Not currently registered for phenotyping at IMPC

Phenotyping is currently not planned for a knockout strain of this gene.

Gene Summary

serine/threonine kinase 11
Lkb1,  Par-4

IMPC Data Collections

  • No Body Weight Data
  • No Embryo Imaging Data
  • No Viability Data

IMPC Phenotype Summary

Not Significant
Not tested


The IMPC applies a panel of phenotyping screens to characterise single-gene knockout mice by comparison to wild types. Click on the different tabs to visualise significant phenotypes identified by the IMPC, as well as all data that was measured.

lacZ Expression

Expression data not available

Associated Images

Images submitted by IMPC centres for a selection of procedures. Each set of images is available to view in our image comparator.

Phenotype associated images not available

Human diseases caused by Stk11 mutations

The analysis uses data from IMPC, along with published data on other mouse mutants, in comparison to human disease reports in OMIM, Orphanet, and DECIPHER.

Phenotype comparisons summarize the similarity of mouse phenotypes with human disease phenotypes.

The table below shows human diseases associated to Stk11 by orthology or direct annotation.

The table below shows human diseases predicted to be associated to Stk11 by phenotypic similarity.

Disease Similarity of
Matching phenotypes Source
Colorectal Cancer, Susceptibility To, 10
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma, Endometrial carcinoma, Colorectal polyposis OMIM:612591
Lynch Syndrome 8
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma, Endometrial carcinoma, Colon cancer, Adenomatous co... OMIM:613244
Lynch Syndrome 4
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma, Endometrial carcinoma, Ovarian neoplasm OMIM:614337
Polyposis Syndrome, Hereditary Mixed, 2
Colon cancer, Hyperplastic colonic polyposis, Juvenile colonic polyposis, Adenomatous colonic pol... OMIM:610069
Desmoid Disease, Hereditary
Desmoid tumors, Colorectal polyposis, Colon cancer, Breast carcinoma OMIM:135290
Axin2-Related Attenuated Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Colon cancer, Neoplasm of the rectum, Colorectal polyposis, Adenomatous colonic polyposis ORPHA:401911
Cowden-Like syndrome
Endometrial carcinoma, Papillary thyroid carcinoma, Breast carcinoma, Uterine leiomyoma OMIM:612359
Polyposis, Intestinal, With Multiple Exostoses
Multiple exostoses, Intestinal polyposis OMIM:175450
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis 2
Colon cancer, Adenomatous colonic polyposis OMIM:608456
Lynch Syndrome 5
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma, Endometrial carcinoma, Neoplasm of the pancreas, Ov... OMIM:614350
Lymphoma, Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Type
Gastric lymphoma OMIM:137245
Colorectal Cancer
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma, Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, Renal c... OMIM:114500
Polymerase Proofreading-Related Adenomatous Polyposis
Endometrial carcinoma, Neoplasm of the rectum, Brain neoplasm, Adenomatous colonic polyposis, Ade... ORPHA:447877
Esophageal Cancer
Esophageal carcinoma OMIM:133239
Lynch Syndrome 1
Colon cancer OMIM:120435
Lynch Syndrome 2
Colon cancer OMIM:609310
Colorectal Cancer, Susceptibility To, 3
Colon cancer OMIM:612229
Polyposis, Intestinal, Scattered And Discrete
Discrete intestinal polyps OMIM:175400
Sessile Serrated Polyposis Cancer Syndrome
Serrated intestinal polyps OMIM:617108
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis 3
Meningioma, Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Endometrial carcinoma, Duodenal adenocarcinoma, Prostate c... OMIM:616415
Colorectal Cancer, Susceptibility To, 12
Colorectal polyposis, Carcinoma OMIM:615083
Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial carcinoma OMIM:608089
Colorectal Cancer, Hereditary Nonpolyposis, Type 6
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma OMIM:614331
Colorectal Cancer, Hereditary Nonpolyposis, Type 7
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma OMIM:614385
Attenuated Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Thyroid adenoma, Duodenal polyposis, Astrocytoma, Large intestinal polyposis, Papilloma, Fibroma,... ORPHA:220460
Hereditary Mixed Polyposis Syndrome
Hematochezia, Colon cancer, Adenomatous colonic polyposis, Endometrial carcinoma, Thyroid carcino... ORPHA:157794
Nthl1-Related Attenuated Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Neoplasm of the skin, Meningioma, Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Endometrial carcinoma, Duodenal aden... ORPHA:454840
Gastric Cancer
Stomach cancer OMIM:613659
Spermatogenic Failure 17
Male infertility OMIM:617214
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis 4
Thyroid adenoma, Gastric adenocarcinoma, Duodenal polyposis, Ovarian cyst, Astrocytoma, Breast in... OMIM:617100
Serrated Polyposis Syndrome
Biliary tract neoplasm, Neoplasm of the large intestine, Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Schwannoma, P... ORPHA:157798
Leukemia, Acute Myelocytic, With Polyposis Coli And Colon Cancer
Colon cancer, Acute myeloid leukemia, Adenomatous colonic polyposis OMIM:246470
Mutyh-Related Attenuated Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Large intestinal polyposis, Adenomatous colonic polyposis, Adenocarcinoma of the colon, Colorecta... ORPHA:247798
Hereditary Leiomyomatosis And Renal Cell Cancer
Barrett esophagus, Cutaneous leiomyoma, Papillary renal cell carcinoma type 2, Vaginal neoplasm, ... ORPHA:523
Msh3-Related Attenuated Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Neoplasm of the skin, Thyroid adenoma, Colon cancer, Stomach cancer, Juvenile gastrointestinal po... ORPHA:480536
Mismatch Repair Cancer Syndrome 4
Astrocytoma, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Adenomatous colonic polyposis, Glioblastoma multiforme, Colon ... OMIM:619101
Apc-Related Attenuated Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Osteoma, Fibrosarcoma, Desmoid tumors, Adrenocortical adenoma, Medulloblastoma, Multiple gastric ... ORPHA:247806
Generalized Juvenile Polyposis/Juvenile Polyposis Coli
Hematochezia, Duodenal polyposis, Multiple gastric polyps, Small intestinal polyposis, Adenomatou... ORPHA:329971
Tumor Predisposition Syndrome 4
Glioma, Meningioma, Stomach cancer, Sarcoma, Breast carcinoma OMIM:609265
Gardner Syndrome
Colon cancer, Ampulla of Vater carcinoma, Hepatoblastoma, Brain neoplasm, Osteoma, Fibrosarcoma, ... ORPHA:79665
Hirschsprung Disease
Diarrhea, Functional abnormality of the gastrointestinal tract, Neoplasm of the thyroid gland, In... ORPHA:388
Paraganglioma And Gastric Stromal Sarcoma
Paraganglioma, Neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract OMIM:606864
High-Grade Dysplasia In Patients With Barrett Esophagus
Barrett esophagus, Gastroesophageal reflux, Dysphagia, Esophageal obstruction ORPHA:231080
Leiomyoma, Uterine
Uterine leiomyoma OMIM:150699
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis 1
Adrenocortical adenoma, Fibroadenoma of the breast, Adenomatous colonic polyposis, Duodenal adeno... OMIM:175100
Spermatogenic Failure 3
Male infertility, Reduced sperm motility OMIM:606766
Spermatogenic Failure, Y-Linked, 1
Male infertility, Reduced sperm motility OMIM:400042
Spermatogenic Failure 55
Male infertility, Reduced sperm motility OMIM:619380
Polyposis of gastric fundus without polyposis coli
Multiple gastric polyps, Abnormal gastric mucosa morphology OMIM:175505
Spermatogenic Failure 20
Absent sperm flagella, Short sperm flagella, Male infertility, Coiled sperm flagella OMIM:617593
Desmoid Tumor
Neoplasm of the skin, Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Malabsorption, Intestinal polyposis, Intestina... ORPHA:873
Spermatogenic Failure 35
Absent sperm axoneme central pair complex, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Male infe... OMIM:618341
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
Neoplasm of the colon, Stomach cancer, Intestinal obstruction, Neoplasm of the rectum, Abdominal ... ORPHA:2869
Spermatogenic Failure 36
Abnormal sperm morphology, Male infertility OMIM:618420
Volvulus Of Midgut
Volvulus, Intestinal malrotation, Neonatal intestinal obstruction, Constipation, Abdominal disten... OMIM:193250
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Neoplasm of the colon, Abnormality of the liver, Nausea and vomiting... ORPHA:44890
Spermatogenic Failure 83
Altered location of the longitudinal column in the fibrous sheath, Reduced progressive sperm moti... OMIM:620354
Spermatogenic Failure 62
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility, Spermatocyte maturation arrest OMIM:619673
Spermatogenic Failure 61
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility, Spermatocyte maturation arrest OMIM:619672
Spermatogenic Failure 88
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility, Spermatocyte maturation arrest OMIM:620547
Spermatogenic Failure 73
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619878
Spermatogenic Failure 59
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619645
Spermatogenic Failure 60
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619646
Spermatogenic Failure 74
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619937
Gist-Plus Syndrome
Gastrointestinal stroma tumor, Intestinal polyposis, Intussusception OMIM:175510
Spermatogenic Failure 43
Absent sperm axoneme central pair complex, Absent sperm flagella, Reduced sperm motility, Male in... OMIM:618751
Spermatogenic Failure 19
Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Reduced sperm motility, Male infertility, Coiled spe... OMIM:617592
Spermatogenic Failure 82
Reduced progressive sperm motility, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Male infertility... OMIM:620353
Spermatogenic Failure 49
Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Reduced sperm motility, Male infertility, Coiled spe... OMIM:619144
Spermatogenic Failure 45
Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Reduced sperm motility, Male infertility, Coiled spe... OMIM:619094
Spermatogenic Failure 33
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Reduced sperm motilit... OMIM:618152
Spermatogenic Failure 37
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Reduced sperm motilit... OMIM:618429
Spermatogenic Failure 18
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Reduced sperm motilit... OMIM:617576
Spermatogenic Failure 46
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Reduced sperm motilit... OMIM:619095
Spermatogenic Failure 27
Absent sperm axoneme central pair complex, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Reduced s... OMIM:617965
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Functional intestinal obstruction, Abnormal rectum morphology, Gangl... ORPHA:251992
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Stomach cancer, Hepatoblastoma, Brain neoplasm, Osteoma, Desmoid tumors, Angiofibromas, Neoplasm ... ORPHA:733
Visceral Myopathy 2
Barrett esophagus, Gastroesophageal reflux, Volvulus, Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Intestinal m... OMIM:619350
Lynch Syndrome
Neoplasm of the skin, Nausea and vomiting, Neoplasm of the skeletal system, Neoplasm of the rectu... ORPHA:144
Spermatogenic Failure 72
Absent sperm axoneme central pair complex, Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Reduced progressive spe... OMIM:619867
Spermatogenic Failure 34
Absent sperm axoneme central pair complex, Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Short sperm flagella, A... OMIM:618153
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Esophagus
Feeding difficulties in infancy, Esophageal carcinoma, Nausea and vomiting ORPHA:99977
Spermatogenic Failure, X-Linked, 5
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Short sperm flagella, Absent s... OMIM:301099
Spermatogenic Failure 31
Acephalic spermatozoa, Male infertility OMIM:618112
Spermatogenic Failure 53
Tapered sperm head, Male infertility OMIM:619258
Spermatogenic Failure 87
Ruffled acrosome, Male infertility OMIM:620500
Spermatogenic Failure 26
Acephalic spermatozoa, Male infertility OMIM:617961
Spermatogenic Failure 1
Cryptozoospermia, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:258150
Spermatogenic Failure 79
Reduced sperm motility, Coiled sperm flagella, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:620196
Spermatogenic Failure 7
Immotile sperm, Reduced sperm motility, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:612997
Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome 1
Cutaneous leiomyoma, Colon cancer, Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma, Multiple lipomas, Large intestinal p... OMIM:135150
Spermatogenic Failure 5
Multiflagellar spermatozoa, Macrozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:243060
Spermatogenic Failure 29
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Immotile sperm, Male infertility OMIM:618091
Spermatogenic Failure 11
Male infertility, Abnormal sperm morphology, Oligozoospermia, Reduced sperm motility OMIM:615081
Spermatogenic Failure 10
Abnormal sperm morphology, Reduced sperm motility, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:614822
Spermatogenic Failure 21
Acephalic spermatozoa, Male infertility, Reduced sperm motility OMIM:617644
Spermatogenic Failure 16
Acephalic spermatozoa, Male infertility, Reduced sperm motility OMIM:617187
Fragile Site, Distamycin A Type, Rare, Fra(16)(Q22.1)
Infertility, Miscarriage OMIM:136580
Spermatogenic Failure 47
Immotile sperm, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619102
Spermatogenic Failure 52
Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619202
Spermatogenic Failure 4
Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:270960
Spermatogenic Failure, Y-Linked, 2
Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:415000
Spermatogenic Failure 23
Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:617707
Granulomas, Congenital Cerebral
Neonatal death OMIM:306300
Genitourinary Tract Anomalies
Neonatal death OMIM:305690
Spermatogenic Failure 40
Immotile sperm, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility, C... OMIM:618664
Spermatogenic Failure 22
Cryptozoospermia, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:617706
Spermatogenic Failure 80
Reduced progressive sperm motility, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia,... OMIM:620222
Spermatogenic Failure 76
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Short sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Reduced sperm motility, Abs... OMIM:620084
Spermatogenic Failure 58
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Immotile sperm, Short sperm fl... OMIM:619585
Spermatogenic Failure 48
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Azoospermia, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619108
Spermatogenic Failure, X-Linked, 3
Reduced sperm motility, Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Short sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Abs... OMIM:301059
Nk-Cell Enteropathy
Hematochezia, Colonic diverticula, Gastroesophageal reflux, Diarrhea, Stercoral ulcer, Abnormal g... ORPHA:263665
Isolated Polycystic Liver Disease
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Gastroesophageal reflux, Feeding difficulties in infancy, Abdominal ... ORPHA:2924
Spermatogenic Failure 56
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Short sperm flagella, Absent s... OMIM:619515
Spermatogenic Failure 78
Microcephalic sperm head, Tapered sperm head, Male infertility OMIM:620170
Spermatogenic Failure 84
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Short sperm flagella, Bent spe... OMIM:620409
Spermatogenic Failure 65
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Abnormal sperm mid-piece morph... OMIM:619712
Burkitt Lymphoma
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Neoplasm of the oral cavity, Abnormality of the ovary, Abnormality o... ORPHA:543
Hereditary Leiomyomatosis And Renal Cell Cancer
Cutaneous leiomyoma, Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma, Renal cell carcinoma, Multiple cutaneous leiomyoma... OMIM:150800
Spermatogenic Failure 41
Tapered sperm head, Immotile sperm, Short sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:618670
Male Infertility Due To Acephalic Spermatozoa
Acephalic spermatozoa, Abnormal sperm mid-piece morphology, Oligozoospermia, Reduced sperm motili... ORPHA:529970
Chronic Diarrhea Due To Glucoamylase Deficiency
Vomiting, Abnormal small intestinal mucosa morphology, Malabsorption, Nausea, Abdominal distentio... ORPHA:103907
Diarrhea 8, Secretory Sodium, Congenital
Inflammation of the large intestine, Secretory diarrhea, Elevated fecal sodium, Abdominal distention OMIM:616868
Spermatogenic Failure 42
Microcephalic sperm head, Tapered sperm head, Short sperm flagella, Absent sperm flagella, Reduce... OMIM:618745
Anal Canal Carcinoma
Anal canal squamous carcinoma OMIM:105580
Spermatogenic Failure 39
Tapered sperm head, Short sperm flagella, Oligozoospermia, Reduced sperm motility, Absent sperm f... OMIM:618643
Wolman Disease
Vomiting, Acute hepatic failure, Splenomegaly, Abdominal distention, Hepatomegaly OMIM:620151
Spermatogenic Failure 64
Abnormal sperm head morphology, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Male infertility, Oligozoospe... OMIM:619696
Cap Polyposis
Atrophic gastritis, Hematochezia, Diarrhea, Constipation, Abdominal distention, Abdominal pain, C... ORPHA:160148
Spermatogenic Failure 70
Azoospermia, Reduced sperm motility, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:619828
Spermatogenic Failure 54
Abnormal sperm axoneme morphology, Cryptozoospermia, Tapered sperm head, Short sperm flagella, Ol... OMIM:619379
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn Disease) 1
Inflammation of the large intestine, Diarrhea, Recurrent aphthous stomatitis, Intestinal obstruct... OMIM:266600
Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor
Abdominal distention, Ascites, Ileus, Nausea and vomiting, Anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Abnormal peri... ORPHA:83469
Spermatogenic Failure 57
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619528
Wolman Disease
Hepatic failure, Malnutrition, Ascites, Nausea and vomiting, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Abdominal dist... ORPHA:75233
Deafness, Autosomal Recessive 32, With Or Without Immotile Sperm
Abnormal sperm morphology, Immotile sperm, Male infertility OMIM:608653
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor
Neurofibroma, Intestinal obstruction, Gastrointestinal stroma tumor, Constipation, Dysphagia OMIM:606764
Spermatogenic Failure 86
Acephalic spermatozoa, Acrosomal hypoplasia, Abnormal sperm head morphology, Ruffled acrosome, Ma... OMIM:620499
Spermatogenic Failure 25
Cryptozoospermia, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility, Spermatocyte maturation arrest OMIM:617960
Infantile Myofibromatosis
Neoplasm of the skin, Benign neoplasm of the central nervous system, Intestinal obstruction, Abno... ORPHA:2591
Spermatogenic Failure 63
Reduced progressive sperm motility, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:619689
Spermatogenic Failure 32
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:618115
Spermatogenic Failure 71
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619831
Spermatogenic Failure 50
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619145
Ovarian Fibromata
Ovarian fibroma OMIM:166970
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Splenomegaly, B-cell lymphoma, Abnormality of the gastrointestinal tract, Lymphadenopathy, Anorexia ORPHA:52416
Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian papillary adenocarcinoma, Breast carcinoma, Dysgerminoma OMIM:167000
Breast-Ovarian Cancer, Familial, Susceptibility To, 3
Ovarian carcinoma, Breast carcinoma OMIM:613399
Adenocarcinoma Of The Esophagus
Barrett esophagus, Gastroesophageal reflux, Nausea and vomiting, Feeding difficulties in infancy,... ORPHA:99976
Palmoplantar Keratoderma-Esophageal Carcinoma Syndrome
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Gastroesophageal reflux, Abnormal large intestine morphology, Poor s... ORPHA:2198
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 10
Neural tube defect OMIM:615041
Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome
Gastrointestinal carcinoma, Diarrhea, Furrowed tongue, Stomach cancer, Intestinal polyposis, Neop... ORPHA:2930
Tumor Predisposition Syndrome 2
Meningioma, Juvenile type ovarian granulosa cell tumor, Schwannoma, Ductal carcinoma in situ, Uve... OMIM:619975
Breast-Ovarian Cancer, Familial, Susceptibility To, 2
Ovarian neoplasm, Breast carcinoma OMIM:612555
Breast-Ovarian Cancer, Familial, Susceptibility To, 1
Ovarian neoplasm, Breast carcinoma OMIM:604370
Small Bowel Atresia
Vomiting, Intestinal malrotation, Jejunal atresia, Intestinal hypoplasia, Abdominal distention, F... ORPHA:1201
Spermatogenic Failure 30
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Cryptozoospermia, Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:618110
Hereditary Breast And/Or Ovarian Cancer Syndrome
Prostate cancer, Melanoma, Abnormal fallopian tube morphology, Primary peritoneal carcinoma, Ovar... ORPHA:145
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
Choriocarcinoma, Colon cancer, Stomach cancer, Melanoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, Acute myeloid leukemia... ORPHA:524
Macrocephaly-Intellectual Disability-Autism Syndrome
Thyroid carcinoma, Intestinal polyposis, Hepatic steatosis, Penile freckling, Multiple lipomas, L... ORPHA:210548
Pseudomyxoma Peritonei
Inflammation of the large intestine, Nausea and vomiting, Intestinal obstruction, Constipation, A... ORPHA:26790
Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma
Neoplasm, Nausea and vomiting, Peritonitis, Constipation, Abdominal distention, Abdominal pain ORPHA:168829
Mismatch Repair Cancer Syndrome 2
Glioblastoma multiforme, T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias, Colon cancer OMIM:619096
Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Neoplasm, Ileus, Peritonitis, Abdominal distention, Abdominal pain ORPHA:168811
Inflammatory Pseudotumor Of The Liver
Vomiting, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration, Biliary tract abnormalit... ORPHA:90003
Carney-Stratakis Syndrome
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Intestinal obstruction, Gastrointestinal stroma tumor, Abdominal pai... ORPHA:97286
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Due To 5Q22.2 Microdeletion
Intestinal bleeding, Adenomatous colonic polyposis, Duodenal polyposis, Hepatoblastoma, Osteoma, ... ORPHA:261584
Deafness-Infertility Syndrome
Azoospermia, Male infertility ORPHA:94064
Deafness-Infertility Syndrome
Reduced sperm motility, Abnormal sperm head morphology, Abnormal spermatogenesis, Male infertilit... OMIM:611102
Adiposis Dolorosa
Painful subcutaneous lipomas, Constipation, Abdominal distention OMIM:103200
Cowden Syndrome
Neoplasm of the skin, Follicular thyroid carcinoma, Melanoma, Adenoma sebaceum, High palate, Colo... ORPHA:201
Gastric Adenocarcinoma And Proximal Polyposis Of The Stomach
Fundic gland polyposis, Gastric adenocarcinoma, Melena OMIM:619182
Alpha-Heavy Chain Disease
Lymphoma, Ascites, Abnormal small intestine morphology, Malabsorption, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Lymp... ORPHA:100025
Trehalase Deficiency
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Malabsorption, Abdominal distention, Abdominal pain ORPHA:103909
Diarrhea 12, With Microvillus Atrophy
Dependency on parenteral nutrition, Vomiting, Secretory diarrhea, Villous atrophy, Microvillar PA... OMIM:619445
Ovarian gonadoblastoma, Abnormality of the ovary, Gonadal calcification, Ambiguous genitalia, Gon... ORPHA:206484
Ovarian Fibroma
Abnormality of the ovary, Gonadal calcification, Ovarian fibroma, Peritonitis, Odontogenic kerato... ORPHA:314473
Ichthyosis-Hepatosplenomegaly-Cerebellar Degeneration Syndrome
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly ORPHA:2274
Partial Chromosome Y Deletion
Male infertility, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Oligozoospermia, Abnormal spermatogenesis ORPHA:1646
Hirschsprung Disease, Susceptibility To, 1
Abnormal enteric ganglion morphology, Vomiting, Aganglionic megacolon, Constipation, Enterocoliti... OMIM:142623
Gastroesophageal Reflux
Barrett esophagus, Gastroesophageal reflux, Esophagitis, Esophageal neoplasm OMIM:109350
Turcot Syndrome With Polyposis
Diarrhea, Glioma, Hepatoblastoma, Brain neoplasm, Desmoid tumors, Leukemia, Basal cell carcinoma,... ORPHA:99818
Congenital Pancreatic Cyst
Vomiting, Anorexia, Abdominal pain, Pancreatitis, Abdominal distention, Jaundice ORPHA:313906
Spermatogenic Failure 81
Acrosomal hypoplasia, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:620277
Congenital Short Bowel Syndrome
Congenital shortened small intestine, Decreased intestinal transit time, Vomiting, Intestinal mal... OMIM:615237
Budd-Chiari Syndrome
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Acute hepat... ORPHA:131
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
Gastrointestinal carcinoma, Uterine neoplasm, Intestinal bleeding, Bile duct polyp, Intussuscepti... OMIM:175200
Cowden Syndrome 7
Trichilemmoma, Intestinal polyposis, Ductal carcinoma in situ, Hemangioma, Papilloma, Papillary t... OMIM:616858
Primary Effusion Lymphoma
Abdominal pain, B-cell lymphoma, Abdominal distention ORPHA:48686
Glycine N-Methyltransferase Deficiency
Hepatomegaly, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration OMIM:606664
Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Gastroesophageal reflux, Abdominal colic, Nausea, Constipation, Abdominal dis... ORPHA:35122
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
Choriocarcinoma, Acute leukemia, Osteosarcoma, Prostate cancer, Nephroblastoma, Lung adenocarcino... OMIM:151623
Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
Juvenile colonic polyposis, Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma ORPHA:289596
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Icc
Hepatomegaly OMIM:301031
Ovarian Fibrothecoma
Abdominal distention, Abnormality of the ovary, Gonadal calcification, Diffuse leiomyomatosis, Ab... ORPHA:314478
Placental Insufficiency
Small placenta, Abnormal placenta morphology, Abnormal umbilical cord blood vessel morphology ORPHA:439167
Portal Hypertension, Noncirrhotic, 1
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Portal hypertension, Splenomegaly, Hepat... OMIM:617068
Intestinal Dysmotility Syndrome
Diarrhea, Decreased intestinal transit time, Projectile vomiting, Abdominal distention, High pala... OMIM:620045
Familial Colorectal Cancer Type X
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Uterine neoplasm, Pituitary adenoma, Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Neop... ORPHA:440437
Diffuse Gastric And Lobular Breast Cancer Syndrome
Atrophic gastritis, Stomach cancer, Cleft palate OMIM:137215
Muir-Torre Syndrome
Sebaceous gland carcinoma, Colonic diverticula, Colon cancer, Malignant genitourinary tract tumor... OMIM:158320
Spermatogenic Failure, X-Linked, 6
Absent sperm axoneme central pair complex, Microcephalic sperm head, Reduced progressive sperm mo... OMIM:301101
Spermatogenic Failure 9
Globozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:613958
Spermatogenic Failure 67
Globozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619803
Spermatogenic Failure 68
Globozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619805
Spermatogenic Failure 69
Globozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619826
Spermatogenic Failure 66
Globozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:619799
Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome
Diarrhea, Stomach cancer, Juvenile gastrointestinal polyposis, Multiple lipomas, Small intestinal... ORPHA:2929
Spermatogenic Failure, X-Linked, 2
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Azoospermia, Testicular atrophy, Male infertility OMIM:309120
Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Liver Glycogen Phosphorylase Deficiency
Hepatic fibrosis, Portal fibrosis, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Incre... ORPHA:369
Spermatogenic Failure, X-Linked, 7
Excess residual spermatozoal cytoplasm, Multiflagellar spermatozoa, Globozoospermia, Reduced sper... OMIM:301106
Diarrhea, Nausea and vomiting, Intestinal obstruction, Parathyroid adenoma, Anorexia, Hepatomegal... ORPHA:97278
Spermatogenic Failure 85
Acephalic spermatozoa, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Globozoospermia, Male infertility, Coi... OMIM:620490
Reticulum Cell Sarcoma
Sarcoma, Neoplasm OMIM:267730
Spermatogenic Failure 6
Decreased acrosin in sperm head, Globozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:102530
Diarrhea, Nausea and vomiting, Intestinal obstruction, Parathyroid adenoma, Anorexia, Hepatomegal... ORPHA:97261
Gastrointestinal Defects And Immunodeficiency Syndrome 1
Hematochezia, Ileal atresia, Colonic atresia, Bloody diarrhea, Intestinal malrotation, Interface ... OMIM:243150
Tyrosinemia Type 1
Acute hepatic failure, Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Hepatocellular carcinoma ORPHA:882
X-Linked Alport Syndrome-Diffuse Leiomyomatosis
Uterine neoplasm, Gastroesophageal reflux, Vomiting, Nasogastric tube feeding, Vaginal neoplasm, ... ORPHA:1018
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 10A (Zellweger)
Hepatomegaly, High palate, Feeding difficulties OMIM:614882
Intestinal Pseudoobstruction, Neuronal, Chronic Idiopathic, X-Linked
Congenital shortened small intestine, Vomiting, Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Intestinal malrota... OMIM:300048
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 4B (Mngie Type)
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Malnutrition, Malabsorption, Gastrointestinal dysmotility, Constip... OMIM:613662
Waardenburg-Shah Syndrome
Intestinal obstruction, Abnormal intestine morphology, Aganglionic megacolon, Constipation, Abdom... ORPHA:897
Pyloric Atresia
Congenital pyloric atresia OMIM:265950
Neuroendocrine Neoplasm Of Appendix
Adenocarcinoma of the colon, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Abdominal c... ORPHA:100079
Congenital Lipoid Adrenal Hyperplasia Due To Star Deficency
Vomiting, Abnormal female external genitalia morphology, Endometrial carcinoma, Male pseudohermap... ORPHA:90790
Familial Multinodular Goiter
Sertoli cell neoplasm, Pleuropulmonary blastoma, Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, Thyroid carcinoma, Pi... ORPHA:276399
Colonic Atresia
Peptic ulcer, Colonic atresia, Abdominal situs inversus, Abnormal mesentery morphology, Duodenal ... ORPHA:1198
Immunodeficiency 104
Gastroesophageal reflux, Diarrhea, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomegaly, T lymphocytopenia OMIM:608971
Cholesteryl Ester Storage Disease
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Diarrhea, Acute hepatic failure, Hepatosplenomegaly, Hypersplenism, He... OMIM:278000
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Splenomegaly, Cirrhosis, Gastric varix, ... OMIM:613490
Macrocephaly-Intellectual Disability-Neurodevelopmental Disorder-Small Thorax Syndrome
Intestinal polyp, Cryptorchidism, Lactose intolerance, Hemangioma, Protuberant abdomen, Hypospadias ORPHA:457485
Endometriosis, Susceptibility To, 1
Endometriosis OMIM:131200
Radiation Proctitis
Hematochezia, Diarrhea, Tenesmus, Abnormal rectum morphology, Intestinal obstruction, Abdominal p... ORPHA:70475
Polyposis, Skin Pigmentation, Alopecia, And Fingernail Changes
Protein-losing enteropathy, Gastrointestinal carcinoma, Hematochezia, Xerostomia, Diarrhea, Vomit... OMIM:175500
Diarrhea, Nausea and vomiting, Intestinal obstruction, Parathyroid adenoma, Anorexia, Hepatomegal... ORPHA:97283
Secondary Short Bowel Syndrome
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Volvulus, Malnutrition, Cholestasis, Villous atrophy, Abnormal small intestin... ORPHA:95427
Cholesteryl Ester Storage Disease
Hepatic failure, Diarrhea, Nausea and vomiting, Splenomegaly, Cirrhosis, Hepatomegaly, Jaundice, ... ORPHA:75234
Spermatogenic Failure 75
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility, Spermatocyte maturation arrest OMIM:619949
Intrinsic Factor And R Binder, Combined Congenital Deficiency Of
Absence of intrinsic factor OMIM:243320
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Diarrhea, Pituitary prolactin cell adenoma, Pituitary null cell adenoma, Esophagitis, Intestinal ... ORPHA:913
Peritoneal Cystic Mesothelioma
Neoplasm, Peritonitis, Constipation, Abdominal distention, Abdominal pain ORPHA:168816
Polycystic Liver Disease 1 With Or Without Kidney Cysts
Ascites, Polycystic liver disease, Abdominal distention OMIM:174050
Solitary Fibrous Tumor
Uterine neoplasm, Genital neoplasm, Vaginal neoplasm, Neoplasm, Prostate cancer, Soft tissue neop... ORPHA:2126
Coproporphyria, Hereditary
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Increased fecal coproporphyrin 3, Splenomegaly, Increased fecal coproporphyri... OMIM:121300
Pancreas, Annular
High intestinal obstruction, Duodenal stenosis OMIM:167750
Annular Pancreas
High intestinal obstruction, Duodenal stenosis ORPHA:675
Oculogastrointestinal Muscular Dystrophy
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Gastroparesis, Malabsorption, Abnormal gastric mucosa morphology, ... ORPHA:1876
Complement Hyperactivation, Angiopathic Thrombosis, And Protein-Losing Enteropathy
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Intestinal lymphangiectasia, Malabsorption, Intestinal obstruction, Abnormal ... OMIM:226300
Neutrophilia, Hereditary
Myelodysplasia, Splenomegaly, Neutrophilia OMIM:162830
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 11
Hepatomegaly, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration, Elevated circulating... OMIM:619874
Barrett Esophagus
Barrett esophagus, Esophageal carcinoma, Gastroesophageal reflux, Esophageal ulceration OMIM:614266
Spermatogenic Failure 38
Reduced sperm motility, Tapered sperm head, Abnormal sperm head morphology, Absent sperm flagella... OMIM:618433
Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome, Types I And Ii
Male infertility OMIM:261550
Mismatch Repair Cancer Syndrome 1
Adenocarcinoma of the colon, T-cell lymphoma, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Oligodendroglioma, Ependymoma, ... OMIM:276300
Full Schwannomatosis
Peripheral schwannoma, Meningioma, Lumbosacral hemangioma, Schwannoma, Neoplasm, Neoplasm of the ... ORPHA:93921
Erythroleukemia, Familial, Susceptibility To
Leukemia, Erythroid hyperplasia, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Acute myeloid leukemia, Thrombocytopenia, ... OMIM:133180
Congenital Bile Acid Synthesis Defect Type 1
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Malabsorpti... ORPHA:79301
Thyroid Cancer, Nonmedullary, 4
Basal cell carcinoma, Ovarian neoplasm, Prostate cancer, Papillary thyroid carcinoma OMIM:616534
Isochromosomy Yp
Azoospermia, Male infertility ORPHA:98797
Cirrhosis, Familial
Biliary cirrhosis, Micronodular cirrhosis, Ascites, Cirrhosis, Abdominal distention, Jaundice, Fu... OMIM:215600
Immunodeficiency 76
Lymphopenia, Splenomegaly, Chronic diarrhea, B-cell lymphoma, Lymphadenopathy, B lymphocytopenia,... OMIM:619164
Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Gastroesophageal reflux, Diarrhea, Vomit... ORPHA:298
Alpha-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase Deficiency Type 3
Hepatomegaly ORPHA:79281
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Anal Canal
Anal stenosis, Intestinal bleeding, Neoplasm of the skeletal system, Neoplasm of the liver, Neopl... ORPHA:424019
Immunodeficiency 84
B-cell lymphoma, Perianal abscess, Splenomegaly, B lymphocytopenia OMIM:619437
Hereditary Amyloidosis With Primary Renal Involvement
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Gastroesophageal reflux, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Decreased liver functio... ORPHA:85450
Visceral Myopathy, Familial, With External Ophthalmoplegia
Malnutrition, Gastroparesis, Abdominal distention, Abdominal pain, Spontaneous esophageal perfora... OMIM:277320
Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D With Periodic Fever
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Diarrhea, Recurrent aphthous stomatitis, Intestinal obstruction, Per... ORPHA:343
Spermatogenic Failure 44
Acephalic spermatozoa, Male infertility, Reduced sperm motility OMIM:619044
Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma
Lymphoma, Splenomegaly, B-cell lymphoma, Lymphadenopathy, Anorexia, Hepatomegaly, Breast carcinoma ORPHA:86893
Progressive Essential Tremor-Speech Impairment-Facial Dysmorphism-Intellectual Disability-Abnormal Behavior Syndrome
High, narrow palate, Melanoma, Endometrial carcinoma, Breast carcinoma ORPHA:457212
Benign Schwannoma
Peripheral schwannoma, Schwannoma, Abnormality of the liver, Vestibular schwannoma, Intestinal po... ORPHA:252164
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 8A (Zellweger)
Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration, Feeding difficulties in infancy, H... OMIM:614876
Primary Hepatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Neuroendocrine neoplasm, Diarrhea, Abdom... ORPHA:100085
Congenital Tufting Enteropathy
Cholestatic liver disease, Vomiting, Secretory diarrhea, Abnormal large intestinal mucosa morphol... ORPHA:92050
Amoebiasis Due To Entamoeba Histolytica
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Diarrhea, Protracted diarrhea, Bloody di... ORPHA:67
Mismatch Repair Cancer Syndrome 3
Lymphoma, Astrocytoma, Neoplasm of the rectum, Lisch nodules, T-cell lymphoma, Glioblastoma multi... OMIM:619097
Gallbladder Neuroendocrine Tumor
Biliary tract neoplasm, Neuroendocrine neoplasm, Ascites, Anorexia, Chronic noninfectious lymphad... ORPHA:100086
Hypertriglyceridemia, Transient Infantile
Hepatic fibrosis, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Vomiting, Hepatic stea... OMIM:614480
Growth Delay Due To Insulin-Like Growth Factor Type 1 Deficiency
Small placenta, Delayed eruption of teeth, Low posterior hairline ORPHA:73272
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 50
Reduced progressive sperm motility, Short sperm flagella, Reduced sperm motility, Male infertilit... OMIM:620356
Diarrhea, Nausea and vomiting, Intestinal obstruction, Parathyroid adenoma, Anorexia, Hepatomegal... ORPHA:97280
Hereditary Persistence Of Fetal Hemoglobin-Beta-Thalassemia Syndrome
Hepatomegaly, Anemia, Splenomegaly, Persistence of hemoglobin F ORPHA:46532
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome
Abnormality of the liver, Abnormal gastric mucosa morphology, Biliary tract abnormality, Abdomina... ORPHA:234
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Ih
Protein-losing enteropathy, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Decreased liver function, Cholestasis, Ascites, A... OMIM:608104
Neural Tube Defects, Folate-Sensitive
Spinal dysraphism OMIM:601634
Stillbirth OMIM:265880
Congenital Enterocyte Heparan Sulfate Deficiency
Protein-losing enteropathy, Diarrhea, Hematochezia, Abdominal distention ORPHA:103910
Cowden Syndrome 1
Varicocele, Thyroid adenoma, Colonic diverticula, Subcutaneous lipoma, Meningioma, Fibroadenoma o... OMIM:158350
Melanoma-Pancreatic Cancer Syndrome
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, Melanoma, Squamous cell carcino... OMIM:606719
Galactose Epimerase Deficiency
Nausea and vomiting, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Jaundice, Feeding difficulties ORPHA:79238
Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor
Precocious puberty, Neoplasm of the scrotum, Uterine neoplasm, Anorexia, Nausea and vomiting, Neo... ORPHA:370348
Hemoglobin H Disease
HbH hemoglobin, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Reduced alpha/beta synthesis ratio, Hemolytic anemia OMIM:613978
Chylomicronemia, Familial, Due To Circulating Inhibitor Of Lipoprotein Lipase
Abdominal pain, Recurrent pancreatitis, Splenomegaly OMIM:118830
Cowden Syndrome 6
Varicocele, Thyroid adenoma, Colonic diverticula, Subcutaneous lipoma, Meningioma, Fibroadenoma o... OMIM:615109
Secondary Intestinal Lymphangiectasia
Increased stool alpha1-antitrypsin concentration, Intestinal bleeding, Vomiting, Abdominal colic,... ORPHA:90363
Ménétrier Disease
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Gastroesophageal reflux, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Malnutrition, Stomach c... ORPHA:2494
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 2
Intrahepatic cholestasis, Diarrhea, Splenomegaly, Intermittent jaundice, Cirrhosis, Hepatomegaly,... OMIM:601847
Oligodontia-Colorectal Cancer Syndrome
Fundic gland polyposis, Breast carcinoma, Adenomatous colonic polyposis, Colon cancer OMIM:608615
Chronic Intestinal Pseudoobstruction
Intestinal malrotation, Abnormal intestine morphology, Pyloric stenosis ORPHA:2978
Cholestasis-Lymphedema Syndrome
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Portal hypertension, Splenomegaly, Neonatal cholestatic liver diseas... ORPHA:1414
Lambert Syndrome
Branchial anomaly ORPHA:1296
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome
Uterine neoplasm, Abnormal large intestine morphology, Lymphoma, Capillary hemangioma, Meningioma... ORPHA:109
Macroglossia, Constipation, Feeding difficulties, Abdominal distention ORPHA:95713
Chylomicron Retention Disease
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Acanthocytosis, Hepa... ORPHA:71
Leiomyoma Of Vulva And Esophagus
Clitoral hypertrophy, Esophageal obstruction OMIM:150700
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn Disease) 30
Protein-losing enteropathy, Vomiting, Bloody diarrhea, Esophagitis, Pancolitis, Ileitis, Abnormal... OMIM:619079
Visceral Myopathy 1
Microcolon, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Malnutrition, Gastroparesis, Megad... OMIM:155310
Mccune-Albright Syndrome
Precocious puberty, Intestinal polyposis, Pituitary adenoma OMIM:174800
Glycoprotein Storage Disease
Splenomegaly OMIM:232900
Silver-Russell Syndrome Due To A Point Mutation
Small placenta, Oligohydramnios ORPHA:397590
Familial Melanoma
Melanoma, Neoplasm of the stomach, Neoplasm of the breast, Neoplasm of the pancreas ORPHA:618
Steinert Myotonic Dystrophy
Abnormality of the tongue muscle, Neoplasm of the skin, Cholelithiasis, Elevated circulating hepa... ORPHA:273
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 16 (Hepatic Type)
Depletion of mitochondrial DNA in liver, Cholestasis, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransfe... OMIM:618528
Diarrhea 2, With Microvillus Atrophy, With Or Without Cholestasis
Abnormal intestine morphology, Villous atrophy, Malnutrition, Protracted diarrhea OMIM:251850
Hepatoportal Sclerosis
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of liver, Periportal fibrosis, Elevated circulating hepatic tran... ORPHA:64743
Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis
Cholestasis, Neoplasm, Malabsorption, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Jaundice ORPHA:172
Chylous Ascites
Ascites, Neoplasm, Pancreatitis, Abnormal intestine morphology ORPHA:1160
Portal Hypertension, Noncirrhotic, 2
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of liver, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentratio... OMIM:619463
Systemic Primary Carnitine Deficiency
Hepatomegaly, Vomiting, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration ORPHA:158
Porphyria Due To Ala Dehydratase Deficiency
Diarrhea, Increased fecal coproporphyrin 3, Nausea, Constipation, Episodic vomiting, Abdominal di... ORPHA:100924
Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency
Hepatic failure, Splenomegaly, Pyloric stenosis ORPHA:664
Gonadal neoplasm, Neoplasm of head and neck, Abdominal distention, Isosexual precocious puberty, ... ORPHA:180229
Hepatosplenomegaly, Protuberant abdomen ORPHA:221054
Cowden Syndrome 5
Thyroid adenoma, Colonic diverticula, Subcutaneous lipoma, Meningioma, Furrowed tongue, Ovarian c... OMIM:615108
Familial Pancreatic Carcinoma
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Colon can... ORPHA:1333
Proteasome-Associated Autoinflammatory Syndrome 5
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly OMIM:619175
Niemann-Pick Disease, Type A
Vomiting, Sea-blue histiocytosis, Ascites, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concen... OMIM:257200
Autoinflammation With Episodic Fever And Lymphadenopathy
Recurrent tonsillitis, Microcytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomegaly, Abdominal ... OMIM:618852
Trichothiodystrophy 1, Photosensitive
Hypogonadism, Malabsorption, Intestinal obstruction, Squamous cell carcinoma, Basal cell carcinom... OMIM:601675
Waardenburg Syndrome
Abnormal vagina morphology, Abnormality of the uterus, Intestinal obstruction, Aganglionic megaco... ORPHA:3440
Acquired Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Associated With Malignant Disease
Hemophagocytosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Pancytopenia, Hodgkin lymphoma, Hematological neoplasm, Acu... ORPHA:158057
Familial Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma With Renal Papillary Neoplasia
Colon cancer, Neoplasm of head and neck, Papillary renal cell carcinoma, Papillary thyroid carcin... ORPHA:97290
Porphyria, Acute Intermittent
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Paralytic ileus, Nausea, Constipation, Abdominal pain, Hepatocellular carcinoma OMIM:176000
Azoospermia, Obstructive, With Nephrolithiasis
Obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:301060
Bile Acid Synthesis Defect, Congenital, 1
Intrahepatic cholestasis, Hepatic failure, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentratio... OMIM:607765
Juvenile Polyposis Of Infancy
High, narrow palate, Protein-losing enteropathy, Freckled genitalia, Intestinal bleeding, Gastroi... ORPHA:79076
Megacystis-Microcolon-Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome
Microcolon, Intestinal malrotation, Neoplasm of the heart, Cryptorchidism, Nausea and vomiting, A... ORPHA:2241
Kagami-Ogata Syndrome Due To Maternal 14Q32.2 Hypermethylation
Polyhydramnios, Large placenta, Diastasis recti, Umbilical hernia ORPHA:254534
Mast Cell Sarcoma
Mastocytosis, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomegaly, Sarcoma, Mediastinal lymphadenopathy ORPHA:66661
Persistent Polyclonal B-Cell Lymphocytosis
Hepatomegaly, Lymphocytosis, Splenomegaly OMIM:606445
Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome
Hematochezia, Diarrhea, Intussusception, Duodenal adenocarcinoma, Multiple gastric polyps, Abdomi... OMIM:174900
Galactosemia Iv
Hepatomegaly, Prolonged neonatal jaundice OMIM:618881
Combined Saposin Deficiency
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Feeding difficulties OMIM:611721
Fetal Akinesia Deformation Sequence 1
Congenital contracture, Premature birth, Decreased muscle mass, Camptodactyly of finger, Small pl... OMIM:208150
Vomiting, Ependymoma, Neoplasm of the liver, Supratentorial neoplasm, Spinal cord tumor, Ovarian ... ORPHA:251639
Vomiting, Ependymoma, Neoplasm of the liver, Supratentorial neoplasm, Spinal cord tumor, Ovarian ... ORPHA:251636
Castleman Disease
Nausea and vomiting, Follicular hyperplasia, Intestinal obstruction, Anemia, Abnormality of the g... ORPHA:160
Liver Failure, Infantile, Transient
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Vomiting, Acute hepatic failure, Microve... OMIM:613070
Spina Bifida-Hypospadias Syndrome
Spinal dysraphism, Spina bifida ORPHA:3176
Bile Acid Synthesis Defect, Congenital, 2
Intrahepatic cholestasis, Hepatic failure, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentratio... OMIM:235555
Hypereosinophilic Syndrome, Idiopathic
Hepatomegaly, Eosinophilia, Myeloproliferative disorder, Splenomegaly OMIM:607685
Spermatogenic Failure 15
Spermatogenesis maturation arrest, Non-obstructive azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:616950
Activated Pi3K-Delta Syndrome
Recurrent tonsillitis, Lymphoma, Splenomegaly, Abnormal intestine morphology, Lymphadenopathy, In... ORPHA:397596
Encephalopathy Due To Prosaposin Deficiency
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly ORPHA:139406
Neutropenia, Severe Congenital, 5, Autosomal Recessive
Extramedullary hematopoiesis, Leukopenia, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Neutropenia, He... OMIM:615285
Neutropenia, Severe Congenital, 9, Autosomal Dominant
Splenomegaly OMIM:619813
Immunodeficiency 16
Pancytopenia, Coombs-positive hemolytic anemia, Splenomegaly, Kaposi's sarcoma OMIM:615593
Autoinflammatory Syndrome, Familial, With Or Without Immunodeficiency
Splenomegaly, Hodgkin lymphoma, Decreased proportion of class-switched memory B cells, Lymphadeno... OMIM:619375
Spermatogenic Failure 2
Non-obstructive azoospermia, Azoospermia, Male infertility, Oligozoospermia OMIM:108420
Macrosomia-Microphthalmia-Cleft Palate Syndrome
Hepatomegaly, Median cleft palate ORPHA:2432
Igg4-Related Aortitis
Abdominal pain, Intestinal obstruction ORPHA:449400
Currarino Syndrome
Anal stenosis, Gastrointestinal obstruction, Septate vagina, Chronic constipation, Anal fistula, ... OMIM:176450
Pulmonary Fibrosis And/Or Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome, Telomere-Related, 8
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of liver, Hepatic failure, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Po... OMIM:620367
Galactosemia Iii
Hepatomegaly, Jaundice, Vomiting, Splenomegaly OMIM:230350
Hemoglobin D Disease
Reduced beta/alpha synthesis ratio, Reduced hemoglobin A, Imbalanced hemoglobin synthesis, Spleno... ORPHA:90039
Mosaic Variegated Aneuploidy Syndrome
Rhabdomyosarcoma, Vaginal neoplasm, Stomach cancer, Myelodysplasia, Intestinal polyposis, Nephrob... ORPHA:1052
Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Hepatic fibrosis, Hepatic failure, Biliary cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Celiac disease, Steatorrhea, Asc... ORPHA:186
Beta-Thalassemia, Dominant Inclusion Body Type
Persistence of hemoglobin F, Microcytic anemia, Increased HbA2 hemoglobin, Splenomegaly, Erythroc... OMIM:603902
Hyperbilirubinemia, Shunt, Primary
Erythroid hyperplasia, Splenomegaly, Reticulocytosis, Anemia of inadequate production, Hepatomega... OMIM:237800
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 10
Portal fibrosis, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration, Splenomegaly, Ele... OMIM:619868
Mullerian Derivatives, Persistence Of, With Lymphangiectasia And Postaxial Polydactyly
Protein-losing enteropathy, Hepatic failure, Abdominal distention, Ascites, Pancreatic lymphangie... OMIM:235255
Isochromosomy Yq
Azoospermia, Male infertility ORPHA:98798
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 3
Intrahepatic cholestasis, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Portal inflamm... OMIM:602347
Hemolytic Disease Of Fetus And Newborn, Rh-Induced
Hepatomegaly, Fetal ascites, Splenomegaly OMIM:619462
Aicardi Syndrome
Precocious puberty, Gastroesophageal reflux, Malabsorption, Intestinal polyposis, Hiatus hernia, ... ORPHA:50
Glucose/Galactose Malabsorption
Hyperactive bowel sounds, Malabsorption, Chronic diarrhea, Abdominal distention OMIM:606824
Microvillus Inclusion Disease
Diarrhea, Villous atrophy, Abdominal distention, Abnormal small intestinal villus morphology ORPHA:2290
Ras-Associated Autoimmune Leukoproliferative Disorder
Leukemia, Lymphoma, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Follicular hyperplasia, Lymphocytosis, Neutropeni... OMIM:614470
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, Dyserythropoietic Anemia, And Calvarial Hyperostosis
Malnutrition, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, Splenomegaly, Anemia of inadequate production, H... OMIM:612714
Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis
Hepatomegaly, Multiple lipomas ORPHA:2398
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, X-Linked, 2
Inflammation of the large intestine, Aplastic anemia, Hepatitis, Hemophagocytosis, Pancytopenia, ... OMIM:300635
Pfapa Syndrome
Malabsorption, Nausea and vomiting, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Hepatomegaly, Abdominal pain ORPHA:42642
Bile Acid Synthesis Defect, Congenital, 3
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Intrahepatic cholestasis, Hepatic failure, Hematochezia, Diarrhea, Hep... OMIM:613812
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 1
Cholelithiasis, Diarrhea, Splenomegaly, Cirrhosis, Intrahepatic cholestasis with episodic jaundic... OMIM:211600
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 51
Irregularly shaped sperm tail, Reduced progressive sperm motility, Short sperm flagella, Oligozoo... OMIM:620438
Cholestasis-Lymphedema Syndrome
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Malabsorption, Neonatal cholestatic live... OMIM:214900
Thyroid Hemiagenesis
Macroglossia, Thyroid adenoma, Follicular thyroid carcinoma, Abdominal distention, Medullary thyr... ORPHA:95719
Increased fecal harderoporphyrin, Vomiting, Reticulocytosis, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Prolonge... OMIM:618892
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 9
Malformation of the hepatic ductal plate, Intrahepatic cholestasis, Diarrhea, Micronodular cirrho... OMIM:619849
Diarrhea 3, Secretory Sodium, Congenital, With Or Without Other Congenital Anomalies
Secretory diarrhea, Intestinal malrotation, Abdominal distention, Anal atresia, Rectovaginal fist... OMIM:270420
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 12
Cholestasis, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration, Splenomegaly, Elevate... OMIM:620010
Gaucher Disease Type 2
Hepatomegaly, Dysphagia, Splenomegaly ORPHA:77260
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Spontaneous hemolytic crises, Cholelithiasis, Increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration... ORPHA:822
Qazi-Markouizos Syndrome
High, narrow palate, Cryptorchidism, Chronic constipation, Abdominal distention ORPHA:3010
Müllerian Derivatives-Lymphangiectasia-Polydactyly Syndrome
Protein-losing enteropathy, Hepatic failure, Abdominal distention, Ascites, Pancreatic lymphangie... ORPHA:1655
Nut Midline Carcinoma
Ewing sarcoma, Neoplasm, Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, Pancreatoblastoma, Squamous cell ... ORPHA:443167
Hyperparathyroidism-Jaw Tumor Syndrome
Peptic ulcer, Renal hamartoma, Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Thyroid carcinoma, Nausea and vomiting,... ORPHA:99880
Caroli Disease
Cholestasis, Cirrhosis, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration, Anorexia, He... ORPHA:53035
Familial Papillary Or Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma
Follicular thyroid carcinoma, Neoplasm of head and neck, Papillary renal cell carcinoma, Papillar... ORPHA:319487
Meckel Syndrome, Type 8
Enlarged kidney, Cleft palate, Abdominal distention OMIM:613885
Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis
Gastroesophageal reflux, Malabsorption, Nausea and vomiting, Intestinal obstruction, Abdominal pa... ORPHA:183
Cancer-Associated Retinopathy
Small cell lung carcinoma, Thymoma, Uterine neoplasm, Cutaneous melanoma, Pancreatic adenocarcino... ORPHA:71505
Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency
Diarrhea, Hepatosplenomegaly, Hypersplenism, Nausea and vomiting, Fatal liver failure in infancy,... ORPHA:275761
Anemia, Nonspherocytic Hemolytic, Possibly Due To Defect In Porphyrin Metabolism
Jaundice, Splenomegaly, Nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia OMIM:206400
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Periodontal Type, 2
Nephroblastoma, Colon cancer OMIM:617174
Porphyria Variegata
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Abnormality of the liver, Ileus, Nausea,... ORPHA:79473
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 32
Testicular atrophy, Azoospermia, Male infertility ORPHA:276183
Congenital Hypothyroidism Due To Maternal Intake Of Antithyroid Drugs
Feeding difficulties in infancy, Constipation, Protuberant abdomen, Abdominal distention, Prolong... ORPHA:226313
Splenomegaly Syndrome With Splenic Germinal Center Hypoplasia And Reduced Circulating T Helper Cells
Hypersplenism, Pancytopenia, Splenomegaly, Decreased helper T cell proportion OMIM:183350
Parathyroid Carcinoma
Peptic ulcer, Renal hamartoma, Parathyroid carcinoma, Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Thyroid carcinom... ORPHA:143
Syndromic Recessive X-Linked Ichthyosis
Acute leukemia, Hypogonadism, Abnormal stomach morphology, Cryptorchidism, Testicular seminoma ORPHA:281090
Sepsis In Premature Infants
Diarrhea, Abdominal distention, Vomiting, Decreased liver function, Functional abnormality of the... ORPHA:90051
Hepatic fibrosis, Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Protein-losing enteropathy, Vomiting, Diarrhea, De... ORPHA:79319
Sclerosing Cholangitis, Neonatal
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Hepatic failure, Portal fibrosis, Biliary cirrhosis, Cholestasis, Asci... OMIM:617394
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Biosynthesis Defect 1
Portal vein thrombosis, Hepatomegaly, Portal hypertension, Splenomegaly OMIM:610293
Sea-Blue Histiocyte Disease
Sea-blue histiocytosis, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration, Splenomega... OMIM:269600
Hepatitis, Fulminant Viral, Susceptibility To
Hepatic failure, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Nausea, Hepatomegaly, J... OMIM:618549
Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma
Bone marrow hypocellularity, Lymphoma, Neoplasm, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Anorexia, Hepatom... ORPHA:391
Bile Acid Synthesis Defect, Congenital, 5
Hepatic fibrosis, Hepatic failure, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Porta... OMIM:616278
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iij
Hepatic failure, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Recurrent infection of ... OMIM:613489
Punctate Palmoplantar Keratoderma Type 1
Adenocarcinoma of the colon, Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Stomach cancer, Prostate cancer, Esophage... ORPHA:79501
Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome
Abdominal distention, Recurrent infection of the gastrointestinal tract, Leukocytosis, Nausea, An... ORPHA:51890
Immunodeficiency 48
Abnormal B cell count, Splenomegaly, Impaired lymphocyte transformation with phytohemagglutinin, ... OMIM:269840
Combined Immunodeficiency-Enteropathy Spectrum
Peritoneal abscess, Abdominal distention, Jejunoileal ulceration, Hepatitis, Intestinal malrotati... ORPHA:436252
Fanconi-Bickel Syndrome
Hepatic failure, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration, Abnormal hepatic ... ORPHA:2088
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 6 (Hepatocerebral Type)
Hepatic failure, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Micronodular cirrhosis, Hepatocellular necrosis, Cholestasis... OMIM:256810
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, Familial, 5, With Or Without Microvillus Inclusion Disease
Hemophagocytosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Thrombocytopenia, Anemia, Co... OMIM:613101
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Ib
Hepatic fibrosis, Hepatic failure, Protein-losing enteropathy, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Villous atroph... OMIM:602579
Branchiogenic-Deafness Syndrome
Branchial fistula, Branchial cyst OMIM:609166
Nephrotic Syndrome, Type 1
Gastroesophageal reflux, Abdominal distention, Pyloric stenosis OMIM:256300
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iio
Cholestatic liver disease, Hepatic failure, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentrati... OMIM:616828
X-Linked Microcephaly-Growth Retardation-Prognathism-Cryptorchidism Syndrome
Ankle flexion contracture, Branchial cyst, Knee flexion contracture, Pulmonary artery stenosis, C... ORPHA:435938
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 3
Hepatomegaly, Feeding difficulties, Episodic vomiting OMIM:618224
Respiratory Infections, Recurrent, And Failure To Thrive With Or Without Diarrhea
Gastroesophageal reflux, Vomiting, Hilar lymph node enlargement, Cholestasis, Leukocytosis, Abdom... OMIM:620233
Neuroendocrine Tumor Of The Rectum
Hematochezia, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Lack of bowel sounds, Tene... ORPHA:100081
Neuroendocrine Tumor Of Anal Canal
Hematochezia, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Lack of bowel sounds, Tene... ORPHA:100082
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Adenomatous colonic polyposis, Nausea an... ORPHA:616
Necrotizing Encephalomyelopathy, Subacute, Of Leigh, Adult
Gastric hypertrophy, Gastric ulcer OMIM:161700
Sanjad-Sakati Syndrome
Hypoplasia of penis, Cryptorchidism, Intestinal obstruction ORPHA:2323
Thoraco-Abdominal Enteric Duplication
Hepatomegaly, Intestinal malrotation, Duodenal stenosis ORPHA:1759
Familial Mediterranean Fever
Diarrhea, Oral leukoplakia, Acute hepatic failure, Gastrointestinal infarctions, Malabsorption, N... ORPHA:342
Neu-Laxova Syndrome 1
Broad neck, Hydranencephaly, Joint contracture of the hand, Small placenta, Polyhydramnios, Short... OMIM:256520
Mitochondrial Myopathy With Reversible Cytochrome C Oxidase Deficiency
Abnormality of the liver, Nasogastric tube feeding in infancy, Hepatomegaly, Macroglossia, High p... ORPHA:254864
Immunodysregulation, Polyendocrinopathy, And Enteropathy, X-Linked
Chronic diarrhea, Villous atrophy, Hepatitis, Ileus OMIM:304790
Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Ascites, Abdominal pain, Hepatomegaly, J... ORPHA:890
Neuroendocrine Tumor Of The Colon
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Lack of bowel sounds, Protracted diarrhe... ORPHA:100080
Mitochondrial Complex Iii Deficiency, Nuclear Type 3
Hepatomegaly, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration, Elevated circulating... OMIM:615158
Neonatal Severe Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly ORPHA:417
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Abnormal lymph node morphology, Pancreatic calcification, Abdominal pain, Abd... ORPHA:677
Kagami-Ogata Syndrome Due To Maternal 14Q32.2 Microdeletion
Umbilical hernia, Large placenta, Diastasis recti, Polyhydramnios, Redundant neck skin, Wrist fle... ORPHA:254528
Acute Intermittent Porphyria
Diarrhea, Pseudobulbar paralysis, Ileus, Nausea and vomiting, Constipation, Abdominal distention,... ORPHA:79276
Spermatogenic Failure 77
Azoospermia, Multiflagellar spermatozoa, Oligozoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:620103
Global Developmental Delay, Lung Cysts, Overgrowth, And Wilms Tumor
Protuberant abdomen, Nephroblastoma OMIM:618272
Immune Dysregulation With Autoimmunity, Immunodeficiency, And Lymphoproliferation
Atrophic gastritis, Diarrhea, Lymphopenia, Lymphocytic infiltration of the colorectal mucosa, Spl... OMIM:616100
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iir
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Micronodular cirrhosis, Decreased liver ... OMIM:301045
X-Linked Creatine Transporter Deficiency
Aganglionic megacolon, Ileus, Constipation ORPHA:52503
Letterer-Siwe Disease
Abdominal distention, Hepatosplenomegaly, Neutropenia, Thrombocytopenia, Anemia, Jaundice OMIM:246400
X-Linked Mandibulofacial Dysostosis
Webbed neck, Abnormality of the pulmonary artery, Branchial anomaly, Pulmonic stenosis ORPHA:1131
Mirizzi Syndrome
Cholelithiasis, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Vomiting, Abdominal dist... ORPHA:521219
Splenoportal Vascular Anomalies
Hepatic fibrosis, Ascites, Splenomegaly, Cirrhosis, Anomalous splenoportal venous system OMIM:271500
Branchiootic Syndrome 3
Branchial cyst OMIM:608389
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia-Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia-Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Hepatitis, Lymphopenia, Splenomegaly, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Autoimmune th... ORPHA:444463
Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome 6
Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia, Hepatomegaly, Hemolytic anemia, Feeding difficulties OMIM:615010
Megacystis-Microcolon-Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome 4
Hypoperistalsis, Abdominal distention OMIM:619365
Trichohepatoenteric Syndrome 2
Diarrhea, Villous atrophy, Cirrhosis, Chronic hepatitis, Hepatomegaly, Colitis, Chronic diarrhea,... OMIM:614602
Immunodeficiency 69
Diarrhea, Hemophagocytosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Pancytopenia, Leukocytosis, Splenomegaly, Thrombo... OMIM:618963
Immunodeficiency 42
Hepatomegaly, Hypoplasia of the thymus, Splenomegaly OMIM:616622
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 21
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Hepatic fibrosis, Hepatic failure, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly OMIM:616719
Meconium Ileus
Microcolon, Chronic diarrhea, Meconium ileus OMIM:614665
Klatskin Tumor
Abdominal pain, Lymphadenopathy, Cholangiocarcinoma, Hepatomegaly, Jaundice, Extrahepatic cholest... ORPHA:99978
Hepatic failure, Vomiting, Tenesmus, Ulcerative colitis, Cholestasis, Bloody diarrhea, Paralytic ... ORPHA:810
Celiac Disease, Susceptibility To, 1
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Lymphoma, Recurrent ... OMIM:212750
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable, 2
Abnormal T cell count, Diarrhea, Lymphoma, Neoplasm, Splenomegaly, Follicular hyperplasia, Lympha... OMIM:240500
Glycogen Storage Disease Ixb
Hepatomegaly, Diarrhea, Splenomegaly, Increased hepatic glycogen content OMIM:261750
Cholestasis, Progressive Familial Intrahepatic, 7, With Or Without Hearing Loss
Hepatic bridging fibrosis, Hepatic fibrosis, Cholestasis, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotra... OMIM:619658
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Diarrhea, Abdominal distention, Vomiting, Hypoactive bowel sounds, Ascites, Leukocytosis, Periton... ORPHA:391673
Glycogen Storage Disease Vi
Hepatomegaly, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Increased hepatic glycogen... OMIM:232700
Autoinflammation With Infantile Enterocolitis
Reduced natural killer cell count, Secretory diarrhea, Pancytopenia, Villous atrophy, Splenomegal... OMIM:616050
Juvenile Polyposis/Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Syndrome
Hematochezia, Gastrointestinal carcinoma, Juvenile gastrointestinal polyposis, Hepatic arterioven... OMIM:175050
Hemochromatosis, Type 2B
Hepatic fibrosis, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Splenomegaly, Anemia, ... OMIM:613313
Pediatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, Ascites, Lymphopenia, Leukopenia, Abnormal... ORPHA:93552
Lipodystrophy, Congenital Generalized, Type 4
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Ileus, Hepatic steatosis, Constipation, ... OMIM:613327
Restrictive Dermopathy
Webbed neck, Natal tooth, Premature birth, Camptodactyly of finger, Small placenta, Large placent... ORPHA:1662
Vas Deferens, Congenital Bilateral Aplasia Of, X-Linked
Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:300985
Vas Deferens, Congenital Bilateral Aplasia Of
Azoospermia, Male infertility OMIM:277180
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 53
Hepatomegaly, Hypochromic microcytic anemia, Abdominal distention OMIM:619423
Immunodeficiency, X-Linked, With Magnesium Defect, Epstein-Barr Virus Infection, And Neoplasia
Lymphoma, Decreased CD4:CD8 ratio, Decreased proportion of CD4-positive helper T cells, Splenomeg... OMIM:300853
10Q22.3Q23.3 Microdeletion Syndrome
Intestinal polyposis ORPHA:276413
Mungan Syndrome
Barrett esophagus, Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Gastroparesis, Megaduodenum, Abdominal pain, Hy... OMIM:611376
Intrinsic Factor Deficiency
Megaloblastic erythroid hyperplasia, Increased mean corpuscular volume, Increased RBC distributio... OMIM:261000
Anemia, Sideroblastic, 3, Pyridoxine-Refractory
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Hepatosplenomegaly, Erythroid hyperplasi... OMIM:616860
Hereditary Fructose Intolerance
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Nausea, Chronic hepatic failure, Abdominal pain, Constipation, Abdominal dist... ORPHA:469
Thyroid Hypoplasia
Jaundice, Macroglossia, Constipation, Abdominal distention ORPHA:95720
Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome 4
Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Pancytopenia, Hepatosplenomegaly, Spleno... OMIM:610333
Adenocarcinoma Of The Anal Canal
Anal stenosis, Intestinal bleeding, Neoplasm of the skeletal system, Neoplasm of the liver, Neopl... ORPHA:424016
Pediatric Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatic fibrosis, Vomiting, Hepatic necrosis, Portal vein thrombosis, Hepatomegaly, Abdominal pain ORPHA:33402
Kasabach-Merritt Phenomenon
Neoplasm of the skin, Abdominal distention, Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, Capillary hemangio... ORPHA:2330
Beta-Thalassemia-X-Linked Thrombocytopenia Syndrome
Anemia, Splenomegaly, Thrombocytopenia, Abnormal hemoglobin ORPHA:231393
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 6A (Zellweger)
Hepatomegaly, Feeding difficulties in infancy, Decreased liver function OMIM:614870
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, Familial, 4
Hemophagocytosis, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Lymphadenopathy, Neutropenia, Thrombocytopenia, Hepatomeg... OMIM:603552
Pyloric Stenosis, Infantile Hypertrophic, 1
Projectile vomiting, Pyloric stenosis OMIM:179010
Biliary Atresia, Extrahepatic
Portal fibrosis, Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration, Atretic gallbladder, Ci... OMIM:210500
Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus
Intestinal bleeding, Volvulus, Abnormality of the liver, Hemangioma, Iron deficiency anemia, Thro... OMIM:112200
Splenomegaly, Protuberant abdomen, Hepatomegaly, Macroglossia, High palate OMIM:269921
Spondylocostal Dysostosis 1, Autosomal Recessive
Protuberant abdomen, Abdominal distention OMIM:277300
Cystic Fibrosis
Biliary cirrhosis, Diarrhea, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, Hepatosplenomegaly, Ileus, Rectal... OMIM:219700
Gaucher Disease, Type Ii
Gastroesophageal reflux, Splenomegaly, Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Protuberant abdomen, Hepatomegal... OMIM:230900