Not currently registered for phenotyping at IMPC

Phenotyping is currently not planned for a knockout strain of this gene.

Gene Summary

zinc finger protein, multitype 2
FOG2,  B330005D23Rik,  FOG-2

IMPC Data Collections

  • No Body Weight Data
  • No Embryo Imaging Data
  • No Viability Data

IMPC Phenotype Summary

Not Significant
Not tested


The IMPC applies a panel of phenotyping screens to characterise single-gene knockout mice by comparison to wild types. Click on the different tabs to visualise significant phenotypes identified by the IMPC, as well as all data that was measured.

lacZ Expression

Expression data not available

Associated Images

Images submitted by IMPC centres for a selection of procedures. Each set of images is available to view in our image comparator.

Phenotype associated images not available

Human diseases caused by Zfpm2 mutations

The analysis uses data from IMPC, along with published data on other mouse mutants, in comparison to human disease reports in OMIM, Orphanet, and DECIPHER.

Phenotype comparisons summarize the similarity of mouse phenotypes with human disease phenotypes.

The table below shows human diseases associated to Zfpm2 by orthology or direct annotation.

The table below shows human diseases predicted to be associated to Zfpm2 by phenotypic similarity.

Disease Similarity of
Matching phenotypes Source
46,Xy Sex Reversal 9
Sex reversal, Ambiguous genitalia, Fused labia minora, Gonadal dysgenesis OMIM:616067
46,Xx Sex Reversal 4
Clitoral hypertrophy, Gonadal dysgenesis, Ovotestis, Ambiguous genitalia, Penoscrotal hypospadias... OMIM:617480
Myxoma, Intracardiac
Pulmonic valve myxoma, Bacterial endocarditis, Cardiac myxoma OMIM:255960
46,Xy Sex Reversal 8
Male pseudohermaphroditism, Ambiguous genitalia, Cryptorchidism, Sex reversal OMIM:614279
46,Xy Sex Reversal 10
Sex reversal, Small scrotum, Perineal hypospadias, Bifid scrotum, Gonadal dysgenesis, Decreased t... OMIM:616425
46,Xy Ovotesticular Difference Of Sex Development
Abnormality of the male genitalia, Bifid scrotum, Perineal hypospadias, Abnormal labia morphology... ORPHA:325345
46,Xx Testicular Difference Of Sex Development
Decreased testicular size, Male hypogonadism, Ambiguous genitalia, Polycystic ovaries ORPHA:393
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1M
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, End... OMIM:607482
46,Xx Sex Reversal 3
Sex reversal OMIM:300833
46,Xy Sex Reversal 2
Sex reversal OMIM:300018
46,Xx Ovotesticular Difference Of Sex Development
Small scrotum, Hypospadias, Bifid scrotum, Abnormal morphology of female internal genitalia, Abno... ORPHA:2138
Tetragametic Chimerism
Clitoral hypertrophy, Bifid scrotum, Abnormality of the ovary, Abnormal scrotum morphology, Crypt... ORPHA:199310
46,Xx Sex Reversal 1
Clitoral hypertrophy, Azoospermia, True hermaphroditism, Ovotestis, Bicornuate uterus, Hypospadia... OMIM:400045
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 2A
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, Myofiber disarray, I... OMIM:611880
Isochromosomy Yq
Varicocele, Decreased testicular size, Azoospermia, Ambiguous genitalia, Gonadal tissue inappropr... ORPHA:98798
Ventricular Septal Defect 1
Tetralogy of Fallot, Atrioventricular canal defect, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defe... OMIM:614429
Isochromosomy Yp
Decreased testicular size, Azoospermia, Ambiguous genitalia ORPHA:98797
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1R
Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, Left ventricular n... OMIM:613424
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 15
Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Endocardial fibrosis, Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, Hypertrophic... OMIM:613255
Congenital Heart Block
Endocardial fibroelastosis, Patent ductus arteriosus, Third degree atrioventricular block, Pleura... ORPHA:60041
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Ff
Severely reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Increased left ventr... OMIM:613286
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1I
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, Car... OMIM:604765
46,Xx Sex Reversal 2
Small scrotum, Bifid scrotum, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Azoospermia, True hermaphroditism, Ovo... OMIM:278850
Cranioacrofacial Syndrome
Dupuytren contracture, Pulmonic stenosis, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:122850
Testicular Anomalies With Or Without Congenital Heart Disease
Microphallus, Corpus cavernosum hypoplasia, Cryptorchidism, Testicular dysgenesis, Ambiguous geni... OMIM:615542
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1L
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, Inc... OMIM:606685
Testes, Rudimentary
Decreased testicular size, Hypoplastic male external genitalia, Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism OMIM:273150
Beemer Lethal Malformation Syndrome
Ambiguous genitalia OMIM:209970
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple Types, 6
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Secundum atrial septal defect, Hypoplastic pulmonary vei... OMIM:613854
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Ee
Reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Increased left ventricular en... OMIM:613252
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 1
Asymmetric septal hypertrophy, Arrhythmia, Subvalvular aortic stenosis, Congestive heart failure OMIM:192600
46,Xy Sex Reversal 3
Clitoral hypertrophy, Gonadal dysgenesis, Ambiguous genitalia, Exaggerated rugosity of the labia ... OMIM:612965
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1C, With Or Without Left Ventricular Noncompaction
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Endocardial fibrosis, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompa... OMIM:601493
Cardiac Lipidosis, Familial
Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure OMIM:212080
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple Types, 2
Aortic valve stenosis, Aortic regurgitation, Myxomatous mitral valve degeneration, Congestive hea... OMIM:614980
Pulmonic Stenosis And Deafness
Ventricular hypertrophy, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:178651
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1J
Abnormal left ventricular function, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Sudden cardiac death, Congestive hear... OMIM:605362
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Dd
Left ventricular systolic dysfunction, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Sudden cardiac death, Congestive h... OMIM:613172
Heterotaxy, Visceral, 4, Autosomal
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Pulmonary artery atresia, Bilateral superior vena cava, ... OMIM:613751
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple Types, 4
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypoplastic left heart, Tetralogy of Fallot, Atrioventricular canal defect... OMIM:615779
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Hh
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Increased left ventricular end-diastolic volume, Congestive heart failure OMIM:613881
Sensorineural Deafness With Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Abnormal cardiac ventricular function, Congestive heart failure ORPHA:217622
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 12
Hypoplastic left atrium, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Neonatal death, Ventricular septal defe... OMIM:615524
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Gg
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Cardiogenic shock, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompacti... OMIM:613642
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1P
Ventricular arrhythmia, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Reduced systolic function, Congestive heart failure OMIM:609909
Left Ventricular Noncompaction 1
Hypoplastic left heart, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompaction, Left ventricula... OMIM:604169
Right Atrial Isomerism
Aortopulmonary collateral arteries, Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Pulmonary artery atr... OMIM:208530
Fallot Complex With Severe Mental And Growth Retardation
Tetralogy of Fallot, Double outlet right ventricle, Pulmonic stenosis, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:601127
Left Ventricular Noncompaction 10
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompaction, Syncope, Pulmon... OMIM:615396
Atrial Septal Defect 2
Aortic regurgitation, Atrioventricular canal defect, Mitral regurgitation, Ventricular septal def... OMIM:607941
8p23.1 deletion syndrome
Abnormal heart morphology, Atrial septal defect, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Atrioventricula... DECIPHER:39
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Z
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Sudden cardiac death, Congestive heart failure OMIM:611879
Lymphedema, Cardiac Septal Defects, And Characteristic Facies
Atrial flutter, Lymphedema, Oligohydramnios, Ventricular septal defect, Overriding aorta, Atrial ... OMIM:601927
Conotruncal Heart Malformations
Complete atrioventricular canal defect, Truncus arteriosus, Coarctation of aorta, Transposition o... OMIM:217095
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1U
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Severely reduced left ventricular ejection frac... OMIM:613694
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Kk
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Mitral regurgitati... OMIM:615248
Cayler Cardiofacial Syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot, Patent ductus arteriosus, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:125520
Testicular Regression Syndrome
Abnormal morphology of female internal genitalia, Decreased testicular size, Agonadism, Male pseu... ORPHA:983
Left Ventricular Noncompaction 8
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompaction, Left ventricula... OMIM:615373
Indomethacin Embryofetopathy
Cardiomyopathy, Oligohydramnios, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Hydrops fetalis... ORPHA:1909
Transaldolase Deficiency
Premature skin wrinkling, Biventricular hypertrophy, Hepatosplenomegaly, Telangiectasia, Coarctat... ORPHA:101028
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1B
Impaired myocardial contractility, Ventricular arrhythmia, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive hea... OMIM:600884
Ebstein Malformation Of The Tricuspid Valve
Congestive heart failure, Cerebral ischemia, Right bundle branch block, Imperforate tricuspid val... ORPHA:1880
Palmoplantar Keratoderma-Xx Sex Reversal-Predisposition To Squamous Cell Carcinoma Syndrome
Sex reversal ORPHA:85112
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 39
Recurrent lower respiratory tract infections, Double outlet right ventricle, Bronchiectasis, Dext... OMIM:618254
46,Xy Sex Reversal 1
Abnormal male external genitalia morphology, Gonadal dysgenesis, Abnormal female external genital... OMIM:400044
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 16
Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:617408
46,Xy Difference Of Sex Development Due To 5-Alpha-Reductase 2 Deficiency
Small scrotum, Bifid scrotum, Cryptorchidism, Ambiguous genitalia, male, Ambiguous genitalia, Uro... ORPHA:753
Atrial Standstill
Left ventricular noncompaction, Arrhythmia, Atrial standstill, Muscular dystrophy, Abnormal heart... ORPHA:1344
Congenitally Uncorrected Transposition Of The Great Arteries
Abnormal coronary artery morphology, Biventricular hypertrophy, Abnormal mitral valve morphology,... ORPHA:860
Disordered Steroidogenesis Due To Cytochrome P450 Oxidoreductase Deficiency
Ambiguous genitalia OMIM:613571
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 8
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic cardiomyop... OMIM:614096
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Bb
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Severely reduced left ventricular ejection frac... OMIM:612877
Klippel-Trénaunay Syndrome
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Pulmonary embolism, Edema, Congestive heart failure, Ascites, Abnorm... ORPHA:90308
Pulmonary Atresia-Intact Ventricular Septum Syndrome
Abnormal tricuspid valve morphology, Patent ductus arteriosus ORPHA:1208
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type I
Proximal muscle weakness in lower limbs, Spinal muscular atrophy, Ventricular septal defect, Prox... OMIM:253300
Loeffler Endocarditis
Aortic valve stenosis, Aortic regurgitation, Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Endocardial fibrosis, Co... ORPHA:75566
Congenital Gerbode Defect
Bacterial endocarditis, Elevated right atrial pressure, Right ventricular failure, Holosystolic m... ORPHA:99095
Mesoaxial Hexadactyly And Cardiac Malformation
Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Torticollis, Patent ductus arteriosus, Pulmonic ... OMIM:249670
Scimitar Syndrome
Abnormal hemidiaphragm morphology, Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from the pulmonary ar... ORPHA:185
Carvajal Syndrome
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure ORPHA:65282
Cardiomyopathy-Cataract-Hip Spine Disease Syndrome
Pulmonary embolism, Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Abnormal heart valve m... ORPHA:1345
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1K
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Gallop rhythm, Congestive heart failure OMIM:605582
Fixed Subaortic Stenosis
Mitral regurgitation, Ventricular septal defect, Bicuspid aortic valve, Patent ductus arteriosus,... ORPHA:3092
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 27
Impaired myocardial contractility, Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Concen... OMIM:618052
Atrioventricular Septal Defect 5
Hypoplastic left heart, Atrioventricular canal defect, Muscular ventricular septal defect OMIM:614474
Heart Defects-Limb Shortening Syndrome
Abnormal tricuspid valve morphology, Atrial septal defect, Abnormal mitral valve morphology, Vent... ORPHA:1354
Congenital Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia
Congestive heart failure, Tricuspid regurgitation, Ascites, Pleural effusion, Splenomegaly, Pulmo... ORPHA:2414
Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect
Abnormal atrioventricular valve physiology, Primum atrial septal defect, Displacement of the papi... ORPHA:1329
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 8
Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Endocardial fibrosis, Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic cardiomy... OMIM:608751
Familial Isolated Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular systolic dysfunction, Myopathy... ORPHA:154
Congenital Heart Defects, Hamartomas Of Tongue, And Polysyndactyly
Subvalvular aortic stenosis, Complete atrioventricular canal defect OMIM:217085
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 4
Ventricular hypertrophy, Myofiber disarray, Myopathy, Pulmonary edema, Left bundle branch block, ... OMIM:115197
Megabladder, Congenital
Left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy, Ventricular septal defect, Bicuspid aortic valve, ... OMIM:618719
Cardioacrofacial Dysplasia 1
Atrioventricular canal defect, Complete atrioventricular canal defect OMIM:619142
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Restrictive, 6
Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Hepatic artery hyperplasia, Tricuspid regurgitation, Ascites, Portal ... OMIM:619433
Cardiac Valvular Dysplasia, X-Linked
Aortic regurgitation, Congestive heart failure, Short chordae tendineae of the mitral valve, Tric... OMIM:314400
Muscular Dystrophy, Limb-Girdle, Autosomal Recessive 3
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, Dilated cardiomyo... OMIM:608099
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1S
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompaction, Tricuspid regur... OMIM:613426
Pericardial And Diaphragmatic Defect
Abnormal heart morphology, Partial diaphragmatic absence of pericardium, Tetralogy of Fallot, Con... ORPHA:2847
46,Xy Sex Reversal 6
Sex reversal, Clitoral hypertrophy, Gonadal dysgenesis, Chordee, Gonadoblastoma, Hypospadias, Dys... OMIM:613762
Sonoda Syndrome
Ventricular septal defect OMIM:270460
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 2E
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Ebstein anomaly of the tricuspid valve, Reduced systolic function OMIM:619492
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 35
Cardiomyopathy, Redundant neck skin, Nonimmune hydrops fetalis, Neonatal death, Pulmonary arteria... OMIM:619003
Coronary Arterial Fistula
Aortic valve stenosis, Bicuspid aortic valve, Arrhythmia, Elevated jugular venous pressure, Atria... ORPHA:2041
Timothy Syndrome
Pneumonia, Atrioventricular block, Bronchitis, Tetralogy of Fallot, Patent foramen ovale, Ventric... OMIM:601005
Spinal Muscular Atrophy With Congenital Bone Fractures 2
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Spinal muscular atrophy,... OMIM:616867
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple Types, 5
Aortic valve stenosis, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricular septal defect, Bi... OMIM:617912
Palmoplantar Hyperkeratosis With Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Skin And 46,Xx Sex Reversal
Clitoral hypertrophy, Decreased testicular size, External genital hypoplasia, Ovotestis, Ambiguou... OMIM:610644
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1V
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, Lef... OMIM:613697
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 2J
Severely reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Secundum atrial sept... OMIM:620635
Endocardial Fibroelastosis
Endocardial fibroelastosis, Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure ORPHA:2022
Chromosome 1P36 Deletion Syndrome, Proximal
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Biventricular hypertrophy, Coronary artery fistula, Complete atrioventric... OMIM:619343
46,Xy Sex Reversal 5
Abnormal female external genitalia morphology, Sex reversal OMIM:613080
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 2D
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Cardiogenic shock, Muscular ventricular septal defect, Tricuspid regurgit... OMIM:619371
Hydrops, Lactic Acidosis, And Sideroblastic Anemia
Fetal pericardial effusion, Second degree atrioventricular block, Decreased liver function, Ascit... OMIM:617021
Mitochondrial Complex Iv Deficiency, Nuclear Type 4
Ventricular hypertrophy, Congestive heart failure, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferas... OMIM:619048
Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency, Primary, 7
Hypoplastic left heart, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Ventricular septal defect, Bradycardia, Pate... OMIM:616276
Left Ventricular Noncompaction 7
Left ventricular noncompaction, Left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy OMIM:615092
Familial Atrial Myxoma
Pulmonic valve myxoma, Bacterial endocarditis, Congestive heart failure, Ascites, Tricuspid regur... ORPHA:615
Eng-Strom Syndrome
Camptodactyly of finger, Abnormal cardiac septum morphology, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:1937
Symptomatic Form Of Muscular Dystrophy Of Duchenne And Becker In Female Carriers
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Quadriceps muscle weakness, Congestive heart failure, Elbow flexion contr... ORPHA:206546
Pseudovaginal Perineoscrotal Hypospadias
Bifid scrotum, Cryptorchidism, Ambiguous genitalia, male, Micropenis, Perineal hypospadias OMIM:264600
Familial Isolated Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
Recurrent respiratory infections, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Tricuspid regurgitation, Periphera... ORPHA:75249
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 14
Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Severely reduced left ventricular ejection... OMIM:613251
Heterotaxy, Visceral, 12, Autosomal
Ventricular septal defect, Discordant atrioventricular connection, Single coronary artery origin,... OMIM:619702
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 2B
Atrial fibrillation, Reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congesti... OMIM:614672
Denys-Drash Syndrome
Ovarian gonadoblastoma, Uterus didelphys, Gonadal dysgenesis, Ambiguous genitalia, female, Septat... OMIM:194080
Thiamine-Responsive Megaloblastic Anemia Syndrome
Congestive heart failure, Pallor, Ventricular septal defect, Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, Strok... ORPHA:49827
Chronic Atrial And Intestinal Dysrhythmia
Atrial flutter, Ventricular escape rhythm, Mitral regurgitation, Bicuspid aortic valve, Left atri... OMIM:616201
Atrial Septal Defect 6
Atrial fibrillation, Atrial septal defect, Bradycardia OMIM:613087
Congenital Myopathy 8
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Congestive heart failure, Muscle fiber atrophy, T... OMIM:618654
Aorto-Ventricular Tunnel
Abnormal heart valve morphology, Ventricular hypertrophy, Heart murmur, Congestive heart failure ORPHA:3400
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Oo
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Second degree atrioventricular block, Congestive heart failure, Reduced l... OMIM:620247
Short Stature-Valvular Heart Disease-Characteristic Facies Syndrome
Abnormal heart valve morphology, Pulmonic stenosis, Mitral valve prolapse ORPHA:2868
Atrial Septal Defect, Sinus Venosus Type
Junctional ectopic tachycardia, Automatic atrial tachycardia, Systolic heart murmur, Tricuspid re... ORPHA:99105
Absence Of The Pulmonary Artery
Abnormal hemidiaphragm morphology, Abnormal coronary artery morphology, Pulmonary edema, Atrial s... ORPHA:980
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Y
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy, ... OMIM:611878
Renal Tubular Dysgenesis
Pulmonary hypoplasia, Tetralogy of Fallot, Oligohydramnios, Polyhydramnios, Premature birth ORPHA:3033
Ring Chromosome Y Syndrome
Male hypogonadism, Abnormality of the male genitalia, Bifid scrotum, Gonadal dysgenesis, Unilater... ORPHA:261529
Cardiac Valvular Dysplasia 1
Valvular pulmonary stenosis, Tricuspid stenosis, Edema, Muscular ventricular septal defect, Tricu... OMIM:212093
Fetal Parvovirus Syndrome
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Increased nuchal translucency, Hydrops fetalis, Ascites ORPHA:295
Isobutyryl-Coa Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Dehydration, Pulmonic stenosis ORPHA:79159
Long Qt Syndrome 16
Second degree atrioventricular block, T-wave alternans, Perimembranous ventricular septal defect,... OMIM:618782
Atrial Fibrillation, Familial, 10
Atrial flutter, Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, Tricuspid regurgitation, Permanent atrial fibrill... OMIM:614022
Isolated Right Ventricular Hypoplasia
Bidirectional shunt, Abnormal atrioventricular conduction, Right ventricular failure, Right-to-le... ORPHA:439
Retinal Arterial Macroaneurysm With Supravalvular Pulmonic Stenosis
Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:614224
Congenitally Corrected Transposition Of The Great Arteries
Atrial situs ambiguous, Ventricular septal defect, Discordant atrioventricular connection, Arrhyt... ORPHA:216694
Incessant Infant Ventricular Tachycardia
Congestive heart failure, Bundle branch block, Cardiac rhabdomyoma, Prolonged QRS complex, Suprav... ORPHA:45453
Abnormal Origin Of Right Or Left Pulmonary Artery From The Aorta
Anomalous origin of left pulmonary artery from ascending aorta, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial... ORPHA:99050
Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy
Pulmonary edema, Arrhythmia, Elevated jugular venous pressure, Cirrhosis, Hepatomegaly, Fourth he... ORPHA:57777
Ebstein Anomaly
Atrial standstill, Right bundle branch block, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular preexcitation, At... OMIM:224700
Renal-Hepatic-Pancreatic Dysplasia 2
Aortic valve stenosis, Malformation of the hepatic ductal plate, Hepatic fibrosis, Abnormal lung ... OMIM:615415
Chromosome 1P36.33 Duplication Syndrome, Atad3 Gene Cluster, Autosomal Dominant
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Fetal akinesia sequence, Bradycardia, Flexio... OMIM:618815
Hydrops Fetalis
Generalized edema, Increased placental thickness, Lymphedema, Abnormal heart morphology, Ascites,... ORPHA:1041
Arthrogryposis, Perthes Disease, And Upward Gaze Palsy
Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Camptodactyly, Arthrogryposis multiplex congenit... OMIM:614262
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 23
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Arrhythmia, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure OMIM:616198
Heterotaxy, Visceral, 11, Autosomal, With Male Infertility
Situs inversus totalis, Primum atrial septal defect, Partial atrioventricular canal defect OMIM:619608
Atrioventricular Septal Defect, Susceptibility To, 2
Atrioventricular canal defect, Pulmonary artery atresia, Right aortic arch with mirror image bran... OMIM:606217
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1O
Impaired myocardial contractility, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Ventricular tachycardia, Congestive he... OMIM:608569
Hb Bart'S Hydrops Fetalis
Congestive heart failure, Oligohydramnios, Pallor, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Polyhydramnios, Hy... ORPHA:163596
Tricuspid Atresia
Hypoplasia of right ventricle, Patent foramen ovale, Ventricular septal defect, Persistent left s... ORPHA:1209
Nemaline Myopathy 9
Polyhydramnios, Nemaline bodies, Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:615731
His Bundle Tachycardia
Junctional ectopic tachycardia, Arrhythmia, Neoplasm of the heart, Cardiomyopathy ORPHA:3283
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Ik
Cardiomyopathy, Splenomegaly, Nonimmune hydrops fetalis, Joint contracture, Hepatomegaly, Flexion... OMIM:608540
Spinal Muscular Atrophy With Congenital Bone Fractures 1
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Diaphragmatic eventration, Generalized amyotrophy... OMIM:616866
46,Xx Sex Reversal With Dysgenesis Of Kidneys, Adrenals, And Lungs
Ovotestis, Hypospadias, Sex reversal OMIM:611812
Lodder-Merla Syndrome, Type 2, With Developmental Delay And With Or Without Cardiac Arrhythmia
Sick sinus syndrome, Patent foramen ovale, Bradycardia OMIM:617182
Sudden Cardiac Failure, Infantile
Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Bradycardia, Myocarditis, Sudden cardiac d... OMIM:617222
Pulmonic Stenosis
Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:265500
Meacham Syndrome
Ventricular septal defect, Neonatal death, Bicuspid aortic valve, Atrial septal defect, Dextrocar... OMIM:608978
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple Types, 3
Atrioventricular block, Abnormal heart morphology, Tetralogy of Fallot, Atrioventricular dissocia... OMIM:614954
Cardiac Diverticulum
Aortic valve stenosis, Mitral valve prolapse, Ventricular septal defect, Bicuspid aortic valve, P... ORPHA:1686
Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia
Hypotension, Atrial flutter, Abnormal left ventricular function, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Eff... ORPHA:3282
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 21
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Myofiber disarray, Mitral valve prolapse, Left ventricular hypertrop... OMIM:614676
Myopathy, Myofibrillar, 1
Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Third degree atrioventricular block, Hypertro... OMIM:601419
Congenital Myopathy 5 With Cardiomyopathy
Centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers, Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Minic... OMIM:611705
Congenital Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia
Tricuspid regurgitation, Abnormal tricuspid valve annulus morphology, Patent foramen ovale, Cardi... ORPHA:555874
Infantile Sialic Acid Storage Disease
Congestive heart failure, Ascites, Splenomegaly, Cardiomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Hydrops fetalis, Pre... OMIM:269920
Atrioventricular Septal Defect 4
Primum atrial septal defect OMIM:614430
Heterotaxy, Visceral, 6, Autosomal
Hypoplastic left heart, Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Unbalanced atrioventricular cana... OMIM:614779
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 11
Left anterior fascicular block, Atrial flutter, Subaortic ventricular septal bulge, Hypertrophic ... OMIM:612098
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 17
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure OMIM:615440
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia, Familial, 5
Congestive heart failure, Right ventricular cardiomyopathy, Palpitations, Prolonged QRS complex, ... OMIM:604400
46,Xy Difference Of Sex Development Due To 17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 3 Deficiency
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Male pseudohermaphroditism, Ambiguous genitalia, Cryptorchidism ORPHA:752
Pulmonary Atresia With Ventricular Septal Defect
Ventricular septal defect OMIM:178370
Congenital Myopathy 7B, Myosin Storage, Autosomal Recessive
Centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Sinus tachycardia, Congestive... OMIM:255160
Criss-Cross Heart
Supravalvular aortic stenosis, Mitral stenosis, Abnormal mitral valve morphology, Ventricular sep... ORPHA:1461
Chromosome 6Q24-Q25 Deletion Syndrome
Tricuspid regurgitation, Mitral valve prolapse, Dysplastic tricuspid valve, Persistent fetal circ... OMIM:612863
Wild Type Attr Amyloidosis
Aortic valve stenosis, Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Abnormal EKG, Pleur... ORPHA:330001
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1G
Atrioventricular block, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Reduced left ventricula... OMIM:604145
Glycogen Storage Disease Iv
Hepatic failure, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Cardiomyopathy, Ascites, Hepatosplenomegaly, Portal hyp... OMIM:232500
Mulibrey Nanism
Congestive heart failure, Ascites, Cardiomegaly, Pericardial constriction, Hepatomegaly, Recurren... OMIM:253250
Truncus Arteriosus
Abnormal coronary artery morphology, Ventricular septal defect, Pulmonary edema, Single coronary ... ORPHA:3384
Fallot Complex-Intellectual Disability-Growth Delay Syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot, Persistent left superior vena cava, Overriding aorta, Double outlet right ve... ORPHA:3304
Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
Abnormal cardiac atrium morphology, Mitral regurgitation, Elevated jugular venous pressure, Left ... ORPHA:563
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 26
Left anterior fascicular block, Atrioventricular block, Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic ca... OMIM:617047
Attrv122I Amyloidosis
Aortic valve stenosis, Abnormal atrioventricular conduction, Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Congesti... ORPHA:85451
Lung Agenesis, Congenital Heart Defects, And Thumb Anomalies Syndrome
Bilateral lung agenesis, Neonatal death, Coarctation of aorta, Abnormal cardiac septum morphology... OMIM:601612
Lethal Congenital Contracture Syndrome 10
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Oligohydramnios, Ventricular septal defect, Cardi... OMIM:617022
Serkal Syndrome
Pulmonary hypoplasia, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Pulmonic stenosis, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:139466
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 2F
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Severely reduced left ventricular ejection frac... OMIM:619747
8P23.1 Duplication Syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot, Pulmonic stenosis, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:251076
Polyvalvular Heart Disease Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Abnormal heart valve morphology, Tricuspid regurgitation, Mitral valve pro... ORPHA:228410
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Recessive 18, With Or Without Epilepsy
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:614249
Cutis Laxa, Neonatal, With Marfanoid Phenotype
Abnormal heart morphology, Emphysema, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia OMIM:614100
Heterotaxy, Visceral, 1, X-Linked
Ventricular septal defect, Bilateral trilobed lung, Atrial septal defect, Dextrocardia, Single ve... OMIM:306955
Cutis Laxa-Marfanoid Syndrome
Abnormal heart valve morphology, Flexion contracture, Emphysema, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia ORPHA:171719
Acute Peripheral Arterial Occlusion
Abnormal capillary physiology, Supraventricular tachycardia, Limb muscle weakness, Abnormality of... ORPHA:90064
Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy With Conduction Defect Due To Lmna Mutation
Atrial fibrillation, Muscular dystrophy, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Atrial flutter, Sinoatrial block... ORPHA:300751
46,Xy Sex Reversal 7
Sex reversal, Hypoplasia of the fallopian tube, Streak ovary, Abnormal epididymis morphology, Gon... OMIM:233420
Partial Atrioventricular Septal Defect
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypoplastic left heart, Bacterial endocarditis, Coronary sinus enlargement... ORPHA:1330
Adrenal Insufficiency, Congenital, With 46,Xy Sex Reversal, Partial Or Complete
Sex reversal OMIM:613743
Meckel Syndrome, Type 9
Ambiguous genitalia OMIM:614209
Umbilical Cord Ulceration-Intestinal Atresia Syndrome
Abnormal tricuspid valve morphology, Abnormal aortic morphology, Ventricular septal defect, Singl... ORPHA:3405
Familial Aortic Dissection
Aortic regurgitation, Descending thoracic aorta aneurysm, Aortic root aneurysm, Aortic dissection... ORPHA:229
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked, Syndromic 32
Cardiomegaly, Congestive heart failure OMIM:300886
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Restrictive, 3
Hypotension, Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, Left axis de... OMIM:612422
Familial Dyskinesia And Facial Myokymia
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Limb hypertonia, Facial myokymia, Congestive heart failure ORPHA:324588
Familial Idiopathic Dilatation Of The Right Atrium
Holosystolic murmur, Arrhythmia, Hepatomegaly, Right atrial enlargement, Abnormal jugular vein mo... ORPHA:1677
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1D
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Incomplete right bundle branch block, Congestive heart failure, Left vent... OMIM:601494
Heterotaxy, Visceral, 8, Autosomal
Hypoplastic left heart, Aortopulmonary collateral arteries, Unbalanced atrioventricular canal def... OMIM:617205
Pseudo-Torch Syndrome 2
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Secundum atrial septal defect, Fetal dis... OMIM:617397
Pulmonic Stenosis, Atrial Septal Defect, And Unique Electrocardiographic Abnormalities
Secundum atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis, Abnormal EKG OMIM:178650
Classic Multiminicore Myopathy
Muscular dystrophy, Right ventricular failure, Congestive heart failure, Muscle fiber atrophy, Mu... ORPHA:324604
Grange Syndrome
Aortic regurgitation, Arterial stenosis, Ventricular septal defect, Hypertension, Patent ductus a... ORPHA:79094
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 2
Bicuspid aortic valve, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Atrial septal defect OMIM:615981
Webbed neck, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:156250
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple Types, 9
Hypoplastic left heart, Aortopulmonary collateral arteries, Unbalanced atrioventricular canal def... OMIM:620294
Atrial Septal Defect, Ostium Primum Type
Mitral regurgitation, Abnormally loud pulmonic component of the second heart sound, Right atrial ... ORPHA:99106
Fetal Minoxidil Syndrome
Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:1918
Pmp22-Rai1 Contiguous Gene Duplication Syndrome
Distal amyotrophy, Abnormal heart morphology, Foot dorsiflexor weakness, Patent foramen ovale, Ve... ORPHA:477817
Long Qt Syndrome 15
Ventricular bigeminy, Left ventricular noncompaction, 2:1 atrioventricular block, Sinus bradycard... OMIM:616249
Mitochondrial Short-Chain Enoyl-Coa Hydratase 1 Deficiency
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Bradycardia, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:616277
Feingold Syndrome Type 2
Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:391646
Distal 7Q11.23 Microdeletion Syndrome
Patent ductus arteriosus, Atrial septal defect ORPHA:254351
Atrial Septal Defect 4
Atrial septal defect, Patent foramen ovale OMIM:611363
Tako-Tsubo Cardiomyopathy
Dilatation of the ventricular cavity, Mitral regurgitation, Pulmonary edema, Arrhythmia, Ventricu... ORPHA:66529
Weill-Marchesani Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Mitral regurgitation, Pulmonic stenosis, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:3449
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked, Syndromic, Snijders Blok Type
Dysplastic pulmonary valve OMIM:300958
Ovarian gonadoblastoma, Abnormality of the ovary, Gonadal calcification, Ambiguous genitalia, Gon... ORPHA:206484
Long-Olsen-Distelmaier Syndrome
Premature rupture of membranes, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Secundum atrial septal defect, Congestive... OMIM:620609
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 2
Hypoplastic left heart, Aortic valve atresia, Mitral atresia, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:614435
Familial Cutaneous Collagenoma
Angina pectoris, Atrial septal defect, Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure ORPHA:53296
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 10
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Ascites, Oligohydramnios, Pleural effusion, Cardiomegaly, Bradycardi... OMIM:614702
Aorta Coarctation
Hypoplastic left heart, Congestive heart failure, Tetralogy of Fallot, Cardiomegaly, Bicuspid aor... ORPHA:1457
Congenital Left Ventricular Aneurysm
Congestive heart failure, Abnormal T-wave, Abnormal left ventricle morphology, Arrhythmia, Abnorm... ORPHA:1055
Genitopalatocardiac Syndrome
Right aortic arch, Transposition of the great arteries, Double outlet right ventricle, Ventricula... OMIM:231060
Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency, Primary, 8
Oligohydramnios, Left ventricular hypertrophy, Flexion contracture, Hypertension, Pulmonary hypop... OMIM:616733
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Aa, With Or Without Left Ventricular Noncompaction
Atrioventricular block, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Endocardial fibrosis, Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, ... OMIM:612158
Myopathy, Myofibrillar, 12, Infantile-Onset, With Cardiomyopathy
Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Cardiogenic shock, Biventricular hypertrophy,... OMIM:619424
Fetal Encasement Syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot, Bilateral trilobed lung, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia OMIM:613630
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 6
Aborted sudden cardiac death, Atrioventricular block, Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic card... OMIM:600858
45,X/46,Xy Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
Streak ovary, Abnormal scrotum morphology, Cryptorchidism, Chordee, Abnormal internal genitalia, ... ORPHA:1772
Atrial Septal Defect, Ostium Secundum Type
Mitral regurgitation, Abnormal mitral valve morphology, Arrhythmia, Right atrial enlargement, Ped... ORPHA:99103
Pseudohermaphroditism, Female, With Skeletal Anomalies
Clitoral hypertrophy, Ambiguous genitalia OMIM:264270
Neuraminidase Deficiency
Facial edema, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Cardiomyopathy, Cherry red spot of the macula, Ascites, Sp... OMIM:256550
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Nn
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, Mit... OMIM:615916
Rhizomelic Syndrome
Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:268250
Lethal Congenital Contracture Syndrome 11
Elbow flexion contracture, Distal arthrogryposis, Flexion contracture of finger, Camptodactyly, F... OMIM:617194
Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency
Hepatic failure, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Elevated circulating hepatic tr... ORPHA:367
Branchial Arch Syndrome, X-Linked
Webbed neck, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:301950
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 8A (Zellweger)
Ventricular septal defect OMIM:614876
Interatrial Communication
Right ventricular dilatation, Secundum atrial septal defect, Cardiomegaly, Stroke, Sinus venosus ... ORPHA:1478
Kagami-Ogata Syndrome
Premature birth, Diastasis recti, Splenomegaly, Ventricular septal defect, Hepatomegaly, Pulmonar... OMIM:608149
Arterial Calcification, Generalized, Of Infancy, 2
Cardiogenic shock, Sinus tachycardia, Congestive heart failure, Tricuspid regurgitation, Reduced ... OMIM:614473
Tracheal Agenesis
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the lungs, Abnormal cardiac septum morphology ORPHA:3346
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 9
Hypoplastic left atrium, Pulmonary hypoplasia, Agenesis of pulmonary vessels, Right aortic arch w... OMIM:601186
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Peroneal muscle weakness, Pulmonic stenosis ORPHA:3129
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 4
Patent ductus arteriosus, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:615297
Feingold Syndrome 2
Ventricular septal defect OMIM:614326
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group Q
Primum atrial septal defect OMIM:615272
Microcephaly-Cardiomyopathy Syndrome
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:2515
Aortic Arch Interruption
Ventricular septal defect, Bicuspid aortic valve, Single ventricle, Patent ductus arteriosus, Ped... ORPHA:2299
Pulmonary Hypoplasia, Primary
Neonatal death, Pulmonary hypoplasia OMIM:265430
Pseudotrisomy 13 Syndrome
Complete atrioventricular canal defect, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Dextroca... OMIM:264480
Takayasu Arteritis
Vasculitis, Hypertensive crisis, Skin ulcer, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Abnormal heart valve mo... ORPHA:3287
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1A
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Atrial flutter, Third degree atrioventricular block, Second degree atriov... OMIM:115200
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 13
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Cardiac arrest, Hepatomegaly, Bradycardia OMIM:618235
Sandhoff Disease
Cherry red spot of the macula, Congestive heart failure, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Recurrent re... ORPHA:796
Noonan Syndrome 11
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:618499
Prune Belly Syndrome With Pulmonic Stenosis, Impaired Intellectual Development, And Deafness
Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:264140
Distichiasis With Congenital Anomalies Of The Heart And Peripheral Vasculature
Sinus bradycardia, Ventricular septal defect, Varicose veins, Peripheral arterial stenosis, Paten... OMIM:126320
Hemochromatosis, Type 2A
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Splenomegaly, Arrhythmia, Cirrh... OMIM:602390
Tmem70-Related Mitochondrial Encephalo-Cardio-Myopathy
Camptodactyly of finger, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Oligohydramnios, ... ORPHA:1194
Mitochondrial Myopathy, Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis, And Stroke-Like Episodes
Congestive heart failure, Ragged-red muscle fibers, Myopathy, Left ventricular hypertrophy, Arrhy... OMIM:540000
Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis
Peripheral arterial stenosis, Pulmonary artery stenosis, Supravalvular aortic stenosis, Pulmonic ... OMIM:185500
Atrial Septal Defect, Coronary Sinus Type
Pneumonia, Right ventricular failure, Bundle branch block, Presyncope, Transient ischemic attack,... ORPHA:99104
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Thoracic 4
Aortic regurgitation, Aortic dissection, Anterior cerebral artery stenosis, Coronary artery ather... OMIM:132900
Distal Deletion 19P
Tricuspid valve prolapse, Pulmonary valve atresia, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:96129
Immunodeficiency 90 With Encephalopathy, Functional Hyposplenia, And Hepatic Dysfunction
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Portal inflammation, Ventricular septal defect, Elevated circulating a... OMIM:613759
Patent Ductus Arteriosus-Bicuspid Aortic Valve-Hand Anomalies Syndrome
Bicuspid aortic valve, Patent ductus arteriosus ORPHA:228190
Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy With Variable Ectodermal Abnormalities
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Ventricular bigeminy, Tricuspid regurgitation, Left ventricular systolic ... OMIM:620519
Atrioventricular block, Congestive heart failure, Concentric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Weaknes... ORPHA:98909
Glycogen Storage Disease Of Heart, Lethal Congenital
Biventricular hypertrophy, Myopathy, Pulmonary edema, Breech presentation, Ventricular fibrillati... OMIM:261740
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 2G
Aortic regurgitation, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Cardiogenic shock, Tricuspid regurgitation, Myofibe... OMIM:619897
Leopard Syndrome 1
Webbed neck, Third degree atrioventricular block, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Bundle branch bloc... OMIM:151100
Craniofaciofrontodigital Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Mitral regurgitation, Ventricular septal defect, Bicuspid aortic valve, Ar... ORPHA:363705
X-Linked Intellectual Disability-Cardiomegaly-Congestive Heart Failure Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Atrial flutter, Contractures of the large joints, Congestive heart failure... ORPHA:324410
Atrial Fibrillation, Familial, 13
Aortic valve stenosis, Left atrial enlargement, Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation OMIM:615377
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 11
Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Myopathy, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, ... OMIM:618234
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 52
Hypoplastic left heart, Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Mitral atresia, Situs inversus t... OMIM:620570
Hemochromatosis, Type 2B
Hepatic fibrosis, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Cardiomyopathy, Conges... OMIM:613313
Craniofacial Abnormalities, Cataracts, Congenital Heart Disease, Sacral Neural Tube Defects, And Growth And Developmental Retardation
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:608227
Ventricular Septal Defect 3
Pulmonary artery stenosis, Patent ductus arteriosus, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:614432
Thanatophoric Dysplasia
Increased nuchal translucency, Redundant skin, Atrial septal defect, Polyhydramnios, Patent ductu... ORPHA:2655
Congenital Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypoplastic left heart, Tetralogy of Fallot, Atrioventricular canal defect... ORPHA:210122
Lung Agenesis-Heart Defect-Thumb Anomalies Syndrome
Abnormal lung lobation, Atrioventricular canal defect, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Abnormal ... ORPHA:1120
Atrial Septal Defect 9
Bicuspid aortic valve, Pulmonary arterial hypertension, Secundum atrial septal defect OMIM:614475
Cardiac Conduction Disease With Or Without Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Left anterior fascicular block, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Atrial flutter, Prolonged QTc interval, C... OMIM:616117
Neurofibromatosis-Noonan Syndrome
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Webbed neck, Pulmonic stenosis ORPHA:638
Neuronal Intestinal Pseudoobstruction
Patent ductus arteriosus, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Abnormal cardiac septum morphology ORPHA:99811
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Feeding Difficulties, Thin Corpus Callosum, And Foot Deformity
Aortic valve stenosis, Bicuspid aortic valve OMIM:615599
Deafness, Congenital Heart Defects, And Posterior Embryotoxon
Tetralogy of Fallot, Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:617992
Sick Sinus Syndrome 2
Aortic regurgitation, Left ventricular noncompaction, Torsade de pointes, Paroxysmal atrial fibri... OMIM:163800
Hyperinsulinism Due To Ucp2 Deficiency
Diffuse pancreatic islet hyperplasia, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Palpitations, Pallor, Syncope,... ORPHA:276556
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 1
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypoplastic left heart OMIM:241550
Congenital Aortic Valve Stenosis
Aortic valve stenosis, Aortic valve calcification, Increased QRS voltage, Abnormal pulse pressure... ORPHA:3093
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 12
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, Ventricular septal hypertrophy, Vent... OMIM:612124
Danon Disease
Myocardial necrosis, Skeletal muscle autophagosome accumulation, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Generali... OMIM:300257
Hydrops Fetalis, Nonimmune, With Gracile Bones And Dysmorphism
Polyhydramnios, Hydrops fetalis, Nonimmune hydrops fetalis, Pulmonary hypoplasia OMIM:613124
Cardiofaciocutaneous Syndrome 3
Webbed neck, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Pulmon... OMIM:615279
Idiopathic Neonatal Atrial Flutter
Abnormal atrioventricular conduction, Abnormal EKG, Fetal distress, Reduced left ventricular ejec... ORPHA:45452
Rheumatic Fever
Epistaxis, Erythema, Abnormal heart valve morphology, Abnormal pleura morphology, Pallor, Abnorma... ORPHA:3099
Double Outlet Left Ventricle
Ventricular septal defect, Cardiomegaly, Bicuspid pulmonary valve, Abnormal right ventricular fun... ORPHA:3427
Autosomal Dominant Hyperinsulinism Due To Sur1 Deficiency
Diffuse pancreatic islet hyperplasia, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Palpitations, Pallor, Focal pa... ORPHA:276575
Congenital Total Pulmonary Venous Return Anomaly
Atrial situs ambiguous, Mitral regurgitation, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, De... ORPHA:99125
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Recessive 47
Mitral valve prolapse OMIM:616193
Noonan Syndrome 3
Webbed neck, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Mitral valve prolapse, Ventricular septal defect, Paten... OMIM:609942
Cardiac Valvular Dysplasia 2
Aortic regurgitation, Tricuspid regurgitation, Palpitations, Bicuspid aortic valve, Subvalvular a... OMIM:620067
Cardiomyopathy-Hypotonia-Lactic Acidosis Syndrome
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Myopathy, Low-output congestive heart failure ORPHA:91130
White Forelock With Malformations
Atrial septal defect, Prominent veins on trunk OMIM:277740
Renal-Hepatic-Pancreatic Dysplasia 1
Aortic valve stenosis, Cholestasis, Neonatal death, Cirrhosis, Atrial septal defect, Hepatomegaly... OMIM:208540
Vertebral, Cardiac, Renal, And Limb Defects Syndrome 3
Hypoplastic left heart, Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery, Bicus... OMIM:618845
Myopathy, Lactic Acidosis, And Sideroblastic Anemia 2
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Pallor, Rag... OMIM:613561
Hemochromatosis, Type 1
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure... OMIM:235200
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Postaxial Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus Syndrome
Mitral regurgitation, Abnormal cardiac septum morphology, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:83473
Naxos Disease
Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Arrhythmia, Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, Sudden ... ORPHA:34217
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 2H
Muscular ventricular septal defect, Reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, Secundum atrial s... OMIM:620203
Atrial Septal Defect 7 With Or Without Atrioventricular Conduction Defects
Secundum atrial septal defect, Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricular septal defect, Left ventricular h... OMIM:108900
3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria, Type V
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase... OMIM:610198
Intellectual Developmental Disorder With Cardiac Defects And Dysmorphic Facies
Parachute mitral valve, Tetralogy of Fallot, Patent foramen ovale, Ventricular septal defect, Dou... OMIM:618316
Congenital Myopathy 11
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Patent foramen ovale, Weakness of facial... OMIM:619967
Carnitine-Acylcarnitine Translocase Deficiency
Ventricular hypertrophy, Hypotension, Atrioventricular block, Elevated circulating hepatic transa... OMIM:212138
Aortic Valve Disease 3
Aortic valve stenosis, Bicuspid aortic valve, Atrial septal defect OMIM:618496
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita 1, Neurogenic, With Myelin Defect
Ankle flexion contracture, Elbow flexion contracture, Knee flexion contracture, Hip contracture, ... OMIM:617468
Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis
Reticular pattern on pulmonary HRCT, Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, Hepatosplenomegaly, Nodular pat... ORPHA:99931
Vasculitis, Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Abnormal atrioventricular conduc... ORPHA:732
Osteochondrodysplasia, Complex Lethal, Symoens-Barnes-Gistelinck Type
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Ascites, Pleural effusion, Ventricular septal defect, Cardiomegaly, ... OMIM:616897
Gillessen-Kaesbach-Nishimura Syndrome
Periportal fibrosis, Abnormal lung lobation, Abnormal heart morphology, Oligohydramnios, Congenit... OMIM:263210
Atherosclerosis-Deafness-Diabetes-Epilepsy-Nephropathy Syndrome
Arterial stenosis, Cerebral artery atherosclerosis, Abnormal mitral valve morphology, Coronary ar... ORPHA:1192
Capillary Malformation-Arteriovenous Malformation
Epistaxis, Chylothorax, Arteriovenous malformation, Congestive heart failure, Abnormal heart morp... ORPHA:137667
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia, Familial, 8
Congestive heart failure, Right ventricular cardiomyopathy, Premature ventricular contraction, Ve... OMIM:607450
Mmep Syndrome
Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:3434
Faciocardiorenal Syndrome
Tricuspid valve prolapse, Endocardial fibroelastosis ORPHA:1973
Hemolytic Disease Of Fetus And Newborn, Rh-Induced
Fetal pericardial effusion, Fetal ascites, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Hydrops fetalis, Polyhydra... OMIM:619462
Dyskinesia With Orofacial Involvement, Autosomal Dominant
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Limb hypertonia, Facial myokymia, Congestive heart failure OMIM:606703
Polyhydramnios-Megalencephaly-Symptomatic Epilepsy Syndrome
Decreased muscle mass, Congestive heart failure, Polyhydramnios, Atrial septal defect, Facial hyp... ORPHA:500533
Dysplastic Cortical Hyperostosis, Kozlowski-Tsuruta Type
Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the lungs, Polyhydramnios, Hydrops fetalis ORPHA:2204
Primary Pulmonary Hypoplasia
Abnormal pulmonary artery morphology, Secundum atrial septal defect, Abnormal hemidiaphragm morph... ORPHA:2257
Congenital Myopathy 1B, Autosomal Recessive
Centrally nucleated skeletal muscle fibers, Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Minic... OMIM:255320
Methemoglobinemia And Ambiguous Genitalia
Bifid scrotum, Male pseudohermaphroditism, Ambiguous genitalia, Micropenis, Hypospadias, Scrotal ... OMIM:250790
Flna-Related X-Linked Myxomatous Valvular Dysplasia
Aortic regurgitation, Tricuspid regurgitation, Mitral regurgitation, Mitral valve prolapse, Bicus... ORPHA:555877
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, Interstitial cardiac... ORPHA:91131
Laubry-Pezzi Syndrome
Aortic regurgitation, Congestive heart failure, Elevated pulmonary artery pressure, Palpitations,... ORPHA:99094
Autosomal Dominant Hyperinsulinism Due To Kir6.2 Deficiency
Diffuse pancreatic islet hyperplasia, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Palpitations, Pallor, Syncope,... ORPHA:276580
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Spasticity, Hypomyelinating Leukodystrophy, And Brain Abnormalities
Unilateral wrist flexion contracture, Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, Knee flexion contractur... OMIM:616531
Lymphatic Malformation 8
Generalized edema, Pleural effusion, Polyhydramnios, Nonimmune hydrops fetalis, Stillbirth, Peric... OMIM:618773
Xk Aprosencephaly Syndrome
Polyhydramnios, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:3469
Down Syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot, Atrioventricular canal defect, Complete atrioventricular canal defect, Paten... OMIM:190685
Patent Ductus Arteriosus And Bicuspid Aortic Valve With Hand Anomalies
Bicuspid aortic valve, Patent ductus arteriosus OMIM:604381
Renal Hypodysplasia/Aplasia 2
Anhydramnios, Redundant skin, Pulmonary hypoplasia OMIM:615721
American Trypanosomiasis
Periorbital edema, Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Pallor, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, ... ORPHA:3386
Mitochondrial Trifunctional Protein Deficiency 1
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Congestive heart... OMIM:609015
Carnitine Deficiency, Systemic Primary
Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Elevated circulating aspar... OMIM:212140
Catel-Manzke Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Camptodactyly of finger, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:1388
Hydrops Fetalis, Nonimmune
Hydrops fetalis, Nonimmune hydrops fetalis, Congestive heart failure OMIM:236750
Lymphatic Malformation 7
Facial edema, Chylothorax, Lymphedema, Ascites, Increased nuchal translucency, Pleural effusion, ... OMIM:617300
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 5
Patent foramen ovale, Pulmonary arterial hypertension, Right atrial enlargement, Right ventricula... OMIM:616028
Aortic Valve Disease 1
Aortic valve stenosis, Aortic valve calcification, Tetralogy of Fallot, Mitral atresia, Mitral st... OMIM:109730
Weill-Marchesani Syndrome 3
Aortic valve stenosis, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:614819
Diaphragmatic Defect-Limb Deficiency-Skull Defect Syndrome
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Pulmonary hypoplasia ORPHA:2141
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Microcephaly, Cerebral Atrophy, And Visual Impairment
Aortic regurgitation, Secundum atrial septal defect, Congestive heart failure, Tricuspid regurgit... OMIM:620066
Optic Atrophy 7 With Or Without Auditory Neuropathy
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Pallor OMIM:612989
Congenital Enterovirus Infection
Hypotension, Fetal ascites, Hepatic failure, Hepatitis, Cardiomyopathy, Fetal distress, Cholestas... ORPHA:292
Congenital Tracheomalacia
Pneumonia, Abnormal pulmonary artery morphology, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Pr... ORPHA:95430
Arterial Calcification, Generalized, Of Infancy, 1
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Fetal distress, Arterial stenosis, Carotid arte... OMIM:208000
Pentalogy Of Cantrell
Tetralogy of Fallot, Abnormal pericardium morphology, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Ventricula... ORPHA:1335
Recombinant Chromosome 8 Syndrome
Joint contracture of the hand, Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricular septal defect, Double outlet righ... OMIM:179613
Nphp3-Related Meckel-Like Syndrome
Oligohydramnios, Abnormal biliary tract morphology, Abnormal liver parenchyma morphology, Polyhyd... ORPHA:3032
3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria, Type Iv
Biventricular hypertrophy, Subvalvular aortic stenosis OMIM:250951
Atrial Standstill 2
Atrial standstill, Absent P wave, Cardiomyopathy, Atrial cardiomyopathy, Dilatation of the ventri... OMIM:615745
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Atelectasis, Atrial situs ambiguous, Abnormal heart morphology, Abnormal atrial arrangement, Pulm... ORPHA:244
Tonne-Kalscheuer Syndrome
Abnormal heart morphology, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Pulmonary hypoplasia OMIM:300978
Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia With Misalignment Of Pulmonary Veins
Ventricular septal defect, Neonatal death, Bicuspid aortic valve, Atrial septal defect, Pulmonary... OMIM:265380
Immunodeficiency, Developmental Delay, And Hypohomocysteinemia
Bicuspid aortic valve, Atrial septal defect OMIM:617744
Nephronophthisis 16
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Situs inversus totalis, Patent ductus arterio... OMIM:615382
Congenital Lactic Acidosis, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Type
Abnormal heart morphology, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure ORPHA:70472
Mitochondrial Dna-Related Cardiomyopathy And Hearing Loss
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Ragged-red muscle ... ORPHA:1349
Noonan Syndrome 8
Webbed neck, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Pleural effusion, Mitral regurgitation, Ventricular sep... OMIM:615355
Gm1-Gangliosidosis, Type I
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Cherry red spot of the macula, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Abnormal hear... OMIM:230500
Sinoatrial Node Dysfunction And Deafness
Increased heart rate variability, Syncope, Abnormal QRS complex, Bradycardia OMIM:614896
Meacham Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypoplastic left heart, Abnormal lung lobation, Tetralogy of Fallot, Conot... ORPHA:3097
Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Congestive heart failure, Tricuspid regurgitation, Palpitations, Increased pulmonary vascular res... ORPHA:275766
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Recessive 73
Patent ductus arteriosus, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:619717
Naxos Disease
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Abnormal heart morphology, Right ventricular ca... OMIM:601214
Aural Atresia, Multiple Congenital Anomalies, And Impaired Intellectual Development
Ventricular septal defect OMIM:209770
Mitral Valve Prolapse 3
Mitral regurgitation, Mitral valve prolapse OMIM:610840
Mitral Valve Prolapse 2
Mitral regurgitation, Mitral valve prolapse OMIM:607829
Congenital Unilateral Hypoplasia Of Depressor Anguli Oris
Tetralogy of Fallot, Abnormal aortic morphology, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Abnormality of ... ORPHA:1166
Vacterl Association, X-Linked, With Or Without Hydrocephalus
Atrioventricular canal defect, Neonatal death, Persistent left superior vena cava, Transposition ... OMIM:314390
Fadd-Related Immunodeficiency
Hepatic fibrosis, Pulmonary artery atresia, Decreased liver function, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:306550
Porencephaly, Cerebellar Hypoplasia, And Internal Malformations
Tetralogy of Fallot, Situs inversus totalis, Atrial septal defect OMIM:601322
Stiff Skin Syndrome
Elbow flexion contracture, Bicuspid aortic valve, Camptodactyly, Knee flexion contracture OMIM:184900
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Mitral stenosi... OMIM:264800
Immune-Mediated Necrotizing Myopathy
Proximal muscle weakness in lower limbs, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Congestive heart failure, Palpi... ORPHA:206569
Gnb5-Related Intellectual Disability-Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndrome
Ventricular escape rhythm, Patent foramen ovale, Arrhythmia, Bradycardia, Sick sinus syndrome, Pr... ORPHA:542306
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 30
Neonatal death, Redundant skin, Premature birth, Congestive heart failure OMIM:301021
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Or Without Autism Or Seizures
Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:619239
Atrial Septal Defect 1
Aortic valve stenosis, Secundum atrial septal defect, Second degree atrioventricular block, Tetra... OMIM:108800
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the diaphragm, Pulmonary hypoplasia ORPHA:2140
Global Developmental Delay With Or Without Impaired Intellectual Development
Patent ductus arteriosus, Pulmonary sequestration, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:618330
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 19
Hypoplastic left heart, Partial atrioventricular canal defect, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial ... OMIM:615996
Cardiomyopathy, Decreased liver function, Coarctation of the descending aortic arch, Macroglossia... ORPHA:79321
Generalized edema, Cholelithiasis, Congestive heart failure, Hepatosplenomegaly, Hypersplenism, P... ORPHA:846
Hypotonia, Infantile, With Psychomotor Retardation
Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Myopathy, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:616816
Congenital Heart Defects And Ectodermal Dysplasia
Atrioventricular canal defect, Thin skin OMIM:617364
Mesomelic Dwarfism-Cleft Palate-Camptodactyly Syndrome
Pulmonary hypoplasia, Abnormal lung lobation, Camptodactyly of finger ORPHA:2631
Leydig Cell Hypoplasia
Male hypogonadism, Hypoplasia of the Leydig cells, Abnormal external genitalia, Cryptorchidism, T... ORPHA:755
Immunodeficiency 80 With Or Without Congenital Cardiomyopathy
Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Endocardial fibroelastosis, Nonimmune hydrops fetalis, Pericardial ef... OMIM:619313
Mitochondrial Complex V (Atp Synthase) Deficiency, Nuclear Type 4B
Neonatal death, Pulmonary hypoplasia OMIM:615228
Microcephaly-Thin Corpus Callosum-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Bicuspid aortic valve ORPHA:397951
Heterotaxy, Visceral, 7, Autosomal
Interrupted aortic arch, Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Pulmonary artery hypoplasia, Pu... OMIM:616749
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple Types, 8, With Or Without Heterotaxy
Unbalanced atrioventricular canal defect, Thoracic aortic aneurysm, Dextrotransposition of the gr... OMIM:619657
Hirschsprung Disease With Ulnar Polydactyly, Polysyndactyly Of Big Toes, And Ventricular Septal Defect
Ventricular septal defect OMIM:235750
46,Xx Sex Reversal 5
Hypoplastic left heart, Secundum atrial septal defect, Aplasia of the left hemidiaphragm, Ventric... OMIM:618901
Lethal Congenital Contracture Syndrome 1
Hypoplasia of the musculature, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Neonatal death, Arthrogryposis multiplex ... OMIM:253310
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Abnormal cerebral vascular morphology, A... ORPHA:758
Renal Hypodysplasia/Aplasia 4
Pulmonary hypoplasia OMIM:619887
Multiple Pterygium Syndrome, X-Linked
Hypoplastic heart, Amyoplasia, Fetal akinesia sequence, Polyhydramnios, Flexion contracture, Edem... OMIM:312150
Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm And Aortic Dissection
Aortic root aneurysm, Abdominal aortic aneurysm, Bicuspid aortic valve, Carotid artery dilatation... ORPHA:91387
Aapoaiv Amyloidosis
Atrial flutter, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Supravalvular aortic stenosis, Cardiac conduction ab... ORPHA:439232
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 40
Unbalanced atrioventricular canal defect, Atrioventricular canal defect, Congenitally corrected t... OMIM:618300
Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency, Primary, 5
Decreased level of coenzyme Q10 in skeletal muscle, Left ventricular hypertrophy, Bradycardia OMIM:614654
Thoracoabdominal Syndrome
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Transposition of the great arteries, Ectopia cordis, Patent duct... OMIM:313850
Primary Non-Essential Cutis Verticis Gyrata
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:357225
Long Qt Syndrome 3
Torsade de pointes, Ventricular flutter, Nonimmune hydrops fetalis, Syncope, Ventricular tachycar... OMIM:603830
Dislocation Of The Hip-Dysmorphism Syndrome
Abnormal tricuspid valve morphology, Patent ductus arteriosus, Abnormal cardiac septum morphology ORPHA:2412
Histiocytoid Cardiomyopathy
Junctional ectopic tachycardia, Atrioventricular block, Atrial flutter, Congestive heart failure,... ORPHA:137675
Trisomy 13
Abnormal lung lobation, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Hydrops fetalis, Patent ... ORPHA:3378
Congenital Tricuspid Stenosis
Hypotension, Congestive heart failure, Tricuspid regurgitation, Pulmonary arterial hypertension, ... ORPHA:95459
Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne Type
Muscular dystrophy, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Abnormal EK... OMIM:310200
Cardiac-Urogenital Syndrome
Hypoplastic left heart, Coronary sinus enlargement, Interrupted aortic arch, Accessory spleen, Bi... OMIM:618280
Mitochondrial Complex Iii Deficiency, Nuclear Type 10
Cholelithiasis, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Ventricular septal defect, Persistent fetal circulat... OMIM:618775
Chromosome 15Q14 Deletion Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:616898
Atrial Septal Defect 8
Atrial septal defect, Anomalous pulmonary venous return OMIM:614433
Congenital Myopathy 2B, Severe Infantile, Autosomal Recessive
Nemaline bodies, Increased variability in muscle fiber diameter, Increased endomysial connective ... OMIM:620265
Thoraco-Abdominal Enteric Duplication
Abnormal tricuspid valve morphology, Dextrocardia, Camptodactyly of finger ORPHA:1759
Lethal Congenital Contracture Syndrome 2
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Ventricular septal defect, Polyhydramnios, Arthr... OMIM:607598
Diaphragmatic Defects, Limb Deficiencies, And Ossification Defects Of Skull
Pulmonary hypoplasia, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Abnormality of the diaphragm OMIM:601163
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Il
Ascites, Fetal skin edema, Splenomegaly, Decreased fetal movement, Hepatomegaly, Atrial septal de... OMIM:608776
Linear Skin Defects With Multiple Congenital Anomalies 1
Clitoral hypertrophy, Ovotestis, Chordee, Micropenis, Hypoplasia of the uterus, Hypospadias OMIM:309801
Gm1 Gangliosidosis
Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Abnormal heart morphology, Aspiration pneumonia, Campto... ORPHA:354
Long Qt Syndrome 13
Atrioventricular block, Pulmonary embolism, Congestive heart failure, Torsade de pointes, Reduced... OMIM:613485
Lessel-Kreienkamp Syndrome
Patent foramen ovale, Bicuspid aortic valve, Atrial septal defect, Patent ductus arteriosus, Pulm... OMIM:619149
16P13.11 Microduplication Syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot, Transposition of the great arteries, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septa... ORPHA:261243
Temple-Baraitser Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:611816
Camptodactyly With Muscular Hypoplasia, Skeletal Dysplasia, And Abnormal Palmar Creases
Joint contracture of the hand, Small hypothenar eminence, Mitral valve prolapse, Small thenar emi... OMIM:211960
Refsum Disease, Classic
Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Limb muscle weakness, Cardiomegaly, Arrhythmia OMIM:266500
Hamamy Syndrome
Mitral regurgitation, Prolonged QRS complex, Complete atrioventricular canal defect, Atrial septa... OMIM:611174
Lmna-Related Cardiocutaneous Progeria Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Ventricular hypertrophy, Aortic root aneurysm, Congestive heart failure, E... ORPHA:363618
Ritscher-Schinzel Syndrome 1
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypoplastic left heart, Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricular septal defect, Do... OMIM:220210
Noonan Syndrome 9
Webbed neck, Pulmonic stenosis, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:616559
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Defect Type 23
Congestive heart failure, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Severely reduced left ventricular ejection... ORPHA:444013
Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia
Cor pulmonale, Aortic valve stenosis OMIM:247610
10Q22.3Q23.3 Microdeletion Syndrome
Atrioventricular canal defect, Tricuspid valve prolapse, Patent ductus arteriosus ORPHA:276413
Fetal Gaucher Disease
Abnormality of the spleen, Splenomegaly, Decreased fetal movement, Neonatal death, Fetal akinesia... ORPHA:85212
Dietary Iron Overload Disease
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Hepatic fibrosis, Hepatitis, Abnormal pancreas morphology, Congestive ... ORPHA:139507
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 39
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Oligohydramnios, Cardiomegaly, Perimembranous ventricular septal def... OMIM:620135
Multiple Pterygium Syndrome, Lethal Type
Hypoplastic heart, Amyoplasia, Fetal akinesia sequence, Polyhydramnios, Flexion contracture, Edem... OMIM:253290
Aortic Arch Anomaly-Facial Dysmorphism-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Abnormal aortic arch morphology, Overriding aorta, Arteriovenous malformation ORPHA:1110
Teebi Hypertelorism Syndrome 1
Aortic root aneurysm, Ventricular septal defect, Single umbilical artery, Atrial septal defect, P... OMIM:145420
Micrognathia-Recurrent Infections-Behavioral Abnormalities-Mild Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Complete atrioventricular canal defect ORPHA:476126
Autosomal Recessive Amelia
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the lungs, Abnormal cardiac septum morphology ORPHA:1027
Lymphatic Malformation 13
Fetal pericardial effusion, Lymphedema, Ascites, Mitral regurgitation, Patent foramen ovale, Noni... OMIM:620244
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 6
Ventricular hypertrophy, Tetralogy of Fallot, Mitral regurgitation, Mitral valve prolapse, Ventri... OMIM:612561
Proximal Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Skeletal muscle atrophy, Quadriceps muscle weakness, Elbow flexion contracture, Facial diplegia, ... ORPHA:70
14Q11.2 Microdeletion Syndrome
Patent ductus arteriosus, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:261120
Fabry Disease
Lymphedema, Congestive heart failure, Transient ischemic attack, Ventricular septal hypertrophy, ... OMIM:301500
Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital, Due To 17-Alpha-Hydroxylase Deficiency
Male pseudohermaphroditism, Ambiguous genitalia OMIM:202110
Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS)
Aortic valve stenosis DECIPHER:3
Whim Syndrome 2
Tetralogy of Fallot OMIM:619407
Sneddon Syndrome
Ischemic stroke, Bicuspid aortic valve, Cerebral hemorrhage, Facial palsy, Hypertension OMIM:182410
Nephronophthisis 2
Oligohydramnios, Situs inversus totalis, Pulmonary insufficiency, Hypertension, Pulmonary hypoplasia OMIM:602088
Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia 1
Bicuspid aortic valve, Patent ductus arteriosus, Cerebral hemorrhage OMIM:300049
Tyshchenko Syndrome
Polyhydramnios, Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:615102
Mosaic Trisomy 9
Abnormal lung lobation, Abnormal heart valve morphology, Camptodactyly of finger, Endocardial fib... ORPHA:99776
Noonan Syndrome 12
Tetralogy of Fallot, Supravalvular aortic stenosis, Polyhydramnios, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:618624
Gaucher Disease, Perinatal Lethal
Hepatic failure, Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, Premature birth, Desquamation of skin soon a... OMIM:608013
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 7
Second degree atrioventricular block, Complete atrioventricular canal defect, Ventricular septal ... OMIM:617063
Mosaic Trisomy 16
Premature birth, Abnormal heart morphology, Large placenta, Ventricular septal defect, Single cor... ORPHA:1708
Morbid Obesity And Spermatogenic Failure
Premature coronary artery atherosclerosis, Congestive heart failure, Hepatic steatosis, Hypertens... OMIM:615703
Microcephaly, Congenital Heart Disease, Unilateral Renal Agenesis, And Hyposegmented Lungs
Truncus arteriosus, Webbed neck, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:601355
Short Stature, Developmental Delay, And Congenital Heart Defects
Patent ductus arteriosus, Atrial septal defect, Patent foramen ovale, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:617044
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Pallor, Cardiomyopathy OMIM:500007
Nuchal Bleb, Familial
Hydrops fetalis, Fetal cystic hygroma, Stillbirth OMIM:257350
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 57