Eye Morphology: Images Slit Lamp

WT Images

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Corneal and lens opacity, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40X

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16X

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: R eye severe corneal opacity; pupil dilated.; RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

58 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Corneal opacity, pupil still visible, magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: R eye severe corneal opacity; pupil dilated.; RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: R eye severe corneal opacity; pupil dilated.; RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Corneal opacity, pupil still visible, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Corneal and lens opacity, magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

58 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Corneal opacity, pupil still visible, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Corneal and lens opacity, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: R eye severe corneal opacity; pupil dilated.; RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

Mutant Images

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (cataract formation), magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Cataract formation , magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Cataract formation, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Cataract formation , magnification = 16x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Small cataract formation, Poor light response, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Cataract formation, magnification = 16x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Cataract formation, magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Cataract formation, magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Slight corneal opacity , magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Cataract formation , magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; RIGHT EYE: Small cataract , magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; RIGHT EYE: (small cataract), magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (cataract formation), magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Slight corneal opacity , magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: White viscous fluid , magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (cataract formation), magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Small cataract formation, Poor light response, magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Small cataract, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Some corneal opacity , magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes slight lens opacity; RIGHT EYE: Slight corneal opacity, magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Cataract formation , magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Slight lens opacity (slightly dry), magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Narrow eye opening, swollen eyelid, corneal opacity, white viscous fluid, no data pupil , magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; RIGHT EYE: (small cataract), magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 40x, angled view

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Slight corneal opacity , magnification = 16x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Some corneal opacity , magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; RIGHT EYE: Small cataract , magnification = 40x, angled view

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Small cataract formation, Poor light response, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes mild corneal opacity near pupil; RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes slight lens opacity; RIGHT EYE: Slight corneal opacity, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: Poor light response, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Bboth eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes mild corneal opacity near pupil; LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes slight lens opacity; RIGHT EYE: Slight corneal opacity, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes slight lens opacity; LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Bboth eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (cataract formation), magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity, magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: White viscous fluid , magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Bboth eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: Poor light response, magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes slight lens opacity; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (cataract formation), magnification = 40x, angled view

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Some corneal opacity , magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Some corneal opacity , magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Cataract formation , magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Some corneal opacity , magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes mild corneal opacity near pupil; LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 40x, angled view

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Slight corneal opacity , magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Small cataract, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (cataract formation), slight corneal opacity, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Small cataract, magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Cataract formation, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (cataract formation), slight corneal opacity, magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Slight corneal opacity , magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Bboth eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: Slight corneal opacity , magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes mild corneal opacity near pupil; RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Some corneal opacity , magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Severe lens opacity, some corneal opacity, abnormal pupil shape and position, eccentric pupil, dilated pupil , magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Severe lens opacity, some corneal opacity, abnormal pupil shape and position, eccentric pupil, dilated pupil , magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Cataract formation , magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Slight lens opacity (slightly dry), magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (cataract formation), slight corneal opacity, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes mild corneal opacity near pupil; LEFT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Bboth eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Narrow eye opening, swollen eyelid, corneal opacity, white viscous fluid, no data pupil , magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Bboth eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; RIGHT EYE: (small cataract), magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Slight lens opacity, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes slight lens opacity; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity; RIGHT EYE: Small cataract , magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: LEFT EYE: Some lens opacity (cataract formation), magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Severe lens opacity, some corneal opacity, abnormal pupil shape and position, eccentric pupil, dilated pupil , magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: Poor light response, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: White viscous fluid , magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Narrow eye opening, swollen eyelid, corneal opacity, white viscous fluid, no data pupil , magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes mild corneal opacity near pupil; RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; RIGHT EYE: Cataract formation, magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity, magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

58 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Some lens opacity (small cataract), magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (cataract formation); RIGHT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity (small cataract); LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 40x, angled view

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: Both eyes some lens opacity ; LEFT EYE: magnification = 16x

57 weeks old

Trim13em1(IMPC)Tcp homozygote

Slit Lamp observation: RIGHT EYE: Slight lens opacity (slightly dry), magnification = 40x, angled view

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