Registered for phenotyping at IMPC

Phenotyping is planned for a knockout strain of this gene but data is not currently available.

Gene Summary

alanyl-tRNA synthetase 1

IMPC Data Collections

  • No Body Weight Data
  • No Embryo Imaging Data
  • No Viability Data

IMPC Phenotype Summary

Not Significant
Not tested


The IMPC applies a panel of phenotyping screens to characterise single-gene knockout mice by comparison to wild types. Click on the different tabs to visualise significant phenotypes identified by the IMPC, as well as all data that was measured.

lacZ Expression

Expression data not available

Associated Images

Images submitted by IMPC centres for a selection of procedures. Each set of images is available to view in our image comparator.

Phenotype associated images not available

Human diseases caused by Aars1 mutations

The analysis uses data from IMPC, along with published data on other mouse mutants, in comparison to human disease reports in OMIM, Orphanet, and DECIPHER.

Phenotype comparisons summarize the similarity of mouse phenotypes with human disease phenotypes.

The table below shows human diseases associated to Aars1 by orthology or direct annotation.

The table below shows human diseases predicted to be associated to Aars1 by phenotypic similarity.

Disease Similarity of
Matching phenotypes Source
Alopecia Areata 2
Alopecia universalis, Patchy alopecia, Alopecia of scalp, Alopecia totalis OMIM:610753
Ataxia-Oculomotor Apraxia Type 1
Ataxia, Gait disturbance, Medial flaring of the eyebrow ORPHA:1168
Alopecia Universalis Congenita
Alopecia universalis, Absent eyelashes, Absent eyebrow, Absent pubic hair, Absent axillary hair OMIM:203655
Hypotrichosis Simplex
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Sparse body hair, Sparse eyelashes, Sparse hair, Sparse scalp hair ORPHA:55654
Hypotrichosis 4
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Sparse body hair, Sparse eyelashes, Uncombable hair, Sparse scalp hair OMIM:146550
Alopecia Areata 1
Alopecia universalis, Alopecia totalis, Patchy alopecia, Trachyonychia, Nail pits OMIM:104000
Hypotrichosis 11
Alopecia universalis, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the eyebrow, Sparse or absent eyelashes, Absent axill... OMIM:615059
Tremor Of Intention, Ataxia, And Lipofuscinosis
Ataxia, Intention tremor, Premature graying of hair OMIM:190200
Alopecia-Intellectual Disability Syndrome 1
Alopecia universalis, Alopecia OMIM:203650
Cerebellar Ataxia, Impaired Intellectual Development, And Dysequilibrium Syndrome 3
Cerebellar ataxia associated with quadrupedal gait, Slurred speech, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:613227
Episodic Ataxia, Type 1
Episodic ataxia, Incoordination, Tremor, Babinski sign, Spastic gait, Slurred speech OMIM:160120
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 43
Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Distal sensory impairment, Rigidity, Tremor,... OMIM:617018
Graham Little-Piccardi-Lassueur Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse axillary hair, Sparse pubic hair, Sparse scalp hair ORPHA:505
Optic Atrophy 2
Babinski sign, Dysdiadochokinesis, Tremor OMIM:311050
Ectodermal Dysplasia 6, Hair/Nail Type
Alopecia, Sparse hair, Thin toenail, Dystrophic toenail OMIM:614928
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 15/16
Upper limb postural tremor, Cerebellar atrophy, Head tremor, Gait ataxia, Action tremor, Ataxia, ... ORPHA:98769
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 40
Broad-based gait, Spastic paraparesis, Dysdiadochokinesis, Gait ataxia, Tremor, Dysmetria, Ankle ... OMIM:616053
Perifolliculitis Capitis Abscedens Et Suffodiens, Familial
Alopecia, Alopecia of scalp OMIM:260910
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 31
Impaired vibratory sensation, Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Gait ataxia, Tremor ORPHA:217012
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 37
Cerebellar atrophy, Tremor, Ataxia, Unsteady gait, Frequent falls OMIM:615945
Cerebellar Hypoplasia/Atrophy, Epilepsy, And Global Developmental Delay
Cerebellar hypoplasia, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:213000
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 38
Cerebellar atrophy, Somatic sensory dysfunction, Difficulty walking, Gait ataxia, Tremor ORPHA:423296
Odonto-Onycho Dysplasia-Alopecia Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Sparse body hair, Abnormal fingernail morphology, Hypoplastic toenails,... ORPHA:2722
Pili Torti-Developmental Delay-Neurological Abnormalities Syndrome
Ataxia, Sparse or absent eyelashes, Gait disturbance, Pili torti, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the eyebr... ORPHA:2891
Alopecia, Androgenetic, 1
Alopecia OMIM:109200
Alopecia-Intellectual Disability Syndrome 2
Alopecia universalis OMIM:610422
Alopecia-Intellectual Disability Syndrome 3
Alopecia universalis OMIM:613930
Alopecia, Familial Focal
Patchy alopecia OMIM:104110
Spinocerebellar Atrophy With Pupillary Paralysis
Spinocerebellar atrophy OMIM:183100
Cerebellar Ataxia, Cayman Type
Broad-based gait, Gait ataxia, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Truncal ataxia, Nonprogressive cerebellar a... ORPHA:94122
Episodic Ataxia With Slurred Speech
Gait ataxia, Tremor, Slurred speech ORPHA:401953
Cerebellar Ataxia, Impaired Intellectual Development, And Dysequilibrium Syndrome 2
Broad-based gait, Global brain atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Aplasia of the inferior half of the c... OMIM:610185
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex 6, Generalized Intermediate, With Or Without Cardiomyopathy
Alopecia, Dystrophic toenail, Sparse body hair, Onychogryposis of toenails, Alopecia of scalp OMIM:617294
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 37
Diffuse cerebellar atrophy, Falls, Somatic sensory dysfunction, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Myoclo... ORPHA:363710
Leukoencephalopathy, Brain Calcifications, And Cysts
Spasticity, Hemiplegia, Tremor, Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor function, Abnormal pyramidal ... OMIM:614561
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Due To Foxn1 Deficiency
Ridged nail, Nail pits, Congenital alopecia totalis ORPHA:169095
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 41
Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Gait ataxia, Ataxia, Unsteady gait OMIM:616410
Parc Syndrome
Absent eyelashes, Alopecia, Absent eyebrow OMIM:600331
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 38
Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Myoclonus, Tremor, Atrophy/Degeneration affe... OMIM:615957
Trichodysplasia-Xeroderma Syndrome
Alopecia, Coarse hair, Sparse eyebrow, Sparse body hair, Trichorrhexis nodosa, Trichodysplasia, P... ORPHA:3361
Alopecia-Intellectual Disability-Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism Syndrome
Alopecia totalis ORPHA:1014
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 17
Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, Broad-based gait, Cerebellar atrophy, Thick eyebrow, Gait ataxia, L... OMIM:616127
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 12
Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Bradykinesia, Postural tremor, Abnormal cerebellum morpholo... ORPHA:98762
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 23
Cerebellar atrophy, Impaired vibration sensation in the lower limbs, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Dy... OMIM:610245
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 16
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Limb ataxia, Tremor, Ankle clonus, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Babinsk... OMIM:615768
Neuroectodermal Melanolysosomal Disease
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Spasticity, Premature graying of hair, Tremor, Rigidity, Cerebellar hy... ORPHA:33445
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 20
Postural tremor, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Action tremor, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Palatal tremor OMIM:608687
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 35
Cerebellar atrophy, Pseudobulbar paralysis, Incoordination, Difficulty walking, Dysmetria, Loss o... OMIM:613908
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 20
Upper limb postural tremor, Cerebellar atrophy, Bradykinesia, Laryngeal dystonia, Gait ataxia, Ab... ORPHA:101110
Primary Orthostatic Tremor
Tremor, Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor function ORPHA:238606
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1R
Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular no... OMIM:613424
X-Linked Non Progressive Cerebellar Ataxia
Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, Action tremor, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Clumsiness, Truncal ataxia, U... ORPHA:314978
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 35
Cerebellar atrophy, Pseudobulbar paralysis, Difficulty walking, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Dysmetr... ORPHA:276193
Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation 8
Cerebellar atrophy, Tremor, Dysmetria, Loss of ambulation, Ataxia, Unsteady gait OMIM:617917
Infantile-Onset Autosomal Recessive Nonprogressive Cerebellar Ataxia
Spasticity, Broad-based gait, Cerebellar atrophy, Difficulty walking, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, ... ORPHA:284332
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 12
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Head tremor, Action tremor, Dysmetria, Axial dysto... OMIM:604326
Autosomal Recessive Cerebellar Ataxia Due To Cwf19L1 Deficiency
Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Dystonia, Babinski sign, Synophrys, Clumsin... ORPHA:453521
Leukoencephalopathy With Brainstem And Spinal Cord Involvement And Lactate Elevation
Babinski sign, Spasticity, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:611105
Hidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia
Generalized hypotrichosis, Alopecia, Sparse pubic hair, Brittle scalp hair, Small nail, Sparse ey... ORPHA:189
L-Ferritin Deficiency
Alopecia OMIM:615604
Marie Unna Hereditary Hypotrichosis
Alopecia, Coarse hair, Sparse or absent eyelashes, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the eyebrow, Sparse scal... ORPHA:444
Spastic Ataxia 2, Autosomal Recessive
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Fasciculations, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Tremor,... OMIM:611302
Striatal Degeneration, Autosomal Dominant 1
Degeneration of the striatum, Tremor, Rigidity, Gait disturbance, Bradykinesia, Dysdiadochokinesi... OMIM:609161
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic 7
Cerebellar atrophy, Myoclonus, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:616187
Myoclonus, Familial, 1
Myoclonus, Action tremor, Ataxia, Action myoclonus, Frequent falls OMIM:614937
Lichtenstein-Knorr Syndrome
Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Action tremor, Dysmetria... OMIM:616291
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 18
Cerebellar atrophy, Tremor, Dysmetria, Babinski sign, Progressive gait ataxia, Dysdiadochokinesis OMIM:607458
Uncombable Hair Syndrome
Coarse hair, White hair, Abnormal hair morphology, Patchy alopecia, Trichodysplasia, Woolly hair ORPHA:1410
Migraine, Familial Hemiplegic, 1
Cerebellar atrophy, Hemiplegia, Tremor, Hemiparesis, Ataxia OMIM:141500
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 4
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Fasciculations, Myoclonus, Gait ataxia, Tremor, Babinski sign, Ab... OMIM:607317
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 22
Cerebellar atrophy, Dysmetria, Lower limb spasticity, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Ataxia, Truncal at... OMIM:616948
Dystonia 23
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Head tremor, Myoclonus, Limb dystonia, Axial dysto... OMIM:614860
Alopecia, Nail dystrophy, Nail dysplasia, Brittle hair, Abnormality of hair texture, Sparse hair OMIM:158000
Tremor, Hereditary Essential, 6
Cerebellar atrophy, Postural tremor, Head tremor, Kinetic tremor, Vocal tremor OMIM:618866
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 40
Broad-based gait, Spastic paraparesis, Dysdiadochokinesis, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Pontocerebella... ORPHA:423275
Autosomal Dominant Spastic Ataxia Type 1
Spastic paraplegia, Difficulty walking, Impaired vibration sensation in the lower limbs, Limb ata... ORPHA:251282
Segawa Syndrome, Autosomal Recessive
Gait ataxia, Myoclonus, Tremor, Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor function, Rigidity, Limb dyst... OMIM:605407
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 14
Somatic sensory dysfunction, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Myoclonus, Trem... ORPHA:98763
Huntington Disease-Like Syndrome Due To C9Orf72 Expansions
Chorea, Myoclonus, Tremor, Rigidity, Parkinsonism, Ataxia, Upper motor neuron dysfunction, Dystonia ORPHA:401901
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 25
Dysmetria, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Babinski sign, Ataxia, Truncal ataxia OMIM:617584
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1C, With Or Without Left Ventricular Noncompaction
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Endocardial fibrosis, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompa... OMIM:601493
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Gg
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Cardiogenic shock, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompacti... OMIM:613642
Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, Neuronal, 13 (Kufs Type)
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Gait ataxia, Myoclonus, Tremor, Abnormality of ext... OMIM:615362
Dystonia 3, Torsion, X-Linked
Chorea, Myoclonus, Tremor, Parkinsonism with favorable response to dopaminergic medication, Torsi... OMIM:314250
Candidiasis, Familial, 1
Alopecia OMIM:114580
Infantile-Onset Generalized Dyskinesia With Orofacial Involvement
Chorea, Tremor, Unsteady gait, Frequent falls, Hemiballismus ORPHA:494526
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Impaired Speech And Hyperkinetic Movements
Chorea, Tremor, Hyperkinetic movements, Torticollis, Ataxia, Dystonia OMIM:618425
Primary Dystonia, Dyt27 Type
Upper limb postural tremor, Laryngeal dystonia, Limb dystonia, Axial dystonia, Action tremor, Oro... ORPHA:464440
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, X-Linked 1
Cerebellar atrophy, Action tremor, Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor function, Ataxia, Unsteady... OMIM:302500
Dyskinesia, Limb And Orofacial, Infantile-Onset
Chorea, Tremor, Hyperkinetic movements, Unsteady gait, Frequent falls, Hemiballismus OMIM:616921
T-Cell Immunodeficiency, Congenital Alopecia, And Nail Dystrophy
Alopecia, Nail pits, Ridged nail, Nail dystrophy OMIM:601705
Adult Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
Spasticity, Myoclonus, Tremor, Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor function, Clumsiness, Abnormal... ORPHA:79262
Sandhoff Disease, Adult Form
Spasticity, Fasciculations, Gait ataxia, Tremor, Focal dystonia, Dystonia ORPHA:309169
Dystonia, Dopa-Responsive
Spasticity, Resting tremor, Incoordination, Postural tremor, Cogwheel rigidity, Gait ataxia, Dyst... OMIM:128230
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked 104
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Spasticity, Frontal upsweep of hair, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:300983
Thumb Deformity And Alopecia
Alopecia OMIM:188150
Impaired Intellectual Development With Spastic Paraplegia And Palmoplantar Hyperkeratosis
Spastic paraplegia, Tremor OMIM:309560
Dystonia 27
Laryngeal dystonia, Postural tremor, Limb dystonia, Action tremor, Torticollis, Writer's cramp, O... OMIM:616411
Hypotrichosis 5
Abnormal sweat gland morphology, Alopecia, Thin eyebrow, Sparse eyelashes, Absent pubic hair, Abs... OMIM:612841
Left Ventricular Noncompaction 7
Left ventricular noncompaction, Left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy OMIM:615092
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 2
Spasticity, Incoordination, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Dilated fourth ventricle, Limb ataxia, Gai... OMIM:213200
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic, 1B
Myoclonus, Tremor, Dysmetria, Babinski sign, Ataxia OMIM:612437
Pili Torti
Alopecia, Abnormal eyebrow morphology, Pili torti, Brittle hair, Abnormality of hair texture, Abn... ORPHA:2889
Encephalopathy, Progressive, With Or Without Lipodystrophy
Spasticity, Cerebral atrophy, Tetraparesis, Myoclonus, Tremor, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Neuronal ... OMIM:615924
Alopecia-Epilepsy-Pyorrhea-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Alopecia universalis, Abnormal eyelash morphology, Sparse scalp hair, Sparse body hair ORPHA:1008
Peripheral Neuropathy, Myopathy, Hoarseness, And Hearing Loss
Distal sensory impairment, Tremor OMIM:614369
Left Ventricular Noncompaction 10
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompaction, Syncope, Pulmon... OMIM:615396
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex 5D, Generalized Intermediate, Autosomal Recessive
Alopecia, Nail dystrophy OMIM:616487
Dentatorubral-Pallidoluysian Atrophy
Chorea, Myoclonus, Parkinsonism, Atrophy of the dentate nucleus, Ataxia, Dystonia, Choreoathetosis OMIM:125370
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 6
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Clumsiness, Ataxia, Intention tremor OMIM:608029
Crandall Syndrome
Alopecia, Fine hair, Sparse body hair, Brittle hair, Pili torti, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the eyebrow ORPHA:202
Ectodermal Dysplasia 4, Hair/Nail Type
Abnormal sweat gland morphology, Alopecia, Sparse body hair, Congenital onychodystrophy, Nail dys... OMIM:602032
Spastic Paraplegia 78, Autosomal Recessive
Spastic paraplegia, Impaired vibratory sensation, Cerebral cortical atrophy, Falls, Resting tremo... OMIM:617225
Left Ventricular Noncompaction 8
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompaction, Left ventricula... OMIM:615373
Childhood-Onset Autosomal Recessive Slowly Progressive Spinocerebellar Ataxia
Impaired vibratory sensation, Broad-based gait, Cerebellar atrophy, Difficulty walking, Postural ... ORPHA:284324
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Aa, With Or Without Left Ventricular Noncompaction
Atrioventricular block, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Endocardial fibrosis, Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, ... OMIM:612158
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, X-Linked 5
Action tremor, Ataxia OMIM:300703
Neurodegeneration With Ataxia, Dystonia, And Gaze Palsy, Childhood-Onset
Cerebellar atrophy, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Tremor, Oculomotor apraxia, Abnormal pyr... OMIM:617145
Primary Dystonia, Dyt13 Type
Involuntary movements, Generalized dystonia, Torsion dystonia, Postural tremor, Limb dystonia, Ac... ORPHA:98807
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Jokela Type
Difficulty walking, Distal sensory impairment, Tremor, Fasciculations OMIM:615048
Cerebellar Ataxia-Ectodermal Dysplasia Syndrome
Sparse hair, Gait disturbance, Fine hair, Ataxia ORPHA:1174
Urocanase Deficiency
Broad-based gait, Gait ataxia, Action tremor, Dysmetria, Ataxia, Truncal ataxia OMIM:276880
Basal Ganglia Calcification, Idiopathic, 1
Cerebellar dentate nucleus calcification, Chorea, Limb dysmetria, Tremor, Rigidity, Dystonia, Par... OMIM:213600
Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, Neuronal, 5
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Increased neuronal autofluorescent lipopigment, My... OMIM:256731
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive, With Axonal Neuropathy 3
Cerebellar atrophy, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Distal sensory impairment, Tremor, Steppage gait, Ataxia OMIM:618387
Dystonia-Parkinsonism-Hypermanganesemia Syndrome
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Tremor, Ankle clonus, Loss of ambulation, Babin... ORPHA:521406
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 13
Inferior cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, Cerebellar atrophy, Inability to walk, Dilated fourth vent... OMIM:614831
Kerion Celsi
Alopecia ORPHA:499
Ectodermal Dysplasia 7, Hair/Nail Type
Abnormal sweat gland morphology, Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Dystrophic toenail, Sparse eyelashes, ... OMIM:614929
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Epilepsy And Hypoplasia Of The Corpus Callosum
Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, Cerebellar atrophy, Inability to walk, Gait ataxia, Tremor, Dysmetr... OMIM:618090
Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation 7
Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Tremor, Dysmetria, Loss of ambulation, Lower limb spasticit... OMIM:617916
Bullous Dystrophy, Hereditary Macular Type
Alopecia totalis, Abnormality of the nail OMIM:302000
Spastic Paraplegia 6, Autosomal Dominant
Spastic paraplegia, Impaired vibration sensation in the lower limbs, Tremor, Degeneration of the ... OMIM:600363
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 48
Cerebellar atrophy, Chorea, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Tremor, Babinski sign, Parkinsonism, Ataxia, ... OMIM:618093
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 14
Spasticity, Dysdiadochokinesis, Cerebellar atrophy, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Unsteady gait, Intent... OMIM:615386
Autosomal Spastic Paraplegia Type 58
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Tip-toe gait, Cerebral atrophy, Frequent falls, Fasciculations, C... ORPHA:397946
Left Ventricular Noncompaction 1
Hypoplastic left heart, Congestive heart failure, Left ventricular noncompaction, Left ventricula... OMIM:604169
Aniridia-Ptosis-Intellectual Disability-Familial Obesity Syndrome
Abnormal heart morphology, Alopecia, Hypopigmentation of hair ORPHA:1067
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 17
Blepharospasm, Spasticity, Involuntary movements, Cerebellar atrophy, Chorea, Rigidity, Dystonia,... ORPHA:98759
Autosomal Recessive Cerebellar Ataxia With Late-Onset Spasticity
Spasticity, Cerebral atrophy, Head tremor, Impaired vibration sensation in the lower limbs, Gait ... ORPHA:352641
Cyanide-Induced Parkinsonism-Dystonia
Short stepped shuffling gait, Shuffling gait, Cerebral cortical atrophy, Falls, Resting tremor, R... ORPHA:306692
Tremor, Hereditary Essential, 1
Postural tremor, Action tremor, Hand tremor OMIM:190300
Trichothiodystrophy 9, Nonphotosensitive
Sparse eyebrow, Tiger tail banding, Nail dystrophy, Ataxia, Sparse hair OMIM:619692
Tremor, Hereditary Essential, And Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Kinetic tremor, Gait disturbance, Tremor OMIM:611808
Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Increased neuronal a... ORPHA:79263
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked, Syndromic, Hedera Type
Spasticity, Falls, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Action tremor, Rigidity, Babinski sign, ... OMIM:300423
Corticobasal Syndrome
Involuntary movements, Somatic sensory dysfunction, Limb myoclonus, Progressive extrapyramidal mu... ORPHA:454887
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 50
Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Chorea, Head tremor, Myoclonus, Action tremor, Pos... OMIM:620158
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 29
Truncal titubation, Diffuse cerebellar atrophy, Broad-based gait, Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, C... OMIM:117360
Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency, Primary, 9
Cerebellar atrophy, Myoclonus, Tremor, Dysmetria, Impaired tandem gait, Lower limb spasticity, At... OMIM:619028
Parkinson Disease 15, Autosomal Recessive Early-Onset
Tremor, Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor function, Rigidity, Babinski sign, Parkinsonism, Lowe... OMIM:260300
Atypical Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration
Spasticity, Focal dystonia, Chorea, Limb dystonia, Tremor, Rigidity, Clumsiness, Parkinsonism, Ab... ORPHA:216873
Oliver-Mcfarlane Syndrome
Alopecia, Distal amyotrophy, Long eyelashes, Long eyebrows, Sparse hair OMIM:275400
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Late-Onset, Finkel Type
Loss of ambulation, Tremor, Fasciculations OMIM:182980
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 19
Cerebellar atrophy, Postural tremor, Limb ataxia, Cogwheel rigidity, Myoclonus, Gait ataxia, Trun... OMIM:607346
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 42
Loss of Purkinje cells in the cerebellar vermis, Cerebellar atrophy, Tremor, Babinski sign, Spast... OMIM:616795
Atp13A2-Related Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
Postural tremor, Myoclonus, Tremor, Rigidity, Diffuse cerebral atrophy, Babinski sign, Dystonia, ... ORPHA:314632
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 7
Spasticity, Chorea, Dysmetria, Tremor, Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor function, Babinski sig... OMIM:164500
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 21
Spasticity, Impaired pain sensation, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Paresthesia, Limb ataxia, Gait at... OMIM:616719
Rapid-Onset Dystonia-Parkinsonism
Cerebellar atrophy, Resting tremor, Gait ataxia, Limb dystonia, Parkinsonism, Craniofacial dyston... ORPHA:71517
Autosomal Recessive Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia
Alopecia, Fine hair, Abnormal fingernail morphology, Abnormal hair morphology, Abnormal toenail m... ORPHA:248
Woolly Hair, Autosomal Recessive 3
Fine hair, Trichorrhexis nodosa, Sparse eyelashes, Curly hair, Sparse hair, Sparse scalp hair OMIM:616760
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 27
Cerebellar atrophy, Hand tremor, Difficulty walking, Akinesia, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Tremor, ... ORPHA:98764
Parkinson Disease 2, Autosomal Recessive Juvenile
Shuffling gait, Pill-rolling tremor, Resting tremor, Cerebral atrophy, Postural tremor, Cogwheel ... OMIM:600116
Sensorineural Hearing Loss-Early Graying-Essential Tremor Syndrome
Tremor, Premature graying of hair ORPHA:66633
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Absent Speech And Movement And Behavioral Abnormalities
Cerebellar hypoplasia, Limb dystonia, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:620270
Mitochondrial Complex Iii Deficiency, Nuclear Type 2
Spastic paraparesis, Resting tremor, Incoordination, Neurodegeneration, Paraparesis, Gait apraxia... OMIM:615157
Fine hair, Abnormal eyebrow morphology, Patchy alopecia, Slow-growing hair, Brittle hair, Abnorma... ORPHA:573
Thumb Deformity-Alopecia-Pigmentation Anomaly Syndrome
Onychogryposis of fingernail, Alopecia, Ridged fingernail, Camptodactyly of finger, Fingernail dy... ORPHA:2251
Atypical Juvenile Parkinsonism
Short stepped shuffling gait, Involuntary movements, Shuffling gait, Resting tremor, Inability to... ORPHA:391411
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 15
Cerebellar atrophy, Postural tremor, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Action tremor, Truncal ataxia OMIM:606658
Autosomal Recessive Cerebelloparenchymal Disorder Type 3
Poor motor coordination, Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Dilated fourt... ORPHA:1170
Atrial Standstill
Left ventricular noncompaction, Arrhythmia, Atrial standstill, Muscular dystrophy, Abnormal heart... ORPHA:1344
Dystonia 11, Myoclonic
Myoclonus, Writer's cramp, Tremor, Torticollis OMIM:159900
Quinquaud Folliculitis Decalvans
Abnormal hair morphology, Patchy alopecia, Scarring alopecia of scalp ORPHA:346
Clouston Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Small nail, Fine hair, Alopecia totalis, Brittle hair, Nail dystrophy, ... OMIM:129500
Ectodermal Dysplasia-Syndactyly Syndrome 1
Alopecia, Coarse hair, Small nail, Hypoplastic toenails, Sparse eyelashes, Patchy alopecia, Pili ... OMIM:613573
Pseudopelade Of Brocq
Alopecia, Abnormal hair morphology, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the eyebrow, Abnormality of the nail, S... ORPHA:129
Dystonia 28, Childhood-Onset
Spasticity, Tip-toe gait, Laryngeal dystonia, Retrocollis, Myoclonus, Tremor, Craniofacial dyston... OMIM:617284
Spastic Paraparesis And Deafness
Spastic paraparesis, Tremor OMIM:312910
Parkinsonism-Dystonia 3, Childhood-Onset
Global brain atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Chorea, Action tremor, Tremor, Hyperkinetic movements, ... OMIM:619738
Björnstad Syndrome
Alopecia, Brittle hair ORPHA:123
Parkinsonism With Spasticity, X-Linked
Spasticity, Resting tremor, Cogwheel rigidity, Babinski sign, Parkinsonism, Bradykinesia OMIM:300911
Developmental Delay And Seizures With Or Without Movement Abnormalities
Tremor, Rigidity, Chiari type I malformation, Dystonia, Ataxia, Bradykinesia OMIM:617836
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 32
Cerebellar atrophy, Limb myoclonus, Somatic sensory dysfunction, Postural tremor, Limb ataxia, Ga... OMIM:619862
Behr Syndrome
Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Dysmetria, Tremor, Babinski sign, Gait disturbance... OMIM:210000
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Biosynthesis Defect 15
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Inability to walk, Gait ataxia, Tremor, Dysmetria, Cerebellar hyp... OMIM:617810
Hereditary Bullous Dystrophy, Macular Type
Alopecia, Atrichia, Abnormal heart morphology, Nail dystrophy, Heart murmur, Congenital abnormal ... ORPHA:1867
Leukoencephalopathy With Brain Stem And Spinal Cord Involvement-High Lactate Syndrome
Progressive cerebellar ataxia, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Difficulty walking, Impaired... ORPHA:137898
Dyskinesia With Orofacial Involvement, Autosomal Recessive
Dystonia, Myoclonus, Tremor, Frequent falls OMIM:619647
Lower Motor Neuron Syndrome With Late-Adult Onset
Tongue fasciculations, Fasciculations, Inability to walk, Tremor, Gait disturbance, Impaired dist... ORPHA:276435
Terminal Osseous Dysplasia-Pigmentary Defects Syndrome
Alopecia, Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Mitral regurgitation, Patent foramen ovale, Camptodactyly, ... ORPHA:88630
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 30
Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Tremor, Dysmetria, Ataxia, Unsteady gait, Titubation OMIM:619405
Autosomal Recessive Ataxia Due To Ubiquinone Deficiency
Cerebellar atrophy, Myoclonus, Tremor, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Dystonia, Progressive cerebellar ... ORPHA:139485
Stxbp1-Related Encephalopathy
Spasticity, Inability to walk, Tremor, Ataxia, Dystonia, Spastic tetraplegia ORPHA:599373
Severe Neurodegenerative Syndrome With Lipodystrophy
Poor motor coordination, Spasticity, Cerebral atrophy, Tetraparesis, Myoclonus, Gait ataxia, Trem... ORPHA:363400
Leukodystrophy, Hypomyelinating, 11
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Myoclonus, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:616494
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 7
Truncal titubation, Impaired vibratory sensation, Cerebellar atrophy, Postural tremor, Limb ataxi... OMIM:609270
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, With Woolly Hair And Keratoderma
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Failure to thrive, Congestive heart failure, Ca... OMIM:605676
Pili Torti-Onychodysplasia Syndrome
Alopecia universalis, Alopecia, Sparse body hair, Congenital onychodystrophy, Nail dystrophy, Abs... ORPHA:2890
Bjornstad Syndrome
Hair shafts flattened at irregular intervals and twisted through 180 degrees about their axes, Al... OMIM:262000
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex With Anodontia/Hypodontia
Alopecia, Toenail dysplasia, Abnormal fingernail morphology, Fingernail dysplasia, Hypoplastic to... ORPHA:2325
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 27B, Late-Onset
Postural tremor, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Cerebellar atrophy OMIM:620174
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy-Corticobasal Syndrome
Involuntary movements, Somatic sensory dysfunction, Limb myoclonus, Progressive extrapyramidal mu... ORPHA:240103
Tremor, Hereditary Essential, 5
Tongue tremor, Bradykinesia, Postural tremor, Kinetic tremor, Intention tremor OMIM:616736
Moynahan Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse hair ORPHA:2574
Ataxia, Early-Onset, With Oculomotor Apraxia And Hypoalbuminemia
Cerebellar atrophy, Chorea, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Distal sensory impairment, Tremor, Loss of ... OMIM:208920
X-Linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 1
Gait disturbance, Impaired pain sensation, Tremor, Ataxia ORPHA:101075
Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia-Hypothyroidism-Ciliary Dyskinesia Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Dystrophic toenail, Fine hair, Dystrophic fingernails, Sparse scalp hair ORPHA:1882
Neuronopathy, Distal Hereditary Motor, Autosomal Dominant 7
Difficulty walking, Vocal cord paresis, Vocal cord paralysis, Tremor OMIM:158580
Naxos Disease
Sparse body hair, Premature ventricular contraction, Arrhythmia, Curly hair, Subungual hyperkerat... OMIM:601214
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 2
Impaired vibratory sensation, Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Fasciculations, Postural tremor, Li... OMIM:183090
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, X-Linked Dominant, 1
Cerebellar atrophy, Tip-toe gait, Hand tremor, Incoordination, Difficulty walking, Distal sensory... OMIM:302800
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Susceptibility To, 25
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis OMIM:617921
Palmoplantar Keratoderma And Congenital Alopecia 1
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Leukonychia, Nail dysplasia, Brittle hair, Sparse hair OMIM:104100
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
Alopecia, Onycholysis, Facial hypertrichosis OMIM:176100
Epidermolysis Bullosa, Junctional 5A, Intermediate
Alopecia of scalp, Nail dystrophy, Onychogryposis, Absent pubic hair, Absent axillary hair, Onych... OMIM:619816
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 21
Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Akinesia, Gait ataxia, Tremor, Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor fun... ORPHA:98773
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic, 6
Difficulty walking, Myoclonus, Tremor, Loss of ambulation, Ataxia OMIM:614018
Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation 3
Blepharospasm, Spasticity, Laryngeal dystonia, Neurodegeneration, Chorea, Tremor, Rigidity, Dysto... OMIM:606159
Intellectual Developmental Disorder With Speech Delay And Axonal Peripheral Neuropathy
Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:619099
Urocanic Aciduria
Broad-based gait, Gait ataxia, Action tremor, Ataxia, Truncal ataxia ORPHA:210128
Piebald Trait With Neurologic Defects
White forelock, Ataxia OMIM:172850
Tremor, Hereditary Essential, 4
Postural tremor, Action tremor OMIM:614782
Hyperphenylalaninemia, Bh4-Deficient, D
Hypertonia, Tremor OMIM:264070
Monomelic Amyotrophy
Degeneration of anterior horn cells, Tremor, Fasciculations ORPHA:65684
Cortisone Reductase Deficiency 1
Alopecia, Hirsutism OMIM:604931
Oculopharyngeal Myopathy With Leukoencephalopathy 1
Cerebral atrophy, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:618637
Spastic Paraplegia 79B, Autosomal Recessive
Spastic paraplegia, Impaired vibratory sensation, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Tetrapare... OMIM:615491
Alopecia Totalis
Alopecia totalis, Alopecia of scalp, Onycholysis, Trachyonychia, Nail pits, Fragile nails ORPHA:700
Palmoplantar Keratoderma And Congenital Alopecia 2
Alopecia totalis, Nail dystrophy, Camptodactyly of finger, Nail dysplasia OMIM:212360
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 44
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Ataxia, Frequent falls, Dysdiadochokinesis OMIM:617691
Parkinson Disease 13, Autosomal Dominant, Susceptibility To
Bradykinesia, Parkinsonism with favorable response to dopaminergic medication, Tremor, Rigidity OMIM:610297
X-Linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 4
Gait disturbance, Impaired pain sensation, Tremor, Ataxia ORPHA:101078
Parkinsonism-Dystonia 2, Infantile-Onset
Shuffling gait, Oculogyric crisis, Incoordination, Tremor, Parkinsonism, Ataxia, Dystonia, Dysdia... OMIM:618049
Hemiparkinsonism-Hemiatrophy Syndrome
Difficulty walking, Tremor, Hemiparesis, Dystonia, Parkinsonism, Cerebral cortical hemiatrophy, B... ORPHA:306669
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 60, With Seizures
Chorea, Gait ataxia, Myoclonus, Tremor, Truncal ataxia OMIM:618587
Lopes-Maciel-Rodan Syndrome
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Bradykinesia, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Tremor... OMIM:617435
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1D
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Incomplete right bundle branch block, Congestive heart failure, Left vent... OMIM:601494
Primary Dystonia, Dyt2 Type
Blepharospasm, Involuntary movements, Generalized dystonia, Difficulty walking, Limb dystonia, Tr... ORPHA:99657
Dystonia 12
Bradykinesia, Tremor, Dystonia, Parkinsonism, Torticollis, Unsteady gait OMIM:128235
Hyperphenylalaninemia, Bh4-Deficient, C
Myoclonus, Tremor, Hypertonia, Dystonia, Choreoathetosis OMIM:261630
Spinal Muscular Atrophy-Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy Syndrome
Limb myoclonus, Difficulty walking, Inability to walk, Myoclonus, Tremor, Abnormal lower motor ne... ORPHA:2590
Danon Disease
Skeletal muscle autophagosome accumulation, Atrioventricular block, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Secon... OMIM:300257
Poikiloderma, Hereditary Fibrosing, With Tendon Contractures, Myopathy, And Pulmonary Fibrosis
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Sparse eyelashes, Nail dysplasia, Joint contra... OMIM:615704
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 36
Loss of Purkinje cells in the cerebellar vermis, Tongue fasciculations, Limb myoclonus, Hand trem... ORPHA:276198
Parkinsonism-Dystonia 1, Infantile-Onset
Oculogyric crisis, Chorea, Cogwheel rigidity, Limb dystonia, Tremor, Rigidity, Hyperkinetic movem... OMIM:613135
Dnm1L-Related Encephalopathy Due To Mitochondrial And Peroxisomal Fission Defect
Oculogyric crisis, Cerebellar atrophy, Difficulty walking, Inability to walk, Tremor, Diffuse cer... ORPHA:330050
Dentatorubral Pallidoluysian Atrophy
Blepharospasm, Involuntary movements, Dysdiadochokinesis, Limb ataxia, Myoclonus, Action tremor, ... ORPHA:101
X-Linked Intellectual Disability, Hedera Type
Cerebellar atrophy, Inability to walk, Extrapyramidal muscular rigidity, Action tremor, Dysmetria... ORPHA:93952
Alopecia-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse body hair, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the eyebrow, Flexion contracture, Sparse scalp ... ORPHA:2850
X-Linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 3
Spastic paraparesis, Somatic sensory dysfunction, Difficulty walking, Inability to walk, Tremor, ... ORPHA:101077
Glut1 Deficiency Syndrome 2
Cerebral atrophy, Tremor, Ataxia, Dystonia, Choreoathetosis OMIM:612126
Leukoencephalopathy, Developmental Delay, And Episodic Neurologic Regression Syndrome
Spasticity, Hemiballismus, Cerebral atrophy, Inability to walk, Myoclonus, Gait ataxia, Tremor, R... OMIM:618877
Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group G
Spasticity, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:278780
Leukodystrophy, Hypomyelinating, 6
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Tremor, Rigidity, Oculomotor apraxia, Ataxia, Dystonia, Choreoath... OMIM:612438
Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency, Primary, 4
Cerebellar atrophy, Myoclonus, Tremor, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Ataxia OMIM:612016
Hsd10 Disease
Spastic paraparesis, Frontotemporal cerebral atrophy, Myoclonus, Tremor, Rigidity, Gait disturban... ORPHA:391417
Jaberi-Elahi Syndrome
Sparse eyebrow, Broad-based gait, Fine hair, Inability to walk, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Gait a... OMIM:617988
Sick Sinus Syndrome 2
Aortic regurgitation, Torsade de pointes, Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, Left ventricular noncom... OMIM:163800
Hemochromatosis, Type 1
Alopecia, Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Azoospermia, Telangiectasia, Cardiomegaly, Ar... OMIM:235200
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 6
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Frequent falls, Incoordination, Dysmetria, Loss of... OMIM:183086
Parkinson Disease 11, Autosomal Dominant, Susceptibility To
Bradykinesia, Parkinsonism with favorable response to dopaminergic medication, Resting tremor, Ri... OMIM:607688
Trichomegaly-Retina Pigmentary Degeneration-Dwarfism Syndrome
Long eyelashes, Alopecia, Sparse hair ORPHA:3363
Beta-Propeller Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration
Spastic paraparesis, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Tremor, Rigidity, Dystonia, Parkinsoni... ORPHA:329284
Fragile X Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome
Poor fine motor coordination, Cerebellar atrophy, Resting tremor, Postural tremor, Gait ataxia, A... OMIM:300623
Cataract-Ataxia-Deafness Syndrome
Hypertonia, Tremor, Ataxia ORPHA:1368
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 55, With Seizures
Gait ataxia, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:617831
Leukodystrophy, Hypomyelinating, 7, With Or Without Oligodontia And/Or Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Postural tremor, Dysmetria, Tremor, Lo... OMIM:607694
Myoclonic-Atonic Epilepsy
Eyelid myoclonus, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:616421
Pseudoprogeria Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Absent eyelashes, Absent eyebrow, Sparse hair ORPHA:2985
X-Linked Dystonia-Parkinsonism
Blepharospasm, Shuffling gait, Resting tremor, Hand tremor, Progressive extrapyramidal muscular r... ORPHA:53351
Familial Dyskinesia And Facial Myokymia
Resting tremor, Difficulty walking, Chorea, Myoclonus, Limb hypertonia, Dystonia ORPHA:324588
Epilepsy, Familial Adult Myoclonic, 4
Myoclonus, Tremor OMIM:615127
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 32
Myoclonus, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:616366
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 8
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Incoordination, Tremor, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Progressive cere... OMIM:608768
Epilepsy, Familial Adult Myoclonic, 3
Difficulty walking, Myoclonus, Tremor OMIM:613608
Dyskinesia With Orofacial Involvement, Autosomal Dominant
Involuntary movements, Resting tremor, Chorea, Myoclonus, Limb hypertonia, Dystonia, Paroxysmal d... OMIM:606703
Hypermanganesemia With Dystonia 2
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Tip-toe gait, Cerebral atrophy, Generalized dystonia, Inability t... OMIM:617013
Kufor-Rakeb Syndrome
Spastic paraplegia, Spasticity, Akinesia, Myoclonus, Distal sensory impairment, Rigidity, Tremor,... OMIM:606693
Adult-Onset Cervical Dystonia, Dyt23 Type
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Difficulty walking, Head tremor, Myoclonus, Axial ... ORPHA:420492
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 5B
Cerebellar atrophy, Tremor, Dysmetria, Oculomotor apraxia, Ataxia, Unsteady gait OMIM:614867
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Motor And Speech Delay And Behavioral Abnormalities
Broad-based gait, Small nail, Tremor, Spastic tetraparesis OMIM:619470
Cerebral Creatine Deficiency Syndrome 2
Myoclonus, Tremor, Rigidity, Lower limb spasticity, Paraparesis, Hypertonia, Ataxia, Progressive ... OMIM:612736
Neuropathy, Hereditary Motor And Sensory, Type Vib, With Optic Atrophy
Cerebellar atrophy, Myoclonus, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Distal sensory impairment, Tremor, Babinsk... OMIM:616505
4H Leukodystrophy
Cerebellar atrophy, Tremor, Dysmetria, Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor function, Progressive ... ORPHA:289494
Flynn-Aird Syndrome
Alopecia, Alopecia of scalp OMIM:136300
Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism And Partial Alopecia
Alopecia OMIM:241090
Leukoencephalopathy With Calcifications And Cysts
Spasticity, Cerebellar dentate nucleus calcification, Tremor, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Gait distu... ORPHA:542310
Brain Malformation-Congenital Heart Disease-Postaxial Polydactyly Syndrome
Alopecia, Coarse hair, Nail dystrophy, Ventricular septal defect, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Atrial s... ORPHA:75389
Brain Dopamine-Serotonin Vesicular Transport Disease
Shuffling gait, Oculogyric crisis, Abnormality of coordination, Limb dystonia, Tremor, Dystonia, ... ORPHA:352649
Epilepsy, Early-Onset, 5, With Or Without Developmental Delay
Myoclonus, Tremor OMIM:615400
Neurodevelopmental Delay-Seizures-Ophthalmic Anomalies-Osteopenia-Cerebellar Atrophy Syndrome
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Difficulty walking, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Tremor, Cerebellar hy... ORPHA:529665
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex With Mottled Pigmentation
Nail dysplasia, Alopecia, Nail dystrophy ORPHA:79397
Parkinson Disease 17
Resting tremor, Akinesia, Tremor, Rigidity, Parkinsonism, Bradykinesia OMIM:614203
Ichthyosis With Alopecia, Eclabium, Ectropion, And Impaired Intellectual Development
Alopecia OMIM:242510
Long Qt Syndrome 15
Ventricular bigeminy, Left ventricular noncompaction, 2:1 atrioventricular block, Sinus bradycard... OMIM:616249
X-Linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 5
Impaired pain sensation, Tremor, Gait disturbance, Paraparesis, Ataxia ORPHA:99014
Spinocerebellar Ataxia With Epilepsy
Gait ataxia, Myoclonus, Dysmetria, Tremor, Dystonia, Dysdiadochokinesis, Progressive cerebellar a... ORPHA:254881
Lethal Acantholytic Erosive Disorder
Hypovolemic shock, Congenital alopecia totalis, Absent hair, Cardiomyopathy, Absent toenail, Abse... ORPHA:158687
Schöpf-Schulz-Passarge Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse hair, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the eyebrow ORPHA:50944
Dystonia 13, Torsion, Autosomal Dominant
Blepharospasm, Limb dystonia, Tremor, Torticollis, Writer's cramp, Torsion dystonia, Oromandibula... OMIM:607671
Intellectual Developmental Disorder With Or Without Epilepsy Or Cerebellar Ataxia
Incoordination, Tremor, Pontocerebellar atrophy, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Oculomotor apraxia, Abnor... OMIM:618060
Gerstmann-Straussler Disease
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Limb ataxia, Myoclonus, Gait ataxia, Tremor, Rigidity, Parkinsoni... OMIM:137440
Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation 5
Spastic paraparesis, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Neurodegeneration, Akinesia, Tremor, R... OMIM:300894
Epidermolysis Bullosa, Junctional 1A, Intermediate
Patchy alopecia, Nail dystrophy, Camptodactyly of finger, Fragile nails OMIM:226650
X-Linked Parkinsonism-Spasticity Syndrome
Spasticity, Spastic paraparesis, Resting tremor, Cogwheel rigidity, Ankle clonus, Diffuse cerebra... ORPHA:363654
Inherited Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Global brain atrophy, Central nervous system degeneration, Progressive extrapyramidal muscular ri... ORPHA:282166
Spinal Muscular Atrophy With Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy
Tongue fasciculations, Difficulty walking, Myoclonus, Tremor, Frequent falls, Degeneration of ant... OMIM:159950
Idiopathic Trachyonychia
Toenail dysplasia, Fingernail dysplasia, Ridged nail, Nail dystrophy, Patchy alopecia, Circumungu... ORPHA:79153
Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata, Type 1
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Alopecia, Flexion contracture, Severe failure to thrive OMIM:215100
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
Alopecia, Failure to thrive ORPHA:337
Atypical Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Syndrome
Blepharospasm, Falls, Extrapyramidal muscular rigidity, Speech apraxia, Freezing of gait, Rigidit... ORPHA:99750
Ataxia With Vitamin E Deficiency
Hemiplegia/hemiparesis, Dysmetria, Tremor, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Gait disturbance, Hypertonia,... ORPHA:96
Spastic Paraplegia 9B, Autosomal Recessive
Spastic paraplegia, Spasticity, Cerebral cortical atrophy, Pseudobulbar paralysis, Tremor, Babins... OMIM:616586
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Im
Alopecia, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Sparse eyebrow, Failure to thrive, Sparse eyelashes, Bradycardia OMIM:610768
Intellectual Developmental Syndrome With Alopecia, Contractures, And Dwarfism
Alopecia, Flexion contracture OMIM:203550
Keutel Syndrome
Alopecia, Pulmonary arterial hypertension, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:85202
Hyperphenylalaninemia, Bh4-Deficient, A
Tremor, Rigidity, Dystonia, Parkinsonism, Limb hypertonia, Hypertonia, Ataxia, Bradykinesia, Chor... OMIM:261640
Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis
Abnormal hair morphology, Alopecia, Abnormality of the nail, Generalized hirsutism ORPHA:317
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Microcephaly, Impaired Language, Epilepsy, And Gait Abnormalities
Myoclonus, Gait ataxia, Tremor, Impaired tactile sensation, Hypertonia, Ataxia, Brain atrophy OMIM:619092
Spasticity, Premature graying of hair, Tremor, Gait disturbance, Ataxia, Hypopigmentation of hair ORPHA:100
Myopathy, Mitochondrial, And Ataxia
Difficulty walking, Inability to walk, Limb ataxia, Distal sensory impairment, Dysmetria, Tremor,... OMIM:617675
Mitochondrial Complex Iii Deficiency, Nuclear Type 10
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Alopecia totalis, Ventricular septal defect, Persistent fetal circul... OMIM:618775
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 17
Raynaud phenomenon, Hypertensive crisis, Alopecia, Mitral regurgitation OMIM:301080
Leukodystrophy, Hypomyelinating, 8, With Or Without Oligodontia And/Or Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Gait ataxia, Intention tremor, Dysmetr... OMIM:614381
Atypical Rett Syndrome
Spasticity, Involuntary movements, Pill-rolling tremor, Limb myoclonus, Impaired pain sensation, ... ORPHA:3095
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 1
Alopecia, Nail dystrophy, Nail dysplasia, Flexion contracture, Sparse hair OMIM:242300
Parkinson Disease 14, Autosomal Recessive
Upper limb postural tremor, Spasticity, Global brain atrophy, Pill-rolling tremor, Resting tremor... OMIM:612953
Brachydactyly-Short Stature-Retinitis Pigmentosa Syndrome
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Alopecia, Small nail, Ventricular septal defect, Absent eyelashes, Chi... ORPHA:166035
Neuronal Intranuclear Inclusion Disease
Somatic sensory dysfunction, Tremor, Rigidity, Gait disturbance, Ataxia OMIM:603472
Hereditary Motor And Sensory Neuropathy, Okinawa Type
Somatic sensory dysfunction, Inability to walk, Limb fasciculations, Tremor, Distal sensory impai... ORPHA:90117
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy-Parkinsonism Syndrome
Falls, Tremor, Rigidity, Dystonia, Parkinsonism with favorable response to dopaminergic medicatio... ORPHA:240085
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 42
Upper limb postural tremor, Cerebellar atrophy, Resting tremor, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Head t... ORPHA:458803
Johnson Neuroectodermal Syndrome
Alopecia, Failure to thrive, Tetralogy of Fallot, Absent eyelashes, Facial palsy, Absent eyebrow,... ORPHA:2316
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease
Spastic paraplegia, Broad-based gait, Global brain atrophy, Generalized dystonia, Inability to wa... OMIM:312080
Keratosis Follicularis Spinulosa Decalvans, Autosomal Dominant
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Nail dystrophy, Sparse eyelashes, Nail dysplasia, Scarring alopecia of ... OMIM:612843
Late-Infantile/Juvenile Krabbe Disease
Spastic paraparesis, Acroparesthesia, Difficulty walking, Hemiplegia, Spastic diplegia, Tremor, I... ORPHA:206443
Parkinson Disease 7, Autosomal Recessive Early-Onset
Blepharospasm, Resting tremor, Postural tremor, Leg dystonia, Rigidity, Parkinsonism with favorab... OMIM:606324
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 42
Tremor, Athetosis, Hypertonia, Ataxia OMIM:617106
Alpha-Methylacyl-Coa Racemase Deficiency
Spasticity, Tremor, Hemiparesis, Ataxia, Intention tremor OMIM:614307
Localized Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa
Sparse pubic hair, Dystrophic toenail, Atrophic, patchy alopecia, Nail dystrophy, Sparse axillary... ORPHA:251393
Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation 4
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Generalized dystonia, Neurodegeneration, Tremor, Abnormality of e... OMIM:614298
Ichthyosis-Alopecia-Eclabion-Ectropion-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Sparse eyebrow, Congenital alopecia totalis, Alopecia of scalp, Absent pubic hair, Absent axillar... ORPHA:2269
Adams-Oliver Syndrome
Alopecia, Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Failure to thrive, Hypoplastic fingernail, Tetralogy of Fa... ORPHA:974
Non-Specific Early-Onset Epileptic Encephalopathy
Spasticity, Involuntary movements, Cerebral atrophy, Difficulty walking, Abnormality of coordinat... ORPHA:442835
Juvenile Dermatomyositis
Vasculitis, Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Alopecia, Cardiomyopathy, Bundle branch block, Myositis,... ORPHA:93672
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Or Without Variable Movement Or Behavioral Abnormalities
Resting tremor, Chorea, Cogwheel rigidity, Myoclonus, Dystonia, Parkinsonism, Ataxia, Bradykinesi... OMIM:619725
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive, With Axonal Neuropathy 2
Cerebellar atrophy, Head tremor, Chorea, Gait ataxia, Limb ataxia, Tremor, Pontocerebellar atroph... OMIM:606002
Adult-Onset Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy
Spasticity, Tetraparesis, Action tremor, Distal sensory impairment, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Clon... ORPHA:99027
Cranio-Cervical Dystonia With Laryngeal And Upper-Limb Involvement
Blepharospasm, Upper limb postural tremor, Hand tremor, Myoclonus, Limb dystonia, Torticollis, Or... ORPHA:420485
Hypotrichosis-Lymphedema-Telangiectasia Syndrome
Abnormal sweat gland morphology, Alopecia, Absent eyelashes, Absent eyebrow, Abnormality of the n... OMIM:607823
Generalized Epilepsy With Febrile Seizures-Plus
Incoordination, Tremor, Ataxia, Generalized cerebral atrophy/hypoplasia, Bradykinesia, Poor fine ... ORPHA:36387
Sporadic Adult-Onset Ataxia Of Unknown Etiology
Spasticity, Shuffling gait, Resting tremor, Akinesia, Gait ataxia, Intention tremor, Rigidity, Ba... ORPHA:247234
Nestor-Guillermo Progeria Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Sinus tachycardia, Failure to thrive, Nail dystrophy, Mitral regurgitat... OMIM:614008
Intellectual Developmental Disorder With Language Impairment And Early-Onset Dopa-Responsive Dystonia-Parkinsonism
Resting tremor, Postural tremor, Akinesia, Freezing of gait, Rigidity, Dystonia, Clumsiness, Park... OMIM:619911
Zinc Deficiency, Transient Neonatal
Alopecia OMIM:608118
Dysdiadochokinesis, Action tremor, Tremor OMIM:231950
Alopecia Universalis
Alopecia universalis, Absent eyelashes, Patchy alopecia, Absent eyebrow, Abnormality of the nail ORPHA:701
Dystonia 1, Torsion, Autosomal Dominant
Blepharospasm, Cerebellar atrophy, Generalized dystonia, Inability to walk, Tremor, Babinski sign... OMIM:128100
Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome
Alopecia, Dystrophic toenail, Sparse body hair, Abnormal fingernail morphology, Hypoplastic toena... ORPHA:2930
Leigh Syndrome
Alopecia, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Failure to thrive, Congestive heart failur... ORPHA:506
Leukoencephalopathy, Hereditary Diffuse, With Spheroids 2
Difficulty walking, Dystonia, Sensory ataxia, Rigidity OMIM:619661
Spinocerebellar Ataxia With Axonal Neuropathy Type 2
Somatic sensory dysfunction, Cerebellar vermis atrophy, Head tremor, Gait imbalance, Postural tre... ORPHA:64753
Keratoderma Hereditarium Mutilans
Alopecia, Abnormality of the nail, Abnormal toenail morphology ORPHA:494
Neutral Lipid Storage Disease With Ichthyosis
Alopecia, Central nervous system degeneration, Cardiomyopathy, Shoulder girdle muscle weakness, M... ORPHA:98907
Intellectual Developmental Disorder With Hypotonia, Impaired Speech, And Dysmorphic Facies
Inability to walk, Tremor, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Hypertonia, Ataxia OMIM:619556
Nicolaides-Baraitser Syndrome
Highly arched eyebrow, Alopecia, Long eyelashes, Curly eyelashes, Abnormal hair pattern, Sparse hair ORPHA:3051
Migraine, Familial Hemiplegic, 2
Cerebellar atrophy, Episodic ataxia, Hemiplegia, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, Hemiparesis, Tremor, Apr... OMIM:602481
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked, Syndromic 13
Spastic paraplegia, Spastic tetraplegia, Shuffling gait, Resting tremor, Tremor, Dystonia, Babins... OMIM:300055
Flynn-Aird Syndrome
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Alopecia, Cachexia, Skeletal muscle atrophy ORPHA:2047
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1S
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Ebstein anomaly of the tricuspid valve, Congestive heart failure, Tricusp... OMIM:613426
Blepharospasm, Involuntary movements, Arm dystonia, Resting tremor, Difficulty walking, Chorea, L... ORPHA:157846
Renpenning Syndrome
Alopecia, Abnormal hairshaft morphology, Skeletal muscle atrophy, Thin eyebrow, Cachexia ORPHA:3242
Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Mitochondrial, With Abnormal Movements And Lactic Acidosis, With Or Without Seizures
Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Tremor, Dysmetria, Diffuse cerebral atrophy, Limb hypertoni... OMIM:617710
Hypotrichosis-Lymphedema-Telangiectasia-Renal Defect Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse body hair, Absent eyelashes, Absent eyebrow, Sparse scalp hair ORPHA:69735
Trichothiodystrophy 8, Nonphotosensitive
Sparse hair, Sparse eyebrow, Spasticity, Trichorrhexis nodosa, Ankle clonus, Babinski sign, Crani... OMIM:619691
Satoyoshi Syndrome
Alopecia universalis, Alopecia, Skeletal muscle hypertrophy OMIM:600705
Basal Ganglia Disease, Biotin-Thiamine Responsive
Truncal titubation, Tetraparesis, Inability to walk, Chorea, Cogwheel rigidity, Action tremor, Ga... OMIM:607483
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 2
Alopecia, Small nail, Cerebral atrophy, Low anterior hairline, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Limb hypert... OMIM:614219
Mucoepithelial Dysplasia, Hereditary
Cor pulmonale, Alopecia, Coarse hair, Chronic monilial nail infection, Nail dystrophy, Corneal ne... OMIM:158310
Cutaneous Telangiectasia And Cancer Syndrome, Familial
Alopecia, Yellow nails, Sparse lateral eyebrow, Ridged nail, Nail dystrophy, Onycholysis OMIM:614564
Classic Phenylketonuria
Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Tremor, Hypertonia, Hypopigmentation of hair ORPHA:79254
Hyper-Ige Syndrome 3, Autosomal Recessive, With Recurrent Infections
Alopecia, Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:618282
Postnatal Microcephaly-Infantile Hypotonia-Spastic Diplegia-Dysarthria-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Spastic paraplegia, Broad-based gait, Difficulty walking, Tremor, Babinski sign ORPHA:477673
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome
Angina pectoris, Alopecia, Myocardial infarction, Congestive heart failure OMIM:176670
Spastic Paraplegia 9A, Autosomal Dominant
Spastic paraplegia, Impaired vibratory sensation, Resting tremor, Abnormal upper motor neuron mor... OMIM:601162
Mohr-Tranebjaerg Syndrome
Shuffling gait, Global brain atrophy, Generalized dystonia, Inability to walk, Tremor, Ankle clon... ORPHA:52368
Distal sensory impairment, Gait ataxia, Tremor, Spastic diplegia ORPHA:3124
Subacute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
Somatic sensory dysfunction, Difficulty walking, Positive Romberg sign, Distal sensory impairment... ORPHA:206594
Lmna-Related Cardiocutaneous Progeria Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Alopecia universalis, Ventricular hypertrophy, Premature graying of hair, ... ORPHA:363618
Alopecia, Neurologic Defects, And Endocrinopathy Syndrome
Limb joint contracture, Alopecia, Skeletal muscle atrophy OMIM:612079
Bathing Suit Ichthyosis
Alopecia, Sparse hair, Nail dystrophy, Multiple joint contractures ORPHA:100976
Myopathy With Extrapyramidal Signs
Difficulty walking, Cerebellar dysplasia, Chorea, Tremor, Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor fun... OMIM:615673
Alpha-Heavy Chain Disease
Alopecia ORPHA:100025
Olmsted Syndrome 2
Alopecia universalis, Sparse hair, Flexion contracture of digit, Woolly hair OMIM:619208
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Cerebellar Atrophy And With Or Without Seizures
Truncal titubation, Cerebellar atrophy, Abnormal cerebellum morphology, Gait ataxia, Dysmetria, T... OMIM:618056
Mitochondrial Myopathy-Cerebellar Ataxia-Pigmentary Retinopathy Syndrome
Somatic sensory dysfunction, Difficulty walking, Dysmetria, Tremor, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Thick ... ORPHA:502423
Dopa-Responsive Dystonia Due To Sepiapterin Reductase Deficiency
Oculogyric crisis, Cerebral palsy, Tremor, Rigidity, Dystonia, Limb hypertonia, Bradykinesia ORPHA:70594
Hereditary Mucoepithelial Dysplasia
Alopecia, Sparse hair, Fine hair ORPHA:1839
Giant Cell Arteritis
Vasculitis, Alopecia, Epistaxis, Double outlet right ventricle with subpulmonary ventricular sept... ORPHA:397
Autosomal Recessive Palmoplantar Keratoderma And Congenital Alopecia
Alopecia totalis, Nail dystrophy ORPHA:1366
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Axonal, Type 2Hh
Vocal cord paresis, Impaired pain sensation, Fasciculations, Impaired temperature sensation, Trem... OMIM:619574
Parkinson Disease 20, Early-Onset
Short stepped shuffling gait, Involuntary movements, Shuffling gait, Cerebral cortical atrophy, T... OMIM:615530
Blepharospasm, Involuntary movements, Chorea, Akinesia, Limb ataxia, Gait ataxia, Tremor, Rigidit... ORPHA:48818
Hypotrichosis 14
Sparse pubic hair, Sparse body hair, Absent axillary hair, Sparse hair, Short eyelashes OMIM:618275
Kury-Isidor Syndrome
Alopecia, Ventricular septal defect, Hypertrichosis OMIM:619762
Spontaneous Periodic Hypothermia
Gait disturbance, Tremor, Ataxia ORPHA:29822
Hypomelanosis Of Ito
Alopecia OMIM:300337
Alopecia OMIM:613229
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex With Muscular Dystrophy
Hyperconvex fingernails, Alopecia, Myopathy, Hypoplastic fingernail ORPHA:257
Classic Mycosis Fungoides
Alopecia, Abnormality of the nail ORPHA:2584
Classic Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Syndrome
Blepharospasm, Falls, Progressive extrapyramidal muscular rigidity, Akinesia, Gait imbalance, Axi... ORPHA:240071
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis With Alopecia
Bicuspid aortic valve, Alopecia, Sparse eyelashes OMIM:616367
Olmsted Syndrome 1
Alopecia universalis, Subungual hyperkeratosis, Nail dystrophy, Nail dysplasia, Flexion contractu... OMIM:614594
Tremor, Nystagmus, And Duodenal Ulcer
Kinetic tremor, Abnormal cerebellum morphology, Tremor OMIM:190310
Abnormal Hair, Joint Laxity, And Developmental Delay
Alopecia, Sparse lateral eyebrow, Small nail, Trichorrhexis nodosa, Tricuspid regurgitation, Mitr... OMIM:261990
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 32
Spasticity, Cerebellar atrophy, Inability to walk, Tremor, Dystonia, Choreoathetosis OMIM:617664
Johanson-Blizzard Syndrome
Alopecia, Failure to thrive, Abnormal hair pattern, Abnormal cardiac septum morphology, Dextrocardia ORPHA:2315
Pigmented Nodular Adrenocortical Disease, Primary, 4
Increased body weight, Alopecia, Hypertension, Hirsutism OMIM:615830
Dystonia 2, Torsion, Autosomal Recessive
Blepharospasm, Torsion dystonia, Tremor, Torticollis OMIM:224500
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Spasticity, Cerebral palsy, Tremor, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Gait disturbance, Ataxia, Dystonia, ... ORPHA:765
Myoclonic-Astatic Epilepsy
Frontal balding, Tremor, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Ataxia, Unsteady gait ORPHA:1942
Hyperphenylalaninemia, Bh4-Deficient, B
Tremor, Rigidity, Hyperkinetic movements, Limb hypertonia, Dystonia, Choreoathetosis OMIM:233910
Colchicine Poisoning
Hypotension, Alopecia, Cardiogenic shock, Congestive heart failure, Arrhythmia, Myocarditis, Hypo... ORPHA:31824
Autosomal Recessive Cerebellar Ataxia Due To Stub1 Deficiency
Alopecia, Distal amyotrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Hypoplasia of the pons, Parietal cortical atroph... ORPHA:412057
Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata
Alopecia, Sparse body hair ORPHA:177
Lichen Planopilaris
Abnormal fingernail morphology, Alopecia, Onycholysis ORPHA:525
Zellweger-Like Syndrome Without Peroxisomal Anomalies
Alopecia, Brittle hair ORPHA:50812
Epilepsy, Familial Adult Myoclonic, 2
Blepharospasm, Myoclonus, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:607876
Deafness-Genital Anomalies-Metacarpal And Metatarsal Synostosis Syndrome
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Alopecia, Supernumerary nipple, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Truncal obesity... ORPHA:3224
Chanarin-Dorfman Syndrome
Alopecia, Myopathy OMIM:275630
Autosomal Dominant Adult-Onset Proximal Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Shuffling gait, Fasciculations, Tremor, Loss of ambulation, Waddling gait ORPHA:209335
Parkinson-Dementia Syndrome
Parkinsonism, Abnormal pyramidal sign, Tremor, Rigidity OMIM:260540
Menkes Disease
Alopecia, Sparse hair, Intracranial hemorrhage, Brittle hair OMIM:309400
Alopecia-Intellectual Disability Syndrome 4
Alopecia OMIM:618840
Alopecia, Fair hair, Long eyelashes, Hirsutism, Cardiomegaly, Left ventricular hypertrophy, Atria... ORPHA:79330
Encephalocraniocutaneous Lipomatosis
Alopecia, Ventricular septal defect, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Subvalvular aortic stenosis, Atrial s... OMIM:613001
Autosomal Dominant Spastic Paraplegia Type 9A
Falls, Impaired vibration sensation in the lower limbs, Abnormal cerebellum morphology, Tremor, B... ORPHA:447753
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Alopecia, Myositis, Pulmonary arterial hypertension, Myocarditis, Pe... ORPHA:809
Cleft Lip/Palate-Ectodermal Dysplasia Syndrome
Highly arched eyebrow, Alopecia, Sparse lateral eyebrow, Dystrophic toenail, Nail dystrophy, Dyst... ORPHA:3253
Hemifacial Atrophy, Progressive
Patchy alopecia, Poliosis OMIM:141300
Hypermanganesemia With Dystonia 1
Spastic paraparesis, Tremor, Rigidity, Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor function, Dystonia, Pa... OMIM:613280
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 4
Spastic paraplegia, Cerebral atrophy, Tremor, Spastic tetraplegia, Choreoathetosis OMIM:612164
Adult Syndrome
Alopecia, Toenail dysplasia, Absent nipple, Fine hair, Breast hypoplasia, Fingernail dysplasia, H... ORPHA:978
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Recessive 6
Alopecia, Failure to thrive, Nail dystrophy, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Sparse hair OMIM:616353
Pediatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Myositis, Alopecia, Pericardial effusion, Raynaud phenomenon ORPHA:93552
Leukoencephalopathy-Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia Syndrome
Spastic paraplegia, Tip-toe gait, Cerebral atrophy, Tremor, Babinski sign, Gait disturbance ORPHA:83629
Systemic Sclerosis
Alopecia, Intestinal bleeding, Right ventricular failure, Interstitial cardiac fibrosis, Telangie... ORPHA:90291
Congenital Ichthyosiform Erythroderma
Alopecia, Abnormality of the nail ORPHA:79394
Oculocerebrocutaneous Syndrome
Alopecia OMIM:164180
Monosomy 18P
Low posterior hairline, Alopecia, Hypertension ORPHA:1598
Gomez-Lopez-Hernandez Syndrome
Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, Alopecia, Fusion of the cerebellar hemispheres, Rhombencephalosynap... OMIM:601853
Tay-Sachs Disease
Global brain atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Fasciculations, Incoordination, Inability to walk, Lary... ORPHA:845
Parkinson Disease, Late-Onset
Short stepped shuffling gait, Resting tremor, Tremor, Rigidity, Dystonia, Parkinsonism, Neuronal ... OMIM:168600
Cerebral Arteriopathy, Autosomal Recessive, With Subcortical Infarcts And Leukoencephalopathy
Lacunar stroke, Transient ischemic attack, Alopecia, Brain atrophy OMIM:600142
Lipoid Proteinosis Of Urbach And Wiethe
Patchy alopecia OMIM:247100
Neurodegeneration With Developmental Delay, Early Respiratory Failure, Myoclonic Seizures, And Brain Abnormalities
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Inferior cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, Cerebellar atrophy, Fasciculati... OMIM:620327
Sézary Syndrome
Alopecia, Nail dystrophy, Tremor ORPHA:3162
Olmsted Syndrome, X-Linked
Alopecia totalis, Subungual hyperkeratosis OMIM:300918
Incontinentia Pigmenti
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Alopecia, Ridged fingernail, Dystrophic toenail, Supernumerary nipple,... ORPHA:464
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable, 12, With Autoimmunity
Alopecia OMIM:616576
Muscular Dystrophy, Limb-Girdle, Autosomal Recessive 18
Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Difficulty walking, Speech apraxia, Chorea, Inability to wa... OMIM:615356
Oculocerebrocutaneous Syndrome
Alopecia, Abnormal fingernail morphology, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Cerebellar hypoplasia,... ORPHA:1647
Parkinson Disease 1, Autosomal Dominant
Shuffling gait, Global brain atrophy, Resting tremor, Myoclonus, Rigidity, Loss of ambulation, Dy... OMIM:168601
Amyloidosis, Hereditary Systemic 1
Spasticity, Spastic paraparesis, Paraplegia, Limb ataxia, Positive Romberg sign, Tremor, Hemipare... OMIM:105210
Neurodegeneration, Alopecia, Lower limb muscle weakness OMIM:300100
Polyposis, Skin Pigmentation, Alopecia, And Fingernail Changes
Hematochezia, Alopecia, Nail dystrophy, Nail dysplasia, Cachexia OMIM:175500
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 1
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypoplastic left heart, Alopecia, Small nail, Supernumerary nipple, Tetral... OMIM:100300
Angelman Syndrome Due To Maternal 15Q11Q13 Deletion
Broad-based gait, Gait imbalance, Myoclonus, Tremor, Ataxia, Hypopigmentation of hair ORPHA:98794
Progeria-Short Stature-Pigmented Nevi Syndrome
Alopecia, Multiple joint contractures, Low posterior hairline, Supraventricular arrhythmia, Small... ORPHA:2959
Parkinson Disease 23, Autosomal Recessive Early-Onset
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Spasticity, Resting tremor, Akinesia, Limb dystonia, Rigidity, Parkins... OMIM:616840
Cerebroretinal Microangiopathy With Calcifications And Cysts 1
Spasticity, Fine hair, Premature graying of hair, Hemiplegia, Nail dystrophy, Tremor, Abnormality... OMIM:612199
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica, Zinc-Deficiency Type
Paronychia, Alopecia of scalp, Tremor, Ataxia OMIM:201100
Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Deafness Syndrome, Autosomal Recessive
Alopecia, Failure to thrive, Cerebral atrophy, Sparse hair, Fragile nails OMIM:242150
Epidermolysis Bullosa, Lethal Acantholytic
Alopecia universalis, Anonychia, Absent fingernail, Alopecia totalis OMIM:609638
Rapp-Hodgkin Syndrome
Sparse hair, Sparse eyebrow, Small nail, Decreased number of sweat glands, Supernumerary nipple, ... OMIM:129400
Joubert Syndrome With Renal Defect
Highly arched eyebrow, Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, Tremor, Oculomotor apraxia, Gait disturbance... ORPHA:220497
Adult-Onset Dystonia-Parkinsonism
Progressive extrapyramidal movement disorder, Spasticity, Frontotemporal cerebral atrophy, Myoclo... ORPHA:199351
Cancer, Alopecia, Pigment Dyscrasia, Onychodystrophy, And Keratoderma
Alopecia, Alopecia of scalp, Nail dystrophy OMIM:618373
Multiple System Atrophy 1, Susceptibility To
Neurodegeneration, Tremor, Rigidity, Olivopontocerebellar atrophy, Babinski sign, Parkinsonism, A... OMIM:146500
Distal Deletion 19P
Alopecia, Thick eyebrow, Ventricular septal defect, Tricuspid valve prolapse, Pulmonary valve atr... ORPHA:96129
Short Stature, Hearing Loss, Retinitis Pigmentosa, And Distinctive Facies
Cerebral cortical atrophy, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebellar hypoplasia, Patchy alopecia, Sparse hai... OMIM:617763
Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation 1
Blepharospasm, Spasticity, Global brain atrophy, Neurodegeneration, Akinesia, Cerebral degenerati... OMIM:234200
Joubert Syndrome
Highly arched eyebrow, Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, Tremor, Oculomotor apraxia, Gait disturbance... ORPHA:475
Incontinentia Pigmenti
Alopecia, Coarse hair, Fine hair, Supernumerary nipple, Breast aplasia, Breast hypoplasia, Ridged... OMIM:308300
Dysdiadochokinesis, Abnormal hair morphology, Inability to walk, Myoclonus, Intention tremor, Tre... OMIM:208900
Ane Syndrome
Alopecia, Motor neuron atrophy, Multiple joint contractures, Generalized amyotrophy ORPHA:157954
Encephalocraniocutaneous Lipomatosis
Aortic valve stenosis, Cerebral cortical atrophy, Alopecia, Cerebral atrophy, Tricuspid valve pro... ORPHA:2396
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 18
Tremor, Dysmetria OMIM:615578
Bleeding Disorder, Platelet-Type, 21
Alopecia OMIM:617443
Cushing Syndrome Due To Bilateral Macronodular Adrenocortical Disease
Alopecia, Hirsutism, Increased body weight, Proximal amyotrophy, Abdominal obesity, Hypertension ORPHA:189427
Pachyonychia Congenita
Onychogryposis of fingernail, Alopecia, Onychogryposis of toenails, Fingernail dysplasia, Nail dy... ORPHA:2309
Parkinson Disease 21
Parkinsonism, Bradykinesia, Tremor, Rigidity OMIM:616361
Keratoderma Hereditarium Mutilans With Ichthyosis
Alopecia, Nail dystrophy, Onychogryposis ORPHA:79395
Polyendocrine-Polyneuropathy Syndrome
Cerebellar hypoplasia, Proximal muscle weakness in lower limbs, Alopecia ORPHA:453533
Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 2
Abnormal hair morphology, Alopecia, Small nail, Thin nail OMIM:242100
Hypotrichosis-Lymphedema-Telangiectasia-Renal Defect Syndrome
Facial telangiectasia in butterfly midface distribution, Alopecia, Telangiectasia of extensor sur... OMIM:137940
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Blepharospasm, Cerebral cortical atrophy, Falls, Tremor, Rigidity, Dystonia, Neuronal loss in cen... ORPHA:683
Global Developmental Delay-Alopecia-Macrocephaly-Facial Dysmorphism-Structural Brain Anomalies Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Small nail, Large for gestational age, Hypoplastic toenails, Sparse eye... ORPHA:544488
Wars2-Related Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Defect
Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, Cerebellar atrophy, Cerebral atrophy, Difficulty walking, Dilated f... ORPHA:572798
Ichthyosis, Leukocyte Vacuoles, Alopecia, And Sclerosing Cholangitis
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Sparse eyelashes, Thick hair, Sparse hair OMIM:607626
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, Type Iii
Alopecia OMIM:615559
Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy Type 2
Alopecia ORPHA:3143
Tyrosinemia Type 2
Abnormality of the nail, Tremor, Ataxia ORPHA:28378
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Dominant 1
Alopecia, Premature graying of hair, Budd-Chiari syndrome, Ridged nail, Nail dystrophy, Cerebella... OMIM:127550
Encephalopathy, Progressive, Early-Onset, With Brain Edema And/Or Leukoencephalopathy, 1
Global brain atrophy, Tetraparesis, Tremor, Rigidity, Cerebellar edema, Torticollis, Ataxia, Brai...