Not currently registered for phenotyping at IMPC

Phenotyping is currently not planned for a knockout strain of this gene.

Gene Summary

polymerase (DNA directed), gamma
Polga,  Pol gamma,  polymerase gamma,  mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma,  mitochondrial DNA polymerase-gamma

IMPC Data Collections

  • No Body Weight Data
  • No Embryo Imaging Data
  • No Viability Data

IMPC Phenotype Summary

Not Significant
Not tested


The IMPC applies a panel of phenotyping screens to characterise single-gene knockout mice by comparison to wild types. Click on the different tabs to visualise significant phenotypes identified by the IMPC, as well as all data that was measured.

lacZ Expression

Expression data not available

Associated Images

Images submitted by IMPC centres for a selection of procedures. Each set of images is available to view in our image comparator.

Phenotype associated images not available

Human diseases caused by Polg mutations

The analysis uses data from IMPC, along with published data on other mouse mutants, in comparison to human disease reports in OMIM, Orphanet, and DECIPHER.

Phenotype comparisons summarize the similarity of mouse phenotypes with human disease phenotypes.

The table below shows human diseases associated to Polg by orthology or direct annotation.

Disease Similarity of
Matching phenotypes Source
Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia With Mitochondrial Dna Deletions, Autosomal Dominant 1
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Secondary amenorrhea, Li... OMIM:157640
Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy
Gastroesophageal reflux, Decreased motor nerve conduction velocity, Decreased muscle mass, Foot d... ORPHA:298
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 4B (Mngie Type)
Hearing impairment, Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Slender build, Ragged-red muscle fibers, Gastr... OMIM:613662
Autosomal Dominant Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia
Gastroesophageal reflux, Cerebellar atrophy, Hearing impairment, Quadriceps muscle weakness, Shou... ORPHA:254892
Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy, Dysarthria, And Ophthalmoparesis
Centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers, Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Abnor... OMIM:607459
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 4A (Alpers Type)
Cerebellar atrophy, Tracheomalacia, Cerebral atrophy, Failure to thrive, Cerebral cortical neurod... OMIM:203700
Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia With Mitochondrial Dna Deletions, Autosomal Recessive 1
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Optic atrophy, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Cerebella... OMIM:258450
Autosomal Recessive Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia
Optic atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Hearing impairment, Cerebral atrophy, Hand muscle weakness, Mu... ORPHA:254886
Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy-Dysarthria-Ophthalmoparesis Syndrome
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Atrophy/Degeneration involving the spinal cord, A... ORPHA:70595
Spinocerebellar Ataxia With Epilepsy
Optic atrophy, EEG with occipital epileptiform discharges, Myopathy ORPHA:254881
Recessive Mitochondrial Ataxia Syndrome
Hashimoto thyroiditis, Dysphagia ORPHA:94125
Alpers-Huttenlocher Syndrome

The table below shows human diseases predicted to be associated to Polg by phenotypic similarity.

Disease Similarity of
Matching phenotypes Source
Anemia, Sideroblastic, 4
Sideroblastic anemia, Abnormal erythrocyte morphology OMIM:182170
Hemoglobin D Disease
Reduced beta/alpha synthesis ratio, Reduced hemoglobin A, Imbalanced hemoglobin synthesis, Spleno... ORPHA:90039
Chromosome 5Q Deletion Syndrome
Erythroid hypoplasia, Refractory macrocytic anemia, Anemia of inadequate production OMIM:153550
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 13
Normocytic anemia, Elevated red cell adenosine deaminase activity OMIM:615909
Refractory Anemia
Normocytic anemia, Bone marrow hypocellularity, Anemia of inadequate production, Macrocytic anemi... ORPHA:98826
Anemia, Sideroblastic, 2, Pyridoxine-Refractory
Anemia, Sideroblastic anemia, Decreased mean corpuscular volume, Hypochromia OMIM:205950
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 19
Anemia, Erythroid hypoplasia, Steroid-responsive anemia OMIM:618312
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia-Like
Steroid-responsive anemia, Pure red cell aplasia OMIM:617911
Monosomy 7 Myelodysplasia And Leukemia Syndrome 2
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Pancytopenia, Acute myeloid leuke... OMIM:619041
Myelodysplastic Syndrome Associated With Isolated Del(5Q) Chromosome Abnormality
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Abnormal neutrophil morphology, Leukopenia, Abnormal erythrocyte mor... ORPHA:86841
Atr-16 syndrome
Abnormal erythrocyte morphology DECIPHER:65
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 8
Neutropenia, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Macrocytic anemia OMIM:612563
Monosomy 7 Myelodysplasia And Leukemia Syndrome 1
Acute myeloid leukemia, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Thrombocytopenia OMIM:252270
Intrinsic Factor Deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia, Megaloblastic erythroid hyperplasia, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Inc... OMIM:261000
Intrinsic Factor And R Binder, Combined Congenital Deficiency Of
Megaloblastic anemia OMIM:243320
Transient Erythroblastopenia Of Childhood
Anemia, Transient erythroblastopenia OMIM:227050
Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome 6
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Persistence of hemoglobin F, Lymp... OMIM:618849
Hemoglobin E-Beta-Thalassemia Syndrome
Anemia, Abnormal hemoglobin ORPHA:231249
Hemoglobin-Delta locus
Anemia, Imbalanced hemoglobin synthesis OMIM:142000
Combined Immunodeficiency And Megaloblastic Anemia With Or Without Hyperhomocysteinemia
Hypersegmentation of neutrophil nuclei, Lymphopenia, Pancytopenia, Macrocytic anemia, Anemia of i... OMIM:617780
Anemia, Sideroblastic, 1
Sideroblastic anemia, Hypochromic microcytic anemia, Anemia of inadequate production, Macrocytic ... OMIM:300751
Thrombocytopenia 5
Increased mean corpuscular volume, B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Neutropenia, Thrombocytopenia,... OMIM:616216
Anemia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic, Type Iiib, Autosomal Recessive
Macrocytic dyserythropoietic anemia, Macrocytic anemia OMIM:619789
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 3
Increased mean corpuscular volume, Elevated red cell adenosine deaminase activity, Persistence of... OMIM:610629
Glutamate Formiminotransferase Deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia, Hypersegmentation of neutrophil nuclei OMIM:229100
Hemoglobin E Disease
Increased red blood cell count, Reduced hemoglobin A, Drug-sensitive hemolytic anemia, Splenomega... ORPHA:2133
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 14 With Mandibulofacial Dysostosis
Increased mean corpuscular volume, Elevated red cell adenosine deaminase activity, Persistence of... OMIM:300946
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 17
Anemia OMIM:617409
Bone Marrow Failure And Diabetes Mellitus Syndrome
Pancytopenia, T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias, Increased mean corpuscular volume OMIM:620044
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 4
Erythroid hypoplasia, Reticulocytopenia, Neutropenia, Macrocytic anemia OMIM:612527
Pernicious Anemia
Megaloblastic anemia OMIM:170900
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 5
Erythroid hypoplasia, Leukopenia, Reticulocytopenia, Macrocytic anemia OMIM:612528
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 12
Reticulocytopenia, Normochromic anemia, Macrocytic anemia, Elevated red cell adenosine deaminase ... OMIM:615550
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Due To Foxn1 Deficiency
T lymphocytopenia ORPHA:169095
Beta-Thalassemia, Dominant Inclusion Body Type
Persistence of hemoglobin F, Microcytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Erythrocyte inclusion bodies, Incre... OMIM:603902
Immunodeficiency 24
Lymphopenia, Decreased proportion of memory B cells, Reduced proportion of mucosal-associated inv... OMIM:615897
Partial Chromosome Y Deletion
Decreased testicular size, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Cryptorchidism, Oligozoospermia, Abnormal... ORPHA:1646
Thalassemia, Beta+, Silent Allele
Reduced beta/alpha synthesis ratio OMIM:187550
Ziegler-Huang Syndrome
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Persistence of hemoglobin F, Cryptorchidism, Macrocytic anemia, Elev... OMIM:620501
Folate Malabsorption, Hereditary
Leukopenia, Folate-responsive megaloblastic anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Neutropenia OMIM:229050
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable, 5
Abnormal T cell count, Abnormal B cell count OMIM:613495
Dehydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis 2
Increased mean corpuscular volume, Increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, Thrombocy... OMIM:616689
Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Decreased testicular size, Megaloblastic anemia, Thrombocytopenia OMIM:601815
Fetal Hemoglobin Quantitative Trait Locus 1
Persistence of hemoglobin F OMIM:141749
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 18
Erythroid hypoplasia, Neutropenia, Steroid-responsive anemia OMIM:618310
Spermatogenic Failure 25
Cryptozoospermia, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Decreased testicular size, Spermatocyte maturation... OMIM:617960
Scheuermann Disease
Kyphosis, Morbus Scheuermann OMIM:181440
Isochromosomy Yp
Decreased testicular size, Azoospermia, Ambiguous genitalia, Primary gonadal insufficiency, Male ... ORPHA:98797
Hemoglobin C-Beta-Thalassemia Syndrome
Anemia, Splenomegaly, Microcytic anemia, Abnormal hemoglobin ORPHA:231242
Beta-Thalassemia-X-Linked Thrombocytopenia Syndrome
Anemia, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia, Abnormal hemoglobin ORPHA:231393
Wolfram Syndrome, Mitochondrial Form
Sideroblastic anemia, Neutropenia, Megaloblastic anemia, Thrombocytopenia OMIM:598500
Immunodeficiency-Centromeric Instability-Facial Anomalies Syndrome 4
Abnormal B cell morphology OMIM:616911
Spermatogenic Failure 30
Cryptozoospermia, Azoospermia, Cryptorchidism, Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Male infertility OMIM:618110
Formiminoglutamic Aciduria
Anemia, Megaloblastic anemia ORPHA:51208
Spermatogenic Failure 84
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Short sperm flagella, Bent spe... OMIM:620409
Spermatogenic Failure 65
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Abnormal sperm mid-piece morph... OMIM:619712
Anemia, Microcytic anemia, Abnormal hemoglobin ORPHA:231237
Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia
Anemia, Abnormal hemoglobin, Thrombocytopenia ORPHA:3319
Hemoglobin H Disease
Splenomegaly, Reduced alpha/beta synthesis ratio, Hemolytic anemia, HbH hemoglobin OMIM:613978
Isochromosomy Yq
Varicocele, Decreased testicular size, Azoospermia, Gonadal tissue inappropriate for external gen... ORPHA:98798
Hereditary Persistence Of Fetal Hemoglobin-Beta-Thalassemia Syndrome
Anemia, Splenomegaly, Persistence of hemoglobin F ORPHA:46532
Oslam Syndrome
Abnormality of neutrophils, Increased mean corpuscular volume ORPHA:2760
Spermatogenic Failure 56
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Short sperm flagella, Absent s... OMIM:619515
Anemia, X-Linked, With Or Without Neutropenia And/Or Platelet Abnormalities
Abnormal reticulocyte morphology, Bone marrow hypocellularity, Macrocytic anemia, Anisocytosis, P... OMIM:300835
Spermatogenic Failure 54
Abnormal sperm axoneme morphology, Cryptozoospermia, Tapered sperm head, Short sperm flagella, Ol... OMIM:619379
Cernunnos-Xlf Deficiency
Lymphopenia, Thrombocytopenia, B lymphocytopenia, Anemia, T lymphocytopenia ORPHA:169079
Spermatogenic Failure 50
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Decreased testicular size, Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619145
Spermatogenic Failure, X-Linked, 3
Reduced sperm motility, Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Short sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Abs... OMIM:301059
Hyperbilirubinemia, Shunt, Primary
Erythroid hyperplasia, Splenomegaly, Anemia of inadequate production, Reticulocytosis OMIM:237800
Dehydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis
Cholelithiasis, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Polycythemia, Increased mean corpuscular hemog... ORPHA:3202
Spermatogenic Failure 57
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility, Decreased testi... OMIM:619528
Spermatogenic Failure 51
Absent sperm axoneme central pair complex, Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Microcephalic sperm hea... OMIM:619177
Vitamin B12-Unresponsive Methylmalonic Acidemia
Anemia, Leukopenia, Thrombocytopenia, Macrocytic anemia ORPHA:27
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked 82
Scoliosis, Kyphosis OMIM:300518
Imerslund-Grasbeck Syndrome 1
Megaloblastic anemia OMIM:261100
Thrombocytopenia With Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia
Hypochromic anemia, Cryptorchidism, Anemia of inadequate production, Anisocytosis, Poikilocytosis... ORPHA:67044
Hydrocephalus-Obesity-Hypogonadism Syndrome
Azoospermia, Obesity, Mitral valve prolapse, Low posterior hairline, Sparse facial hair, Short ne... ORPHA:2183
Protoporphyria, Erythropoietic, 2
Iron deficiency anemia OMIM:618015
Combined Cellular And Humoral Immune Defects With Granulomas
T lymphocytopenia, B lymphocytopenia OMIM:233650
Acetophenetidin Sensitivity
Methemoglobinemia, Hemolytic anemia OMIM:200300
Spermatogenic Failure 40
Immotile sperm, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility, C... OMIM:618664
Acquired Idiopathic Sideroblastic Anemia
Normocytic anemia, Bone marrow hypocellularity, Megaloblastic erythroid hyperplasia, Hypochromic ... ORPHA:75564
Spermatogenic Failure 32
Sertoli cell-only phenotype, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:618115
Spermatogenic Failure 71
Sertoli cell-only phenotype, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619831
Spermatogenic Failure 80
Reduced progressive sperm motility, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia,... OMIM:620222
Spermatogenic Failure 76
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Short sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Reduced sperm motility, Abs... OMIM:620084
Spermatogenic Failure 63
Decreased testicular size, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:619689
Methemoglobinemia, Beta Type
Methemoglobinemia OMIM:617971
Methemoglobinemia, Alpha Type
Methemoglobinemia OMIM:617973
Immunodeficiency 19
Abnormal B cell morphology, T lymphocytopenia, Abnormal natural killer cell morphology OMIM:615617
Immunodeficiency 50
Lymphopenia, Neutropenia OMIM:300988
Spermatogenic Failure 39
Tapered sperm head, Short sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Reduced sperm motility, Absent sperm f... OMIM:618643
Dyserythropoiesis, Congenital, With Ultrastructurally Normal Erythroblast Heterochromatin
Poikilocytosis, Oval macrocytosis, Anemia of inadequate production, Anisocytosis OMIM:603529
Immunodeficiency 114, Folate-Responsive
Lymphopenia, Megaloblastic anemia, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia OMIM:620603
Immunodeficiency 73A With Defective Neutrophil Chemotaxis And Leukocytosis
Abnormally low T cell receptor excision circle level, Reduction of neutrophil motility, Rectal ab... OMIM:608203
Spermatogenic Failure 48
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Azoospermia, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619108
Megaloblastic Anemia Due To Dihydrofolate Reductase Deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia, Pancytopenia, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Thrombocytopenia OMIM:613839
Spermatogenic Failure 58
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Immotile sperm, Short sperm fl... OMIM:619585
Anemia, Hypochromic Microcytic, With Iron Overload 1
Anemia, Erythroid hyperplasia, Decreased mean corpuscular volume, Hypochromia OMIM:206100
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia-Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia-Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Lymphopenia, Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Autoimmune thrombocytope... ORPHA:444463
Alpha-Thalassemia-Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Acute leukemia, HbH hemoglobin, Microcytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Neutropenia, Thrombocytopenia ORPHA:231401
Lymphopenic Hypergammaglobulinemia, Antibody Deficiency, Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia, And Glomerulonephritis
Lymphopenia, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Plasmacytosis OMIM:247800
Infantile Liver Failure Syndrome 1
Anemia, Macrocytic anemia OMIM:615438
Immunodeficiency 84
Perianal abscess, Splenomegaly, B lymphocytopenia OMIM:619437
Immunodeficiency, partial combined, with absence of hla determinantsand beta-2-microglobulin from lymphocytes
T lymphocytopenia OMIM:242870
Tn Polyagglutination Syndrome
Abnormal erythrocyte morphology OMIM:300622
Spermatogenic Failure 47
Immotile sperm, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619102
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 18
Macrocytic anemia, Hypersegmentation of neutrophil nuclei OMIM:615578
Immunodeficiency 52
Increased proportion of gamma-delta T cells, Lymphopenia, Abnormal B cell count, Decreased propor... OMIM:617514
Microcephaly, Short Stature, And Impaired Glucose Metabolism 1
Delayed thelarche, Dorsocervical fat pad, Low anterior hairline, Joint hypermobility, Short neck,... OMIM:616033
Immunodeficiency 8 With Lymphoproliferation
Lymphopenia OMIM:615401
Familial Pseudohyperkalemia
Stomatocytosis, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Reticulocytosis, Episodic hemolytic anemia ORPHA:90044
Anemia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic, Type Ib
Erythroid hyperplasia, Splenomegaly, Anemia of inadequate production, Anisocytosis, Reticulocytos... OMIM:615631
Short-Limb Skeletal Dysplasia With Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
Lymphopenia, Hypoplasia of the thymus OMIM:200900
Birk-Aharoni Syndrome
Cryptorchidism, Macrocytic anemia OMIM:620071
Spermatogenic Failure 70
Azoospermia, Reduced sperm motility, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:619828
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group G
Abnormality of chromosome stability, Anemia, Neutropenia, Thrombocytopenia, Leukemia OMIM:614082
Imerslund-Gräsbeck Syndrome
Anisopoikilocytosis, Hypersegmentation of neutrophil nuclei, Pancytopenia, Reticulocytosis, Macro... ORPHA:35858
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 6
Increased mean corpuscular volume, Macrocytic anemia, Persistence of hemoglobin F OMIM:612561
Oliver-Mcfarlane Syndrome
Alopecia, Distal amyotrophy, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Long eyelashe... OMIM:275400
Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome, Type 1
Male hypogonadism, Recurrent otitis media, Nail dystrophy, Premature ovarian insufficiency, Absen... OMIM:618625
Hydrops, Lactic Acidosis, And Sideroblastic Anemia
Increased mean corpuscular volume, Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Sideroblastic anemia, Erythroid ... OMIM:617021
Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia Type Iii
Increased mean corpuscular volume, Abnormal erythrocyte morphology, Anisocytosis, Poikilocytosis,... ORPHA:98870
Spermatogenic Failure 12
Infertility, Azoospermia, Abnormal male germ cell morphology OMIM:615413
Isolated Follicle Stimulating Hormone Deficiency
Decreased serum estradiol, Sparse pubic hair, Male hypogonadism, Decreased serum testosterone con... ORPHA:52901
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 19 With Or Without Anosmia
Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Hearing impairment OMIM:615269
Overhydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis
Abnormal mean corpuscular volume, Stomatocytosis, Hemolytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis... ORPHA:3203
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Infantile Ulcerative Colitis) 31, Autosomal Recessive
Anemia, Leukocytosis OMIM:619398
Spermatogenic Failure 22
Cryptozoospermia, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:617706
Spermatogenic Failure 62
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility, Spermatocyte maturation arrest OMIM:619673
Spermatogenic Failure 61
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility, Spermatocyte maturation arrest OMIM:619672
Spermatogenic Failure 88
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility, Spermatocyte maturation arrest OMIM:620547
Spermatogenic Failure 41
Tapered sperm head, Immotile sperm, Short sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:618670
Immunodeficiency 96
Increased proportion of gamma-delta T cells, Increased mean corpuscular volume OMIM:619774
Spermatogenic Failure 79
Reduced sperm motility, Coiled sperm flagella, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:620196
Anemia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic, Type Ia
Macrocytic dyserythropoietic anemia, Erythroid hyperplasia, Reticulocytosis, Anemia of inadequate... OMIM:224120
Male Infertility Due To Acephalic Spermatozoa
Acephalic spermatozoa, Abnormal sperm mid-piece morphology, Oligozoospermia, Reduced sperm motili... ORPHA:529970
Spermatogenic Failure 59
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619645
Spermatogenic Failure 60
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619646
Spermatogenic Failure 74
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619937
Spermatogenic Failure 73
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619878
Spermatogenic Failure 10
Abnormal sperm morphology, Reduced sperm motility, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:614822
Spermatogenic Failure 11
Male infertility, Abnormal sperm morphology, Oligozoospermia, Reduced sperm motility OMIM:615081
Spermatogenic Failure 1
Cryptozoospermia, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:258150
Sickle Cell Anemia
Splenic infarction, Cholelithiasis, Hypochromic anemia, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Pigmen... ORPHA:232
Anemia, Sideroblastic, 5
Reduced hematocrit, Hypochromic microcytic anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Anemia, Neutropenia OMIM:619523
Familial Hyperprolactinemia
Osteopenia, Female hypogonadism, Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst, Amenorrhea, Oligomenorrhea, Osteoporos... ORPHA:397685
Premature Ovarian Failure 2B
Female infertility, Premature ovarian insufficiency, Delayed puberty, Primary amenorrhea, Osteopo... OMIM:300604
Normosmic Congenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Sparse body hair, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Absence of pubertal development, Cryptorchidism, I... ORPHA:432
Methylmalonic Aciduria And Homocystinuria, Cbld Type
Megaloblastic anemia, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Decreased methylmalonyl-CoA mutase activity OMIM:277410
Homocystinuria-Megaloblastic Anemia, Cble Complementation Type
Normocytic anemia, Megaloblastic anemia OMIM:236270
Spermatogenic Failure 8
Cryptozoospermia, Azoospermia, Oligozoospermia OMIM:613957
Male Infertility With Azoospermia Or Oligozoospermia Due To Single Gene Mutation
Obstructive azoospermia, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Decreased testicular size, Azoospermia, Abn... ORPHA:399805
Flynn-Aird Syndrome
Alopecia, Progressive sensorineural hearing impairment, Joint stiffness, Increased bone density w... OMIM:136300
Agammaglobulinemia 8A, Autosomal Dominant
B lymphocytopenia OMIM:616941
Ataxia-Pancytopenia Syndrome
Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, Pancytopenia, Thrombocytopenia, Neutropenia, Anemia, Hypoplastic a... OMIM:159550
Immunodeficiency 76
Lymphopenia, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, B lymphocytopenia, T lymphocytopenia OMIM:619164
Spermatogenic Failure 7
Immotile sperm, Reduced sperm motility, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:612997
Majeed Syndrome
Microcytic anemia, Hepatosplenomegaly, Erythroid hyperplasia, Anemia of inadequate production, De... OMIM:609628
Myopathy, Lactic Acidosis, And Sideroblastic Anemia 1
Hypochromic anemia, Failure to thrive, Generalized limb muscle atrophy, Microcytic anemia, Sidero... OMIM:600462
Isolated Glycerol Kinase Deficiency
Adrenocortical hypoplasia, Cryptorchidism, Myopathy, Hyperlordosis, EEG abnormality, Osteoporosis... ORPHA:408
Refractory Celiac Disease
Normocytic anemia, Microcytic anemia, Abnormal spleen physiology, Macrocytic anemia, Increased pr... ORPHA:398063
Thiamine-Responsive Megaloblastic Anemia Syndrome
Megaloblastic anemia, Thrombocytopenia ORPHA:49827
Immunodeficiency 15A
Decreased proportion of CD8-positive T cells, Decreased proportion of memory B cells, Decreased p... OMIM:618204
Anemia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic, Type Ii
Cholelithiasis, Splenomegaly, Anemia of inadequate production, Reticulocytosis OMIM:224100
Cyanosis, Transient Neonatal
Anemia, Methemoglobinemia, Reticulocytosis OMIM:613977
Megaloblastic Anemia, Folate-Responsive
Folate-responsive megaloblastic anemia, Episodic hemolytic anemia, Schistocytosis, Hypersegmentat... OMIM:601775
Combined Immunodeficiency, X-Linked
Abnormal T cell count, Decreased proportion of CD8-positive T cells, Decreased proportion of CD4-... OMIM:312863
Immunodeficiency 18
Reduced natural killer cell count, Lymphopenia, Abnormal B cell count, Decreased proportion of CD... OMIM:615615
Overhydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis
Stomatocytosis, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Hemolytic anemia OMIM:185000
Hemochromatosis, Type 1
Alopecia, Cardiomyopathy, Azoospermia, Splenomegaly, Cardiomegaly, Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism,... OMIM:235200
Ring Chromosome Y Syndrome
Male hypogonadism, Female infertility, Abnormality of the male genitalia, Bifid scrotum, Gonadal ... ORPHA:261529
Neutropenia, Severe Congenital, 2, Autosomal Dominant
B lymphocytopenia, Neutropenia, Monocytosis OMIM:613107
Warburg Micro Syndrome 1
Low-set ears, Optic atrophy, Facial hypertrichosis, Failure to thrive, Cerebral atrophy, Hypertri... OMIM:600118
Immunodeficiency 21
Reduced natural killer cell count, Aplastic anemia, Lymphopenia, Anemia, Neutropenia, B lymphocyt... OMIM:614172
Hemochromatosis, Type 2A
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Cardiomyopathy, Azoospermia, Splenomegaly, Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism,... OMIM:602390
Hypochromic anemia OMIM:209300
Spermatogenic Failure 29
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Immotile sperm, Male infertility OMIM:618091
Reticular Dysgenesis
Lymphopenia, Leukopenia, Congenital agranulocytosis, Hypoplasia of the thymus OMIM:267500
Alpha-Thalassemia Myelodysplasia Syndrome
Reduced alpha/beta synthesis ratio, HbH hemoglobin, Hypochromic microcytic anemia OMIM:300448
Immunodeficiency 105
Reduced natural killer cell count, Absence of lymph node germinal center, Lymphopenia, Hepatosple... OMIM:619924
Alopecia-Intellectual Disability-Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism Syndrome
Alopecia totalis, Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism ORPHA:1014
Primary Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism-Partial Alopecia Syndrome
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Streak ovary, Cryptorchidism, Aplasia of the ovary, Primary amenorrh... ORPHA:2232
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
Abnormal vertebral morphology, Synostosis of joints, Alopecia, Limitation of joint mobility, Fail... ORPHA:337
Diaphragmatic Defects, Limb Deficiencies, And Ossification Defects Of Skull
Low-set ears, Intestinal malrotation, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Decreased skull ossificati... OMIM:601163
Barth Syndrome
Abnormal mitochondrial morphology, Abnormality of neutrophils, Endocardial fibroelastosis, Dilate... ORPHA:111
Young Syndrome
Obstructive azoospermia, Decreased fertility ORPHA:3471
Cystic Fibrosis-Gastritis-Megaloblastic Anemia Syndrome
Folate-unresponsive megaloblastic anemia, Abnormal erythrocyte morphology, Megaloblastic anemia ORPHA:2575
Immunodeficiency 73C With Defective Neutrophil Chemotaxis And Hypogammaglobulinemia
Abnormally low T cell receptor excision circle level, Cervical lymphadenopathy, B lymphocytopenia OMIM:618987
Forsythe-Wakeling Syndrome
Low-set ears, Decreased body weight, Thrombocytopenia, Osteoporosis, Macrotia OMIM:613606
Spermatogenic Failure 52
Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619202
Spermatogenic Failure 23
Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:617707
Spermatogenic Failure 4
Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:270960
Spermatogenic Failure, Y-Linked, 2
Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:415000
Mitochondrial Complex Iv Deficiency, Nuclear Type 3
Splenomegaly, Macrocytic anemia OMIM:619046
Anemia, Hypochromic Microcytic, With Iron Overload 2
Sideroblastic anemia, Splenomegaly, Hypochromia, Poikilocytosis, Anemia, Decreased mean corpuscul... OMIM:615234
Deafness-Infertility Syndrome
Azoospermia, Male infertility ORPHA:94064
Ataxia-Pancytopenia Syndrome
Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, Pancytopenia, Abnormal macrophage morphology, Splenomegaly, Hypopl... ORPHA:2585
Spermatogenic Failure 64
Abnormal sperm head morphology, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Male infertility, Oligozoospe... OMIM:619696
Hypogonadism With Low-Grade Mental Deficiency And Microcephaly
Male hypogonadism, Azoospermia OMIM:241000
Methylcobalamin Deficiency Type Cble
Macrocytic anemia, Pancytopenia, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Neutropenia ORPHA:2169
Wolfram Syndrome 1
Optic atrophy, Pigmentary retinopathy, Hearing impairment, Cerebral atrophy, Sideroblastic anemia... OMIM:222300
Eosinophilia, Familial
Anemia, Eosinophilia, Leukocytosis, Thrombocytopenia OMIM:131400
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 15 With Mandibulofacial Dysostosis
Granulocytopenia, Macrocytic anemia OMIM:606164
Diaph1-Related Sensorineural Hearing Loss-Thrombocytopenia Syndrome
Thrombocytopenia, Iron deficiency anemia, Neutropenia, Increased mean platelet volume ORPHA:494444
Hereditary Persistence Of Fetal Hemoglobin-Sickle Cell Disease Syndrome
Splenic infarction, Persistence of hemoglobin F, Increased red cell sickling tendency, Reticulocy... ORPHA:251380
Rh Deficiency Syndrome
Stomatocytosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Macrocytic anemia, Anisocytosis, Spherocytos... ORPHA:71275
T-Cell Lymphopenia, Infantile, With Or Without Nail Dystrophy, Autosomal Dominant
Abnormally low T cell receptor excision circle level, T lymphocytopenia OMIM:618806
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Type 4B1
Abnormal auditory evoked potentials, Decreased motor nerve conduction velocity, Distal amyotrophy... OMIM:601382
Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome 2
Anemia, Bone marrow hypocellularity, Leukopenia, Thrombocytopenia OMIM:615715
T-Cell Immunodeficiency, Congenital Alopecia, And Nail Dystrophy
T lymphocytopenia, Decreased helper T cell proportion OMIM:601705
Thiamine-Responsive Megaloblastic Anemia Syndrome
Sideroblastic anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Cryptorchidism, Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia OMIM:249270
Splenomegaly Syndrome With Splenic Germinal Center Hypoplasia And Reduced Circulating T Helper Cells
Decreased helper T cell proportion, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Hypersplenism OMIM:183350
Winchester Syndrome
Carpal osteolysis, Osteolysis involving tarsal bones, Hirsutism, Generalized osteoporosis, Kyphosis OMIM:277950
Immunodeficiency 99 With Hypogammaglobulinemia And Autoimmune Cytopenias
Decreased proportion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, Lymphopenia, Follicular hyperplasia, Decrea... OMIM:619846
Immunodeficiency 112
Reduced natural killer cell count, Increased T cell count, Decreased proportion of class-switched... OMIM:620449
Trichomegaly-Retina Pigmentary Degeneration-Dwarfism Syndrome
Alopecia, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Hypogonadism, Long eyelashes, Cr... ORPHA:3363
Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism-Cataract Syndrome
Secondary growth hormone deficiency, Absence of secondary sex characteristics, Decreased fertilit... ORPHA:2410
Aarskog-Scott Syndrome
Elevated circulating luteinizing hormone level, Hypoplasia of the odontoid process, Cervical spin... OMIM:305400
Anemia, Sideroblastic, 3, Pyridoxine-Refractory
Hepatosplenomegaly, Erythroid hyperplasia, Splenomegaly, Anisocytosis, Hypochromia, Anemia, Decre... OMIM:616860
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Dominant 1
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Aplastic anemia, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Lymphopenia, Leu... OMIM:127550
Osteoporosis-Oculocutaneous Hypopigmentation Syndrome
Platyspondyly, Hypopigmentation of the skin, Albinism, Osteoporosis, Hypopigmentation of hair, Ky... ORPHA:2786
Mu-Heavy Chain Disease
Anemia, Abnormal B cell count, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy ORPHA:100024
Reticuloendotheliosis, X-Linked
Anemia, Hepatosplenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy OMIM:312500
Transcobalamin Deficiency
Abnormality of chromosome stability, Lymphopenia, Pancytopenia, Thrombocytopenia, Neutropenia ORPHA:859
Acute Erythroid Leukemia
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Pancytopenia, Leukopenia, Erythroid hypoplasia, Anemia ORPHA:318
Transcobalamin Ii Deficiency
Pancytopenia, Macrocytic anemia, Erythroid hypoplasia, Reticulocytopenia, Neutropenia, Anemia OMIM:275350
Extensor Tendons Of Finger Anomalies
Limitation of joint mobility, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Camptodactyly of finger, Multiple lipomas,... ORPHA:3294
Breath-Holding Spells
Iron deficiency anemia OMIM:607578
Combined Immunodeficiency Due To Partial Rag1 Deficiency
Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Neutropenia in presence of anti-neutropil antibodies, ... ORPHA:231154
Pancreatic Colipase Deficiency
Cholelithiasis, Megaloblastic anemia ORPHA:309108
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 38
Failure to thrive, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Decreased activity of mitochondrial ATP synthase ... OMIM:618378
22q11 deletion syndrome (Velocardiofacial / DiGeorge syndrome)
T lymphocytopenia DECIPHER:16
Autoinflammation With Episodic Fever And Lymphadenopathy
Microcytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy OMIM:618852
Refractory Anemia With Excess Blasts
Abnormal mean corpuscular volume, Bone marrow hypocellularity, Leukocytosis, Anemia of inadequate... ORPHA:86839
Isobutyryl-Coa Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Anemia OMIM:611283
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Axonal, Autosomal Recessive, Type 2A2B
Optic atrophy, Hearing impairment, Foot dorsiflexor weakness, Lower limb amyotrophy, Optic disc p... OMIM:617087
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 11
Failure to thrive, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Myopathy, Decreased activity of mitochondrial com... OMIM:618234
Lecithin:Cholesterol Acyltransferase Deficiency
Hemolytic anemia, Normochromic anemia OMIM:245900
Immunodeficiency 103, Susceptibility To Fungal Infections
Hypereosinophilia, Abnormal B cell count, Abnormal proportion of CD8-positive T cells, Abnormal p... OMIM:212050
Immunodeficiency 62
Decreased proportion of memory B cells, Autoimmune thrombocytopenia, Increased proportion of tran... OMIM:618459
Agammaglobulinemia 3, Autosomal Recessive
Absent circulating B cells, Neutropenia, Abnormal T cell morphology OMIM:613501
Symptomatic Form Of Hfe-Related Hemochromatosis
Decreased muscle mass, Decreased serum testosterone concentration, Infertility, Joint stiffness, ... ORPHA:465508
Immunodeficiency 95
Lymphopenia OMIM:619773
Immunodeficiency 13
Lymphopenia, Decreased CD4:CD8 ratio, Decreased proportion of CD4-positive helper T cells, B lymp... OMIM:615518
Orotic Aciduria
Folate-unresponsive megaloblastic anemia, Anisocytosis, Hypochromia, Poikilocytosis, Pyrimidine-r... OMIM:258900
Spermatogenic Failure 81
Acrosomal hypoplasia, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:620277
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Hypotonia, Neuropathy, And Deafness
Ankle flexion contracture, Distal amyotrophy, Gastroesophageal reflux, Sensorineural hearing impa... OMIM:617519
Anemia ORPHA:655
Maternal Uniparental Disomy Of Chromosome X
Camptodactyly of finger, Azoospermia, Low posterior hairline, Short neck, Ambiguous genitalia, Fl... ORPHA:261519
Homocystinuria-Megaloblastic Anemia, Cblg Complementation Type
Megaloblastic anemia, Neutropenia OMIM:250940
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 23 With Or Without Anosmia
Sparse pubic hair, Decreased circulating dihydrotestosterone concentration, Male hypogonadism, Ab... OMIM:228300
Hereditary Folate Malabsorption
Eosinophilia, Pancytopenia, Megaloblastic anemia, Thrombocytopenia ORPHA:90045
Familial Peripheral Male-Limited Precocious Puberty
Precocious puberty, Long penis, Abnormal hair morphology, Oligozoospermia, Macroorchidism, Male i... ORPHA:3000
Immunodeficiency 14A With Lymphoproliferation, Autosomal Dominant
Splenomegaly, Decreased proportion of class-switched memory B cells, Increased proportion of tran... OMIM:615513
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable, 13
Pancytopenia, Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, B lymphocytopenia OMIM:616873
Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia
Lymphopenia, Macrocytic anemia, Impaired lymphocyte transformation with phytohemagglutinin, Conge... OMIM:250250
Parastremmatic Dwarfism
Short neck, Scoliosis, Kyphosis OMIM:168400
Pulmonary Hemosiderosis
Iron deficiency anemia OMIM:178550
Myalgia-Eosinophilia Syndrome Associated With Tryptophan
Lymphopenia, Eosinophilia ORPHA:2582
Auditory Neuropathy, Autosomal Dominant 1
Abnormal auditory evoked potentials, Absence of acoustic reflex, Abnormal speech discrimination, ... OMIM:609129
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 7
Macrocytic anemia, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Neutropenia OMIM:612562
Moynahan Syndrome
Hypogonadism, Alopecia, Sparse hair, Cachexia ORPHA:2574
Hypotrichosis Simplex
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Sparse body hair, Sparse eyelashes, Sparse hair, Sparse scalp hair ORPHA:55654
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iik
Low-set ears, Failure to thrive, Kyphoscoliosis, Joint hypermobility, Thrombocytopenia, Osteoporo... OMIM:614727
Anemia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic, Type Iiia
Macrocytic anemia, Congenital hypoplastic anemia, Anemia of inadequate production OMIM:105600
Myasthenic Syndrome, Congenital, 25, Presynaptic
Generalized amyotrophy, Decreased compound muscle action potential amplitude, Myopathy, Joint hyp... OMIM:618323
Elliptocytosis 3
Decreased mean corpuscular volume, Pyropoikilocytosis, Chronic hemolytic anemia, Elliptocytosis OMIM:617948
Spermatogenic Failure 77
Abnormal circulating testosterone concentration, Azoospermia, Multiflagellar spermatozoa, Cryptor... OMIM:620103
Functioning Gonadotropic Adenoma
Ovarian cyst, Oligozoospermia, Osteopenia, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test,... ORPHA:91348
Morbid Obesity And Spermatogenic Failure
Azoospermia, Obesity, Type II diabetes mellitus, Oligozoospermia, Infertility OMIM:615703
Sclerotic vertebral body, Scoliosis, Abnormal form of the vertebral bodies, Kyphosis ORPHA:2777
Spermatogenic Failure 2
Abnormal circulating testosterone concentration, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Azoospermia, Abnorm... OMIM:108420
Imerslund-Grasbeck Syndrome 2
Anemia, Megaloblastic anemia OMIM:618882
Protoporphyria, Erythropoietic, X-Linked
Cholelithiasis, Iron deficiency anemia OMIM:300752
Myotonic Dystrophy 1
Cholelithiasis, Frontal balding, Cerebral atrophy, Hypogonadism, Facial diplegia, Testicular atro... OMIM:160900
Pulmonary Fibrosis And/Or Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome, Telomere-Related, 8
Increased mean corpuscular volume, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia OMIM:620367
Crandall Syndrome
Alopecia, Fine hair, Sparse body hair, Hypogonadism, Brittle hair, Pili torti, Abnormal testis mo... ORPHA:202
Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome 3
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Chromosome breakage, Aplastic anemia, Increased mean corpuscular vol... OMIM:617052
Hypotrichosis 4
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Sparse body hair, Sparse eyelashes, Uncombable hair, Sparse scalp hair OMIM:146550
Chondroectodermal Dysplasia With Night Blindness
Platyspondyly, Osteopenia, Hyperconvex toenail, Fractures of the long bones, Abnormal hair morpho... ORPHA:319195
Congenital Cataracts-Facial Dysmorphism-Neuropathy Syndrome
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Abnormality of peripheral nerve conduction, Abnormality of the cervica... ORPHA:48431
Anemia, Splenomegaly, Neutropenia OMIM:602079
Horizontal Gaze Palsy With Progressive Scoliosis
Short neck, Scoliosis, Kyphosis ORPHA:2744
Alopecia Areata 2
Alopecia universalis, Patchy alopecia, Alopecia of scalp, Alopecia totalis OMIM:610753
Alopecia Areata 1
Alopecia universalis, Alopecia totalis, Patchy alopecia, Trachyonychia, Nail pits OMIM:104000
Deleted in azoospermia
Azoospermia OMIM:400003
Neutropenia, Severe Congenital, 10, Autosomal Recessive
Anorectal abscess, Monocytosis, Thrombocytopenia, Neutropenia, Anemia OMIM:620534
Cortisone Reductase Deficiency 1
Precocious puberty, Alopecia, Obesity, Hirsutism, Oligomenorrhea, Infertility OMIM:604931
Alopecia Universalis Congenita
Alopecia universalis, Absent eyelashes, Absent eyebrow, Absent pubic hair, Absent axillary hair OMIM:203655
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 1 With Or Without Anosmia
Small scrotum, Sparse pubic hair, Decreased serum testosterone concentration, Decreased testicula... OMIM:308700
Spermatogenic Failure, X-Linked, 2
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Azoospermia, Testicular atrophy, Male infertility OMIM:309120
Thrombocytopenia, X-Linked, With Or Without Dyserythropoietic Anemia
Acanthocytosis, Congenital thrombocytopenia, Anemia of inadequate production, Poikilocytosis OMIM:300367
Pyogenic Sterile Arthritis, Pyoderma Gangrenosum, And Acne
Microcytic anemia, Hepatosplenomegaly, Pancytopenia, Sterile abscess, Thrombocytosis OMIM:604416
Autosomal Dominant Mitochondrial Myopathy With Exercise Intolerance
Proximal muscle weakness in lower limbs, Proximal muscle weakness in upper limbs, Increased mitoc... ORPHA:457050
Kallmann Syndrome With Spastic Paraplegia
Sparse pubic hair, Hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency, Eunuchoid habitus, Cry... OMIM:308750
Ring Chromosome 21 Syndrome
Thoracic hemivertebrae, Abnormal heart morphology, Azoospermia, Amenorrhea, Fused thoracic verteb... ORPHA:1445
Immunodeficiency 75 With Lymphoproliferation
Hepatosplenomegaly, Decreased proportion of class-switched memory B cells, Follicular hyperplasia... OMIM:619126
Spastic Paraplegia 18B, Autosomal Recessive
Skeletal muscle atrophy, Lower limb muscle weakness, Joint contracture, High palate, Scoliosis, K... OMIM:611225
Cerebrooculofacioskeletal Syndrome 1
Joint contracture of the hand, Small for gestational age, Cerebellar atrophy, Failure to thrive, ... OMIM:214150
Odonto-Onycho Dysplasia-Alopecia Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Sparse body hair, Abnormal fingernail morphology, Hypoplastic toenails,... ORPHA:2722
Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome 5
Oral leukoplakia, Hypogonadism, Nail dystrophy, Reticular hyperpigmentation, Erythroid hypoplasia... OMIM:618165
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 21 With Or Without Anosmia
Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Delayed puberty, Hearing impairment OMIM:615271
Immunodeficiency 48
Impaired lymphocyte transformation with phytohemagglutinin, Abnormal B cell count, Splenomegaly, ... OMIM:269840
Hemolytic Anemia, Nonspherocytic, Due To Hexokinase Deficiency
Normocytic anemia, Cholelithiasis, Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia... OMIM:235700
Male Infertility With Teratozoospermia Due To Single Gene Mutation
Decreased testicular size, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Globozoospermia, Abnormal spermatogenesis... ORPHA:399808
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, Familial, 3
Anemia, Hepatosplenomegaly, Hemophagocytosis, Granulocytopenia OMIM:608898
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 51
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Situs inversus totalis, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Short ... OMIM:620438
Mandibular Hypoplasia, Deafness, Progeroid Features, And Lipodystrophy Syndrome
Male hypogonadism, Cryptorchidism, Lipodystrophy, Loss of subcutaneous adipose tissue in limbs, J... OMIM:615381
Retinitis Pigmentosa And Erythrocytic Microcytosis
Leukopenia, Elliptocytosis, Anisocytosis, Hypochromia, Poikilocytosis, Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, ... OMIM:616959
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
Chronic noninfectious lymphadenopathy, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Follicular hype... OMIM:601859
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Dominant 3
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Aplastic anemia, Pancytopenia, Leukopenia, Cryptorchidism, Macrocyti... OMIM:613990
Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemia
Anemia, Eosinophilia, Leukocytosis, Thrombocytopenia ORPHA:517
Reducing Body Myopathy, X-Linked 1B, With Late Childhood Or Adult Onset
Rimmed vacuoles, Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Muscle f... OMIM:300718
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 4 With Or Without Anosmia
Absence of pubertal development, Decreased testicular size, Obesity, Cryptorchidism, Hypogonadotr... OMIM:610628
Anemia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic, Type Iv
Increased RBC distribution width, Persistence of hemoglobin F, Hepatosplenomegaly, Reduced hemato... OMIM:613673
Alopecia, Neurologic Defects, And Endocrinopathy Syndrome
Small pituitary gland, Alopecia, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Central adrenal insufficiency, Reduced ... OMIM:612079
Deafness, Autosomal Recessive 9
Absent brainstem auditory responses, Absence of acoustic reflex, Sensorineural hearing impairment OMIM:601071
Alopecia-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse body hair, Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the eyebrow, Fl... ORPHA:2850
Kennedy Disease
Skeletal muscle atrophy, Decreased fertility, Type II diabetes mellitus, Testicular atrophy, Erec... ORPHA:481
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable, 3
Decreased proportion of class-switched memory B cells, Abnormal T cell count, Abnormal B cell count OMIM:613493
Renal Tubular Acidosis, Distal, 4, With Hemolytic Anemia
Hepatosplenomegaly, Decreased mean corpuscular volume, Hemolytic anemia, Reticulocytosis OMIM:611590
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 8 With Or Without Anosmia
Osteopenia, Absence of pubertal development, Azoospermia, Decreased testicular size, Cryptorchidi... OMIM:614837
Reduced alpha/beta synthesis ratio, Hypochromic microcytic anemia OMIM:604131
Reduced beta/alpha synthesis ratio, Hypochromic microcytic anemia OMIM:613985
Immunodeficiency 104
T lymphocytopenia, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy OMIM:608971
Ovalocytosis, Hereditary Hemolytic, With Defective Erythropoiesis
Hemolytic anemia, Anemia of inadequate production, Elliptocytosis OMIM:166910
Abcd Syndrome
Abnormal auditory evoked potentials, Polycythemia, Hearing impairment, Large for gestational age,... OMIM:600501
Agammaglobulinemia 2, Autosomal Recessive
Absent circulating B cells, Abnormal T cell morphology OMIM:613500
Microcephalic Primordial Dwarfism, Montreal Type
Premature graying of hair, Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears, Congenital pyloric atresia, Reduced... ORPHA:2617
Dna2-Related Mitochondrial Dna Deletion Syndrome
Slender build, Decreased mitochondrial number, Multiple joint contractures, Myopathy, Limb-girdle... ORPHA:352470
Neuronopathy, Distal Hereditary Motor, Autosomal Dominant 8
Distal amyotrophy, Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, Elbow flexion contracture, Nonprogressive ... OMIM:600175
Ovarian Dysgenesis 1
Primary amenorrhea, Osteoporosis, Increased circulating gonadotropin level, Gonadal dysgenesis OMIM:233300
Periodic Fever, Immunodeficiency, And Thrombocytopenia Syndrome
Abnormal CD4:CD8 ratio, Splenomegaly, Abscess, Lymphadenopathy, Neutropenia, B lymphocytopenia, I... OMIM:150550
Immunodeficiency 102
Reduced natural killer cell count, Increased proportion of CD8-positive, alpha-beta TEMRA T cells... OMIM:301082
Deafness, Autosomal Recessive 104
Absent brainstem auditory responses, Prelingual sensorineural hearing impairment, Abnormal vestib... OMIM:616515
Perrault Syndrome 1
Cerebellar atrophy, Gonadal dysgenesis, Sensorineural hearing impairment, Primary amenorrhea, Inc... OMIM:233400
Ruijs-Aalfs Syndrome
Skeletal muscle atrophy, Premature graying of hair, Elbow flexion contracture, Hypogonadism, Decr... OMIM:616200
Erythroleukemia, Familial, Susceptibility To
Erythroid hyperplasia, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Acute myeloid leukemia, Thrombocytopenia, Leukemia OMIM:133180
Iron-Refractory Iron Deficiency Anemia
Poikilocytosis, Hypochromic microcytic anemia, Anisocytosis OMIM:206200
46,Xy Partial Gonadal Dysgenesis
Elevated circulating luteinizing hormone level, Clitoral hypertrophy, Abnormal vagina morphology,... ORPHA:251510
Hypotrichosis 11
Alopecia universalis, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the eyebrow, Sparse or absent eyelashes, Absent axill... OMIM:615059
Hjv Or Hamp-Related Hemochromatosis
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Abnormality of endocrine pancreas physiology, Hypogonadism, Osteoporosis,... ORPHA:79230
Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome
Low-set ears, Osteopenia, Failure to thrive, Progressive flexion contractures, Osteoporosis, Flex... OMIM:228600
Neutropenia, Severe Congenital, 1, Autosomal Dominant
Acute monocytic leukemia, Congenital agranulocytosis, Thrombocytosis, Eosinophilia, Neutropenia, ... OMIM:202700
Spinal And Bulbar Muscular Atrophy, X-Linked 1
Decreased fertility, Limb muscle weakness, Calf muscle hypertrophy, Testicular atrophy, Dysphagia OMIM:313200
Cholelithiasis, Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Microcytic anemia, Hemoglobin Barts, Hepatosplenome... ORPHA:846
Neutropenia, Severe Congenital, 5, Autosomal Recessive
Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Leukopenia, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia, Neutropenia, Anemia OMIM:615285
Spermatogenic Failure 38
Abnormal axonemal organization of respiratory motile cilia, Reduced sperm motility, Tapered sperm... OMIM:618433
Vexas Syndrome
Thrombocytopenia, Macrocytic anemia OMIM:301054
Agammaglobulinemia 8B, Autosomal Recessive
B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Increased proportion of effector memo... OMIM:619824
Autoinflammatory Syndrome, Familial, Behcet-Like 1
Lymphopenia, Hemolytic anemia, Thrombocytopenia OMIM:616744
Vascular Malformation, Primary Intraosseous
Hypochromic anemia OMIM:606893
Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia With Mitochondrial Dna Deletions, Autosomal Dominant 1
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Secondary amenorrhea, Li... OMIM:157640
Tietz Syndrome
Hypopigmentation of the skin, Hearing impairment, White eyebrow, Abnormality of skin pigmentation... ORPHA:42665
Urban-Rogers-Meyer Syndrome
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the earlobes, Camptodactyly of finger, Increased circulating IgE level, Hyp... ORPHA:3409
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome Type 2
Aplasia/hypoplasia of the uterus, Azoospermia, Vertebral segmentation defect, Low posterior hairl... ORPHA:2578
Graham Little-Piccardi-Lassueur Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse axillary hair, Sparse pubic hair, Sparse scalp hair ORPHA:505
Immunodeficiency 109 With Lymphoproliferation
Pancytopenia, Absent circulating B cells, Splenomegaly, Generalized lymphadenopathy OMIM:620282
Flynn-Aird Syndrome
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Alopecia, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Progressive sensorineural hearing i... ORPHA:2047
46,Xy Difference Of Sex Development Due To Isolated 17,20-Lyase Deficiency
Elevated circulating luteinizing hormone level, Sparse body hair, Decreased fertility, Cryptorchi... ORPHA:90796
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 24 With Or Without Anosmia
Elevated circulating luteinizing hormone level, Decreased muscle mass, Hypogonadism, Decreased te... OMIM:229070
Acute Monoblastic/Monocytic Leukemia
Hypochromic anemia, Acute monocytic leukemia, Cervical lymphadenopathy, Leukocytosis, Lymphocytos... ORPHA:514
Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia, Familial, 7
Hypoglycemic seizures, Hyperinsulinemia, Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, Hypoglycemia OMIM:610021
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Recessive 2
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Oral leukoplakia, Pancytopenia, Nail dystrophy, Thrombocytopenia, Te... OMIM:613987
Intrauterine Growth Retardation With Increased Mitomycin C Sensitivity
Pancytopenia, Abnormality of chromosome stability OMIM:600546
Classic Galactosemia
Cryptorchidism, Hepatomegaly, Abnormal erythrocyte enzyme concentration or activity, Decreased fe... ORPHA:79239
Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy, Classic Form
Macrocytic anemia ORPHA:98673
Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome
Normocytic anemia, Bone marrow hypocellularity, Aplastic anemia, Increased mean corpuscular volum... ORPHA:811
Triosephosphate Isomerase Deficiency
Normocytic anemia, Cholelithiasis, Splenomegaly, Macrocytic anemia, Hemolytic anemia, Chronic hem... OMIM:615512
Agammaglobulinemia 10, Autosomal Dominant
Transient neutropenia, Absent circulating B cells OMIM:619707
Hypogonadism, Male
Testicular atrophy, Hypospadias, Male hypogonadism, Micropenis OMIM:241100
49,Xyyyy Syndrome
Male hypogonadism, Abnormality of the testis size, Decreased serum testosterone concentration, De... ORPHA:99330
Agammaglobulinemia 7, Autosomal Recessive
Reduced natural killer cell count, Neutropenia, Abnormal T cell morphology OMIM:615214
Moyamoya Angiopathy-Short Stature-Facial Dysmorphism-Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism Syndrome
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Premature graying of hair, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulati... ORPHA:280679
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 9
Anemia OMIM:613308
Acromesomelic Dysplasia, Maroteaux Type
Vertebral wedging, Abnormal form of the vertebral bodies, Beaking of vertebral bodies, Hyperlordo... ORPHA:40
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 10
Anemia, Steroid-responsive anemia, Reticulocytopenia, Macrocytic anemia OMIM:613309
Celiac Disease, Susceptibility To, 1
Alopecia, Type I diabetes mellitus, Rickets, Failure to thrive, Macrocytic anemia, Iron deficienc... OMIM:212750
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 16
Anemia OMIM:617408
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 32
Testicular atrophy, Infertility, Azoospermia OMIM:613909
Schwartz-Jampel Syndrome, Type 1
Low-set ears, Joint contracture of the hand, Hip contracture, Generalized hirsutism, Short neck, ... OMIM:255800
Immunodeficiency 14B, Autosomal Recessive
Neutrophilia, Thrombocytosis, Leukocytosis, B lymphocytopenia, Monocytosis OMIM:619281
Cholelithiasis, Microcytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Abnormal hemoglobin, Thrombocytopenia, Anemia ORPHA:848
Omenn Syndrome
Splenomegaly, Hypoplasia of the thymus, Eosinophilia, Anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Thrombocytopenia, ... OMIM:603554
Cantu Syndrome
Platyspondyly, Congenital hypertrophy of left ventricle, Umbilical hernia, Long eyelashes, Curly ... OMIM:239850
X-Linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 1
Abnormal nerve conduction velocity, Hearing impairment, Distal lower limb amyotrophy, Distal uppe... ORPHA:101075
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 32
Testicular atrophy, Azoospermia, Cerebellar atrophy, Male infertility ORPHA:276183
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, Type Iia
Chronic noninfectious lymphadenopathy, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Follicular hype... OMIM:603909
Hidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia
Generalized hypotrichosis, Alopecia, Sparse pubic hair, Brittle scalp hair, Small nail, Hearing i... ORPHA:189
Hemochromatosis, Type 3
Anemia, Lymphopenia, Neutropenia OMIM:604250
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Due To Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency
Lymphopenia, T lymphocytopenia, Absence of lymph node germinal center, B lymphocytopenia ORPHA:277
X-Linked Intellectual Disability-Dysmorphism-Cerebral Atrophy Syndrome
Low-set ears, Osteoporosis, Cryptorchidism, Cerebral atrophy ORPHA:2958
48,Xxyy Syndrome
Abnormal dental enamel morphology, Decreased testicular size, Azoospermia, Obesity, Type II diabe... ORPHA:10
Ectodermal Dysplasia 6, Hair/Nail Type
Alopecia, Sparse hair, Thin toenail, Dystrophic toenail OMIM:614928
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, Autosomal Recessive, T Cell-Negative, B Cell-Negative, Nk Cell-Positive
T lymphocytopenia, B lymphocytopenia OMIM:601457
Immunodeficiency 68
Lymphadenitis, Abscess, B lymphocytopenia, Abnormal natural killer cell count, T lymphocytopenia OMIM:612260
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia
Macrocytic dyserythropoietic anemia, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Persistence of hemoglobin... ORPHA:124
Immunodeficiency 44
Lymphopenia OMIM:616636
X-Linked Intellectual Disability, Snyder Type
Low-set ears, Decreased muscle mass, Cryptorchidism, High palate, Hypospadias, Patchy hypo- and h... ORPHA:3063
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type Xiii
Platyspondyly, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Hearing impairment, Increased bone mineral density, Long ... OMIM:614856
Spermatogenic Failure 15
Abnormal circulating testosterone concentration, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Abnormal circulatin... OMIM:616950
Adrenal Hypoplasia, Congenital
Precocious puberty, Muscular dystrophy, Failure to thrive, Absence of pubertal development, Adren... OMIM:300200
Zimmermann-Laband Syndrome 3
Bifid uvula, Facial hypertrichosis, Small nail, Hypertrichosis, Long eyelashes, Thick eyebrow, Ab... OMIM:618658
Immunodeficiency 69
Hemophagocytosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Pancytopenia, Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytosis, A... OMIM:618963
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 15 With Or Without Anosmia
Small pituitary gland, Osteopenia, Decreased testicular size, Cryptorchidism, Primary amenorrhea,... OMIM:614880
Osteoporosis-Macrocephaly-Blindness-Joint Hyperlaxity Syndrome
Osteoporosis, Optic atrophy, Joint hypermobility ORPHA:2787
Hyperinsulinism Due To Insr Deficiency
Insulin resistance, Hypoglycemia, Fasting hyperinsulinemia, Recurrent hypoglycemia, Hyperinsuline... ORPHA:263458
Sim1-Related Prader-Willi-Like Syndrome
Premature adrenarche, Small scrotum, Absence of pubertal development, Type II diabetes mellitus, ... ORPHA:398079
48,Xyyy Syndrome
Male hypogonadism, Azoospermia, Radioulnar synostosis, Short neck, Enamel hypoplasia, Primary gon... ORPHA:99329
Griscelli Syndrome, Type 1
Silver-gray hair, Hypopigmentation of the skin, Melanin pigment aggregation in hair shafts, Large... OMIM:214450
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 39
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Cryptorchidism, Cardiomegaly, Perimembranous ventricular septal defe... OMIM:620135
H Syndrome
Alopecia, Hypertrichosis, Microcytic anemia, Abnormal eyebrow morphology, Hepatosplenomegaly, Dec... ORPHA:168569
Trichothiodystrophy 6, Nonphotosensitive
Increased HbA2 hemoglobin, Decreased mean corpuscular volume OMIM:616943
Prieto Syndrome
Low-set ears, Osteoporosis, Cryptorchidism, Cerebral atrophy OMIM:309610
Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis
Alopecia, Irregular hyperpigmentation, Hearing impairment, Abnormal hair morphology, Protruding e... ORPHA:317
Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia-Myopathy-Emaciation Syndrome
Spinal rigidity, Generalized amyotrophy, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Decreased mitochondrial number, ... ORPHA:352447
Azoospermia, Obstructive, With Nephrolithiasis
Obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility, Spermatocele OMIM:301060
Primary Familial Polycythemia
Polycythemia, Abnormal hemoglobin ORPHA:90042
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 40
Unbalanced atrioventricular canal defect, Atrioventricular canal defect, Azoospermia, Congenitall... OMIM:618300
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia, Kondo-Fu Type
Small for gestational age, Macrotia, Decreased body weight, Posteriorly rotated ears, Reduced bon... OMIM:618392
Leukoencephalopathy With Dystonia And Motor Neuropathy
Azoospermia, Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, Torticollis OMIM:613724
Myeloproliferative/Lymphoproliferative Neoplasms, Familial (Multiple Types), Susceptibility To
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Leukopenia, Acute myeloid leukemia, Monocytosis, Refractory anemia OMIM:616871
3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-Coa Synthase Deficiency
Hypoglycemia ORPHA:35701
Multicentric Osteolysis-Nodulosis-Arthropathy Spectrum
Mitral valve prolapse, Polycystic ovaries, Ventricular septal defect, Bicuspid aortic valve, Atri... ORPHA:371428
Beta-Thalassemia Intermedia
Cholelithiasis, Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Persistence of hemoglobin F, Hepatosplenomegaly, Er... ORPHA:231222
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group T
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Pancytopenia, Acute myeloid leukemia, Chromosomal breakage induced b... OMIM:616435
B-Cell Expansion With Nfkb And T-Cell Anergy
Increased B cell count, Splenomegaly OMIM:616452
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Classic-Like, 2
Cellulitis, Osteopenia, Atypical scarring of skin, Umbilical hernia, Thin eyebrow, Atrophic scars... OMIM:618000
Sialidosis Type 2
Skeletal muscle atrophy, Hearing impairment, Splenomegaly, Osteoporosis, Flexion contracture, Kyp... ORPHA:87876
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 17
Lymphopenia, Leukopenia, Autoimmune thrombocytopenia, Thrombocytopenia OMIM:301080
Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis, Susceptibility To, 5
Lymphopenia, T lymphocytopenia OMIM:618309
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 18
Microcytic anemia OMIM:618811
Spondylo-Ocular Syndrome
Platyspondyly, Low-set ears, Iris hypopigmentation, Abnormal eyebrow morphology, Abnormal antihel... ORPHA:85194
Severe Congenital Hypochromic Anemia With Ringed Sideroblasts
Hepatosplenomegaly, Reticulocytopenia, Dysplastic erythropoesis, Anisopoikilocytosis, Anemia, Dec... ORPHA:300298
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Epilepsy And Brain Atrophy
Gastroesophageal reflux, Cerebellar atrophy, EEG with burst suppression, Atrophy/Degeneration aff... OMIM:619971
Immunodeficiency 57 With Autoinflammation
Perianal abscess, Reduced natural killer cell count, T lymphocytopenia, B lymphocytopenia OMIM:618108
Griscelli Syndrome, Type 3
Silver-gray hair, Large clumps of pigment irregularly distributed along hair shaft, White eyelashes OMIM:609227
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex 6, Generalized Intermediate, With Or Without Cardiomyopathy
Alopecia, Dystrophic toenail, Sparse body hair, Onychogryposis of toenails, Alopecia of scalp OMIM:617294
Methylmalonic Aciduria And Homocystinuria, Cblf Type
Pancytopenia, Megaloblastic anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Neutropenia, Anemia OMIM:277380
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita 3, Myogenic Type
Centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers, Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Small... OMIM:618484
Bleeding Disorder, Platelet-Type, 19
Anemia, Macrothrombocytopenia, Thrombocytopenia OMIM:616176
Progeria-Short Stature-Pigmented Nevi Syndrome
Generalized osteoporosis, Decreased serum estradiol, Alopecia, Osteopenia, Small for gestational ... ORPHA:2959
Leukodystrophy, Hypomyelinating, 24
B lymphocytopenia OMIM:619851
Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus
Microcytic anemia ORPHA:1059
Aromatase Deficiency
Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Osteopenia, Female infertility, Ambiguous genitalia, female, Obe... ORPHA:91
Oculopharyngodistal Myopathy
High, narrow palate, Proximal muscle weakness in upper limbs, Progressive sensorineural hearing i... ORPHA:98897
Werner Syndrome
Premature graying of hair, Slender build, White forelock, Decreased fertility, Type II diabetes m... ORPHA:902
Revesz Syndrome
Macrocytic anemia, Bone marrow hypocellularity, Aplastic anemia, Neutropenia OMIM:268130
Methylmalonic Acidemia With Homocystinuria Type Cblf
Megaloblastic anemia, Neutropenia ORPHA:79284
Magel2-Related Prader-Willi-Like Syndrome
Small scrotum, Absence of pubertal development, Type II diabetes mellitus, Cryptorchidism, Increa... ORPHA:398069
Spermatogenic Failure 75
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Elevated circulating follicle stimulating hormone level, Male infert... OMIM:619949
Autosomal Erythropoietic Protoporphyria
Microcytic anemia, Cholelithiasis ORPHA:79278
Thanatophoric Dysplasia, Glasgow Variant
Anemia, Hepatosplenomegaly OMIM:273680
Brachyolmia Type 1, Hobaek Type
Platyspondyly, Kyphosis, Squared-off platyspondyly, Intervertebral space narrowing, Thoracic scol... OMIM:271530
Alopecia-Intellectual Disability Syndrome 1
Alopecia universalis, Alopecia OMIM:203650
Agammaglobulinemia 6, Autosomal Recessive
Abnormal T cell morphology, B lymphocytopenia OMIM:612692
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism-Retinitis Pigmentosa Syndrome
Secondary growth hormone deficiency, Absence of secondary sex characteristics, Breast hypoplasia,... ORPHA:2235
Premature Ovarian Failure 10
Elevated circulating luteinizing hormone level, Decreased testicular size, Azoospermia, Hypothyro... OMIM:612885
Ravine Syndrome
Abnormal auditory evoked potentials, Failure to thrive, Atrophy/Degeneration affecting the brains... ORPHA:99852
Bethlem Myopathy 2
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Atrophic scars, Myopathy, Distal joint hypermobil... OMIM:616471
Candidiasis, Familial, 1
Alopecia, Abnormality of the endocrine system OMIM:114580
Prader-Willi Syndrome Due To Maternal Uniparental Disomy Of Chromosome 15
Premature adrenarche, Small scrotum, Decreased circulating T4 concentration, Central adrenal insu... ORPHA:98754
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 18 With Or Without Anosmia
Osteopenia, Hearing impairment, Hypogonadism, Absence of pubertal development, Osteoporosis OMIM:615267
Perifolliculitis Capitis Abscedens Et Suffodiens, Familial
Alopecia, Alopecia of scalp OMIM:260910
Myopathy, Lactic Acidosis, And Sideroblastic Anemia 2
Sideroblastic anemia OMIM:613561
Muscular Dystrophy, Congenital Hearing Loss, And Ovarian Insufficiency Syndrome
Centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers, Rimmed vacuoles, Skeletal muscle autophagosome accumu... OMIM:619518
Hemolytic Anemia Due To Red Cell Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
Reduced red cell pyruvate kinase level, Congenital hemolytic anemia, Abnormal erythrocyte morphol... ORPHA:766
Fetal Akinesia Deformation Sequence 4
Low-set ears, Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Cryptorchidism, Short ... OMIM:618393
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex With Anodontia/Hypodontia
Alopecia, Toenail dysplasia, Abnormal fingernail morphology, Fingernail dysplasia, Abnormal denta... ORPHA:2325
Late-Onset Isolated Acth Deficiency
Normocytic anemia, Pituitary adenoma, Macrocytic anemia, Eosinophilia, Adrenocorticotropic hormon... ORPHA:199299
Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy Type 4
Non-caseating epithelioid cell granulomatosis, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the spleen, Anterior pituita... ORPHA:227990
Hamamy Syndrome
Osteopenia, Sparse eyebrow, Hypochromic anemia, Sparse lateral eyebrow, Abnormal number of hair w... OMIM:611174
Hall-Riggs Syndrome
Platyspondyly, Failure to thrive, Enamel hypoplasia, Osteoporosis, Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Irregular... OMIM:234250
Young Syndrome
Azoospermia OMIM:279000
Parc Syndrome
Absent eyelashes, Alopecia, Absent eyebrow OMIM:600331
Hb Bart'S Hydrops Fetalis
Anemia, Splenomegaly, Abnormal hemoglobin ORPHA:163596
Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the prostate, Cervical spinal canal stenosis, Obesity, Scheuermann-like vertebral c... OMIM:301900
Hydrops Fetalis, Nonimmune
Anemia OMIM:236750
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group V
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Chromosomal breakage induced by crosslinking agents, Thrombocytopeni... OMIM:617243
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Due To 3-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Premature adrenarche, Clitoral hypertrophy, Abnormal labia majora morphology, Cryptorchidism, Mal... ORPHA:90791
16Q24.3 Microdeletion Syndrome
Increased mean corpuscular volume, Cryptorchidism, Thrombocytopenia ORPHA:261250
Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Clitoral hypertrophy, Elevated circulating luteinizing hormone level, Increased serum estradiol, ... ORPHA:90797
Poikiloderma, Hereditary Fibrosing, With Tendon Contractures, Myopathy, And Pulmonary Fibrosis
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Sparse eyelashes, Nail dysplasia, Delayed pube... OMIM:615704
Sideroblastic Anemia With B-Cell Immunodeficiency, Periodic Fevers, And Developmental Delay
Sideroblastic anemia, Splenomegaly, B lymphocytopenia, Hypochromic microcytic anemia, Schistocytosis OMIM:616084
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable, 1
Abnormal T cell count, Splenomegaly, Decreased proportion of class-switched memory B cells, Lymph... OMIM:607594
Prader-Willi Syndrome Due To Paternal 15Q11Q13 Deletion
Premature adrenarche, Small scrotum, Decreased circulating T4 concentration, Central adrenal insu... ORPHA:98793
X-Linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 4
Skeletal muscle atrophy, Hearing impairment, Decreased nerve conduction velocity, Scoliosis, Kyph... ORPHA:101078
Immunodeficiency 72 With Autoinflammation And Lymphoproliferation
Increased B cell count, Hepatosplenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Increased proportion of memory T cells OMIM:618982
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 20 With Or Without Anosmia
Hypogonadism, Osteopenia, Delayed puberty, Osteoporosis OMIM:615270
Spermatogenic Failure 28
Elevated circulating luteinizing hormone level, Decreased serum testosterone concentration, Decre... OMIM:618086
Morgagni-Stewart-Morel Syndrome
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Vertigo, Obesity, Abnormality of the thyroid gland, Hirsutism, Hypothy... ORPHA:77296
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 11
Spinal rigidity, Generalized amyotrophy, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Decreased activity of mitochondr... OMIM:615084
N Syndrome
Leukemia, Abnormality of chromosome stability, Cryptorchidism OMIM:310465
Prader-Willi Syndrome Due To Paternal Deletion Of 15Q11Q13 Type 2
Premature adrenarche, Small scrotum, Decreased circulating T4 concentration, Central adrenal insu... ORPHA:177904
Autoinflammatory Syndrome, Familial, With Or Without Immunodeficiency
Splenomegaly, Decreased proportion of class-switched memory B cells, Coombs-positive hemolytic an... OMIM:619375
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Type 4C
Delayed brainstem auditory evoked response conduction time, Tongue atrophy, Distal amyotrophy, De... OMIM:601596
Immunodeficiency 70
Decreased proportion of CD4-positive helper T cells, B lymphocytopenia OMIM:618969
Immunodeficiency 73B With Defective Neutrophil Chemotaxis And Lymphopenia
Abnormally low T cell receptor excision circle level, Lymphadenitis, Lymphopenia, Hepatosplenomeg... OMIM:618986
Congenital Arthrogryposis With Anterior Horn Cell Disease
Low-set ears, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Abnormal anterior horn cell morphology, Cerebral atrophy, ... OMIM:611890
Abnormality of chromosome stability, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the thymus, F... ORPHA:100
Neurodegeneration, Early-Onset, With Choreoathetoid Movements And Microcytic Anemia
Microcytic anemia, Hypochromic anemia OMIM:618451
Prader-Willi Syndrome Due To Paternal Deletion Of 15Q11Q13 Type 1