin F, Increased HbA2 hemoglo... |
ORPHA:231222 |
Olmsted Syndrome, X-Linked |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:300918 |
Huriez Syndrome |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:181600 |
Superficial Epidermolytic Ichthyosis |
Erythema, Acantholysis |
ORPHA:455 |
Fetal Cytomegalovirus Syndrome |
Hepatitis, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Thrombocytopenia, Anemia, Jaundice |
ORPHA:294 |
Chronic Actinic Dermatitis |
Epidermal acanthosis |
ORPHA:330064 |
Immunodeficiency 36 With Lymphoproliferation |
Lymphopenia, Splenomegaly, Chronic lymphatic leukemia, Increased proportion of transitional B cel... |
OMIM:616005 |
Palmoplantar Keratoderma I, Striate, Focal, Or Diffuse |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:148700 |
Parkes Weber Syndrome |
Skin ulcer, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:90307 |
Infantile Liver Failure Syndrome 3 |
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Cholestasis, Hepatic steatosis, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Jaundice |
OMIM:618641 |
Immune Dysregulation With Autoimmunity, Immunodeficiency, And Lymphoproliferation |
Lymphopenia, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomegaly, Autoimmune... |
OMIM:616100 |
Renal-Hepatic-Pancreatic Dysplasia 1 |
Malformation of the hepatic ductal plate, Hepatic fibrosis, Biliary cirrhosis, Polysplenia, Chole... |
OMIM:208540 |
Hypotrichosis And Recurrent Skin Vesicles |
Skin vesicle, Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:613102 |
Hyperekplexia 1 |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:149400 |
Gaucher Disease, Type I |
Pancytopenia, Hypersplenism, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Hepatomegaly |
OMIM:230800 |
Stiff-Person Syndrome |
Opisthotonus, Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:184850 |
Spastic Paraplegia, Optic Atrophy, And Neuropathy |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:609541 |
Ichthyosis Prematurity Syndrome |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:608649 |
Spastic Tetraplegia And Axial Hypotonia, Progressive |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:618598 |
Tay-Sachs Disease |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:272800 |
Spastic Paraplegia-Optic Atrophy-Neuropathy Syndrome |
Exaggerated startle response |
ORPHA:320406 |
Caroli Disease |
Intrahepatic cholestasis, Cholelithiasis, Hepatic fibrosis, Biliary cirrhosis, Cholestasis, Ascit... |
ORPHA:53035 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Cerebellar Atrophy And With Or Without Seizures |
Truncal titubation, Tremor, Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:618056 |
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia, Warm Type |
Chronic lymphatic leukemia, Jaundice, Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia |
ORPHA:90033 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Speech Impairment And With Or Without Seizures |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:620114 |
Ichthyosis, Leukocyte Vacuoles, Alopecia, And Sclerosing Cholangitis |
Hepatic fibrosis, Cholestasis, Portal hypertension, Splenomegaly, Sclerosing cholangitis, Intrahe... |
OMIM:607626 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Hypotonia And Dysmorphic Facies |
Erythema, Dry skin, Hepatosplenomegaly, Cutis laxa, Facial erythema, Scaling skin, Hemolytic anemia |
OMIM:619503 |
Ectodermal Dysplasia/Short Stature Syndrome |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:616029 |
Hereditary Spherocytosis |
Spontaneous hemolytic crises, Cholelithiasis, Increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration... |
ORPHA:822 |
Gray Platelet Syndrome |
Splenomegaly, Abnormal number of alpha granules, Thrombocytopenia |
OMIM:139090 |
Gm2-Gangliosidosis, Ab Variant |
Dystonia, Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:272750 |
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 9 |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:615023 |
Hereditary Elliptocytosis |
Cholelithiasis, Stomatocytosis, Abnormal erythrocyte morphology, Congenital hemolytic anemia, Ret... |
ORPHA:288 |
Sudden Infant Death With Dysgenesis Of The Testes Syndrome |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:608800 |
Neurodegeneration With Developmental Delay, Early Respiratory Failure, Myoclonic Seizures, And Brain Abnormalities |
Tremor, Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:620327 |
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 1 |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:242300 |
Leukodystrophy, Hypomyelinating, 13 |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:616881 |
Sandhoff Disease, Infantile Form |
Exaggerated startle response |
ORPHA:309155 |
Kawasaki Disease |
Scaling skin on fingertip, Palmoplantar erythema, Leukocytosis, Thrombocytosis |
ORPHA:2331 |
Bernard-Soulier Syndrome, Type A2, Autosomal Dominant |
Stomatocytosis, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia, Hemolytic anemia, Increased mean platelet volume |
OMIM:153670 |
Hyperlipoproteinemia, Type I |
Jaundice, Hepatosplenomegaly, Acute pancreatitis, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:238600 |
Ectodermal Dysplasia-Skin Fragility Syndrome |
Scaling skin |
ORPHA:158668 |
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 1 |
Lymphadenitis, Impaired oxidative burst, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Granulomatosis, Hepatomeg... |
OMIM:233700 |
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 2 |
Lymphadenitis, Impaired oxidative burst, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Granulomatosis, Hepatomeg... |
OMIM:233710 |
Ichthyotic Keratoderma, Spasticity, Hypomyelination, And Dysmorphic Facial Features |
Dry skin, Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:618527 |
Cole Disease |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:615522 |
Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Cholestasis |
Hepatic fibrosis, Cholelithiasis, Portal hypertension, Hepatic steatosis, Splenomegaly, Biliary h... |
ORPHA:567983 |
Restrictive Dermopathy |
Dermal translucency, Scaling skin |
ORPHA:1662 |
Pura-Related Severe Neonatal Hypotonia-Seizures-Encephalopathy Syndrome Due To A Point Mutation |
Dystonia, Exaggerated startle response |
ORPHA:438216 |
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 2 |
Erythema, Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:242100 |
Hyperlipoproteinemia, Type Id |
Hepatomegaly, Recurrent pancreatitis, Pancreatitis, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:615947 |
Polycystic Kidney Disease 4 With Or Without Polycystic Liver Disease |
Hepatic fibrosis, Periportal fibrosis, Portal hypertension, Hepatic cysts, Splenomegaly, Hepatome... |
OMIM:263200 |
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 4 |
Lymphadenitis, Impaired oxidative burst, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Granulomatosis, Hepatomeg... |
OMIM:233690 |
Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis 2, With Periostitis And Pustulosis |
Epidermal acanthosis, Splenomegaly, Neutrophilia |
OMIM:612852 |
Olmsted Syndrome 2 |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:619208 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Or Without Seizures And Gait Abnormalities |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:617864 |
Palmoplantar Carcinoma, Multiple Self-Healing |
Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:615225 |
Woodhouse-Sakati Syndrome |
Scaling skin |
ORPHA:3464 |
Restrictive Dermopathy 1 |
Scaling skin |
OMIM:275210 |
Gaucher Disease, Type Iiic |
Hepatomegaly, Pancytopenia, Cardiomegaly, Splenomegaly |
OMIM:231005 |
Tay-Sachs Disease |
Tremor, Dystonia, Exaggerated startle response, Laryngeal dystonia |
ORPHA:845 |
Psoriasis-Related Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis |
Psoriasiform lesion |
ORPHA:85436 |
Glycine Encephalopathy With Normal Serum Glycine |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:617301 |
Sandhoff Disease |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:268800 |
Punctate Palmoplantar Keratoderma Type 1 |
Abnormal epidermal morphology, Epidermal acanthosis |
ORPHA:79501 |
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 49 |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:617281 |
Ifap Syndrome 1, With Or Without Bresheck Syndrome |
Dry skin, Perianal erythema, Scaling skin |
OMIM:308205 |
Plaa-Associated Neurodevelopmental Disorder |
Dystonia, Exaggerated startle response |
ORPHA:521426 |
Odontoonychodermal Dysplasia |
Erythema, Epidermal acanthosis, Palmoplantar erythema, Dry skin |
OMIM:257980 |
Asparagine Synthetase Deficiency |
Tremor, Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:615574 |
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum |
Cutis laxa, Civatte bodies |
OMIM:264800 |
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 58 |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:620451 |
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 4 |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:253800 |
Gaisböck Syndrome |
Increased red blood cell count, Increased hematocrit, Increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin conce... |
ORPHA:90041 |
Gm1 Gangliosidosis Type 1 |
Exaggerated startle response |
ORPHA:79255 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Progressive Microcephaly, Spasticity, And Brain Anomalies |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:617527 |
Multiple Mitochondrial Dysfunctions Syndrome 7 |
Dystonia, Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:620423 |
Naxos Disease |
Acantholysis, Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:601214 |
Congenital Hemidysplasia With Ichthyosiform Erythroderma And Limb Defects |
Erythema, Epidermal acanthosis |
OMIM:308050 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Microcephaly, Epilepsy, And Hypomyelination |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:618367 |
Agammaglobulinemia-Microcephaly-Craniosynostosis-Severe Dermatitis Syndrome |
Severe B lymphocytopenia, Epidermal acanthosis, B lymphocytopenia |
ORPHA:83617 |
Pura-Related Severe Neonatal Hypotonia-Seizures-Encephalopathy Syndrome |
Dystonia, Exaggerated startle response |
ORPHA:438213 |
Neurodevelopmental-Craniofacial Syndrome With Variable Renal And Cardiac Abnormalities |
Exaggerated startle response |
OMIM:619522 |