Leukoencephalopathy With Vanishing White Matter 5 |
Dilated third ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:620315 |
Lissencephaly 4 |
Colpocephaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:614019 |
Band Heterotopia |
Ventriculomegaly, Hydrocephalus, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:600348 |
Alg13-Cdg |
Abnormal lateral ventricle morphology |
ORPHA:324422 |
Holoprosencephaly 5 |
Alobar holoprosencephaly, Semilobar holoprosencephaly, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Syntelenceph... |
OMIM:609637 |
Congenital Hydrocephalus |
Ventriculomegaly, Colpocephaly, Hydrocephalus |
ORPHA:2185 |
Central Neurocytoma |
Abnormal lateral ventricle morphology, Hydrocephalus |
ORPHA:73256 |
Polyrrhinia |
Abnormal third ventricle morphology, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:141091 |
Polymicrogyria With Optic Nerve Hypoplasia |
Dysplastic corpus callosum, Colpocephaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
ORPHA:250972 |
X-Linked Parkinsonism-Spasticity Syndrome |
Dilated third ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:363654 |
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 6A (Zellweger) |
Colpocephaly |
OMIM:614870 |
Early-Onset Epilepsy-Intellectual Disability-Brain Anomalies Syndrome |
Abnormal lateral ventricle morphology |
ORPHA:488635 |
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked 103 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:300982 |
Structural Brain Anomalies With Impaired Intellectual Development And Craniosynostosis |
Spina bifida occulta, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Dandy-Walker malformation, Agenesis of corpus... |
OMIM:618736 |
Unilateral Hemispheric Polymicrogyria |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:101071 |
Autosomal Recessive Spastic Paraplegia Type 66 |
Colpocephaly |
ORPHA:401815 |
Joubert Syndrome 15 |
Exencephaly |
OMIM:614464 |
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 6 |
Ventriculomegaly, Dilated third ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Hydrocephalus, Dandy-Wal... |
OMIM:613154 |
Hydrolethalus Syndrome 2 |
Ventriculomegaly, Anencephaly, Hydrocephalus, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:614120 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Severe Motor Impairment, Absent Language, Cerebral Hypomyelination, And Brain Atrophy |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:619972 |
Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia, Type 12 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:618266 |
Craniosynostosis 6 |
Spina bifida occulta, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Dandy-Walker malformation, Agenesis of corpus... |
OMIM:616602 |
2,4-Dienoyl-Coa Reductase Deficiency |
Ventriculomegaly, Colpocephaly, Hydrocephalus |
OMIM:616034 |
Hypotonia, Infantile, With Psychomotor Retardation |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:616816 |
Neural Tube Defects, Susceptibility To |
Myelomeningocele, Spina bifida occulta, Anencephaly, Hydrocephalus |
OMIM:182940 |
Ventriculomegaly With Defects Of The Radius And Kidney |
Ventriculomegaly, Hydrocephalus, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:602200 |
Hemiparkinsonism-Hemiatrophy Syndrome |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:306669 |
Martsolf Syndrome 2 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:619420 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Hypotonia, Stereotypic Hand Movements, And Impaired Language |
Ventriculomegaly, Dilated fourth ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:613443 |
Leukoencephalopathy, Progressive, With Ovarian Failure |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:615889 |
Dworschak-Punetha Neurodevelopmental Syndrome |
Dysplastic corpus callosum, Colpocephaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:619955 |
Cortical Dysplasia, Complex, With Other Brain Malformations 11 |
Ventriculomegaly, Colpocephaly, Hydrocephalus, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:620156 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Brain Anomalies And With Or Without Vertebral Or Cardiac Anomalies |
Colpocephaly |
OMIM:618731 |
Microphthalmia-Brain Atrophy Syndrome |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:77299 |
Global Developmental Delay With Or Without Impaired Intellectual Development |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:618330 |
Spastic Paraplegia, Intellectual Disability, Nystagmus, And Obesity |
Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, Dilated third ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:617296 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Cerebral Atrophy And Variable Facial Dysmorphism |
Dilated third ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:619244 |
Encephalopathy, Neonatal Severe, With Lactic Acidosis And Brain Abnormalities |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:617668 |
Alg2-Cdg |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:79326 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder And Structural Brain Anomalies With Or Without Seizures And Spasticity |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:618890 |
Hydrocephalus, Congenital, 2, With Or Without Brain Or Eye Anomalies |
Ventriculomegaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum, Colpocephaly, Hydrocephalus, Communicating hydroce... |
OMIM:615219 |
Polymicrogyria Due To Tubb2B Mutation |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
ORPHA:300573 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Seizures And Brain Abnormalities |
Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:619517 |
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Lower Extremity-Predominant, 2B, Prenatal Onset, Autosomal Dominant |
Spina bifida occulta, Ventriculomegaly, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:618291 |
Joubert Syndrome With Jeune Asphyxiating Thoracic Dystrophy |
Ventriculomegaly, Dilated third ventricle, Occipital encephalocele, Lateral ventricle dilatation,... |
ORPHA:397715 |
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 2 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Hydrocephalus |
OMIM:614219 |
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 48 |
Dilated fourth ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Umbilical hernia |
OMIM:617751 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Neuromuscular And Skeletal Abnormalities |
Ventriculomegaly, Colpocephaly, Hydrocephalus |
OMIM:619833 |
Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia, Type 1A |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:607596 |
Microcephaly, Epilepsy, And Diabetes Syndrome 2 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:619278 |
Halperin-Birk Syndrome |
Ventriculomegaly, Semilobar holoprosencephaly, Umbilical hernia, Agenesis of corpus callosum, Col... |
OMIM:618651 |
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase E1-Alpha Deficiency |
Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, Ventriculomegaly, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Agenesis... |
ORPHA:79243 |
Cach Syndrome |
T2 hypointense thalamus, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:135 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Or Without Variable Movement Or Behavioral Abnormalities |
Dilated third ventricle |
OMIM:619725 |
Weiss-Kruszka Syndrome |
Ventriculomegaly, Colpocephaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:618619 |
Hyperphosphatasia With Impaired Intellectual Development Syndrome 4 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:615716 |
Joubert Syndrome 3 |
Enlarged fossa interpeduncularis, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:608629 |
Paganini-Miozzo Syndrome |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:301025 |
Phosphoserine Aminotransferase Deficiency, Infantile/Juvenile Form |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:284417 |
Polycystic Lipomembranous Osteodysplasia With Sclerosing Leukoencephalopathy 1 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:221770 |
Glutamine Deficiency, Congenital |
Subependymal cysts, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:610015 |
D-2-Hydroxyglutaric Aciduria 1 |
Subependymal cysts, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:600721 |
Hao-Fountain Syndrome Due To 16P13.2 Microdeletion |
Ventriculomegaly, Dilated third ventricle, Hydrocephalus |
ORPHA:500055 |
Bilateral Generalized Polymicrogyria |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:208447 |
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group I |
Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Colpocephaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:609053 |
X-Linked Intellectual Disability, Wilson Type |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:85290 |
Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia, Type 13 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Dandy-Walker malformation |
OMIM:618606 |
Global Developmental Delay-Alopecia-Macrocephaly-Facial Dysmorphism-Structural Brain Anomalies Syndrome |
Dysplastic corpus callosum, Dilated third ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:544488 |
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 31B |
Ventriculomegaly, Colpocephaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:620352 |
Glutaric Acidemia I |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Hydrocephalus |
OMIM:231670 |
Severe X-Linked Intellectual Disability, Gustavson Type |
Dilated fourth ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Dandy-Walker malformation |
ORPHA:3078 |
Malan Overgrowth Syndrome |
Ventriculomegaly, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:420179 |
Developmental Delay With Or Without Intellectual Impairment Or Behavioral Abnormalities |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Dilated third ventricle, Hydrocephalus |
OMIM:619575 |
Neurodevelopmental, Jaw, Eye, And Digital Syndrome |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Umbilical hernia |
OMIM:618914 |
Aicardi Syndrome |
Dilated third ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Choroid plexus cyst, Spina bifida, Partial... |
OMIM:304050 |
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 56 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:617854 |
Spondyloenchondrodysplasia |
Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Ventriculomegaly, Abnormal lateral ventric... |
ORPHA:1855 |
Methylmalonate Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:614105 |
Global Developmental Delay, Absent Or Hypoplastic Corpus Callosum, And Dysmorphic Facies |
Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Ventriculomegaly, Colpocephaly, Agenesis o... |
OMIM:617260 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Intracranial Hemorrhage, Seizures, And Spasticity |
Hydranencephaly, Dilated third ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Colpocephaly, Hydrocephalus |
OMIM:620371 |
Basel-Vanagaite-Smirin-Yosef Syndrome |
Dilated third ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
ORPHA:464738 |
Cortical Dysgenesis With Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia Due To Tubb3 Mutation |
Normal pressure hydrocephalus, Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, Lateral ventricle dilatat... |
ORPHA:300570 |
Pseudo-Torch Syndrome 2 |
Ventriculomegaly, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:617397 |
Chromosome 6Q24-Q25 Deletion Syndrome |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Hydrocephalus, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:612863 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Facial Dysmorphism, Absent Language, And Pseudo-Pelger-Huet Anomaly |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:620075 |
Giant Axonal Neuropathy 1, Autosomal Recessive |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:256850 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Growth Retardation, Dysmorphic Facies, And Corpus Callosum Abnormalities |
Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, Colpocephaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:620113 |
Asparagine Synthetase Deficiency |
Ventriculomegaly, Dilated fourth ventricle, Dilated third ventricle |
OMIM:615574 |
Severe Growth Deficiency-Strabismus-Extensive Dermal Melanocytosis-Intellectual Disability Syndrome |
Dysplastic corpus callosum, Ventriculomegaly, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:488627 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Intention Tremor, Pyramidal Signs, Dyspraxia, And Ocular Anomalies |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:619995 |
Slc35A2-Cdg |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Dandy-Walker malformation |
ORPHA:356961 |
Hypertelorism-Hypospadias-Polysyndactyly Syndrome |
Encephalocele, Exencephaly |
ORPHA:2211 |
16Q24.3 Microdeletion Syndrome |
Ventriculomegaly, Colpocephaly |
ORPHA:261250 |
Distal Deletion 10Q |
Spina bifida occulta, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:96148 |
Neurodegeneration, Childhood-Onset, With Progressive Microcephaly |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:619847 |
Holoprosencephaly 13, X-Linked |
Colpocephaly, Alobar holoprosencephaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum, Semilobar holoprosencephaly |
OMIM:301043 |
Craniorachischisis |
Spinal dysraphism, Myelomeningocele, Sirenomelia, Cervical spina bifida, Anencephaly |
ORPHA:63260 |
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Defect Type 39 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:565624 |
Wars2-Related Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Defect |
Ventriculomegaly, Dilated fourth ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:572798 |
Linear Skin Defects With Multiple Congenital Anomalies 1 |
Colpocephaly, Hydrocephalus, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:309801 |
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iig |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:611209 |
Isolated Posterior Meningocele |
Hydrocephalus, Lipomyelomeningocele, Meningocele, Occipital meningocele, Neural tube defect |
ORPHA:268810 |
Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration With Tdp43 Inclusions, Grn-Related |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:607485 |
Lissencephaly Type 1 Due To Doublecortin Gene Mutation |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:2148 |
Osteopetrosis, Autosomal Recessive 7 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Hydrocephalus |
OMIM:612301 |
Autosomal Recessive Spastic Paraplegia Type 11 |
Hypothalamic atrophy, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:2822 |
Weaver Syndrome |
Ventriculomegaly, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Umbilical hernia |
OMIM:277590 |
Blepharophimosis-Intellectual Disability Syndrome, Verloes Type |
Choroid plexus cyst, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:293725 |
Linear Skin Defects With Multiple Congenital Anomalies 3 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:300952 |
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 21 Without Polydactyly |
Small pituitary gland, Ventriculomegaly, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:619479 |
Autosomal Dominant Cerebellar Ataxia-Deafness-Narcolepsy Syndrome |
Dilated third ventricle |
ORPHA:314404 |
Cog5-Cdg |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:263487 |
Sacral Defect With Anterior Meningocele |
Myelomeningocele, Myeloschisis, Hydrocephalus, Meningocele, Dermal sinus tract |
OMIM:600145 |
Intellectual Disability-Macrocephaly-Hypotonia-Behavioral Abnormalities Syndrome |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:457279 |
Noonan Syndrome 14 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:619745 |
Den Hoed-De Boer-Voisin Syndrome |
Ventriculomegaly, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:619229 |
Genitourinary And/Or Brain Malformation Syndrome |
Dysplastic corpus callosum, Colpocephaly, Holoprosencephaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:618820 |
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 5A (Zellweger) |
Colpocephaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:614866 |
Khan-Khan-Katsanis Syndrome |
Ventriculomegaly, Colpocephaly |
OMIM:618460 |
Mosaic Trisomy 1 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
ORPHA:1692 |
Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:615485 |
Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome 9 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:619487 |
Prader-Willi Syndrome Due To Translocation |
Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Anterior pit... |
ORPHA:177907 |
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Type 14 |
Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, Dilated fourth ventricle, Dilated third ventricle, Dandy... |
ORPHA:434179 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Craniofacial Dysmorphism And Skeletal Defects |
Colpocephaly |
OMIM:620083 |
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Microcephaly, Epilepsy, And Hypomyelination |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Short umbilical cord |
OMIM:618367 |
Gabriele-De Vries Syndrome |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:617557 |
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome |
Colpocephaly, Hydrocephalus, Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, Holoprosencephaly, Dandy-Wa... |
OMIM:270400 |
Helsmoortel-Van Der Aa Syndrome |
Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Ventriculomegaly, Pineal cyst, Lateral ven... |
OMIM:615873 |
Microcephalic Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism, Type I |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Agenesis of corpus callosum, Colpocephaly, Hydrocephalus, Partial a... |
OMIM:210710 |
Palatal Anomalies-Widely Spaced Teeth-Facial Dysmorphism-Developmental Delay Syndrome |
Colpocephaly |
ORPHA:477993 |
Neurocardiofaciodigital Syndrome |
Dilated fourth ventricle, Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:619869 |
6Q Terminal Deletion Syndrome |
Colpocephaly |
ORPHA:75857 |
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 6 With Or Without Polydactyly |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:263520 |
Keppen-Lubinsky Syndrome |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:614098 |
Hydrocephalus, Congenital, 5, Susceptibility To |
Aqueductal stenosis, Noncommunicating hydrocephalus |
OMIM:620241 |
Multiple Congenital Anomalies-Hypotonia-Seizures Syndrome 2 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:300868 |
Scalp-Ear-Nipple Syndrome |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:181270 |
Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome Due To Ep300 Haploinsufficiency |
Abnormal lateral ventricle morphology |
ORPHA:353284 |
Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome Due To Crebbp Mutations |
Abnormal lateral ventricle morphology |
ORPHA:353277 |
Kabuki Syndrome 1 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Hydrocephalus |
OMIM:147920 |
Brain Malformations-Musculoskeletal Abnormalities-Facial Dysmorphism-Intellectual Disability Syndrome |
Dysplastic corpus callosum, Ventriculomegaly, Progressive ventriculomegaly, Lateral ventricle dil... |
ORPHA:500150 |
Chromosome 1P36 Deletion Syndrome, Distal |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Hydrocephalus, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:607872 |
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iim |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
OMIM:300896 |
Genitopatellar Syndrome |
Colpocephaly, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
OMIM:606170 |
Biliary, Renal, Neurologic, And Skeletal Syndrome |
Aqueductal stenosis, Lateral ventricle dilatation, Hydrocephalus, Anterior pituitary hypoplasia |
OMIM:619534 |
Choreoacanthocytosis |
Lateral ventricle dilatation |
ORPHA:2388 |
Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Due To Monosomy 2Q22 |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
ORPHA:261537 |
Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Due To A Zeb2 Point Mutation |
Lateral ventricle dilatation, Agenesis of corpus callosum |
ORPHA:261552 |