Not currently registered for phenotyping at IMPC

Phenotyping is currently not planned for a knockout strain of this gene.

Gene Summary

interleukin 34

IMPC Data Collections

  • No Body Weight Data
  • No Embryo Imaging Data
  • No Viability Data

IMPC Phenotype Summary

Not Significant
Not tested


The IMPC applies a panel of phenotyping screens to characterise single-gene knockout mice by comparison to wild types. Click on the different tabs to visualise significant phenotypes identified by the IMPC, as well as all data that was measured.

lacZ Expression

Expression data not available

Associated Images

Images submitted by IMPC centres for a selection of procedures. Each set of images is available to view in our image comparator.

Phenotype associated images not available

Human diseases caused by Il34 mutations

The analysis uses data from IMPC, along with published data on other mouse mutants, in comparison to human disease reports in OMIM, Orphanet, and DECIPHER.

Phenotype comparisons summarize the similarity of mouse phenotypes with human disease phenotypes.

No human diseases associated to this gene by orthology or annotation.

The table below shows human diseases predicted to be associated to Il34 by phenotypic similarity.

Disease Similarity of
Matching phenotypes Source
T-B+ Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Due To Gamma Chain Deficiency
Lymphopenia, Lymph node hypoplasia, Decreased proportion of CD4-positive helper T cells, Abnormal... ORPHA:276
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency With Sensitivity To Ionizing Radiation
Abnormally low T cell receptor excision circle level, Pneumonia, Recurrent upper respiratory trac... OMIM:602450
Histiocytosis, Familial Lipochrome
Recurrent infections, Histiocytosis, Increased circulating antibody level OMIM:235900
Agammaglobulinemia, X-Linked
Enteroviral dermatomyositis syndrome, Recurrent otitis media, Lymph node hypoplasia, Prostatitis,... OMIM:300755
Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase Deficiency
Pneumonia, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Recurrent viral infections, Impaired T c... OMIM:613179
Immunodeficiency, X-Linked, With Magnesium Defect, Epstein-Barr Virus Infection, And Neoplasia
Persistent CMV viremia, Recurrent viral infections, Decreased specific anti-polysaccharide antibo... OMIM:300853
Immunodeficiency 104
Pneumonia, Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, Failure to thrive secondary to recurrent infections... OMIM:608971
Immunodeficiency 14A With Lymphoproliferation, Autosomal Dominant
Decreased specific pneumococcal antibody level, Splenomegaly, Decreased circulating IgG2 level, R... OMIM:615513
Immunodeficiency 75 With Lymphoproliferation
Hepatosplenomegaly, Follicular hyperplasia, Decreased proportion of class-switched memory B cells... OMIM:619126
Immunodeficiency 103, Susceptibility To Fungal Infections
Chronic tinea infection, Increased circulating IgE level, Hypereosinophilia, Abnormal B cell coun... OMIM:212050
Benign Cephalic Histiocytosis
Inflammatory abnormality of the skin, Histiocytosis, Skin rash ORPHA:157997
Immunodeficiency 52
Persistent CMV viremia, Recurrent pneumonia, Increased proportion of gamma-delta T cells, Lymphop... OMIM:617514
Immunodeficiency 78 With Autoimmunity And Developmental Delay
Persistent CMV viremia, Fluctuating splenomegaly, Recurrent otitis media, Autoimmune hemolytic an... OMIM:619220
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome 3
Reduced natural killer cell count, Partial absence of specific antibody response to tetanus vacci... OMIM:618261
Immunodeficiency 72 With Autoinflammation And Lymphoproliferation
Recurrent infections, Herpes simplex encephalitis, Recurrent otitis media, Increased circulating ... OMIM:618982
Immunodeficiency With Hyper-Igm, Type 3
Decreased circulating IgG level, Impaired memory B cell generation, Absence of lymph node germina... OMIM:606843
Neutropenia-Monocytopenia-Deafness Syndrome
Abnormality of neutrophils, Abnormal macrophage morphology ORPHA:2690
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, X-Linked, 2
Inflammation of the large intestine, Folliculitis, Aplastic anemia, Hemophagocytosis, Recurrent r... OMIM:300635
Griscelli Syndrome, Type 2
Recurrent bacterial infections, Hepatosplenomegaly, Hemophagocytosis, Reduced delayed hypersensit... OMIM:607624
Immunodeficiency 99 With Hypogammaglobulinemia And Autoimmune Cytopenias
Decreased proportion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, Lymphopenia, Decreased circulating antibody... OMIM:619846
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome 2
Recurrent pneumonia, Sepsis, Aplastic anemia, Hemophagocytosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Pancytopenia,... OMIM:615122
Immunodeficiency 69
Hemophagocytosis, BCGitis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Pancytopenia, Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly, Skin ras... OMIM:618963
Ras-Associated Autoimmune Leukoproliferative Disorder
Recurrent respiratory infections, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Follicular hyperplasia, Increased c... OMIM:614470
Immunodeficiency With Hyper-Igm, Type 4
Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Absence of lymph node germinal center, Osteomyeliti... OMIM:608184
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable, 1
Pneumonia, Decreased circulating IgG level, Recurrent pneumonia, Abnormal T cell count, Conjuncti... OMIM:607594
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Due To Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency
Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Recurrent pneumonia, Inflammatory abnormality of th... ORPHA:277
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, Familial, 5, With Or Without Microvillus Inclusion Disease
Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Hemophagocytosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Splenomegaly,... OMIM:613101
Immunodeficiency 73C With Defective Neutrophil Chemotaxis And Hypogammaglobulinemia
Abnormally low T cell receptor excision circle level, Decreased circulating IgG level, Cervical l... OMIM:618987
Ataxia-Pancytopenia Syndrome
Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, Abnormality of neutrophils, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Abnormal m... ORPHA:2585
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable, 2
Decreased circulating IgG level, Recurrent pneumonia, Abnormal T cell count, Impaired T cell func... OMIM:240500
Immunodeficiency 76
Recurrent pneumonia, Lymphopenia, Splenomegaly, Recurrent bronchiolitis, Lymphadenopathy, B lymph... OMIM:619164
Immunodeficiency With Hyper-Igm, Type 2
Decreased circulating IgG level, Decreased circulating IgA level, Recurrent infection of the gast... OMIM:605258
Caspase 8 Deficiency
Pneumonia, Decreased circulating IgG level, Eczematoid dermatitis, Decreased CD4:CD8 ratio, Decre... OMIM:607271
Immunodeficiency 64 With Lymphoproliferation
Increased proportion autoreactive unresponsive CD21-/low B cells, Decreased circulating IgG level... OMIM:618534
Meige Disease
Lymph node hypoplasia, Recurrent skin infections, Absence of lymph node germinal center, Recurren... ORPHA:90186
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, X-Linked, 1
Aplastic anemia, Hemophagocytosis, Pancytopenia, Abnormal B cell count, Neutropenia, Recurrent ph... OMIM:308240
Periodic Fever, Immunodeficiency, And Thrombocytopenia Syndrome
Recurrent pneumonia, Abnormal CD4:CD8 ratio, Recurrent aphthous stomatitis, Splenomegaly, Abscess... OMIM:150550
Immunodeficiency 32A
Lymphadenitis, Granuloma, BCGitis, Lymphadenopathy, Recurrent infections OMIM:614893
Immunodeficiency 97 With Autoinflammation
Hemophagocytosis, Recurrent otitis media, Lymphopenia, Hepatosplenomegaly, Decreased proportion o... OMIM:619802
Immunodeficiency 98 With Autoinflammation, X-Linked
Decreased circulating IgG level, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, Bone marrow hypocellularity, H... OMIM:301078
Immunodeficiency 73B With Defective Neutrophil Chemotaxis And Lymphopenia
Lymphadenitis, Recurrent otitis media, Lymphopenia, Hepatosplenomegaly, Pancytopenia, Impaired ne... OMIM:618986
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, Familial, 3
Hemophagocytosis, Reduced natural killer cell activity, Hepatosplenomegaly, Anemia, Granulocytopenia OMIM:608898
Combined Immunodeficiency Due To Zap70 Deficiency
Recurrent viral infections, Lymphadenitis, Abnormal lymph node morphology, Decreased proportion o... ORPHA:911
T-B+ Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Due To Il-7Ralpha Deficiency
Recurrent viral infections, Decreased proportion of CD8-positive T cells, Lymphopenia, Hepatosple... ORPHA:169154
Autoimmune Disease, Multisystem, Infantile-Onset, 3
Decreased specific pneumococcal antibody level, Abnormal T cell count, Decreased circulating IgG ... OMIM:620430
Immunodeficiency 63 With Lymphoproliferation And Autoimmunity
Persistent CMV viremia, Recurrent urinary tract infections, Recurrent otitis media, Decreased CD4... OMIM:618495
Mendelian Susceptibility To Mycobacterial Diseases Due To Complete Il12Rb1 Deficiency
Pneumonia, Recurrent mycobacterial infections, Recurrent Klebsiella infections, Abnormal circulat... ORPHA:319552
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 1
Discoid lupus rash, Recurrent Klebsiella infections, Recurrent pneumonia, Lymphadenitis, Eczemato... OMIM:233700
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 2
Discoid lupus rash, Recurrent Klebsiella infections, Recurrent pneumonia, Lymphadenitis, Eczemato... OMIM:233710
Immunodeficiency 105
Decreased circulating IgG level, Reduced natural killer cell count, Absence of lymph node germina... OMIM:619924
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome 1
Decreased circulating IgG level, Hemophagocytosis, Pancytopenia, Leukopenia, Decreased proportion... OMIM:613011
Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease-Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Decreased proportion of memory B cells, Recurrent aspiration pneumonia, Recurrent viral infection... ORPHA:79124
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 4
Discoid lupus rash, Recurrent Klebsiella infections, Recurrent pneumonia, Lymphadenitis, Eczemato... OMIM:233690
Immunodeficiency 27A
Pneumonia, Enlarged mesenteric lymph node, Hepatosplenomegaly, Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly, Increa... OMIM:209950
Immune Dysregulation With Autoimmunity, Immunodeficiency, And Lymphoproliferation
Atrophic gastritis, Decreased circulating IgG level, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections... OMIM:616100
Selective Igm Deficiency
Allergic rhinitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lymphadenitis, Decreased proportion of CD8-positive T ce... ORPHA:331235
Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome 6
Chilblains, Splenomegaly, Increased circulating Interferon-alpha concentration, Thrombocytopenia,... OMIM:615010
T-Cell Immunodeficiency With Thymic Aplasia
Aplasia of the thymus, Meningitis, Chronic otitis media, Eczematoid dermatitis, Opportunistic inf... ORPHA:83471
Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency, Type Iii
Sepsis, Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Abnormal lymph node morphology, Hepatosplenomegaly, Leukocy... OMIM:612840
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome Due To Ctla4 Haploinsuffiency
Inflammation of the large intestine, Psoriasiform dermatitis, Recurrent lower respiratory tract i... ORPHA:436159
Macrophage Activation Syndrome
Abnormal circulating interleukin concentration, Increased circulating interleukin 6 concentration... ORPHA:158061
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 5
Acute pancreatitis, Recurrent pneumonia, Recurrent tonsillitis, Granuloma, Lymphadenitis, Eczemat... OMIM:618935
Immunodeficiency With Hyper-Igm, Type 1
Enteroviral encephalitis, Increased circulating IgA level, Neutropenia, Recurrent lower respirato... OMIM:308230
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, Autosomal Recessive, T Cell-Negative, B Cell-Positive, Nk Cell-Negative
Pneumonia, Cutaneous anergy, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Absent natural killer ... OMIM:600802
Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
Increased circulating interleukin 6 concentration, Hemophagocytosis, Increased circulating interf... ORPHA:540
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, X-Linked
Discoid lupus rash, Recurrent Klebsiella infections, Recurrent pneumonia, Granuloma, Lymphadeniti... OMIM:306400
Hemophagocytic Syndrome Associated With An Infection
Histoplasmosis, Hemophagocytosis, Invasive fungal infection, Severe viral infection, Invasive par... ORPHA:158048
Omenn Syndrome
Pneumonia, Severe B lymphocytopenia, Recurrent viral infections, Splenomegaly, Hypoplasia of the ... OMIM:603554
Autoimmune Enteropathy And Endocrinopathy-Susceptibility To Chronic Infections Syndrome
Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Inflammatory abnormality of the skin, Chronic mucoc... ORPHA:391487
Infection-Related Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
Pneumonia, Abnormal circulating chemokine concentration, Brain abscess, Severe viral infection, I... ORPHA:544482


Summary table of phenotypes displayed during the Histopathology procedure which are considered significant. Full histopathology data table, including submitted images, can be accessed by clicking any row in this table.

There is no histopathology data for Il34

IMPC related publications

The table below lists publications which used either products generated by the IMPC or data produced by the phenotyping efforts of the IMPC. These publications have also been associated to Il34.

There are 13 publications which use IMPC produced mice or data.

Title Journal IMPC Allele PubMed ID
IL-34 Aggravates Steroid-Induced Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head via Promoting Osteoclast Differentiation. Immune network (March 2022) Il34tm1e(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC9250868
Negative feedback control of neuronal activity by microglia. Nature (September 2020) Il34tm1c(EUCOMM)Wtsi 32999463
Limited proliferation capacity of aortic intima resident macrophages requires monocyte recruitment for atherosclerotic plaque progression. Nature immunology (September 2020) Il34tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC7502558
Peripheral nerve resident macrophages share tissue-specific programming and features of activated microglia. Nature communications (May 2020) Il34tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC7242366
CSF-1 controls cerebellar microglia and is required for motor function and social interaction. The Journal of experimental medicine (July 2019) Il34tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC6781012
Microglial Function Is Distinct in Different Anatomical Locations during Retinal Homeostasis and Degeneration. Immunity (March 2019) Il34tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi 30850344
IL-34-Dependent Intrarenal and Systemic Mechanisms Promote Lupus Nephritis in MRL-Faslpr Mice. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN (January 2019) Il34tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC6362618
A Liver Capsular Network of Monocyte-Derived Macrophages Restricts Hepatic Dissemination of Intraperitoneal Bacteria by Neutrophil Recruitment. Immunity (August 2017) Il34tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi 28813662
A neuroprotective role for microglia in prion diseases. The Journal of experimental medicine (May 2016) Il34tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC4886355
Nonredundant roles of keratinocyte-derived IL-34 and neutrophil-derived CSF1 in Langerhans cell renewal in the steady state and during inflammation. European journal of immunology (December 2015) Il34tm1c(EUCOMM)Wtsi Il34tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC5658206
IL-34 mediates acute kidney injury and worsens subsequent chronic kidney disease. The Journal of clinical investigation (June 2015) Il34tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC4563757
Stroma-derived interleukin-34 controls the development and maintenance of langerhans cells and the maintenance of microglia. Immunity (November 2012) Il34tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC4291117
IL-34 is a tissue-restricted ligand of CSF1R required for the development of Langerhans cells and microglia. Nature immunology (June 2012) Il34tm1c(EUCOMM)Wtsi Il34tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi Il34tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi PMC3941469

Order Mouse and ES Cells

All available products are supplied via our member's centres or partnerships. When ordering a product from the IMPC you will be redirected to one of their websites or prompted to start an email.

MGI Allele Allele Type Produced
Il34tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi KO first allele (reporter-tagged insertion with conditional potential) Targeting vectors, ES Cells
Il34tm1e(EUCOMM)Wtsi Targeted, non-conditional allele ES Cells
Il34tm45791(L1L2_st1) KO first allele (reporter-tagged insertion with conditional potential) Targeting vectors

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