Gene Summary

bromodomain containing 4
MCAP,  WI-11513,  HUNK1

IMPC Data Collections

IMPC Phenotype Summary

Not Significant
Not tested


The IMPC applies a panel of phenotyping screens to characterise single-gene knockout mice by comparison to wild types. Click on the different tabs to visualise significant phenotypes identified by the IMPC, as well as all data that was measured.

Phenotype System Allele Zyg Sex Life Stage P Value
abnormal cranium morphology Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi HET Early adult 9.11×10-06
decreased prepulse inhibition Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi HET Early adult 7.88×10-15
short tibia Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi HET Early adult 1.23×10-06
decreased total retina thickness Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi HET Early adult 1.31×10-22
increased grip strength Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi HET Early adult 8.33×10-07
preweaning lethality, complete penetrance Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi HOM   Early adult 0.00
abnormal retina blood vessel morphology Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi HET Early adult 1.39×10-05
embryonic lethality prior to organogenesis Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi HOM   E9.5 0.00
abnormal retina outer nuclear layer morphology Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi HET Early adult 5.79×10-39
abnormal retina inner nuclear layer morphology Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi HET   Early adult 1.35×10-07
abnormal eye posterior chamber depth Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi HET Early adult 1.03×10-05

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lacZ Expression

No Adult expression data was found for this gene.

An assay measuring the expression of lacZ shows the tissue where the gene is expressed.

Anatomy Images Zygosity Mutant Expr
Heart atrium N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Axial skeleton N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Brain N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Central nervous system ganglion N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Cranium N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Dorsal root ganglion N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Ear N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Embryo N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Outer ear N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Eye N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Femur pre-cartilage condensation N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Footplate N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Forearm N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Forebrain N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Forelimb N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Fronto-nasal process N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Gut N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Handplate N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Head mesenchyme N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Head N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Heart ventricle N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Heart N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Hindbrain N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Hindlimb N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Humerus pre-cartilage condensation N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Inner ear N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Intestine N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Liver N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Lower leg N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Lung N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Mandibular process N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Maxillary process N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Mesonephros of female N/A heterozygote 50% (1 of 2)
Mesonephros of male N/A heterozygote 50% (1 of 2)
Metanephros N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Midbrain N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Nasal septum N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Nose N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Notochord N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Oral cavity N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Outflow tract N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Pancreas N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Pharynx N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Radius-ulna pre-cartilage condensation N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Rib pre-cartilage condensation N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Skeleton N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Skin N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Spinal cord N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Stomach N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Tail somite N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Tail N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Thoracic vertebral cartilage condensation N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Tongue N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Trachea N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Trunk mesenchyme N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Umbilical artery embryonic part N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Umbilical vein embryonic part N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Upper arm N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Upper leg N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Urinary system N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)
Vibrissa N/A heterozygote 100% (2 of 2)

Background staining occurs in wild type mice and embryos at an incidental rate.

Anatomy Background staining in controls (WT)

Background staining occurs in wild type mice and embryos at an incidental rate.

Background staining occurs in wild type embryos at a measurable rate.

Anatomy Background staining in controls(WT)
atrium Ambiguous
axial skeleton Ambiguous
brain 0.0%
central nervous system ganglion Ambiguous
cranium Ambiguous
dorsal root ganglion Ambiguous
ear 0.0%
embryo 0.0%
external ear Ambiguous
eye 0.0%
femur pre-cartilage condensation Ambiguous
footplate 0.0%
forearm Ambiguous
forebrain 0.0%
forelimb 0.0%
fronto-nasal process Ambiguous
gut Ambiguous
handplate 0.0%
head 0.0%
head mesenchyme Ambiguous
heart 0.0%
heart ventricle Ambiguous
hindbrain 0.0%
hindlimb 0.0%
humerus pre-cartilage condensation Ambiguous
inner ear Ambiguous
intestine Ambiguous
liver 0.0%
lower leg Ambiguous
lung 0.0%
mandibular process 0.0%
maxillary process 0.0%
mesonephros of female Ambiguous
mesonephros of male Ambiguous
metanephros Ambiguous
midbrain 0.0%
nasal septum Ambiguous
nose Ambiguous
notochord Ambiguous
oral cavity 0.0%
outflow tract Ambiguous
pancreas Ambiguous
pericardium Ambiguous
pharynx Ambiguous
radius-ulna pre cartilage condensation Ambiguous
rib pre-cartilage condensation Ambiguous
skeleton Ambiguous
skin 0.0%
spinal cord Ambiguous
stomach Ambiguous
tail 0.0%
tail somite group 0.0%
thoracic vertebral cartilage condensation Ambiguous
tongue Ambiguous
trachea Ambiguous
trunk mesenchyme Ambiguous
umbilical artery embryonic part Ambiguous
umbilical vein embryonic part Ambiguous
upper arm Ambiguous
upper leg Ambiguous
urinary system Ambiguous
vibrissa Ambiguous

Associated Images

Images submitted by IMPC centres for a selection of procedures. Each set of images is available to view in our image comparator.

Eye Morphology

VIP of right eye

16 Images

Eye Morphology

VIP of left eye

16 Images


XRay Images Whole Body Lateral Orientation

10 Images


XRay Images Skull Lateral Orientation

10 Images


XRay Images Skull Dorso Ventral Orientation

10 Images


XRay Images Whole Body Dorso Ventral

10 Images

Eye Morphology

VIP of right fundus

16 Images

Eye Morphology

VIP of left fundus

16 Images

Embryo LacZ

LacZ images wholemount

4 Images


XRay Images Forepaw

10 Images

Human diseases caused by Brd4 mutations

The analysis uses data from IMPC, along with published data on other mouse mutants, in comparison to human disease reports in OMIM, Orphanet, and DECIPHER.

Phenotype comparisons summarize the similarity of mouse phenotypes with human disease phenotypes.

The table below shows human diseases associated to Brd4 by orthology or direct annotation.

The table below shows human diseases predicted to be associated to Brd4 by phenotypic similarity.

Disease Similarity of
Matching phenotypes Source
Nephrolithiasis, X-Linked Recessive, With Renal Failure
Chronic kidney disease, Nephrocalcinosis, Proximal tubulopathy, Low-molecular-weight proteinuria,... OMIM:310468
Nephrolithiasis, Calcium Oxalate, 2, With Or Without Nephrocalcinosis
Hypocitraturia, Nephrocalcinosis, Hyperoxaluria, Nephrolithiasis OMIM:620374
Blue Diaper Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:211000
Noduli Cutanei, Multiple, With Urinary Tract Abnormalities
Duplicated collecting system, Hydronephrosis OMIM:163850
Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 2
Nephrocalcinosis, Recurrent urinary tract infections, Ureteral obstruction, Hyperoxaluria, Renal ... ORPHA:93599
Proteinuria, Low Molecular Weight, With Hypercalciuria And Nephrocalcinosis
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, Aminoaciduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Proximal tubulopathy, Glycos... OMIM:308990
Hypercalcemia, Infantile, 2
Renal phosphate wasting, Nephrocalcinosis, Medullary nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria, Polyuria OMIM:616963
Hyperoxaluria, Primary, Type Ii
Nephrocalcinosis, Hyperoxaluria, Renal insufficiency, Hematuria, Calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis OMIM:260000
Tumoral Calcinosis, Hyperphosphatemic, Familial, 2
Medullary nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria OMIM:617993
Renal Tubular Acidosis, Distal, With Nephrocalcinosis, Short Stature, Impaired Intellectual Development, And Distinctive Facies
Renal hypoplasia, Renal cortical hyperechogenicity, Beta 2-microglobulinuria, Medullary nephrocal... OMIM:611555
Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 3
Nephrocalcinosis, Abnormal renal physiology, Hyperoxaluria, Hematuria, Abnormality of urine homeo... ORPHA:93600
Leydig Cell Hypoplasia
Male hypogonadism, Hypoplasia of the Leydig cells, Breast aplasia, Abnormal external genitalia, I... ORPHA:755
Microcephaly-Microcornea Syndrome, Seemanova Type
Cataract, Microcornea, Retrognathia, Hypogonadism, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Growth delay ORPHA:2528
Syndactyly Type 4
Toe syndactyly, Short tibia, Camptodactyly of finger, Hand polydactyly, Triphalangeal thumb, Foot... ORPHA:93405
Acromesomelic Dysplasia 2A
Acromesomelia, Short tibia, Aplasia/Hypoplasia involving the metacarpal bones, Distal tibiofibula... OMIM:200700
Acromesomelic Dysplasia 2C
Shortening of all middle phalanges of the fingers, Hip dislocation, Short tibia, Radial bowing, S... OMIM:201250
Hypercalcemia, Infantile, 1
Nephrocalcinosis, Medullary nephrocalcinosis, Nephrolithiasis, Hypercalciuria, Polyuria OMIM:143880
Nephronophthisis 7
Stage 5 chronic kidney disease, Renal tubular atrophy, Nephronophthisis OMIM:611498
Chondrodysplasia Punctata, Tibia-Metacarpal Type
Short 3rd metacarpal, Short tibia, Micromelia, Epiphyseal stippling, Short 4th metacarpal, Limb u... OMIM:118651
Osebold-Remondini Syndrome
Mesomelia, Short tibia, Short toe, Type A brachydactyly, Radial deviation of finger, Carpal synos... OMIM:112910
Hyperparathyroidism, Neonatal Self-Limited Primary, With Hypercalciuria
Nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria, Renal tubular acidosis OMIM:239199
Nephronophthisis 12
Stage 5 chronic kidney disease, Nephronophthisis OMIM:613820
Granulomatous Slack Skin
Acute kidney injury, Nephrocalcinosis ORPHA:33111
Acromesomelic Dysplasia, Grebe Type
Synostosis of carpal bones, Short tibia, Micromelia, Short toe, Aplasia of the middle phalanges o... ORPHA:2098
Renal Tubular Acidosis Iii
Nephrocalcinosis, Bicarbonate-wasting renal tubular acidosis, Nephrolithiasis OMIM:267200
Dent Disease 2
Aminoaciduria, Chronic kidney disease, Nephrocalcinosis, Proximal tubulopathy, Low-molecular-weig... OMIM:300555
Paget Disease Of Bone 6
Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:616833
Primary Hypomagnesemia-Refractory Seizures-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis, Renal potassium wasting, Renal magnesium wasting ORPHA:564178
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 12
Wide nasal bridge, Broad nasal tip, Retrognathia, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Anophthalmia, Neo... OMIM:615524
Langer Mesomelic Dysplasia
Short tibia, Radial bowing, Rudimentary fibula, Rhizomelic arm shortening, Micrognathia, Broad ul... OMIM:249700
Leri-Weill Dyschondrosteosis
Abnormal femoral neck morphology, Short tibia, Radial bowing, Short toe, Abnormal metatarsal morp... OMIM:127300
Thumb, Hypoplastic, With Choroid Coloboma, Poorly Developed Antihelix, And Deafness
Cataract, Cryptorchidism OMIM:274205
Cofs Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Hypogonadism, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Abnorma... ORPHA:1466
Léri-Weill Dyschondrosteosis
Short tibia, Radial bowing, Abnormal tibia morphology, Genu valgum, Patellar aplasia, Diaphyseal ... ORPHA:240
Renal Tubular Acidosis, Distal, 1
Nephrocalcinosis, Distal renal tubular acidosis, Impaired urinary acidification, Nephrolithiasis OMIM:179800
Androgen Insensitivity, Partial
Absent vas deferens, Bifid scrotum, Hypogonadism, Infertility, Azoospermia, Cryptorchidism, Male ... OMIM:312300
Fibular Hemimelia
Toe syndactyly, Structural foot deformity, Finger syndactyly, Short tibia, Limited knee flexion/e... ORPHA:93323
Cerebrooculofacioskeletal Syndrome 2
Small scrotum, Cataract, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Prominent nose, Microphth... OMIM:610756
Spastic Paraparesis And Deafness
Short stature, Cataract, Hypogonadism OMIM:312910
Lethal Faciocardiomelic Dysplasia
Short 5th finger, Microretrognathia, Short tibia, Short thumb, Sandal gap, Radial club hand, Fibu... ORPHA:1972
Lower limb peromelia, Short tibia, Absent radius, Fibular aplasia, Absent hand, Carpal bone aplas... OMIM:200500
Acrocapitofemoral Dysplasia
Short tibia, Radial bowing, Hypoplastic iliac wing, Dysplasia of the femoral head, Cone-shaped ep... OMIM:607778
Fibular Aplasia, Tibial Campomelia, And Oligosyndactyly Syndrome
Finger aplasia, Short tibia, Foot oligodactyly, Fibular aplasia, Tibial bowing, Syndactyly OMIM:246570
Congenital Anomalies Of Kidney And Urinary Tract 3
Renal hypoplasia, Multicystic kidney dysplasia, Vesicoureteral reflux, Hydronephrosis, Ectopic ki... OMIM:618270
Mmep Syndrome
Mandibular prognathia, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia ORPHA:3434
Partial Chromosome Y Deletion
Decreased testicular size, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Cryptorchidism, Oligozoospermia, Abnormal... ORPHA:1646
Exudative Vitreoretinopathy 1
Retinal exudate, Exudative vitreoretinopathy, Ectopic fovea, Posterior vitreous detachment, Vitre... OMIM:133780
Mesomelic Dysplasia, Savarirayan Type
Short forearm, Short tibia, Abnormal foot morphology, Talipes equinovalgus, Mesomelic leg shorten... OMIM:605274
Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy
Cataract, Macular edema, Vitreoretinopathy, Subretinal fluid, Epiretinal membrane, Tractional ret... ORPHA:891
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
Pigmentary retinopathy, Macular degeneration, Macular edema, Retinal vascular tortuosity, Epireti... ORPHA:411527
Renal Tubular Acidosis, Distal, 3, With Or Without Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Hypercalciuria, Nephrocalcinosis, Distal renal tubular acidosis OMIM:602722
Microphthalmia, Isolated, With Cataract 1
Cataract, Microphthalmia OMIM:156850
Microcephaly And Chorioretinopathy, Autosomal Recessive, 2
Cataract, Microcornea, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Prominent nose, Microphthal... OMIM:616171
Congenital Bilateral Absence Of Vas Deferens
Obstructive azoospermia, Absent vas deferens, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility ORPHA:48
Warburg Micro Syndrome 1
Wide nasal bridge, Microcornea, External genital hypoplasia, Micrognathia, Anteverted nares, Cryp... OMIM:600118
Alport Syndrome 3A, Autosomal Dominant
Thickened glomerular basement membrane, Glomerular basement membrane lamellation, Nephritis, Neph... OMIM:104200
Hypomagnesemia, Seizures, And Impaired Intellectual Development 2
Nephrocalcinosis, Renal potassium wasting, Renal magnesium wasting, Polyuria OMIM:618314
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 12A (Zellweger)
Wide nasal bridge, Cholelithiasis, Hepatic failure, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase con... OMIM:614886
Tibia, Hypoplasia Or Aplasia Of, With Polydactyly
Short tibia, Preaxial polydactyly, Triphalangeal thumb, Absent tibia, Fibular duplication OMIM:188740
Exudative Vitreoretinopathy 2, X-Linked
Exudative vitreoretinopathy, Peripheral retinal avascularization, Retinal vascular tortuosity, Su... OMIM:305390
Testicular Agenesis
Absent external genitalia, Hypoplasia of the uterus, Vanishing testis, Ambiguous genitalia, Uroge... ORPHA:325124
Cerebrooculofacioskeletal Syndrome 3
Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Microphthalmia OMIM:616570
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 10B
Nephrocalcinosis, Neurogenic bladder OMIM:617370
Congenital Cataracts-Facial Dysmorphism-Neuropathy Syndrome
Cataract, Microcornea, Malar prominence, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Hypogonad... ORPHA:48431
Skeletal Defects, Genital Hypoplasia, And Impaired Intellectual Development
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the radius, Absent thumb, Short tibia, Fibular hypoplasia, Hypoplasia of th... OMIM:612447
46,Xx Difference Of Sex Development-Skeletal Anomalies Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the premaxilla, Ambiguous genitalia, female, Micrognathia, Mandibular condyle hypop... ORPHA:2975
Macrosomia-Microphthalmia-Cleft Palate Syndrome
Hepatomegaly, Microcornea, Microphthalmia, Corneal opacity ORPHA:2432
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Ix
Toe syndactyly, Short tibia, Retinal coloboma, Hand polydactyly, Camptodactyly OMIM:258865
Ring Chromosome Y Syndrome
Male hypogonadism, Female infertility, Abnormality of the male genitalia, Bifid scrotum, Gonadal ... ORPHA:261529
Amelogenesis Imperfecta, Type Ig
Nephrocalcinosis, Renal insufficiency, Impaired renal concentrating ability, Polyuria, Enuresis OMIM:204690
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Type 10
Polysyndactyly of hallux, Radial deviation of the hand, Short tibia, Short toe, Preaxial polydact... ORPHA:2756
Familial Isolated Hyperparathyroidism
Nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria, Renal insufficiency, Hyperphosphaturia ORPHA:99879
Vas Deferens, Congenital Bilateral Aplasia Of, X-Linked
Azoospermia, Absent vas deferens, Male infertility OMIM:300985
Vas Deferens, Congenital Bilateral Aplasia Of
Azoospermia, Absent vas deferens, Male infertility OMIM:277180
Vesicoureteral Reflux 2
Renal hypoplasia, Vesicoureteral reflux OMIM:610878
Wagr Syndrome
Cataract, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the iris, Displacement of the ureth... ORPHA:893
Endove Syndrome, Limb-Only Type
Cutaneous syndactyly of toes, Aplasia of the distal phalanges of the toes, Short middle phalanx o... OMIM:619217
Gombo Syndrome
Delayed puberty, Microphthalmia OMIM:233270
Vitreoretinopathy, Neovascular Inflammatory
Posterior retinal neovascularization, Vitreoretinopathy, Peripheral retinal neovascularization, V... OMIM:193235
Melanocytic Nevus Syndrome, Congenital
Broad nasal tip, Anteverted nares, Prominence of the premaxilla, Narrow nasal ridge, Short nose OMIM:137550
Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1
Nephrocalcinosis, Enuresis, Recurrent urinary tract infections, Decreased glomerular filtration r... ORPHA:93598
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 11 With Or Without Polydactyly
Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:615633
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 8
Microcornea, Mandibular prognathia, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia OMIM:601349
Macular Dystrophy, Retinal, 3
Retinal pigment epithelial atrophy, Hyperautofluorescent macular lesion, Retinal neovascularizati... OMIM:608850
Hypocalcemia, Autosomal Dominant 1
Decreased glomerular filtration rate, Nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria, Nephrolithiasis OMIM:601198
Dent Disease 1
Renal phosphate wasting, Chronic kidney disease, Aminoaciduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Proximal tubulo... OMIM:300009
Hypomagnesemia 7, Renal, With Or Without Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Nephrocalcinosis, Polyuria OMIM:620152
Hnf1B-Related Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease
Hypospadias, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Absent vas deferens, Abnorm... ORPHA:93111
Hypomagnesemia 5, Renal, With Or Without Ocular Involvement
Chronic kidney disease, Nephrocalcinosis, Renal magnesium wasting, Recurrent urinary tract infect... OMIM:248190
Gollop-Wolfgang Complex
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tibia, Bifid femur, Ectrodactyly, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the ulna, Hand ... ORPHA:1986
Hemorrhagic Destruction Of The Brain, Subependymal Calcification, And Cataracts
Cataract, Cryptorchidism, Neonatal death, Microphthalmia, Hepatomegaly OMIM:613730
Hypoparathyroidism, Sensorineural Deafness, And Renal Dysplasia Syndrome
Thickened glomerular basement membrane, Chronic kidney disease, Nephrocalcinosis, Unilateral rena... OMIM:146255
Renal Tubular Acidosis, Distal, 4, With Hemolytic Anemia
Isothenuria, Nephrocalcinosis, Distal renal tubular acidosis OMIM:611590
Biemond Syndrome Type 2
Hypogonadism, Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Delayed puberty, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Hypo... ORPHA:141333
Blue Diaper Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis, Blue urine ORPHA:94086
Pigmentary retinopathy, Microcornea, Retinal arteriolar constriction, Abnormality of chorioretina... OMIM:193220
Pierpont Syndrome
Microcornea, Broad nasal tip, Cryptorchidism, Malar flattening, Micropenis, Microphthalmia, Short... OMIM:602342
Cataract 9, Multiple Types
Cataract, Microcornea, Progressive cataract, Developmental cataract, Microphthalmia, Iris coloboma OMIM:604219
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Viii
Syndactyly, Short tibia, Polydactyly OMIM:300484
Cloverleaf Skull-Multiple Congenital Anomalies Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Rhizomelia, Micrognathia, Ambiguous genitalia, Microphthalmia ORPHA:93267
Dent Disease
Renal phosphate wasting, Chronic kidney disease, Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, Aminoaciduri... ORPHA:1652
Tibial Hemimelia
Aplasia of the 2nd metacarpal, Short tibia, Radial club hand, Cutaneous finger syndactyly, Talipe... ORPHA:93322
Microphthalmia, Isolated 4
Absent testis, Microphthalmia OMIM:613094
X-Linked Intellectual Disability, Sutherland-Haan Type
Short stature, Decreased testicular size, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Mandibular prognathia ORPHA:93950
Neurofaciodigitorenal Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the premaxilla, Intrauterine growth retardation, Prominent nasal bridge, Cryptorchi... ORPHA:2673
Dislocation Of The Hip-Dysmorphism Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal ridge, Anteverted nares, Malar flattening, Prominence of the p... ORPHA:2412
Tibial Aplasia-Ectrodactyly Syndrome
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tibia, Popliteal pterygium, Finger syndactyly, Ectrodactyly, Preaxial h... ORPHA:3329
Otodental Syndrome
Cataract, Microcornea, Abnormal dental pulp morphology, Carious teeth, Delayed eruption of teeth,... ORPHA:2791
Cataract 11, Multiple Types
Cataract, Developmental cataract, Microphthalmia OMIM:610623
Hypoparathyroidism, Familial Isolated, 1
Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:146200
Eales Disease
Macular edema, Rubeosis iridis, Retinal thinning, Peripheral retinal neovascularization, Vitritis... ORPHA:40923
Upper Limb Defect-Eye And Ear Abnormalities Syndrome
Cataract, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cryptorchidism ORPHA:2489
Malan Syndrome
Retrognathia, Astigmatism, Hyperplasia of the premaxilla, Advanced eruption of teeth, Mandibular ... OMIM:614753
Acrofacial Dysostosis Syndrome Of Rodriguez
Short tibia, Clinodactyly, Oligodactyly, Overlapping toe, Micrognathia, 11 pairs of ribs, Fibular... OMIM:201170
Chromosome 17P13.3, Telomeric, Duplication Syndrome
3-4 finger syndactyly, Short tibia, Short toe, Absent hallux, Oligodactyly, Ectrodactyly, Contrac... OMIM:612576
Laurin-Sandrow Syndrome
Patellar aplasia, Broad foot, Hand polydactyly, Triphalangeal thumb, Absent tibia, Absent radius,... OMIM:135750
Congenital Varicella Syndrome
Cataract, Intrauterine growth retardation, Microphthalmia ORPHA:291
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Ig
Rhizomelia, Short tibia, Sandal gap, Short humerus, Short ribs, Talipes equinovarus, Retinal deta... OMIM:607143
Colobomatous Microphthalmia-Obesity-Hypogenitalism-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Cataract, Hypogonadism, External genital hypoplasia, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia ORPHA:363741
Deafness-Infertility Syndrome
Abnormal sperm head morphology, Reduced sperm motility, Abnormal spermatogenesis, Male infertilit... OMIM:611102
Hypophosphatemic Rickets, X-Linked Recessive
Renal phosphate wasting, Chronic kidney disease, Nephrocalcinosis, Proximal tubulopathy, Low-mole... OMIM:300554
Bresek Syndrome
Iris coloboma, Decreased testicular size, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cryptorchidism, Neonat... ORPHA:85284
Pseudohermaphroditism, Female, With Skeletal Anomalies
Short mandibular condyles, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Clitoral hypertrophy, Ambiguous genitalia, ... OMIM:264270
Warburg Micro Syndrome 3
Small scrotum, Cataract, Microcornea, Postnatal growth retardation, Decreased testicular size, Mi... OMIM:614222
Kdm5C-Related Syndromic X-Linked Intellectual Disability
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Decreased testicular size, Prominent nasal bridge, Cryptorchidism, Sho... ORPHA:85279
Nanophthalmos 1
Bilateral microphthalmos OMIM:600165
Microphthalmia, Isolated 7
Microphthalmia OMIM:613704
Nanophthalmos 2
Microphthalmia OMIM:609549
Arthrogryposis, Renal Dysfunction, And Cholestasis 2
Nephropathy, Aminoaciduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Glycosuria, Renal tubular acidosis, Proteinuria OMIM:613404
Microphthalmia/Coloboma 4
Microcornea, Microphthalmia OMIM:251505
Seckel Syndrome 2
Growth delay, Prominent nose, Micrognathia, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Hypospadias OMIM:606744
Microvillus Inclusion Disease
Nephrocalcinosis, Abnormal renal physiology ORPHA:2290
Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group G
Cataract, Growth delay, Microphthalmia OMIM:278780
Pierpont Syndrome
Microcornea, Malar flattening, Cryptorchidism, Wide nasal ridge, Microphthalmia ORPHA:487825
Micro Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Microcornea, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Antevert... ORPHA:2510
Familial Median Cleft Of The Upper And Lower Lips
Abnormal maxilla morphology, Abnormal mandible morphology ORPHA:401942
Microphthalmia With Limb Anomalies
Toe syndactyly, Postaxial foot polydactyly, Short tibia, Synostosis of carpal bones, Finger synda... ORPHA:1106
Frontonasal Dysplasia 1
Wide nasal bridge, Cranium bifidum occultum, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Broad nasal tip, Bifid na... OMIM:136760
Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Growth delay, Aplasia/Hypop... ORPHA:782
Warburg Micro Syndrome 4
Small scrotum, Microcornea, Decreased testicular size, Anteverted nares, Prominent nasal bridge, ... OMIM:615663
Microcephaly And Chorioretinopathy, Autosomal Recessive, 3
Microphthalmia OMIM:616335
Vitreoretinal Degeneration, Snowflake Type
Corneal guttata, Cataract, Retinal dots, Optically empty vitreous, Retinal detachment, Snowflake ... OMIM:193230
Recon Progeroid Syndrome
Growth delay, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Anteverted nares, Prominent nasal bridge, Prominence of ... OMIM:620370
Rere-Related Neurodevelopmental Syndrome
Choanal atresia, Iris coloboma, Peters anomaly, Postnatal growth retardation, Intrauterine growth... ORPHA:494344
Fanconi Renotubular Syndrome 4 With Maturity-Onset Diabetes Of The Young
Aminoaciduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Glycosuria, Hyperphosphaturia, Proteinuria OMIM:616026
Holoprosencephaly-Postaxial Polydactyly Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the premaxilla, Umbilical hernia, Micrognathia, Encephalocele, Cryptorchidism, Ambi... ORPHA:2166
Coloboma-Obesity-Hypogenitalism-Impaired Intellectual Development Syndrome
Hypogonadism, Cataract, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia OMIM:601794
Warburg Micro Syndrome 2
Small scrotum, Cataract, Microcornea, Postnatal growth retardation, Prominent nasal bridge, Crypt... OMIM:614225
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 41
Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:617105
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Recessive 69
Hyperplasia of the maxilla OMIM:618383
Polyhydramnios-Megalencephaly-Symptomatic Epilepsy Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis ORPHA:500533
Baraitser-Winter Syndrome 1
Wide nasal bridge, Retrognathia, Postnatal growth retardation, Anteverted nares, Cryptorchidism, ... OMIM:243310
Polyhydramnios, Megalencephaly, And Symptomatic Epilepsy
Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:611087
Moyamoya Angiopathy-Short Stature-Facial Dysmorphism-Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism Syndrome
Flared nostrils, Cataract, Retrognathia, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, D... ORPHA:280679
Hypophosphatemic Rickets, Autosomal Recessive, 2
Medullary nephrocalcinosis, Hyperphosphaturia OMIM:613312
3Mc Syndrome 2
Wide nasal bridge, Postnatal growth retardation, Depressed nasal tip, Prominent nasal bridge, Cry... OMIM:265050
Chondrodysplasia Punctata, Autosomal Dominant
Cataract, Hypoplasia of the nasal bone, Hyperkeratosis with erythema, Moderate postnatal growth r... OMIM:118650
Joubert Syndrome 37
Wide nasal bridge, Decreased testicular size, Anteverted nares, Cryptorchidism, Hepatomegaly, Mic... OMIM:619185
Bartter Syndrome, Type 3
Nephrocalcinosis, Hyperchloriduria, Hypocalciuria, Increased urinary potassium, Impaired renal tu... OMIM:607364
2Q24 Microdeletion Syndrome
Microphthalmia, Cataract, Growth delay, Abnormality iris morphology ORPHA:1617
Trichothiodystrophy 3, Photosensitive
Cataract, Carious teeth, Natal tooth, Bilateral cryptorchidism, Intrauterine growth retardation, ... OMIM:616395
Brachydactyly, Coloboma, And Anterior Segment Dysgenesis
Peters anomaly, Ocular anterior segment dysgenesis, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Iris coloboma OMIM:610023
Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome 1
Short tibia, Micrognathia, Metaphyseal rarefaction, Talipes, Bowing of the long bones, Hypoplasti... OMIM:601559
Brachydactyly, Type A1, C
Short distal phalanx of finger, Short 1st metacarpal, Short middle phalanx of the 2nd finger, Fib... OMIM:615072
Fibular Aplasia Or Hypoplasia, Femoral Bowing And Poly-, Syn-, And Oligodactyly
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of fingers, Toe syndactyly, Finger syndactyly, Radial bowing, Clinodactyly, Hy... OMIM:228930
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Iv
Toe syndactyly, Short tibia, Clinodactyly, Short finger, Micrognathia, Postaxial polydactyly, Han... OMIM:258860
Lowry-Maclean Syndrome
Choanal atresia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Abnormality of the abdominal organs, Growth delay, Re... ORPHA:2409
Cataracts, Hearing Impairment, Nephrotic Syndrome, And Enterocolitis 1
Cataract, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Micrognathia, Decreased pineal volume, Microphthalmia, Hyper... OMIM:301108
Microphthalmia/Coloboma 3
Cataract, Iris coloboma, Microphthalmia OMIM:610092
Frontonasal Dysplasia-Alopecia-Genital Anomalies Syndrome
Small scrotum, Depressed nasal bridge, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Hypogonadism, Intrauterine grow... ORPHA:228390
Renal Cysts And Diabetes Syndrome
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Pancreatic hypoplasia, Exocrine pancreat... OMIM:137920
Male Infertility With Azoospermia Or Oligozoospermia Due To Single Gene Mutation
Obstructive azoospermia, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Decreased testicular size, Azoospermia, Abn... ORPHA:399805
Arthrogryposis, Renal Dysfunction, And Cholestasis 1
Nephropathy, Aminoaciduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Reduced renal corticomedullary differentiation, Ren... OMIM:208085
Multiple Benign Circumferential Skin Creases On Limbs
Small scrotum, Microcornea, Umbilical hernia, Micrognathia, Abnormal scrotum morphology, Cryptorc... ORPHA:2505
Developmental Delay With Variable Neurologic And Brain Abnormalities
Cataract, Anteverted nares, Micrognathia, Astigmatism, Microphthalmia, Wide nose OMIM:619694
Bartter Syndrome, Type 5, Antenatal, Transient
Medullary nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria, Polyuria OMIM:300971
Enamel-Renal Syndrome
Nephropathy, Nephrocalcinosis, Hypocalciuria, Hypophosphaturia, Renal insufficiency, Impaired ren... ORPHA:1031
Foveal Hypoplasia 2
Astigmatism, Axenfeld anomaly, Hypoplasia of the fovea, Posterior embryotoxon, Microphthalmia OMIM:609218
Xk Aprosencephaly Syndrome
Abnormal nostril morphology, Abnormal external genitalia, Microphthalmia ORPHA:3469
Nance-Horan Syndrome
Cataract, Microcornea, Prominent nose, Prominent nasal bridge, Microphthalmia, Supernumerary toot... ORPHA:627
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 5
Ectopic posterior pituitary, Cataract, Microcornea, Cryptorchidism, Anophthalmia, Micropenis, Mic... OMIM:610125
Cystic Fibrosis
Nasal polyposis, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Absent vas deferens, Ex... ORPHA:586
Cataract-Intellectual Disability-Hypogonadism Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Malar flattening, Hypogonadotropi... ORPHA:1387
Oculocerebrocutaneous Syndrome
Cleft ala nasi, Anophthalmia, Cryptorchidism, Orbital encephalocele, Microphthalmia OMIM:164180
Microcephalic Osteodysplastic Dysplasia, Saul-Wilson Type
Cataract, Overhanging nasal tip, Narrow nasal bridge, Malar flattening, Convex nasal ridge, Short... ORPHA:85172
Holoprosencephaly 9
Hypoplasia of the premaxilla, Cryptorchidism, Anophthalmia, Anterior pituitary hypoplasia, Microp... OMIM:610829
Iris coloboma, Cataract, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Abnormality of the gallbl... ORPHA:3376
Microphthalmia-Microtia-Fetal Akinesia Syndrome
Hypoplasia of penis, Micrognathia, Short nose, Microphthalmia ORPHA:2547
Laurence-Moon Syndrome
Cataract, Cryptorchidism, Congenital hepatic fibrosis, Displacement of the urethral meatus, Short... ORPHA:2377
Autosomal Recessive Distal Osteolysis Syndrome
Short stature, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Broad nasal tip ORPHA:2776
Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism-Cataract Syndrome
Secondary growth hormone deficiency, Cataract, Decreased fertility, Primary amenorrhea, Delayed p... ORPHA:2410
Martsolf Syndrome 2
Cataract, Broad nasal tip, Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Developmental cataract, Short stature OMIM:619420
Congenital Anomalies Of Kidney And Urinary Tract 1
Unilateral renal agenesis, Renal hypoplasia, Stage 5 chronic kidney disease, Vesicoureteral reflu... OMIM:610805
Frontofacionasal Dysplasia
Choanal atresia, Depressed nasal ridge, Bifid nasal tip, Depressed nasal bridge, Microcornea, Cat... ORPHA:1791
Microphthalmia/Coloboma 10
Iris coloboma, Microcoria, Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia OMIM:616428
Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia, Missouri Type
Flared metaphysis, Small epiphyses, Femoral bowing, Tibial bowing, Knee osteoarthritis, Flattened... ORPHA:93356
Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia With Cone-Rod Dystrophy
Ectopia pupillae, Cone/cone-rod dystrophy, Hypoplastic inferior ilia, Short metacarpal, Optic dis... OMIM:608940
Aplasia/hypoplasia involving bones of the extremities, Short tibia, Camptodactyly of finger, Abno... ORPHA:356961
Florid Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia
Abnormal cementum morphology, Mandibular osteomyelitis, Dental malocclusion, Abnormal mandible mo... ORPHA:83451
Premature Ovarian Failure 12
Primary amenorrhea, Microphthalmia OMIM:616947
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 13
Short stature, Microcornea, Iris coloboma, Microphthalmia OMIM:300915
Split-Hand/Foot Malformation With Long Bone Deficiency 1
Patellar aplasia, Short hallux, Absent tibia, Split hand, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the ulna, Aplasia... OMIM:119100
Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess
Abnormal urine sodium concentration, Nephrocalcinosis, Renal insufficiency ORPHA:320
Fanconi-Bickel Syndrome
Nephropathy, Generalized aminoaciduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Glycosuria, Renal tubular acidosis, Hyp... ORPHA:2088
Multiple Congenital Anomalies-Hypotonia-Seizures Syndrome 3
Nephrocalcinosis, Hydroureter, Ureteral stenosis, Renal cyst, Hypercalciuria OMIM:615398
Hypoparathyroidism-Retardation-Dysmorphism Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Postnatal growth r... OMIM:241410
Acromesomelic Dysplasia 2B
Deformed tarsal bones, Rhizomelia, Deviation of finger, Talipes equinovalgus, Fibular aplasia, Ma... OMIM:228900
Cerebrooculofacioskeletal Syndrome 1
Cataract, Carious teeth, Delayed eruption of teeth, Prominent nose, Micrognathia, Prominent nasal... OMIM:214150
Congenital Rubella Syndrome
Cataract, Intrauterine growth retardation, Microphthalmia, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the iris, Spleno... ORPHA:290
Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis
Cataract, Patchy palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, Abnormal testis morphology, Corneal opacity, Short ... ORPHA:317
Eiken Syndrome
Abnormal fingertip morphology, Epiphyseal dysplasia, Delayed epiphyseal ossification, High iliac ... ORPHA:79106
Meckel Syndrome, Type 8
Depressed nasal ridge, Occipital encephalocele, Encephalocele, Anophthalmia, Ambiguous genitalia,... OMIM:613885
Blepharophimosis-Intellectual Disability Syndrome, Ohdo Type
Small scrotum, Postnatal growth retardation, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cryptorchidism, Mic... ORPHA:2728
Nasopalpebral Lipoma-Coloboma Syndrome
Cataract, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Bilateral micr... ORPHA:2399
X-Linked Dominant Chondrodysplasia, Chassaing-Lacombe Type
Depressed nasal ridge, Rhizomelia, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Microphthalmia,... ORPHA:163966
Hypophosphatasia, Infantile
Elevated urine pyrophosphate, Nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria, Phosphoethanolaminuria OMIM:241500
Arrhinia-Choanal Atresia-Microphthalmia Syndrome
Choanal atresia, Aplasia/Hypoplasia involving the nose, Abnormality of the sense of smell, Hypogo... ORPHA:1135
Hereditary Hypophosphatemic Rickets With Hypercalciuria
Medullary nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria, Hyperphosphaturia, Nephrolithiasis ORPHA:157215
Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome, Type 2
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Mandibular prognathia, Microcornea, Umbilical herni... OMIM:601499
Robin Sequence With Cleft Mandible And Limb Anomalies
Short tibia, Micrognathia, Talipes equinovarus, Short hallux, Mesomelic arm shortening, Short met... OMIM:268305
Cataract-Intellectual Disability-Anal Atresia-Urinary Defects Syndrome
Cataract, Cryptorchidism, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the lens, Hypoplasia of penis, Hypospadias ORPHA:1381
Oculoskeletodental Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis ORPHA:557003
3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria Type 7
Renal cyst, Nephrocalcinosis, Renal insufficiency, 3-Methylglutaconic aciduria ORPHA:445038
Microcephaly-Micromelia Syndrome
Absent thumb, Short tibia, Micromelia, Oligodactyly, Micrognathia, Humeroradial synostosis, Missi... OMIM:251230
Aarskog-Scott Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Delayed eruption of teeth, Umbilical hernia, Megalo... ORPHA:915
Blount Disease
Abnormality of the knee, Abnormality of the proximal tibial epiphysis, Abnormal tibial metaphysis... ORPHA:2768
Aicardi Syndrome
Precocious puberty, Cataract, Postnatal growth retardation, Anteverted nares, Prominence of the p... OMIM:304050
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group S
Dental malocclusion, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Anteverted nares, Prominent nasal bridge, Ovarian... OMIM:617883
Microcephaly With Or Without Chorioretinopathy, Lymphedema, Or Impaired Intellectual Development
Depressed nasal bridge, Microcornea, Broad nasal tip, Cataract, Myopic astigmatism, Anteverted na... OMIM:152950
Chondrodysplasia Punctata 1, X-Linked Recessive
Anosmia, Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Hypogonadism, Short nasal septum, Short stature, Short... OMIM:302950
Cat-Eye Syndrome
Short stature, Intrauterine growth retardation, Iris coloboma, Microphthalmia ORPHA:195
Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis
Aminoaciduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Proximal tubulopathy, Low-molecular-weight proteinuria, Decrease... ORPHA:18
Tibial Hemimelia-Polysyndactyly-Triphalangeal Thumb Syndrome
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tibia, Synostosis of carpal bones, Patellar aplasia, Aplasia/Hypoplasia... ORPHA:988
Hyposmia-Nasal And Ocular Hypoplasia-Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism Syndrome
Anosmia, Cataract, Failure of eruption of permanent teeth, Hyposmia, Hypogonadism, External genit... ORPHA:2250
Male Infertility With Teratozoospermia Due To Single Gene Mutation
Decreased testicular size, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Globozoospermia, Abnormal spermatogenesis... ORPHA:399808
Trisomy 13
Cataract, Abnormal morphology of female internal genitalia, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cryp... ORPHA:3378
Metaphyseal Dysplasia, Braun-Tinschert Type
Radial bowing, Sclerosis of middle finger phalanx, Broad long bones, Humerus varus, Fibular bowin... ORPHA:85188
Microphthalmia/Coloboma 6
Hypoplasia of the fovea, Optic disc hypoplasia, Bilateral microphthalmos OMIM:613703
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 70
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Broad nasal tip, Retrognathia, Micrognath... OMIM:620157
Retinal Dystrophy, Juvenile Cataracts, And Short Stature Syndrome
Cataract, Dental malocclusion, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Malar flattening, Short stature OMIM:616108
Coloboma, Ocular, With Or Without Hearing Impairment, Cleft Lip/Palate, And/Or Impaired Intellectual Development
Cataract, Iris coloboma, Microphthalmia OMIM:120433
Femur, Unilateral Bifid, With Monodactylous Ectrodactyly
Bifid femur, Aplasia of the ulna, Absent tibia, Split hand, Hand monodactyly, Foot monodactyly OMIM:228250
Intrauterine Growth Retardation, Metaphyseal Dysplasia, Adrenal Hypoplasia Congenita, And Genital Anomalies
Depressed nasal bridge, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Postnatal growth r... OMIM:614732
Congenital Osteogenesis Imperfecta-Microcephaly-Cataracts Syndrome
Cataract, Disproportionate short-limb short stature, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cryptorchid... ORPHA:2772
Microphthalmia/Coloboma 5
Iris coloboma, Anophthalmia, Bilateral microphthalmos, Microphthalmia OMIM:611638
Maxillonasal Dysplasia
Depressed nasal bridge, Depressed nasal ridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Short columella, Abnorm... ORPHA:1248
Brachyphalangy, Polydactyly, And Tibial Aplasia/Hypoplasia
Shallow acetabular fossae, Broad thumb, Toe syndactyly, Hypoplastic iliac wing, Micrognathia, Tal... OMIM:609945
Oculodentodigital Dysplasia, Autosomal Recessive
Macrodontia of permanent maxillary central incisor, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Cataract, Dental m... OMIM:257850
Sanjad-Sakati Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Abnormal dental enamel morphology, Postnatal growth retardation, Microgna... ORPHA:2323
Ocular Anomalies-Axonal Neuropathy-Developmental Delay Syndrome
Cataract, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Delayed puberty, Corneal opacity, Mandibular prognathia, ... ORPHA:496790
Retrognathia, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Abnormality of the sense of smell, Anophthalmia, Abno... ORPHA:2189
Arterial Calcification, Generalized, Of Infancy, 2
Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:614473
Marshall-Smith Syndrome
Choanal atresia, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Microretrognathia, Depressed nasal... OMIM:602535
Microphthalmia With Limb Anomalies
Flared nostrils, Depressed nasal bridge, Retrognathia, Postnatal growth retardation, Anophthalmia... OMIM:206920
Temtamy Syndrome
Micrognathia, Iris coloboma, Convex nasal ridge, Microphthalmia ORPHA:1777
Renal Agenesis
Absent vas deferens, Aplasia/hypoplasia of the uterus ORPHA:411709
8Q21.11 Microdeletion Syndrome
Iris hypopigmentation, Cataract, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Micrognathia, Microphthalmia, Cryptor... ORPHA:284160
Ritscher-Schinzel Syndrome 3
Postnatal growth retardation, Anteverted nares, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia OMIM:619135
Microphthalmia With Brain And Digit Anomalies
Cataract, Microcornea, Cryptorchidism, Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia, Sclerocornea, Iris coloboma ORPHA:139471
Mesomelic Dysplasia, Savarirayan Type
High iliac wing, Hypoplasia of proximal radius, Fibular aplasia, Glenoid fossa hypoplasia, Metata... ORPHA:85170
Uveal Coloboma-Cleft Lip And Palate-Intellectual Disability
Cataract, Posterior embryotoxon, Corneal opacity, Microphthalmia, Iris coloboma ORPHA:1473
Laurin-Sandrow Syndrome
Toe syndactyly, Finger syndactyly, Mirror image polydactyly, Preaxial hand polydactyly, Limb dupl... ORPHA:2378
Nance-Horan Syndrome
Microcornea, Posterior Y-sutural cataract, Supernumerary maxillary incisor, Prominent nose, Promi... OMIM:302350
Ophthalmomandibulomelic Dysplasia
Lateral humeral condyle aplasia, Radial bowing, Megalocornea, Fibular hypoplasia, Ulnar deviated ... OMIM:164900
Kapur-Toriello Syndrome
Cataract, Bulbous nose, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cryptorchidism, Hypoplastic labia majora... OMIM:244300
Diethylstilbestrol Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the uterus, Abnormality of the uterus, Vaginal neoplasm, Cryptorchidism, Testicular... ORPHA:1916
Tumoral Calcinosis, Hyperphosphatemic, Familial, 1
Decreased renal tubular phosphate excretion, Increased renal tubular phosphate reabsorption, Neph... OMIM:211900
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group J
Postnatal growth retardation, Intrauterine growth retardation, Microphthalmia OMIM:609054
Weismann-Netter Syndrome
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the radius, Abnormal tibia morphology, Abnormal hip bone morphology, Abnorm... ORPHA:3344
Ectodermal Dysplasia-Blindness Syndrome
Cataract, Microcornea, Narrow nasal bridge, Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, Sclerocornea, Microphthal... ORPHA:1806
Pde4D Haploinsufficiency Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Mandibular prognathia, Abnormal dental enamel ... ORPHA:439822
Hypogonadism-Cataract Syndrome
Cataract, Male hypogonadism, Hypogonadism, Elevated circulating follicle stimulating hormone leve... OMIM:240950
Infantile Spasms-Broad Thumbs Syndrome
Cataract, Micrognathia, Vaginal hernia, Convex nasal ridge ORPHA:3173
Oculogastrointestinal Neurodevelopmental Syndrome
Vaginal fistula, Bilateral microphthalmos, Unilateral microphthalmos, Short stature, Low hanging ... OMIM:619318
Holoprosencephaly 7
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplastic nasal septum, Hypoplasia of the premaxilla, Iris coloboma, Bilater... OMIM:610828
Dyssegmental Dysplasia, Silverman-Handmaker Type
Severe short stature, Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Occipital encephalocele, Disproportionate shor... OMIM:224410
Sandestig-Stefanova Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Retrognathia, Intrauterine growth retardation, Developmental cataract, Convex ... OMIM:618804
Metaphyseal Dysplasia With Maxillary Hypoplasia With Or Without Brachydactyly
Short stature, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Convex nasal ridge OMIM:156510
Tetraamelia-Multiple Malformations Syndrome
Cataract, Microcornea, Aplasia/Hypoplasia involving the nose, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Micro... ORPHA:3301
Microphthalmia, Isolated 2
Opacification of the corneal stroma, Microphthalmia OMIM:610093
Anophthalmia/Microphthalmia-Esophageal Atresia Syndrome
Iris coloboma, Growth delay, Cryptorchidism, Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia, Sclerocornea, Hypoplas... ORPHA:77298
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Intrauterine growth retardation, Microph... ORPHA:858
Moyamoya Disease 4 With Short Stature, Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism, And Facial Dysmorphism
Cataract, Elevated circulating luteinizing hormone level, Retrognathia, Decreased response to gro... OMIM:300845
Garg-Mishra Progeroid Syndrome
Postnatal growth retardation, Bulbous nose, Micrognathia, Prominent nasal bridge, Microvesicular ... OMIM:620601
Bent Bone Dysplasia Syndrome 2
Hypoplastic acetabulae, Short 1st metacarpal, Short tibia, Hypoplastic iliac wing, Femoral bowing... OMIM:620076
Muscular Hypertrophy-Hepatomegaly-Polyhydramnios Syndrome
Ocular anterior segment dysgenesis, Occipital encephalocele, Developmental cataract, Microphthalmia ORPHA:324416
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Type 2
Polysyndactyly of hallux, Finger syndactyly, Short tibia, Complete duplication of hallux phalanx,... ORPHA:2751
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 4
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Breast hypoplasia, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Cryp... OMIM:613804
Microcephaly And Chorioretinopathy, Autosomal Recessive, 1
Short stature, Cataract, Microphthalmia OMIM:251270
Hemifacial Hyperplasia
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Dental malocclusion OMIM:133900
Kniest Dysplasia
Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Cataract, Rhizomelia, Dumbbell-shaped femur, Flared metaphysis, ... OMIM:156550
Martsolf Syndrome 1
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Broad nasal tip, Cataract, Micrognathia, Crypt... OMIM:212720
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia, Lowry Type
Epiphyseal dysplasia, Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Rhizomelia, Small epiphyses, Micrognathia,... ORPHA:166016
Microphthalmia With Hyperopia, Retinal Degeneration, Macrophakia, And Dental Anomalies
Microphthalmia OMIM:251700
Neurooculocardiogenitourinary Syndrome
Microphthalmia, Prominent nasal bridge, Peters anomaly, Bilateral cryptorchidism OMIM:618652
Fryns Microphthalmia Syndrome
Unicornuate uterus, Anophthalmia, Neural tube defect, Microphthalmia OMIM:600776
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
Hyperuricosuria, Nephrocalcinosis, Nephrolithiasis OMIM:300322
Microphthalmia/Coloboma 7
Iris coloboma, Microphthalmia OMIM:614497
Primary Hyperoxaluria
Chronic kidney disease, Aciduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Elevated urine glycolate, Stage 5 chronic kid... ORPHA:416
Atelosteogenesis Type Iii
Hand clenching, Absent humerus, Short tibia, Knee dislocation, Short tubular bones of the hand, F... ORPHA:56305
Ruijs-Aalfs Syndrome
Cataract, Posterior subcapsular cataract, Hypogonadism, Bulbous nose, Micrognathia, Prominent nas... OMIM:616200
20P12.3 Microdeletion Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Malar flattening, Short sta... ORPHA:261295
X-Linked Intellectual Disability, Porteous Type
Short stature, Bulbous nose, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Mandibular prognathia ORPHA:93945
Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Growth delay, Microphthalmia OMIM:274270
Silver-Russell Syndrome 3
Retrognathia, Postnatal growth retardation, Antecubital pterygium, Ambiguous genitalia, Penoscrot... OMIM:616489
Isolated Arrhinia
Underdeveloped nasal alae, Midline defect of the nose, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the nasal septum, Hy... ORPHA:1134
Anterior Segment Dysgenesis 5
Microcornea, Peters anomaly, Hypoplasia of the iris, Rieger anomaly, Microphthalmia, Hypoplasia o... OMIM:604229
Developmental Delay-Facial Dysmorphism Syndrome Due To Med13L Deficiency
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Bilateral microphthalmos, Umbilical hernia, Bulbous no... ORPHA:369891
Microphthalmia ORPHA:35612
Chromosome 8Q21.11 Deletion Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Sclerocorne... OMIM:614230
Nphp3-Related Meckel-Like Syndrome
Abnormal liver parenchyma morphology, Abnormality of the pancreas, Abnormal biliary tract morphology ORPHA:3032
Microphthalmia, Isolated 6
Microcornea, Microphthalmia OMIM:613517
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 6 With Or Without Polydactyly
Mesomelia, Polysyndactyly of hallux, Postaxial polysyndactyly of foot, Preaxial hand polydactyly,... OMIM:263520
Matthew-Wood Syndrome
Annular pancreas, Abnormality of the uterus, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cryptorchidism, Ano... ORPHA:2470
Trichothiodystrophy 4, Nonphotosensitive
Microcornea, Retrognathia, Anteverted nares, Decreased fertility, Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, Mic... OMIM:234050
Hypomagnesemia 3, Renal
Chronic kidney disease, Hematuria, Macroscopic hematuria, Sterile pyuria, Renal magnesium wasting... OMIM:248250
Marden-Walker Syndrome
Postnatal growth retardation, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Anteverted nares, Cr... OMIM:248700
Retinal Degeneration-Nanophthalmos-Glaucoma Syndrome
Microphthalmia ORPHA:1574
Acrodysostosis 1 With Or Without Hormone Resistance
Irregular menstruation, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Broad nasal tip, Dispr... OMIM:101800
Traboulsi Syndrome
Cataract, Dental malocclusion, Retrognathia, Ectopia lentis, Phakodonesis, Prominent nose, Promin... OMIM:601552
Subaortic Stenosis-Short Stature Syndrome
Anteverted nares, Micrognathia, Biliary tract abnormality, Microphthalmia, Short stature ORPHA:3191
Temtamy Syndrome
Ectopia lentis, Micrognathia, Convex nasal ridge, Microphthalmia, Hypoplasia of teeth, Iris colob... OMIM:218340
Coloboma, Osteopetrosis, Microphthalmia, Macrocephaly, Albinism, And Deafness
Cataract, Microcornea, Micrognathia, Iris transillumination defect, Microphthalmia, Short stature OMIM:617306
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 23 With Or Without Anosmia
Male hypogonadism, Abnormality of the Leydig cells, Azoospermia, Ovarian cyst, Abnormality of the... OMIM:228300
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 1
Micropenis, Growth delay, Microphthalmia OMIM:308350
Triokinase And Fmn Cyclase Deficiency Syndrome
Cataract, Hepatic steatosis, Pancreatitis, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentr... OMIM:618805
Short Stature-Micrognathia Syndrome
Small scrotum, Rhizomelia, Cataract, Retrognathia, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia,... OMIM:617164
Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia, Jansen Type
Nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria, Hyperphosphaturia OMIM:156400
Lujan-Fryns Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Macroorchidism, Micrognathia, Prominent nasal bridge ORPHA:776
Craniofacial-Deafness-Hand Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Depressed nasal ridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Aplasia/Hypoplasia invo... ORPHA:1529
Autosomal Dominant Keratitis
Cataract, Microcornea, Keratitis, Bilateral microphthalmos, Abnormal corneal limbus morphology, A... ORPHA:2334
Anterior Segment Dysgenesis 7
Cataract, Microcornea, Microphthalmia, Anterior synechiae of the anterior chamber, Ocular anterio... OMIM:269400
Microphthalmia-Ankyloblepharon-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia ORPHA:85275
Deafness-Intellectual Disability Syndrome, Martin-Probst Type
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Dental malocclusion, Bifid scrotum, Umbilical hernia, Micrognathia, ... ORPHA:85321
Frontonasal Dysplasia 2
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal ridge, Bifid nasal tip, Depressed nasal bridge, Broad columell... OMIM:613451
Clubfoot, Congenital, With Or Without Deficiency Of Long Bones And/Or Mirror-Image Polydactyly
Popliteal pterygium, Patellar hypoplasia, Preaxial foot polydactyly, Mirror image foot polydactyl... OMIM:119800
Bosma Arhinia Microphthalmia Syndrome
Choanal atresia, Anosmia, Cataract, Dental malocclusion, Cryptorchidism, Primary amenorrhea, Hypo... OMIM:603457
Muscular Dystrophy, Congenital, With Infantile Cataract And Hypogonadism
Hypogonadism, Cataract OMIM:254000
Osteoporosis-Pseudoglioma Syndrome
Short stature, Isosexual precocious puberty, Microphthalmia, Corneal opacity ORPHA:2788
Ring Chromosome 10 Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Microphthalmia ORPHA:1438
Chromosome 17Q11.2 Duplication Syndrome, 1.4-Mb
Bifid nasal tip, Iris coloboma, Unilateral microphthalmos, Malar flattening, Enamel hypoplasia, S... OMIM:618874
Aicardi Syndrome
Precocious puberty, Prominence of the premaxilla, Hepatoblastoma, Delayed puberty, Microphthalmia ORPHA:50
19Q13.11 Microdeletion Syndrome
Cataract, Microcornea, Growth delay, Broad columella, Bifid scrotum, Underdeveloped nasal alae, R... ORPHA:217346
Hyperoxaluria, Primary, Type I
Nephrocalcinosis, Hyperoxaluria, Renal insufficiency, Hematuria, Elevated urinary glycolic acid l... OMIM:259900
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal ridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Depressed nasal bridge, Irre... ORPHA:950
Proximal Renal Tubular Acidosis
Aminoaciduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Glycosuria, Hypernatriuria, Low-molecular-weight proteinuria, Bi... ORPHA:47159
Moebius Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Decreased testicular size, Micrognathia, Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, M... OMIM:157900
Idiopathic Uveal Effusion Syndrome
Abnormal anterior eye segment morphology, Microphthalmia ORPHA:209956
Microphthalmia, Isolated 5
Cataract, Microphthalmia OMIM:611040
Mosaic Trisomy 9
Hypoplastic female external genitalia, Abnormality of the uterus, Bulbous nose, Intrauterine grow... ORPHA:99776
Microphthalmia, Lenz Type
Hypospadias, Cataract, Microcornea, Delayed eruption of teeth, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia, Sh... ORPHA:568
Baraitser-Winter Syndrome 2
Short stature, Retrognathia, Microphthalmia OMIM:614583
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 13 With Or Without Polydactyly
Rhizomelia, Microretrognathia, Short tibia, Preaxial polydactyly, Hypoplastic pelvis, Fibular hyp... OMIM:616300
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 4
Microphthalmia, Umbilical hernia OMIM:615297
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 60, With Seizures
Hyperplasia of the maxilla OMIM:618587
Femoral-Facial Syndrome
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tibia, Abnormal pelvic girdle bone morphology, Preaxial foot polydactyl... ORPHA:1988
Aarskog-Scott Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Elevated circulating luteinizing hormone level, Tes... OMIM:305400
Silver-Russell Syndrome Due To A Point Mutation
Microphallus, Bifid scrotum, Small placenta, Postnatal growth retardation, Intrauterine growth re... ORPHA:397590
Meckel Syndrome
Accessory spleen, Depressed nasal ridge, Microcornea, Cataract, Micrognathia, Encephalocele, Cryp... ORPHA:564
Trichothiodystrophy 1, Photosensitive
Cataract, Microcornea, Retrognathia, Hypogonadism, Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, Microphthalmia, Sh... OMIM:601675
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 3 With Or Without Polydactyly
Cone-shaped epiphysis, Metaphyseal spurs, Preaxial polydactyly, Acetabular spurs, Femoral bowing,... OMIM:613091
Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Delayed eruption of teeth, Pseudohypoparathyroidism, Enamel hyp... OMIM:612463
Intellectual Disability-Strabismus Syndrome
Micropenis, Medullary nephrocalcinosis, Hypospadias ORPHA:363528
Nasopalpebral Lipoma-Coloboma Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Conjunctival hyperemia, Mic... OMIM:167730
Dental Anomalies And Short Stature
Short stature, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Mandibular prognathia, Amelogenesis imperfecta OMIM:601216
Sponastrime Dysplasia
Precocious puberty, Depressed nasal bridge, Rhizomelia, Mandibular prognathia, Disproportionate s... ORPHA:93357
Hartsfield Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Intrauterine growth retardation, Encephalocele, Microphthalmia ORPHA:2117
Hereditary Bullous Dystrophy, Macular Type
Cataract, Decreased testicular size, External genital hypoplasia, Cryptorchidism, Corneal opacity... ORPHA:1867
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 55
Proximal tubulopathy, Organic aciduria, Stage 3 chronic kidney disease, Medullary nephrocalcinosi... OMIM:619743
Microphthalmia, Isolated 1
Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia OMIM:251600
Stromme Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Microcornea, Accessory spleen, Peters anomaly, Stillbirth, Short col... OMIM:243605
Bartsocas-Papas Syndrome 2
Axillary pterygium, Popliteal pterygium, Micrognathia, Microphthalmia, Corneal opacity, Antecubit... OMIM:619339
Congenital Fibrinogen Deficiency
Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst, Decreased testicular size, Splenic rupture, Developmental cataract, Mic... ORPHA:335
Autosomal Dominant Kenny-Caffey Syndrome
Carious teeth, Bilateral microphthalmos, Postnatal growth retardation, Intrauterine growth retard... ORPHA:93325
Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome, Type 2
Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Microcornea, Annular pancreas, Delayed eruption of teeth, Hypog... OMIM:268400
Vacterl With Hydrocephalus
Microcornea, Retrognathia, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Anophth... ORPHA:3412
Omodysplasia 1
Axillary pterygium, Rhizomelia, Popliteal pterygium, Short tibia, Limited knee flexion/extension,... OMIM:258315
Impaired Intellectual Development, Anterior Maxillary Protrusion, And Strabismus
Hyperplasia of the maxilla OMIM:613671
Cowden Syndrome 6
Varicocele, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Cataract, Goiter, Micrognathia, Ovarian cyst, Palmoplantar... OMIM:615109
Nanophthalmos 4
Microphthalmia OMIM:615972
Stickler Syndrome Type 1
Cataract, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Short nose ORPHA:90653
Jacobsen Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Iris coloboma, Microcornea, Annular pancreas, Intrauterine growth retarda... OMIM:147791
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iq
Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Microp... OMIM:612379
Mesomelic Dwarfism, Reinhardt-Pfeiffer Type
Ulnar deviation of finger, Synostosis of carpal bones, Micromelia, Abnormal tibia morphology, Fib... ORPHA:2634
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 2
Depressed nasal bridge, Bulbous nose, Micrognathia, Developmental cataract, Microphthalmia OMIM:614219
Cowden Syndrome 5
Cataract, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Goiter, Micrognathia, Ovarian cyst, Palmoplantar hyperkerato... OMIM:615108
Intellectual Disability-Facial Dysmorphism Syndrome Due To Setd5 Haploinsufficiency
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Anteverted nares, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Abnorm... ORPHA:404440
Axenfeld-Rieger Anomaly With Partially Absent Eye Muscles, Distinctive Face, Hydrocephaly, And Skeletal Abnormalities
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Abnormally prominent line of Schwalbe, Rieger anomaly, Malar flattenin... OMIM:109120
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Cataracts, Poor Growth, And Dysmorphic Facies
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Microretrognathia, Bulbous nose, Astigmatism, Microphthalmia, Short ... OMIM:618571
Harrod Syndrome
Cataract, Dental malocclusion, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cryptorchidism, Long nose, Hyposp... ORPHA:2115
Kagami-Ogata Syndrome Due To Paternal Uniparental Disomy Of Chromosome 14
Hypoplastic scapulae, Short tibia, Thumb contracture, Hypoplastic iliac wing, Micrognathia, Small... ORPHA:96334
Braddock-Carey Syndrome 2
Bulbous nose, Retrognathia, Microphthalmia OMIM:619981
8Q22.1 Microdeletion Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal ridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Hypogonadism, Cryptorchidism... ORPHA:178303
Chromosome 13Q33-Q34 Deletion Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Penoscrotal transposition, Choanal atresia, Delayed eruption of teeth, Bifid s... OMIM:619148
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked, Syndromic, Claes-Jensen Type
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Cholelithiasis, Decrease... OMIM:300534
Keipert Syndrome
Short stature, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Prominent nasal bridge ORPHA:2662
Faciocardiomelic Dysplasia, Lethal
Short 5th finger, Radial deviation of the hand, Short thumb, Micrognathia, Fibular hypoplasia, Ta... OMIM:227270
Rodrigues Blindness
Microcornea, Narrow nasal bridge, Sclerocornea, Microphthalmia, Short stature OMIM:268320
Acromesomelic Dysplasia 3
Aplasia of the proximal phalanx of the 2nd finger, Widened proximal tibial metaphyses, Short 1st ... OMIM:609441
Intellectual Disability-Obesity-Prognathism-Eye And Skin Anomalies Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Mandibular prognathia, Hyperopic astigmatism ORPHA:397973
Cranium bifidum occultum, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Cataract, Hypopituitarism, Encephalocele, Ba... ORPHA:391474
Zellweger Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Clitoral hypertrophy, Cataract, Hepatic failure, Micro... ORPHA:912
Ectodermal Dysplasia With Facial Dysmorphism And Acral, Ocular, And Brain Anomalies
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Dental malocclusion, Ectopia pupillae, Thick nasal alae, Persistence... OMIM:618727
Lipodystrophy, Generalized, With Impaired Intellectual Development, Deafness, Short Stature, And Slender Bones
Short stature, Intrauterine growth retardation, Hypoplasia of the maxilla OMIM:608154
Cataract, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Cholestasis, Intrauterine grow... ORPHA:369942
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 5
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Birth l... OMIM:613805
Intellectual Disability-Seizures-Hypophosphatasia-Ophthalmic-Skeletal Anomalies Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis, Abnormality of the urinary system, Renal cyst, Hypercalciuria, Congenital megau... ORPHA:369837
Hyperparathyroidism-Jaw Tumor Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis, Renal hamartoma, Renal insufficiency, Nephroblastoma, Nephrolithiasis, Renal cy... ORPHA:99880
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Microcephaly, Cataracts, And Renal Abnormalities
Aminoaciduria, Renal hypoplasia, Nephrocalcinosis, Renal artery stenosis, Hydronephrosis OMIM:617913
Primordial Dwarfism-Immunodeficiency-Lipodystrophy Syndrome
Accessory spleen, Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Hepatic fibrosis, Elevated circulating hepati... OMIM:620005
Bartter Syndrome Type 4
Chronic kidney disease, Acute kidney injury, Nephrocalcinosis, Stage 5 chronic kidney disease, In... ORPHA:89938
Myhre Syndrome
Severe short stature, Abnormal penis morphology, Precocious puberty, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, M... ORPHA:2588
Carpenter Syndrome 1
Precocious puberty, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Microcornea, Polysplenia, ... OMIM:201000
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 2A (Zellweger)
Cataract, Clitoral hypertrophy, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Opacification of t... OMIM:214110
Intellectual Disability-Dysmorphism-Hypogonadism-Diabetes Mellitus Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Elevated circulating luteinizing hormone level, Breast aplasia, Decrea... ORPHA:3044
Cohen Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Hypoplasia of the zygomatic bone, Intrauterine growth retardation, Mic... ORPHA:193
Congenital Heart Defects And Skeletal Malformations Syndrome
Carious teeth, Narrow nose, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cryptorchidism, Short stature, Long ... OMIM:617602
Distal Limb Deficiencies-Micrognathia Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Microretrognathia, Prominent nasal bridge, Cryptorchidism, Short stature ORPHA:1307
Spondylo-Ocular Syndrome
Iris hypopigmentation, Cataract, Disproportionate short-trunk short stature, Aplasia/Hypoplasia o... ORPHA:85194
Parathyroid Carcinoma
Nephrocalcinosis, Renal hamartoma, Renal insufficiency, Nephroblastoma, Nephrolithiasis, Renal cy... ORPHA:143
Chondrodysplasia With Platyspondyly, Distinctive Brachydactyly, Hydrocephaly, And Microphthalmia
Depressed nasal ridge, Rhizomelia, Intrauterine growth retardation, Microphthalmia, Short stature... OMIM:300863
Tyrosinemia, Type I
Nephrocalcinosis, Elevated urinary succinylacetone level, Renal insufficiency, Renal Fanconi synd... OMIM:276700
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group G
Growth delay, Microphthalmia OMIM:614082
Kidney Tubulopathy-Dilated Cardiomyopathy Syndrome
Abnormal renal tubular resorption, Nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria, Hypermagnesiuria, Hyperprost... ORPHA:73224
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia-Craniosynostosis-Cleft Palate-Cataracts-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Anteverted nares, Micrognathia, Microphthalmia, Short nose ORPHA:163649
Dubowitz Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Iris coloboma, Carious teeth, Broad nasal tip, Delayed eruption of teeth, Mega... OMIM:223370
Retinal Degeneration With Nanophthalmos, Cystic Macular Degeneration, And Angle Closure Glaucoma
Shallow anterior chamber, Microphthalmia OMIM:267760
Abnormal epiphysis morphology, Fibular aplasia, Absent hand, Short humerus, Upper limb phocomelia... ORPHA:931
Anterior Segment Dysgenesis 2
Cataract, Microcornea, Peters anomaly, Posterior synechiae of the anterior chamber, Aniridia, Mic... OMIM:610256
Microphthalmia/Coloboma And Skeletal Dysplasia Syndrome
Precocious puberty, Cataract, Rhizomelia, Microcornea, Ectopia pupillae, Anophthalmia, Microphtha... OMIM:615877
Sideroblastic Anemia With B-Cell Immunodeficiency, Periodic Fevers, And Developmental Delay
Aminoaciduria, Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:616084
Spondylospinal Thoracic Dysostosis
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Micrognathia, Multiple pterygia OMIM:601809
Treacher-Collins Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Small scrotum, Choanal atresia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Branchial fistula, ... ORPHA:861
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Anteverted nares, Microphthalmia, Short stature, S... ORPHA:1915
Solitary Median Maxillary Central Incisor
Choanal atresia, Anosmia, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Anophthalmia, Mi... OMIM:147250
Elsahy-Waters Syndrome
Megalocornea, Hypospadias, Wide nose, Cataract, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Impacted tooth, Bulbou... OMIM:211380
Lissencephaly 8
Cataract, Occipital encephalocele, Microphthalmia OMIM:617255
Hepatoportal Sclerosis
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of liver, Periportal fibrosis, Elevated circulating hepatic tran... ORPHA:64743
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 3
Cataract, Optic nerve aplasia, Postnatal growth retardation, Cryptorchidism, Anophthalmia, Hypogo... OMIM:206900
Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome, Type I, With Or Without Reversible Metaphyseal Dysplasia
Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:240300
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Recessive 68
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla OMIM:618302
Linear Skin Defects With Multiple Congenital Anomalies 2
Short stature, Short nose, Microphthalmia OMIM:300887
Meckel Syndrome 14
Hepatic fibrosis, Microretrognathia, Occipital encephalocele, Retrognathia, Anteverted nares, Mic... OMIM:619879
Anophthalmia-Megalocornea-Cardiopathy-Skeletal Anomalies Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Megalocornea, Umbilical hernia, Aniridia, Cryptorchidism, Anophthalmia... ORPHA:1101
Neurodegeneration And Seizures Due To Copper Transport Defect
Talipes equinovarus, Short tibia, Short femur OMIM:620306
Microcephaly 20, Primary, Autosomal Recessive
Vaginal atresia, Intrauterine growth retardation, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Hypoplasia of th... OMIM:617914
Neurodevelopmental, Jaw, Eye, And Digital Syndrome
Retrognathia, Umbilical hernia, Micrognathia, Microphthalmia, Lens coloboma, Mandibular prognathia OMIM:618914
Oculoauricular Syndrome
Cataract, Microcornea, Posterior synechiae of the anterior chamber, Iris cyst, Microphthalmia, Ma... OMIM:612109
Acromelic Frontonasal Dysostosis
Optic nerve hypoplasia, Short tibia, Patellar hypoplasia, Preaxial hand polydactyly, Preaxial foo... OMIM:603671
Multicentric Carpotarsal Osteolysis Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Micrognathia, Corneal opacity OMIM:166300
Gracile Bone Dysplasia
Aniridia, Micropenis, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Asplenia, Hypoplastic spleen OMIM:602361
Marshall Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Cataract, Ectopia lentis, H... ORPHA:560
Infantile Multisystem Neurologic-Endocrine-Pancreatic Disease
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, Mild postnatal growth retardation, Hyperechogenic pancreas, Ab... ORPHA:456312
Cockayne Syndrome B
Severe short stature, Microcornea, Carious teeth, Dental malocclusion, Hypoplasia of the iris, Po... OMIM:133540
Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia, Missouri Type
Rhizomelia, Metaphyseal cupping, Radial bowing, Flared metaphysis, Small epiphyses, Femoral bowin... OMIM:602111
Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome
Choanal atresia, Natal tooth, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Abdominal situs inversus, Micrognathia, ... ORPHA:2108
Basel-Vanagaite-Smirin-Yosef Syndrome
Cataract, Clitoral hypertrophy, Microcornea, Retrognathia, Anteverted nares, Microphthalmia, Hypo... OMIM:616449
Monosomy 18P
Wide nasal bridge, Carious teeth, Micrognathia, Microphthalmia, Short stature ORPHA:1598
Anterior Segment Dysgenesis 8
Cataract, Ectopia lentis, Ectopia pupillae, Hypoplasia of the iris, Uveal ectropion, Corneal stro... OMIM:617319
Brachytelephalangic Chondrodysplasia Punctata
Depressed nasal ridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Broad nasal tip, Cataract, Optic disc hypoplasi... ORPHA:79345
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation With Defective Fucosylation 1
Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:618005
Cowden Syndrome 1
Varicocele, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Cataract, Goiter, Micrognathia, Ovarian carcinoma, Ovarian... OMIM:158350
Familial Tumoral Calcinosis
Nephrocalcinosis ORPHA:53715
Cornea Plana 2, Autosomal Recessive
Microphthalmia, Corneal opacity, Sclerocornea, Flat cornea, Corneal arcus, Decreased corneal thic... OMIM:217300
Trisomy 18
Choanal atresia, Iris coloboma, Microretrognathia, Growth delay, Microcornea, Cataract, Abnormal ... ORPHA:3380
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 3
Small scrotum, Clitoral hypertrophy, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Microretrognathia, Breast hypopla... OMIM:613803
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 9
Severe short stature, Wide nasal bridge, Multilobulated spleen, Bilateral microphthalmos, Intraut... OMIM:601186
Methylmalonate Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Bulbous nose, Anteverted nares, Microphthalmia, Short nose OMIM:614105
Oculofaciocardiodental Syndrome
Bifid nasal tip, Cataract, Microcornea, Ectopia lentis, Delayed eruption of teeth, Prominent nasa... ORPHA:2712
Bartter Syndrome, Type 1, Antenatal
Renal juxtaglomerular cell hypertrophy/hyperplasia, Hyperchloriduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Increased... OMIM:601678
Intellectual Disability-Brachydactyly-Pierre Robin Syndrome
Underdeveloped nasal alae, Cleft mandible, Bulbous nose, Intrauterine growth retardation, Promine... ORPHA:364577
Skraban-Deardorff Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Anteverted nares, Micrognathia, Hyperplasia of the maxilla OMIM:617616
Mosaic Variegated Aneuploidy Syndrome 1
Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Bifid scrotum, Postnatal growth retardation, Intrauterine growt... OMIM:257300
Pelvis-Shoulder Dysplasia
Hydranencephaly, Microcornea, Bilateral microphthalmos, Micrognathia, Mesomelic/rhizomelic limb s... ORPHA:2839
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Impaired Intellectual Development), Type B, 1
Developmental cataract, Microphthalmia OMIM:613155
Uruguay Faciocardiomusculoskeletal Syndrome
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Retrognathia, Hyperplasia of the maxilla... OMIM:300280
Wagro Syndrome
Cataract, Hypoplastic female external genitalia, Decreased testicular size, Aniridia, Micrognathi... OMIM:612469
Congenital Hypotonia, Epilepsy, Developmental Delay, And Digital Anomalies
Bulbous nose, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia, Overhanging nasal tip, Low hanging columella OMIM:618494
Blepharophimosis, Ptosis, And Epicanthus Inversus
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Microcornea, Irregular menstruation, Female infertilit... OMIM:110100
Cataract, Deep anterior chamber, Megalocornea, Lens subluxation, Astigmatism, Iridodonesis, Iris ... OMIM:309300
Autosomal Dominant Hypocalcemia
Nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria, Hypermagnesiuria ORPHA:428
Dyskeratosis Congenita
Cataract, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Carious teeth, Hepatic failure, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Ab... ORPHA:1775
Walker-Warburg Syndrome
Cataract, Microcornea, Cryptorchidism, Anophthalmia, Corneal opacity, Microphthalmia, Hypoplasia ... ORPHA:899
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum
Nephrocalcinosis ORPHA:758
Premature Aging Syndrome, Penttinen Type
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Delayed eruption of teeth, Retrognathia, Narrow nose, Micrognathia, Pr... OMIM:601812
Split-Hand/Foot Malformation 3
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Microretrognathia OMIM:246560
Rapp-Hodgkin Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Carious teeth, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Decre... OMIM:129400
1Q21.1 Microdeletion Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Bulbous nose, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cryptorchidism, Micro... ORPHA:250989
Cortical Dysplasia, Complex, With Other Brain Malformations 15
Bulbous nose, Hypoplasia of the maxilla OMIM:618737
Temtamy Preaxial Brachydactyly Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Abnormally large globe, Abnormal lens morphology, Micrognathia, Talon ... ORPHA:363417
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked, Syndromic 14
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Prominent nasal bridge, Mandibular prognathia OMIM:300676
Atrioventricular Defect-Blepharophimosis-Radial And Anal Defect Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Ocular albinism, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Microphthalmia ORPHA:1352
Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome
Cataract, Natal tooth, Dental malocclusion, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Narrow nose, Micrognathia,... OMIM:234100
Rhizomelia, Carious teeth, Disproportionate short-limb short stature, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, ... ORPHA:763
Chromosome 1Q41-Q42 Deletion Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Broad nasal tip, Supernumerary nipple, Anteverted nares, Cryptorchidism, ... OMIM:612530
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 20 With Polydactyly
Short tibia, Preaxial polydactyly, Micrognathia, Fibular hypoplasia, Short ribs, Postaxial polyda... OMIM:617925
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis, Renal cortical cysts, Vesicoureteral reflux, Nephroblastoma, Nephrolithiasis, E... OMIM:130650
Thrombocytopenia-Absent Radius Syndrome
Broad thumb, Finger syndactyly, Tibial torsion, Absent radius, Fibular aplasia, Micrognathia, Apl... ORPHA:3320
Kapur-Toriello Syndrome
Bulbous nose, Hypoplastic labia majora, Microphthalmia, Hypoplasia of penis, Iris coloboma ORPHA:2328
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 1
Cataract, Occipital encephalocele, Peters anomaly, Megalocornea, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Co... OMIM:236670
Craniotelencephalic Dysplasia
Septo-optic dysplasia, Frontal encephalocele, Microphthalmia ORPHA:1528
Cockayne Syndrome Type 1
Cataract, Male hypogonadism, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Postnatal g... ORPHA:90321
Cleft Palate, Proliferative Retinopathy, And Developmental Delay
Micrognathia, Retinal neovascularization OMIM:619074
Joubert Syndrome 22
Intrauterine growth retardation, Microphthalmia OMIM:615665
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 11
Cataract, Optic nerve hypoplasia, Microphthalmia OMIM:615181
Cohen Syndrome
Macrodontia of permanent maxillary central incisor, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Decreased response... OMIM:216550
Microphthalmia With Linear Skin Defects Syndrome
Clitoral hypertrophy, Micrognathia, Anophthalmia, Male pseudohermaphroditism, Posterior embryotox... ORPHA:2556
Brachydactyly-Ectrodactyly With Fibular Aplasia Or Hypoplasia
Fibular aplasia, Brachydactyly, Short phalanx of finger, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the fibula, Split ... OMIM:113310
Mitochondrial Complex V (Atp Synthase) Deficiency, Nuclear Type 2
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Microretrognathia, Growth delay, Umbilical hernia, Intrauterine grow... OMIM:614052
Familial Isolated Hypoparathyroidism
Cataract, Delayed eruption of teeth, Abnormal dental enamel morphology, Hypoparathyroidism, Short... ORPHA:2238
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 5
Microphthalmia, Cataract, Corneal opacity OMIM:613153
Cataract, Microcornea, Intrahepatic cholestasis, Hepatic failure, Bulbous nose, Intrauterine grow... ORPHA:46059
Crouzon Syndrome
Choanal atresia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Convex nasal ridge, Conjunctivitis, Iris coloboma ORPHA:207
Bartsocas-Papas Syndrome 1
Axillary pterygium, Absent external genitalia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Popliteal pterygium, Un... OMIM:263650
Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome, Type 1
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Microcornea, Abnormally prominent line of Schwalbe,... OMIM:180500
Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome Of Lowe
Aminoaciduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Oligosacchariduria, Renal insufficiency, Nephrolithiasis, Hematu... ORPHA:534
Ohdo Syndrome, X-Linked
Wide nasal bridge, Small scrotum, Depressed nasal bridge, Bulbous nose, Prominent nose, Micrognat... OMIM:300895
Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Glucose-6-Phosphatase Deficiency Type Ib
Nephrocalcinosis, Stage 5 chronic kidney disease, Nephrolithiasis, Proteinuria, Tubulointerstitia... ORPHA:79259
Dominant Beta-Thalassemia
Depressed nasal bridge, Hepatic fibrosis, Hyperplasia of the maxilla, Hypopituitarism, Malar prom... ORPHA:231226
Bartter Syndrome, Type 2, Antenatal
Renal juxtaglomerular cell hypertrophy/hyperplasia, Hyperchloriduria, Nephrocalcinosis, Increased... OMIM:241200
Chromosome 17Q12 Duplication Syndrome
Micrognathia, Peters anomaly, Microphthalmia OMIM:614526
Branchial Arch Abnormalities, Choanal Atresia, Athelia, Hearing Loss, And Hypothyroidism Syndrome
Carious teeth, Natal tooth, Branchial cyst, Micrognathia, Aplasia of the thymus, Microphthalmia, ... OMIM:620186
Depressed nasal ridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Dis... OMIM:608022
Pallister-Hall Syndrome
Precocious puberty, Choanal atresia, Depressed nasal bridge, Natal tooth, Decreased response to g... OMIM:146510
Aniridia-Absent Patella Syndrome
Cataract, Aniridia, Cryptorchidism ORPHA:1069
Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome 1
Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:260400
Craniotelencephalic Dysplasia
Optic nerve hypoplasia, Frontal encephalocele, Microphthalmia OMIM:218670
Usher Syndrome, Type Ig
Hypoplasia of the nasal bone OMIM:606943
Linear Skin Defects With Multiple Congenital Anomalies 1
Iris coloboma, Clitoral hypertrophy, Cataract, Peters anomaly, Ovotestis, Chordee, Micropenis, Sc... OMIM:309801
Crouzon Syndrome-Acanthosis Nigricans Syndrome
Choanal atresia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Malar flattening, Convex nasal ridge ORPHA:93262
Proboscis Lateralis
Choanal atresia, Microcornea, Cataract, Abnormality of the maxillary sinus, Abnormal facial skele... ORPHA:141099
Ear-Patella-Short Stature Syndrome
Severe short stature, Hypospadias, Clitoral hypertrophy, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Retrognathia,... ORPHA:2554
Meckel Syndrome, Type 2
Intrauterine growth retardation, Encephalocele, Microphthalmia, Meningocele, Anencephaly, Bile du... OMIM:603194
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked, Syndromic, Lujan-Fryns Type
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Narrow nose, Narrow nasal bridge, Micrognathia, Prominent nasal bridge... OMIM:309520
Rabson-Mendenhall Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis, Long penis ORPHA:769
Basel-Vanagaite-Smirin-Yosef Syndrome
Mandibular prognathia, Cholelithiasis, Microcornea, Retrognathia, Male urethral meatus stenosis, ... ORPHA:464738
Megalencephaly-Capillary Malformation-Polymicrogyria Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Microphthalmia OMIM:602501
Roberts Syndrome
Cataract, Clitoral hypertrophy, Long penis, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Postnatal growth retardati... ORPHA:3103
Congenital Syphilis
Cataract, Keratitis, Hyperplasia of the maxilla, Intrauterine growth retardation, Large placenta,... ORPHA:499009
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis-Microcephaly Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Micrognathia, Malar flattening, Short stature, Short nose ORPHA:79113
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Classic Type, 1
Ectopia lentis, Umbilical hernia, Recurrent sinusitis, Short stature, Narrow maxilla OMIM:130000
Spastic Paraplegia 16, X-Linked
Hypoplasia of the maxilla OMIM:300266
Mosaic Variegated Aneuploidy Syndrome
Depressed nasal ridge, Cataract, Vaginal neoplasm, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia,... ORPHA:1052
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 16
Sclerocornea, Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia OMIM:611038
Robinow Syndrome, Autosomal Recessive 1
Nephrocalcinosis, Renal duplication, Nephrolithiasis, Hydronephrosis, Micropenis, Hypospadias OMIM:268310
Cystinosis, Nephropathic
Aminoaciduria, Generalized aminoaciduria, Glycosuria, Low-molecular-weight proteinuria, Medullary... OMIM:219800
Atelosteogenesis, Type Iii
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Rhizomelia, Micrognathia, Malar flattening OMIM:108721
Cortical Dysplasia, Complex, With Other Brain Malformations 6
Microphthalmia OMIM:615771
Van Maldergem Syndrome 2
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Growth delay, Dental malocc... OMIM:615546
Facial Clefting, Oblique, 1
Microphthalmia OMIM:600251
Gorlin-Chaudhry-Moss Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the nasal bone, Umbilical hernia, Astigmatism, S... ORPHA:2095
Trisomy 8P
Hydronephrosis, Nephrocalcinosis, Fetal pyelectasis, Micropenis ORPHA:264450
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 8
Microphthalmia OMIM:614830
Oculocerebral Hypopigmentation Syndrome, Cross Type
Iris hypopigmentation, Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Ocular albinism, Anteverted nares, Crypt... ORPHA:2719
Tetraamelia Syndrome 1
Choanal atresia, Absent external genitalia, Cataract, Micrognathia, Adrenal gland agenesis, Micro... OMIM:273395
Crouzon Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Keratitis, Deviated nasal septum, Conjunctivitis, Mandibular prognathi... OMIM:123500
Fryns Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Anteverted nares, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Corneal opacity, Microphthalmi... ORPHA:2059
Mosaic Trisomy 1
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Microretrognathia, Penile hypospadias, Hepatic agenesi... ORPHA:1692
X-Linked Dominant Chondrodysplasia Punctata
Depressed nasal bridge, Microcornea, Cataract, Severe postnatal growth retardation, Microphthalmi... ORPHA:35173
Jackson-Weiss Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Mandibular prognathia, Convex nasal ridge ORPHA:1540
Saul-Wilson Syndrome
Cataract, Short distal phalanx of finger, Hypoplasia of the odontoid process, Pseudoepiphyses of ... OMIM:618150
Manitoba Oculotrichoanal Syndrome
Bifid nasal tip, Broad nasal tip, Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia, Vaginal atresia, Corneopalpebral ... OMIM:248450
Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group B
Short stature, Cataract, Microphthalmia, Hypogonadism OMIM:610651
Ablepharon Macrostomia Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Hypoplasia of the zygomatic bone, Underdevelop... ORPHA:920
Osteoglophonic Dysplasia
Severe short stature, Hypospadias, Rhizomelia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Choanal atresia, Erupti... OMIM:166250
Frontofacionasal Dysplasia
Cranium bifidum occultum, Hypoplasia of the frontal bone, Cataract, Microcornea, Underdeveloped n... OMIM:229400
Pelvis-Shoulder Dysplasia
Microphthalmia, Short stature, Spina bifida occulta, Opacification of the corneal stroma, Iris co... OMIM:169550
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 1 With Or Without Polydactyly
Irregular epiphyses, Hypoplastic iliac wing, Hypoplastic pelvis, Early ossification of capital fe... OMIM:208500
Fanconi Anemia
Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia, Hypospadias, Decreased fertility in males, Choanal ... ORPHA:84
Mend Syndrome
Cataract, Micrognathia, Prominent nasal bridge, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Ab... ORPHA:401973
Cerebrooculofacioskeletal Syndrome 4
Bilateral microphthalmos, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Prominent nasal bridge, ... OMIM:610758
Tibial Hemimelia
Absent tibia OMIM:275220
Cousin Syndrome
Hydranencephaly, Disproportionate short stature, Rhizomelia, Microcornea, Ambiguous genitalia, fe... OMIM:260660
Isolated Ectopia Lentis
Cataract, Ectopia lentis, Ectopia pupillae, Malar flattening, Mandibular prognathia ORPHA:1885
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis With Alopecia
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Micrognathia, Delayed eruption of primary teeth, Tr... OMIM:616367
Split Lower Lip
Narrow maxilla OMIM:183400
Congenital Muscular Dystrophy With Cerebellar Involvement
Cataract, Abnormality iris morphology, Occipital encephalocele, Megalocornea, Microphthalmia, Opt... ORPHA:370959
Fibular Dimelia-Diplopodia Syndrome
Absent tibia ORPHA:1757
Meckel Syndrome, Type 4
Intrauterine growth retardation, Encephalocele, Microphthalmia, Meningocele, Anencephaly, Bile du... OMIM:611134
Beta-Thalassemia Major
Depressed nasal bridge, Hepatic fibrosis, Hyperplasia of the maxilla, Hypopituitarism, Malar prom... ORPHA:231214
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Ib
Depressed nasal bridge, Retrognathia, Bulbous nose, Micrognathia, Prominence of the premaxilla, N... OMIM:614437
Eiken Syndrome
Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Broad femoral neck, Clinodactyly, Long hallux, Broad metatarsal,... OMIM:600002
Cataract, Intrahepatic cholestasis, Hepatic fibrosis, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransfe... OMIM:607330
Familial Mediterranean Fever
Nephropathy, Nephrotic syndrome, Nephrocalcinosis, Proteinuria ORPHA:342
Midface Hypoplasia, Hearing Impairment, Elliptocytosis, And Nephrocalcinosis
Nephrocalcinosis, Hypercalciuria, Renal dysplasia OMIM:300990
Chromosome 13Q14 Deletion Syndrome
Iris coloboma, Umbilical hernia, Supernumerary nipple, Bulbous nose, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism... OMIM:613884
Dysostosis, Stanescu Type
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Carious teeth, Hypoplasia of the zygomatic bone, Abnormal dental ename... ORPHA:1798
Weill-Marchesani Syndrome 1
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Cataract, Microspherophakia, Ectopia lentis, P... OMIM:277600
Microcephaly-Capillary Malformation Syndrome
Short stature, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Short nose, Wide nose OMIM:614261
Optic Disc Anomalies With Retinal And/Or Macular Dystrophy
Cataract, Corneal scarring, Microphthalmia, Buphthalmos, Iris coloboma OMIM:212550
Hypomandibular Faciocranial Dysostosis
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Micrognathia, Malar flattening, Choanal stenosis OMIM:241310
Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous, Autosomal Recessive
Cataract, Microcornea, Posterior synechiae of the anterior chamber, Persistent pupillary membrane... OMIM:221900
Chondrodysplasia Punctata 2, X-Linked Dominant
Cataract, Rhizomelia, Postnatal growth retardation, Malar flattening, Microphthalmia, Concave nas... OMIM:302960
Congenital Primary Aphakia
Corneal perforation, Aniridia, Congenital aphakia, Microphthalmia, Aplasia/Hypoplasia affecting t... ORPHA:83461
Proteus-Like Syndrome
Cataract, Thymus hyperplasia, Abnormality of the parathyroid gland, Anteverted nares, Abnormal pu... ORPHA:2969
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group L
Wide nasal bridge, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Depressed nasal tip, Aplasia of... OMIM:614083
Exfoliation Syndrome
Cataract, Mydriasis, Pseudoexfoliation, Abnormal lens morphology, Phakodonesis, Pigment depositio... OMIM:177650
Craniolenticulosutural Dysplasia
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Carious teeth, Posterior Y-sutural cataract, Delayed eruption of teeth... ORPHA:50814
Skin Creases, Congenital Symmetric Circumferential, 2
Wide nasal bridge, Small scrotum, Depressed nasal bridge, Carious teeth, Microcornea, Micrognathi... OMIM:616734
Monosomy 13Q14
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Prominent nasal bridg... ORPHA:1587
Acitretin/Etretinate Embryopathy
Hypoplastic nasal septum, Anteverted nares, Micrognathia, Hypoplasia of the thymus, Aplasia/Hypop... ORPHA:40366
Incontinentia Pigmenti
Cataract, Keratitis, Delayed eruption of teeth, Supernumerary nipple, Breast aplasia, Breast hypo... OMIM:308300
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group I
Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Intrauterine growth retardation, Astigmati... OMIM:609053
Fibrochondrogenesis 1
Hypoplastic ischia, Hypoplastic scapulae, Small hand, Rhizomelia, Broad long bones, Megalocornea,... OMIM:228520
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Or Without Anomalies Of The Brain, Eye, Or Heart
Choanal atresia, Annular pancreas, Peters anomaly, Bulbous nose, Intrauterine growth retardation,... OMIM:616975
Fibrous Dysplasia Of Bone
Precocious puberty in females, Abnormal facial skeleton morphology, Abnormal mandible morphology,... ORPHA:249
Atelosteogenesis, Type I
Radial bowing, Fibular aplasia, Micrognathia, Talipes, Talipes equinovarus, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of... OMIM:108720
Coffin-Lowry Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Cataract, Craniofacial hyperostosis, Delayed e... ORPHA:192
Developmental Delay With Variable Intellectual Disability And Dysmorphic Facies
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Retrognathia, Supernumerary nipple, Bulbous nose, Micr... OMIM:620098
Brachycephaly, Deafness, Cataract, Microstomia, And Impaired Intellectual Development
Small scrotum, Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Megalocornea, Breast hypoplasia, Cryptorchidism,... OMIM:601353
Agenesis Of The Corpus Callosum With Peripheral Neuropathy
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Short nose OMIM:218000
Microcornea-Posterior Megalolenticonus-Persistent Fetal Vasculature-Coloboma Syndrome
Posterior lenticonus, Microcornea, Iris coloboma, Microphthalmia ORPHA:231736
3P25.3 Microdeletion Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Prominent nose, Micrognathia, Anteverted nares, Microphthalmia, Mandibula... ORPHA:435638
Floating-Harbor Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis, Dilatation of the renal pelvis, Renal agenesis, Stage 5 chronic kidney disease,... ORPHA:2044
Choanal atresia, Depressed nasal ridge, Spinal dysraphism, Anosmia, Aplasia/Hypoplasia involving ... ORPHA:2162
Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous
Cataract, Microcornea, Persistent pupillary membrane, Macular hypoplasia, Leukocoria, Phthisis bu... ORPHA:91495
Acrofacial Dysostosis, Rodríguez Type
Finger aplasia, Abnormal pelvic girdle bone morphology, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the radius, Microre... ORPHA:1788
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 1
Cataract, Hypoplasia of the iris, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Prominent nose, ... OMIM:251300
Osteofibrous Dysplasia, Susceptibility To
Pseudoarthrosis, Fibular hypoplasia OMIM:607278
Joubert Syndrome 14
Prominent nasal bridge, Encephalocele, Malar flattening, Microphthalmia, Meningocele, Growth delay OMIM:614424
Encephalocraniocutaneous Lipomatosis
Hypoplasia of the iris, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia, Sclerocornea, Limbal dermoid OMIM:613001
Frontonasal Dysplasia 3
Wide nasal bridge, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Microphthalmia OMIM:613456
Norrie Disease
Cataract, Hypoplasia of the iris, Opacification of the corneal stroma, Leukocoria, Corneal opacit... OMIM:310600
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group F
Microphallus, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Intrauterine growth retardat... OMIM:603467
Paternal Uniparental Disomy Of Chromosome 6
Precocious puberty, Retrognathia, Umbilical hernia, Postnatal growth retardation, Intrauterine gr... ORPHA:96191
7Q31 Microdeletion Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Postnatal growth retardation, Intrauterine growth retardation, Promine... ORPHA:251061
Kagami-Ogata Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Retrognathia, Anteverted nares, Micrognathia, ... OMIM:608149
Oculodentodigital Dysplasia
Cataract, Microcornea, Carious teeth, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Narrow nose, Narrow nasal bridge... OMIM:164200
Microcephaly, Short Stature, And Polymicrogyria With Or Without Seizures
Short stature, Optic nerve hypoplasia, Mild short stature, Microphthalmia OMIM:614833
2Q31.1 Microdeletion Syndrome
Bulbous nose, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Iris coloboma ORPHA:251014
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 2
Bifid nasal tip, Iris coloboma, Broad nasal tip, Dental malocclusion, Delayed eruption of teeth, ... OMIM:300166
Barber-Say Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Mandibular prognathia, Dental malocclusion, Delayed eruption of teeth,... OMIM:209885
Incontinentia Pigmenti
Cataract, Keratitis, Delayed eruption of teeth, Umbilical hernia, Abnormal dental enamel morpholo... ORPHA:464
3Q29 Microdeletion Syndrome
Cataract, Prominent nasal bridge, Microphthalmia, Hypospadias, Short nose ORPHA:65286
Meckel Syndrome, Type 1
Malformation of the hepatic ductal plate, Iris coloboma, Accessory spleen, Occipital encephalocel... OMIM:249000
Roberts-Sc Phocomelia Syndrome
Clitoral hypertrophy, Hyperplasia of the maxilla, Narrow naris, Postnatal growth retardation, Enl... OMIM:268300
Distal Xq28 Microduplication Syndrome
Epistaxis, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Broad nasal tip, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infectio... ORPHA:293939
Ankyloblepharon-Ectodermal Defects-Cleft Lip/Palate
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Bilateral choanal atresia... OMIM:106260
Acro-Renal-Mandibular Syndrome
Hypoplastic scapulae, Finger syndactyly, Rudimentary fibula, Micrognathia, Rudimentary to absent ... ORPHA:958
Williams Syndrome
Renal hypoplasia, Nephrocalcinosis, Recurrent urinary tract infections, Renal insufficiency, Vesi... ORPHA:904
Gaisböck Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis, Hypernatriuria ORPHA:90041
Heart And Brain Malformation Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Anteverted nares, Microphthalmia, Growth delay OMIM:616920
Nablus Mask-Like Facial Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Retrognathia, Anteverted na... OMIM:608156
Cockayne Syndrome
Lentiglobus, Carious teeth, Postnatal growth retardation, Cryptorchidism, Delayed eruption of pri... ORPHA:191
Skin Creases, Congenital Symmetric Circumferential, 1
Depressed nasal bridge, Microcornea, Micrognathia, Hypoplastic nipples, Microphthalmia OMIM:156610
Renpenning Syndrome 1
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Mandibular prognathia, Decreased testicular size, Bulbous nose, Micr... OMIM:309500
Myoclonic-Astatic Epilepsy
Thick nasal alae, Anteverted nares, Microphthalmia, Wide nasal bridge ORPHA:1942
Myhre Syndrome
Cataract, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Intrauterine growth retardation, Prominent nasal bridge, Cry... OMIM:139210
Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Prominent nasal bridge, Cryptorchidism, Convex... ORPHA:794
Acrofrontofacionasal Dysostosis 1
Wide nasal bridge, Malar flattening, Iris atrophy, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Mandibular prog... OMIM:201180
Cleft Lip/Palate
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Dental malocclusion, Peg-shaped maxillary lateral incisors, Abnormalit... ORPHA:199306
Weill-Marchesani Syndrome 2
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Cataract, Microspherophakia, Ectopia lentis, U... OMIM:608328
Apert Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Choanal atresia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Delayed eruption of teeth, Co... ORPHA:87
Neu-Laxova Syndrome 1
Depressed nasal ridge, Hydranencephaly, Cataract, Stillbirth, Small placenta, Pterygium, Intraute... OMIM:256520
Microcornea, Carious teeth, Retrognathia, Bilateral microphthalmos, Gonadal dysgenesis, Umbilical... ORPHA:33364
Microphthalmia/Coloboma 9
Microcornea, Ocular anterior segment dysgenesis, Microphthalmia, Sclerocornea, Iris coloboma OMIM:615145
Frontonasal Dysplasia-Severe Microphthalmia-Severe Facial Clefting Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Cranium bifidum occultum, Hypoplasia of the frontal bone, Hypoplasia of the ma... ORPHA:306542
Microphthalmia/Coloboma 12
Peters anomaly, Optic nerve aplasia, Corneal opacity, Microphthalmia, Growth delay OMIM:120200
3Q29 Microduplication Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Cataract, Aniridia, Microphthalmia, Sclerocornea, Iris coloboma ORPHA:251038
Developmental And Speech Delay Due To Sox5 Deficiency
Hyperplasia of the maxilla ORPHA:313892
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Poor Growth, Large Ears, And Dysmorphic Facies
Prominent nose, Micrognathia, Hyperplasia of the maxilla OMIM:620194
Kyphomelic Dysplasia
Radial bowing, Micromelia, Flared metaphysis, Pterygium, Dumbbell-shaped humerus, Micrognathia, F... OMIM:211350
Thrombocytopenia-Absent Radius Syndrome
Short forearm, Broad thumb, Finger syndactyly, Carpal synostosis, Fibular aplasia, Micrognathia, ... OMIM:274000
Van Maldergem Syndrome 1
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Growth delay, Dental malocclusion, Micrognathia, Ma... OMIM:601390
Cerebrofacioarticular Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Bilateral choanal atresia/stenosis, Micrognathia, S... ORPHA:314679
Andersen Cardiodysrhythmic Periodic Paralysis
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Bulbous nose, Persistence of primary teeth, Micrognathia, Malar flatte... OMIM:170390
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita 5
Medullary nephrocalcinosis OMIM:618947
Citrullinemia, Type Ii, Adult-Onset
Hepatic fibrosis, Portal inflammation, Ballooning hepatocyte degeneration, Hepatic steatosis, Pan... OMIM:603471
Stevenson-Carey Syndrome
Prominent nasal tip, Anteverted nares, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Microphthalmia OMIM:611961
Fryns Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Microretrognathia, Ectopic pancreatic tissue, Stillbirth, Bifid scrotum, Polys... OMIM:229850
Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome 1
Wide nasal bridge, Iris coloboma, Cataract, Ovarian carcinoma, Ovarian fibroma, Spina bifida, Mic... OMIM:109400
Refsum Disease
Microphthalmia, Anosmia, Splenomegaly, Cataract ORPHA:773
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Intracranial Hemorrhage, Seizures, And Spasticity
Wide nasal bridge, Iris coloboma, Hydranencephaly, Microretrognathia, Hepatic sinusoidal dilatati... OMIM:620371
Retinal Vasculopathy With Cerebral Leukoencephalopathy And Systemic Manifestations
Macular edema, Avascular necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis, Abnormal retinal vascular mor... ORPHA:247691
Norrie Disease
Cataract, Ectopia lentis, Uterine rupture, Hypoplasia of the iris, Narrow nasal bridge, Abnormal ... ORPHA:649
Cholelithiasis, Hyperplasia of the maxilla, Malar prominence, Hepatosplenomegaly, Hypersplenism, ... ORPHA:846
Adams-Oliver Syndrome
Cataract, Portal hypertension, Encephalocele, Congenital hepatic fibrosis, Cirrhosis, Microphthalmia ORPHA:974
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 12
Cataract, Abnormally large globe, Microphthalmia OMIM:615249
Hypercalciuria, Nephrocalcinosis, Long penis, Enlarged kidney ORPHA:508
Occipital Horn Syndrome
Aplastic clavicle, Humerus varus, Genu valgum, Avascular necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysi... ORPHA:198
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
Periportal fibrosis, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Portal inflammation... ORPHA:101330
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 7
Cataract, Peters anomaly, Retrognathia, Encephalocele, Microphthalmia, Optic nerve hypoplasia OMIM:614643
Meckel Syndrome, Type 5
Microphthalmia, Occipital encephalocele, Bile duct proliferation, Anencephaly OMIM:611561
Hydrolethalus Syndrome 1
Accessory spleen, Abnormal vagina morphology, Stillbirth, Intrauterine growth retardation, Microg... OMIM:236680
Monosomy 9Q22.3
Cataract, Delayed eruption of teeth, Umbilical hernia, Ovarian fibroma, Microphthalmia, Short nose ORPHA:77301
22Q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
Carious teeth, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Posterior embryotoxon, Microphthalmia, Hypoparathyro... ORPHA:567
Cockayne Syndrome Type 3
Lentiglobus, Cataract, Microcornea, Carious teeth, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase conc... ORPHA:90324
Witteveen-Kolk Syndrome
Flared nostrils, Male urethral meatus stenosis, Hyperplasia of the maxilla, Microphthalmia, Hypos... OMIM:613406
Pfeiffer Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Choanal atresia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Choanal stenosis, Mandibular ... OMIM:101600
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Ii
Bifid nasal tip, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Broad nasal tip, Depressed nasal bridge, Micrognathia... OMIM:252100
Charge Syndrome
Choanal atresia, Anosmia, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the zygomatic bone, Bifid scrotum... ORPHA:138
Monosomy 9P
Choanal atresia, Depressed nasal bridge, Anteverted nares, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Malar fl... ORPHA:261112
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group A
Cryptorchidism, Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Male infertility OMIM:227650
Mend Syndrome
Cataract, Microretrognathia, Bulbous nose, Micrognathia, Prominent nasal bridge, Cryptorchidism, ... OMIM:300960
Omodysplasia 2
Broad femoral neck, Short 1st metacarpal, Rhizomelic arm shortening, Micrognathia, Short humerus,... OMIM:164745
Ptosis-Upper Ocular Movement Limitation-Absence Of Lacrimal Punctum Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Microretrognathia, Anteverted nares ORPHA:228396
Williams-Beuren Syndrome
Renal hypoplasia, Nephrocalcinosis, Recurrent urinary tract infections, Renal artery stenosis, Ve... OMIM:194050
Craniofacial Dysmorphism, Skeletal Anomalies, And Impaired Intellectual Development Syndrome 1
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Supernumerary nipple, Decreased response to growth ... OMIM:213980
Andersen-Tawil Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Bulbous nose, Persistence of primary teeth, Microgn... ORPHA:37553
Cat Eye Syndrome
Umbilical hernia, Micrognathia, Biliary atresia, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Iris coloboma OMIM:115470
Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome 1
Postnatal growth retardation, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Hypospadias, Cataract, Hypoplasia of ... OMIM:180849
Microphthalmia With Cyst, Bilateral Facial Clefts, And Limb Anomalies
Choanal atresia, Depressed nasal ridge, Bilateral microphthalmos, Ethmoidal encephalocele, Optic ... OMIM:607597
Craniofacial-Deafness-Hand Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Narrow naris, Malar flattening, Short nose OMIM:122880
Deafness, X-Linked 7
Wide nasal bridge, Unilateral microphthalmos OMIM:301018
Floating-Harbor Syndrome
Nephrocalcinosis, Glandular hypospadias, Hydronephrosis, Hypospadias, Congenital posterior urethr... OMIM:136140
Oculo-Palato-Cerebral Syndrome
Cataract, Intrauterine growth retardation, Leukocoria, Microphthalmia, Short stature ORPHA:2714
Cardioacrofacial Dysplasia 1
Overhanging nasal tip, Hypoplasia of the maxilla OMIM:619142
Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Nodular goiter, Pheochromocytoma, Abnormal liver parenchyma morphology, Primary hyperparathyroidism ORPHA:1332
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 1
Clitoral hypertrophy, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Breast hypoplasia, Intrauterine growth retardati... OMIM:224690
Fraser Syndrome
Small scrotum, Abnormal vagina morphology, Female pseudohermaphroditism, Encephalocele, Cryptorch... ORPHA:2052
Ectrodactyly, Ectodermal Dysplasia, And Cleft Lip/Palate Syndrome 1
Choanal atresia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Carious teeth, Broad nasal tip, Decreased response to... OMIM:129900
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group E
Short stature, Cryptorchidism, Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, Microphthalmia OMIM:600901
Intellectual Disability-Cardiac Anomalies-Short Stature-Joint Laxity Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Iris coloboma, Mandibular prognathia, Microretrognathia, Exocrine pancreatic i... ORPHA:508498
Robin Sequence With Distinctive Facial Appearance And Brachydactyly
Underdeveloped nasal alae, Cleft mandible, Bulbous nose, Intrauterine growth retardation, Microgn... OMIM:608670
Microcephalic Cortical Malformations-Short Stature Due To Rttn Deficiency
Severe short stature, Wide nasal bridge, Microretrognathia, Retrognathia, Microphallus, Bilateral... ORPHA:468631
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group C
Intrauterine growth retardation, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Hypergonadotropic... OMIM:227645
Focal Dermal Hypoplasia
Ectopia lentis, Umbilical hernia, Abnormal dental enamel morphology, Hypoplasia of the iris, Narr... ORPHA:2092
Momo Syndrome
Wide nasal base, Dental malocclusion, Delayed eruption of teeth, Bilateral microphthalmos, Taurod... ORPHA:2563
Oculopalatocerebral Syndrome
Short stature, Leukocoria, Microphthalmia OMIM:257910
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Iic
Micropenis, Nephrocalcinosis OMIM:617402
Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Breast aplasia, Anteverted nares, Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, Sinusiti... ORPHA:238468
Ectrodactyly, Ectodermal Dysplasia, And Cleft Lip/Palate Syndrome 3
Choanal atresia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Carious teeth, Decreased response to growth hormone s... OMIM:604292
Nager Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Micrognathia, Abnormal nasal morphology, Hypoplasia of the zygomatic bone ORPHA:245
Multicentric Osteolysis, Nodulosis, And Arthropathy
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Delayed eruption of teeth, Peripheral opacification of the cornea, Bul... OMIM:259600
Microphthalmia, Isolated, With Corectopia
Microphthalmia, Ectopia pupillae OMIM:156900
Pycr2-Related Microcephaly-Progressive Leukoencephalopathy
Bulbous nose, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Anteverted nares ORPHA:481152
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 11
Agenesis of pineal gland, Microphthalmia OMIM:614402
Yunis-Varon Syndrome
Cataract, Clitoral hypertrophy, Bilateral microphthalmos, Postnatal growth retardation, Anteverte... ORPHA:3472
Branchiooculofacial Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Iris coloboma, Broad nasal tip, Cataract, Supernumerary nipple, Postnatal... OMIM:113620
Holoprosencephaly 2
Anterior pituitary agenesis, Proboscis, Malar flattening, Aplasia of the nasal bone, Aplasia of t... OMIM:157170
Lowe Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome
Postnatal growth retardation, Corneal scarring, Cryptorchidism, Dense posterior cortical cataract... OMIM:309000
Cleft Velum
Hypoplasia of the maxilla ORPHA:99772
Greenberg Dysplasia
Depressed nasal ridge, Rhizomelia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Disproportionate short-limb short s... OMIM:215140
Joubert Syndrome 2
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplastic male external genitalia, Encephalocele, Microphthalmia OMIM:608091
Linear Skin Defects With Multiple Congenital Anomalies 3
Thyroid C cell hyperplasia, Sclerocornea, Microphthalmia, Delayed eruption of primary teeth OMIM:300952
Pseudotrisomy 13 Syndrome
Encephalocele, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia, Micropenis, Bicornuate uterus OMIM:264480
Fraser Syndrome 1
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Clitoral hypertrophy, Dental malocclusion, Underdevelo... OMIM:219000
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 3
Short stature, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Microphthalmia OMIM:617729
Shprintzen-Goldberg Craniosynostosis Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Dental malocclusion, Umbilical hernia, Anteverted nares, Micrognathia,... OMIM:182212
Shprintzen-Goldberg Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Retrognathia, Umbilical hernia, Anteverted nares, Micrognathia, Crypto... ORPHA:2462
Fontaine Progeroid Syndrome
Small scrotum, Depressed nasal bridge, Absent nipple, Retrognathia, Umbilical hernia, Intrauterin... OMIM:612289
Microphthalmia-Brain Atrophy Syndrome
Bilateral microphthalmos ORPHA:77299
Doors Syndrome
Hydronephrosis, Nephrocalcinosis, Abnormality of the urinary system, Increased urine alpha-ketogl... ORPHA:79500
Atelis Syndrome 2
Bulbous nose, Prominent nose, Micrognathia, Developmental cataract, Microphthalmia OMIM:620185
Osteopetrosis, Autosomal Recessive 8
Hepatomegaly, Unilateral microphthalmos, Splenomegaly OMIM:615085
Acrorenal-Mandibular Syndrome
Hypoplastic scapulae, Toe syndactyly, Rudimentary fibula, Micrognathia, Rudimentary to absent tib... OMIM:200980
Goldberg-Shprintzen Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Megalocornea, Bulbous nose, Prominent nasal bridge,... OMIM:609460
Phocomelia, Schinzel Type
Finger aplasia, Radial bowing, Micromelia, Aplasia/Hypoplasia involving the pelvis, Abnormal tibi... ORPHA:2879
Distal Deletion 19P
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Vaginal hernia, Umbilical hernia ORPHA:96129
Pallister-Hall Syndrome
Small scrotum, Natal tooth, Hydrometrocolpos, Hypopituitarism, Cryptorchidism, Microphthalmia, Hy... ORPHA:672
Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group D
Cataract, Keratitis, Corneal neovascularization, Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, Microphthalmia, Conj... OMIM:278730
Nephrocalcinosis, Renal insufficiency, Nephrolithiasis, Hypercalciuria, Tubulointerstitial nephritis ORPHA:797
Microphthalmia, Isolated 8
True anophthalmia, Optic nerve hypoplasia, Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia OMIM:615113
Angelman Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Mandibular prognathia, Blue irides OMIM:105830
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 2
Cataract, Peters anomaly, Encephalocele, Microphthalmia, Buphthalmos, Persistent pupillary membrane OMIM:613150
Acromelic Frontonasal Dysplasia
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tibia, Talipes equinovarus, Preaxial foot polydactyly, Patellar hypoplasia ORPHA:1827
Focal Dermal Hypoplasia
Broad nasal tip, Dental malocclusion, Delayed eruption of teeth, Ectopia lentis, Umbilical hernia... OMIM:305600
Mitochondrial Complex Iv Deficiency, Nuclear Type 10
Hepatomegaly, Microphthalmia OMIM:619053
Duane-Radial Ray Syndrome
Choanal atresia, Cataract, Optic disc hypoplasia, Abnormal nasopharynx morphology, Choanal stenos... OMIM:607323
Mowat-Wilson Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Iris coloboma, Microcornea, Cataract, Delayed eruption of teeth, Bifid scrotum... OMIM:235730
Severe Microbrachycephaly-Intellectual Disability-Athetoid Cerebral Palsy Syndrome
Microphthalmia, Iris coloboma, Mandibular prognathia, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:1236
Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia-Cone-Rod Dystrophy Syndrome
Severe short stature, Rhizomelia, Ectopia pupillae, Microphthalmia, Corneal opacity, Lens subluxa... ORPHA:85167
Lymphedema-Distichiasis Syndrome
Micrognathia, Recurrent corneal erosions, Microphthalmia, Conjunctivitis, Corneal ulceration OMIM:153400
Aniridia 1
Cataract, Ectopia lentis, Hypoplasia of the iris, Ectopia pupillae, Aniridia, Corneal neovascular... OMIM:106210
Campomelic Dysplasia
Small abnormally formed scapulae, 11 pairs of ribs, Micrognathia, Femoral bowing, Tibial bowing, ... ORPHA:140
Charge Syndrome
Postnatal growth retardation, Unilateral microphthalmos, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Anophthalm... OMIM:214800
Degcags Syndrome
Retrognathia, Cholestasis, Intrauterine growth retardation, Micrognathia, Prominent nose, Cryptor... OMIM:619488
Branchioskeletogenital Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Absent external genitalia, Carious teeth, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Broa... ORPHA:1299
Peters-Plus Syndrome
Postnatal growth retardation, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Hypoplastic labia majora, Hypoplasia ... OMIM:261540
Geroderma Osteodysplasticum
Severe short stature, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Mandibular prognathia, Malar flattening OMIM:231070
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group D2
Annular pancreas, Cryptorchidism, Micropenis, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Hypergonadotropic hy... OMIM:227646
Generalized Arterial Calcification Of Infancy
Hyperphosphaturia, Nephrocalcinosis, Medullary nephrocalcinosis, Cortical nephrocalcinosis ORPHA:51608
17Q12 Microduplication Syndrome
Microphthalmia ORPHA:261272
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 9
Cataract, Buphthalmos, Microphthalmia OMIM:616538
Papillorenal Syndrome
Short stature, Cataract, Lens luxation, Microphthalmia OMIM:120330
Fraser Syndrome 2
Underdeveloped nasal alae, Hypoplasia of the thymus, Ambiguous genitalia, Microphthalmia, Wide nose OMIM:617666
Amoebic Keratitis
Cataract, Corneal perforation, Abnormal cornea morphology, Punctate opacification of the cornea, ... ORPHA:67043
Curry-Jones Syndrome
Iris coloboma, Microphthalmia ORPHA:1553
Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome
Pheochromocytoma, Hepatic hemangioma, Epididymal cyst, Pancreatic cysts, Neoplasm of the pancreas... OMIM:193300
Histiocytoid Cardiomyopathy
Megalocornea, Microphthalmia, Polycystic ovaries, Corneal opacity, Congenital aphakia, Hepatomegaly ORPHA:137675
Microgastria-Limb Reduction Defect Syndrome
Abnormality of the spleen, Anophthalmia, Perineal fistula, Microphthalmia, Hepatomegaly, Rectovag... ORPHA:2538
Campomelic Dysplasia
Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Hypoplastic scapulae, Hypoplastic cervical vertebrae, Shortening... OMIM:114290
Acro-Renal-Ocular Syndrome
Cataract, Microcornea, Optic disc hypoplasia, Postnatal growth retardation, Microphthalmia, Iris ... ORPHA:959
Pseudoleprechaunism Syndrome, Patterson Type
Abnormal mandible condylar process morphology, Prominent nose, Abnormal ethmoid bone morphology, ... ORPHA:2976
Mycophenolate Mofetil Embryopathy
Bifid nose, Micrognathia, Iris coloboma, Microphthalmia ORPHA:268249
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group R
Growth delay, Microphthalmia OMIM:617244
Van Den Ende-Gupta Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Narrow nose, Microg... OMIM:600920
Schneckenbecken Dysplasia
Hypoplastic ilia, Hypoplastic scapulae, Micromelia, Fibular hypoplasia, Short ribs, Hypoplastic v... ORPHA:3144
Treacher Collins Syndrome 1
Choanal atresia, Bilateral microphthalmos, Micrognathia, Malar flattening, Cryptorchidism, Abnorm... OMIM:154500
Cranioectodermal Dysplasia 1
Short distal phalanx of finger, Rhizomelia, Clinodactyly, Short toe, Radial deviation of finger, ... OMIM:218330
Ulna And Fibula, Absence Of, With Severe Limb Deficiency
Radial bowing, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the pubic bone, Fibular aplasia, Humeroradial synostosis, Ap... OMIM:276820
Cornelia De Lange Syndrome
Choanal atresia, Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Microcornea, Delayed eruption of teeth, Abnorm... ORPHA:199
Trichorhinophalangeal Syndrome, Type Ii
Wide nasal bridge, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Carious teeth, Mandibular progna... OMIM:150230
Teebi-Shaltout Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Broad nasal tip, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Microphthalmia, Short stature OMIM:272950
Neuroocular Syndrome 1
Cataract, Microcornea, Peters anomaly, Retrognathia, Umbilical hernia, Microphthalmia, Hypoplasia... OMIM:619539
Liver Disease, Severe Congenital
Portal inflammation, Micrognathia, Hepatic steatosis, Abnormal hepatic echogenicity, Hepatomegaly... OMIM:619991
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 3
Cataract, Megalocornea, Micrognathia, Malar flattening, Hypoplasia of the retina, Microphthalmia,... OMIM:253280
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 4
Cataract, Encephalocele, Microphthalmia OMIM:253800
Stickler Syndrome
Depressed nasal ridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Depressed nasal bridge, Microretrognathia, Cata... ORPHA:828
Kenny-Caffey Syndrome, Type 2
Severe short stature, Hypoparathyroidism, Developmental cataract, Microphthalmia OMIM:127000
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 6
Small scrotum, Microcornea, Retrognathia, Micrognathia, Cryptorchidism, Anophthalmia, Microphthal... OMIM:607932
Pierson Syndrome
Cataract, Hypoplasia of the iris, Rieger anomaly, Uveal ectropion, Hypoplasia of the ciliary body... OMIM:609049
Oculotrichoanal Syndrome
Bifid nasal tip, Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia ORPHA:2717
Otopalatodigital Syndrome, Type Ii
Broad thumb, Toe syndactyly, Radial bowing, Rudimentary fibula, Overlapping fingers, Micrognathia... OMIM:304120
Microcephaly-Lymphedema-Chorioretinopathy Syndrome
Severe short stature, Cataract, Wide nasal bridge, Anteverted nares, Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia... ORPHA:2526
Linear Nevus Sebaceus Syndrome
Microphthalmia, Iris coloboma, Growth delay, Adenoma sebaceum ORPHA:2612
Biliary, Renal, Neurologic, And Skeletal Syndrome
Dilatation of the renal pelvis, Hyperechogenic kidneys, Medullary nephrocalcinosis, Dark urine, R... OMIM:619534
Chromosome 1Q21.1 Deletion Syndrome, 1.35-Mb
Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Bulbous nose, Prominent nose, Micrognathia, Anteverted nares, P... OMIM:612474
Phace Association
Microphthalmia, Optic nerve hypoplasia, Developmental cataract, Lingual thyroid OMIM:606519
Steinfeld Syndrome
Iris coloboma, Aplasia of the nose, Absent gallbladder, Microphthalmia OMIM:184705
Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Narrow nose, Malar flattening, Buphthalmos, Cleft of chin, Convex nasa... OMIM:101400
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group N
Postnatal growth retardation, Microphthalmia OMIM:610832
Townes-Brocks Syndrome
Iris coloboma, Cataract, Abnormal vagina morphology, Abnormality of the uterus, Bifid scrotum, Li... ORPHA:857
Phace Syndrome
Cataract, Optic nerve hypoplasia, Heterochromia iridis, Microphthalmia, Sclerocornea, Lens colobo... ORPHA:42775
Holoprosencephaly 1
Proboscis, Micropenis, Microphthalmia, Short stature, Aplasia of the nose OMIM:236100
Ectodermal Dysplasia 1, Hypohidrotic, X-Linked
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Absent nipple, Underdeveloped nasal alae, Taur... OMIM:305100
Cleidocranial Dysplasia 2
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Supernumerary tooth, Delayed eruption of primary teeth OMIM:620099
Osteoporosis-Pseudoglioma Syndrome
Cataract, Iris atrophy, Phthisis bulbi, Absent anterior chamber of the eye, Microphthalmia, Short... OMIM:259770
Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Due To A Zeb2 Point Mutation
Ectopia pupillae, Cryptorchidism, Axenfeld anomaly, Chordee, Microphthalmia, Iris coloboma, Hypos... ORPHA:261552
Zttk Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Intrauterine growth retarda... OMIM:617140
Acrofacial Dysostosis, Cincinnati Type
Choanal atresia, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Depressed nasal bridge, Retrognathia, Bilateral choan... OMIM:616462
Short Rib-Polydactyly Syndrome, Verma-Naumoff Type
Depressed nasal bridge, Cataract, Disproportionate short-limb short stature, Uterus didelphys, Mi... ORPHA:93271
Mowat-Wilson Syndrome
Cryptorchidism, Axenfeld anomaly, Chordee, Prominent nasal tip, Microphthalmia, Iris coloboma, Hy... ORPHA:2152
Primrose Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Broad nasal tip, Posterior ... OMIM:259050
Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Due To Monosomy 2Q22
Cryptorchidism, Axenfeld anomaly, Chordee, Microphthalmia, Iris coloboma, Hypospadias, Cataract, ... ORPHA:261537
Curry-Jones Syndrome
Iris coloboma, Occipital meningocele, Lipomyelomeningocele, Microphthalmia OMIM:601707
Tooth Agenesis, Selective, X-Linked, 1
Aplasia of the maxilla, Agenesis of molar, Agenesis of lateral incisor OMIM:313500
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Type 4
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tibia, Finger syndactyly, Micromelia, Preaxial hand polydactyly, Campto... ORPHA:2753
Faciocardiomelic Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Dental malocclusion, Hyperplasia of the maxilla, Anteverted nares, Microg... OMIM:612731
Intellectual Disability-Seizures-Abnormal Gait-Facial Dysmorphism Syndrome
Depressed nasal bridge, Increased axial length of the globe, Hyperplasia of the maxilla, Antevert... ORPHA:513456
Holoprosencephaly-Radial Heart Renal Anomalies Syndrome
Iris coloboma, Aplasia of the nose, Absent gallbladder, Microphthalmia ORPHA:3186
Von Hippel-Lindau Disease
Pancreatic islet cell adenoma, Adrenal pheochromocytoma, Epididymal cyst, Pancreatic cysts, Neopl... ORPHA:892
Cataract, Hepatic fibrosis, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Retrognathia... ORPHA:79318
Craniosynostosis And Dental Anomalies
Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Dental malocclusion, Delayed eruption of teeth... OMIM:614188
Cryptophthalmos, Unilateral Or Bilateral, Isolated
Microphthalmia OMIM:123570
8Q24.3 Microdeletion Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Ectopic posterior pituitary, Infancy onset short-trunk short stature, Microret... ORPHA:508488
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 1
Iris coloboma, Microcornea, Growth delay, Ciliary body coloboma, Cryptorchidism, Anophthalmia, Ag... OMIM:309800
Brain Malformations-Musculoskeletal Abnormalities-Facial Dysmorphism-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Wide nasal bridge, Depressed nasal bridge, Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Intrauterine growth retarda... ORPHA:500150
Brain Small Vessel Disease 1 With Or Without Ocular Anomalies
Microcornea, Hypoplasia of the iris, Ectopia pupillae, Astigmatism, Corneal neovascularization, P... OMIM:175780
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 1
Microphthalmia, Imperforate hymen, Encephalocele, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:100300
Craniofacial Microsomia 1
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Occipital encephalocele, Micrognathia, Branchial anomaly, Malar flatte... OMIM:164210
Singleton-Merten Syndrome 1
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Carious teeth, Eruption failure, Hypoplasia of the tooth germ, Short s... OMIM:182250
Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia, X-Linked
Hypoplasia of the maxilla, Disproportionate short-trunk short stature OMIM:300106
Cornelia De Lange Syndrome 6
Macrodontia of permanent maxillary central incisor, Intrauterine growth retardation, Anteverted n... OMIM:620568
Nut Midline Carcinoma
Pancreatoblastoma, Pancreatic squamous cell carcinoma ORPHA:443167


Summary table of phenotypes displayed during the Histopathology procedure which are considered significant. Full histopathology data table, including submitted images, can be accessed by clicking any row in this table.

There is no histopathology data for Brd4

IMPC related publications

The table below lists publications which used either products generated by the IMPC or data produced by the phenotyping efforts of the IMPC. These publications have also been associated to Brd4.

There are 6 publications which use IMPC produced mice or data.

Title Journal IMPC Allele PubMed ID
BRD4 binds to active cranial neural crest enhancers to regulate RUNX2 activity during osteoblast differentiation. Development (Cambridge, England) (January 2024) Brd4tm1c(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC10905746
BET proteins are essential for the specification and maintenance of the epiblast lineage in mouse preimplantation embryos. BMC biology (March 2022) Brd4tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC8905768
Bromodomain Protein BRD4 Is Essential for Hair Cell Function and Survival. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology (September 2020) Brd4tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC7509448
AMP-activated protein kinase links acetyl-CoA homeostasis to BRD4 recruitment in acute myeloid leukemia. Blood (December 2019) Brd4tm1c(EUCOMM)Wtsi 31697807
Time series modeling of cell cycle exit identifies Brd4 dependent regulation of cerebellar neurogenesis. Nature communications (July 2019) Brd4tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC6620341
Brd4 binds to active enhancers to control cell identity gene induction in adipogenesis and myogenesis. Nature communications (December 2017) Brd4tm1c(EUCOMM)Wtsi Brd4tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC5738375

Order Mouse and ES Cells

All available products are supplied via our member's centres or partnerships. When ordering a product from the IMPC you will be redirected to one of their websites or prompted to start an email.

MGI Allele Allele Type Produced
Brd4tm48673(L1L2_gt0) KO first allele (reporter-tagged insertion with conditional potential) Targeting vectors
Brd4tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi Reporter-tagged deletion allele (with selection cassette) Mice
Brd4tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi KO first allele (reporter-tagged insertion with conditional potential) Mice, Targeting vectors, ES Cells

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