Not currently registered for phenotyping at IMPC

Phenotyping is currently not planned for a knockout strain of this gene.

Gene Summary

pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like 1

IMPC Data Collections

  • No Body Weight Data
  • No Embryo Imaging Data
  • No Viability Data

IMPC Phenotype Summary

Not Significant
Not tested


The IMPC applies a panel of phenotyping screens to characterise single-gene knockout mice by comparison to wild types. Click on the different tabs to visualise significant phenotypes identified by the IMPC, as well as all data that was measured.

lacZ Expression

Expression data not available

Associated Images

Images submitted by IMPC centres for a selection of procedures. Each set of images is available to view in our image comparator.

Phenotype associated images not available

Human diseases caused by Plagl1 mutations

The analysis uses data from IMPC, along with published data on other mouse mutants, in comparison to human disease reports in OMIM, Orphanet, and DECIPHER.

Phenotype comparisons summarize the similarity of mouse phenotypes with human disease phenotypes.

The table below shows human diseases associated to Plagl1 by orthology or direct annotation.

Disease Similarity of
Matching phenotypes Source
Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus
Abnormal heart morphology, Umbilical hernia ORPHA:99886
Paternal Uniparental Disomy Of Chromosome 6
Cardiomegaly, Umbilical hernia, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:96191

The table below shows human diseases predicted to be associated to Plagl1 by phenotypic similarity.

Disease Similarity of
Matching phenotypes Source
Atrioventricular Septal Defect 5
Hypoplastic left heart, Atrioventricular canal defect, Muscular ventricular septal defect OMIM:614474
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 2H
Muscular ventricular septal defect, Secundum atrial septal defect, Neonatal death OMIM:620203
Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Hypoplasia of the odontoid process, Genu valgum, Wind-swept defo... ORPHA:750
Geroderma Osteodysplasticum
Platyspondyly, Osteopenia, Progeroid facial appearance, Premature skin wrinkling, Femoral bowing,... OMIM:231070
Asbestos Intoxication
Cor pulmonale, Abnormal pulmonary interstitial morphology, Atelectasis, Interlobular septal thick... ORPHA:2302
Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome 2
Respiratory distress, Intrauterine growth retardation, Neonatal death, Bowing of the long bones, ... OMIM:619751
Odontochondrodysplasia 1
Flat acetabular roof, Cone-shaped epiphyses of the phalanges of the hand, Genu varum, Short metac... OMIM:184260
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Atelectasis, Respiratory distress, Emphysema, Central apnea, Dyspnea, Abnormal lung morphology, T... ORPHA:70589
Perching Syndrome
Respiratory distress, Cyanosis, Joint contracture, Camptodactyly, Scoliosis OMIM:617055
Surfactant Metabolism Dysfunction, Pulmonary, 3
Crazy paving pattern, Ground-glass opacification, Neonatal death, Tachypnea, Paraseptal emphysema... OMIM:610921
Transaldolase Deficiency
Biventricular hypertrophy, Telangiectasia, Atrial septal defect, Premature skin wrinkling ORPHA:101028
Acute Interstitial Pneumonia
Reticulonodular pattern on pulmonary HRCT, Atelectasis, Interlobular septal thickening, Ground-gl... ORPHA:79126
Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome 1
Short tibia, Metaphyseal rarefaction, Bowing of the long bones, Hypoplastic iliac body, Short nec... OMIM:601559
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 2D
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Muscular ventricular septal defect, Patent foramen ovale, Interstitial ca... OMIM:619371
Progeroid facial appearance, Large hands, Premature skin wrinkling OMIM:221790
Ventricular Septal Defect 1
Tetralogy of Fallot, Atrioventricular canal defect, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defe... OMIM:614429
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 3
Synostosis of carpal bones, Tracheomalacia, Atelectasis, Camptodactyly of finger, Cutaneous finge... ORPHA:896
Epiphyseal Dysplasia, Multiple, 1
Epiphyseal dysplasia, Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Hip osteoarthritis, Broad femoral neck, Ir... OMIM:132400
Aquagenic Palmoplantar Keratoderma
Abnormal phalangeal joint morphology of the hand, Palmoplantar keratoderma, Palmoplantar hyperhid... ORPHA:498359
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 47, And Lissencephaly
Respiratory distress, Recurrent respiratory infections, Bronchiectasis, Atelectasis OMIM:619466
Bronchogenic Cyst
Pneumonia, Pulmonary cyst, Bronchogenic cyst, Atelectasis, Abnormal pericardium morphology, Abnor... ORPHA:2357
Isolated Congenital Hypoglossia/Aglossia
Respiratory distress, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of fingers, Dyspnea, Aspiration pneumonia ORPHA:141152
Eiken Syndrome
Abnormal fingertip morphology, Epiphyseal dysplasia, Delayed epiphyseal ossification, High iliac ... ORPHA:79106
Osebold-Remondini Syndrome
Mesomelia, Short tibia, Short toe, Type A brachydactyly, Radial deviation of finger, Carpal synos... OMIM:112910
Respiratory Distress Syndrome In Premature Infants
Atelectasis, Respiratory distress, Pulmonary edema, Tachypnea, Dyspnea OMIM:267450
Platyspondylic Lethal Skeletal Dysplasia, Torrance Type
Radial bowing, Severe limb shortening, Short neck, Flat acetabular roof, Hypoplastic ischia, Ovoi... OMIM:151210
B3Galt6-Related Spondylodysplastic Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Atlantoaxial dislocation, Dysplasia of the femoral head, Mitral valve prolapse, Arachnodactyly, R... ORPHA:536467
Craniofaciofrontodigital Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Osteopenia, Premature skin wrinkling, Respiratory distress, Abnormal heart... ORPHA:363705
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant 2
Cutis laxa, Scoliosis, Premature skin wrinkling OMIM:614434
Small hand, Skin ulcer, Prematurely aged appearance, Excessive wrinkled skin, Joint hypermobility... ORPHA:2500
Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Atlantoaxial dislocation, Hypoplasia of the odontoid process, Ra... OMIM:177170
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant 3
Osteopenia, Premature skin wrinkling, Os odontoideum, Intrauterine growth retardation, Joint hype... OMIM:616603
Platyspondyly, Cone-shaped epiphysis, Square pelvis bone, Micromelia, Respiratory distress, Death... ORPHA:166272
Hypomyelination Neuropathy-Arthrogryposis Syndrome
Respiratory distress, Limitation of joint mobility ORPHA:2680
White Forelock With Malformations
Atrial septal defect, Prominent veins on trunk OMIM:277740
Abnormal heart morphology, Excessive wrinkled skin, Short neck, Adducted thumb, Long fingers, Abn... ORPHA:79333
Choreoathetosis And Congenital Hypothyroidism With Or Without Pulmonary Dysfunction
Atelectasis, Respiratory distress, Ground-glass opacification, Cystic pattern on pulmonary HRCT, ... OMIM:610978
Solitary Bone Cyst
Abnormal ilium morphology, Abnormal form of the vertebral bodies, Abnormal tibia morphology, Lyti... ORPHA:83468
Plectin-Related Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy R17
Bronchiolitis, Atelectasis, Decreased cervical spine flexion due to contractures of posterior cer... ORPHA:254361
Isolated Right Ventricular Hypoplasia
Muscular ventricular septal defect, Cyanosis, Patent foramen ovale, Cardiomegaly, Atrial septal d... ORPHA:439
Cutis laxa, Premature skin wrinkling ORPHA:228240
Tricuspid Atresia
Hypoplasia of right ventricle, Cyanosis, Patent foramen ovale, Ventricular septal defect, Transpo... ORPHA:1209
Non-Acquired Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency
Prolonged neonatal jaundice, Genu valgum, Premature skin wrinkling ORPHA:631
Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis
Recurrent pneumonia, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Tracheomalacia, Atelectasis, R... ORPHA:60032
Immunodeficiency 95
Recurrent viral pneumonia, Respiratory distress, Ground-glass opacification, Recurrent viral uppe... OMIM:619773
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
Transient pulmonary infiltrates, Aspiration pneumonia, Respiratory distress, Atelectasis, Intraut... ORPHA:70588
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 4
Cutis marmorata, Umbilical hernia, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:615297
Familial Nasal Acilia
Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Atelectasis, Respiratory distress, Dyspnea, Bronchi... ORPHA:922
C1Q Deficiency 2
Atelectasis, Facial erythema, Arthritis, Vasculitis in the skin, Recurrent lower respiratory trac... OMIM:620321
Lipodystrophy-Intellectual Disability-Deafness Syndrome
Osteopenia, Progeroid facial appearance, Dense metaphyseal bands, Intrauterine growth retardation... ORPHA:50811
Neurogenic Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita
Ankle flexion contracture, Respiratory distress, Elbow flexion contracture, Abnormal heart morpho... ORPHA:1143
Muscular Hypertonia, Lethal
Respiratory distress, Pneumonia, Death in infancy OMIM:254120
Acromesomelic Dysplasia 2A
Acromesomelia, Short tibia, Stillbirth, Aplasia/Hypoplasia involving the metacarpal bones, Distal... OMIM:200700
Infant Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Pneumonia, Atelectasis, Respiratory tract infection, Cyanosis, Pulmonary edema, Tachypnea, Nasal ... ORPHA:70587
Thanatophoric Dysplasia Type 1
Platyspondyly, Hypoplastic ilia, Micromelia, Joint stiffness, Femoral bowing, Redundant skin, Exc... ORPHA:1860
Idiopathic Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia
Atelectasis, Generalized abnormality of skin, Parenchymal consolidation, Pleural effusion, Abnorm... ORPHA:2902
Microphthalmia, Syndromic 8
Split foot, Premature skin wrinkling OMIM:601349
Smith-Mccort Dysplasia 2
Platyspondyly, Hypoplasia of the odontoid process, Broad femoral neck, Genu valgum, Enlarged inte... OMIM:615222
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 29
Recurrent respiratory infections, Situs inversus totalis, Bronchiectasis, Atelectasis OMIM:615872
Myotubular Myopathy With Abnormal Genital Development
Atelectasis, Respiratory distress, Death in infancy, Neonatal death, Joint hypermobility OMIM:300219
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 33
Recurrent pneumonia, Atelectasis, Recurrent bronchitis, Recurrent lower respiratory tract infecti... OMIM:616726
Radial bowing, Narrow vertebral interpedicular distance, Genu varum, Femoral bowing, Limited elbo... OMIM:100800
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 16
Respiratory distress, Recurrent respiratory infections, Bronchiolitis, Polydactyly OMIM:615993
Cardiac Valvular Dysplasia 1
Valvular pulmonary stenosis, Tricuspid stenosis, Muscular ventricular septal defect, Hypoplasia o... OMIM:212093
Surfactant Metabolism Dysfunction, Pulmonary, 2
Intralobular septal thickening, Bronchiectasis, Spontaneous pneumothorax, Recurrent pneumonia, In... OMIM:610913
Nicolaides-Baraitser Syndrome
Clubbing of toes, Broad distal phalanx of finger, Abnormal epiphysis morphology, Sandal gap, Exce... ORPHA:3051
Lethal Recessive Chondrodysplasia
Micromelia, Respiratory distress, Flared elbow metaphyses, Limb undergrowth, Generalized osteoscl... ORPHA:1423
Houge-Janssens Syndrome 3
Muscular ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Umbilical hernia OMIM:618354
Kniest Dysplasia
Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Platyspondyly, Rhizomelia, Dumbbell-shaped femur, Limitation of ... OMIM:156550
Muscular Dystrophy-Dystroglycanopathy (Congenital With Brain And Eye Anomalies), Type A, 10
Neural tube defect OMIM:615041
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 1A
Hand clenching, Joint contracture of the hand, Congenital hip dislocation, Arthrogryposis multipl... OMIM:108120
8p23.1 deletion syndrome
Abnormal heart morphology, Atrial septal defect, Atrioventricular canal defect DECIPHER:39
Acromesomelic Dysplasia 1
Radial bowing, Long hallux, Beaking of vertebral bodies, Broad phalanx, Cone-shaped epiphyses of ... OMIM:602875
Birk-Aharoni Syndrome
Muscular ventricular septal defect OMIM:620071
Autosomal Dominant Hyper-Ige Syndrome Due To Stat3 Deficiency
Osteopenia, Skin ulcer, Atelectasis, Generalized abnormality of skin, Osteomyelitis, Joint hyperm... ORPHA:2314
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple Types, 5
Aortic valve stenosis, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricular septal defect, Bi... OMIM:617912
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita 5
Hand clenching, Scoliosis, Premature skin wrinkling, Elbow flexion contracture, Intrauterine grow... OMIM:618947
Retinitis Pigmentosa, X-Linked, And Sinorespiratory Infections With Or Without Deafness
Recurrent bronchitis, Atelectasis OMIM:300455
Abnormality of subcutaneous fat tissue, Premature skin wrinkling, Intrauterine growth retardation... ORPHA:79325
Geroderma Osteodysplastica
Platyspondyly, Hip dislocation, Abnormal epiphysis morphology, Abnormal form of the vertebral bod... ORPHA:2078
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 21
Recurrent pneumonia, Bronchiectasis, Atelectasis OMIM:615294
Distal 7Q11.23 Microdeletion Syndrome
Atrial septal defect ORPHA:254351
Cutis Laxa-Marfanoid Syndrome
Limitation of joint mobility, Emphysema, Abnormal heart valve morphology, Redundant skin, Arachno... ORPHA:171719
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Classic-Like, 2
Osteopenia, Poor wound healing, Bruising susceptibility, Redundant skin, Mitral valve prolapse, G... OMIM:618000
Heart Defects-Limb Shortening Syndrome
Abnormal tricuspid valve morphology, Atrial septal defect, Abnormal mitral valve morphology, Vent... ORPHA:1354
Interstitial Pneumonitis, Desquamative, Familial
Cor pulmonale, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Respiratory distress, Cyanosis, Type... OMIM:263000
Progressive Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia-Short Stature-Short Fourth Metatarsals-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Overlapping toe, Genu valgum, Carpal bone hypoplasia, Short neck, Beaking of vertebral bodies, Th... ORPHA:457395
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 4
Ventricular hypertrophy, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Muscular ventricular septal defect, Myofibe... OMIM:115197
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type I
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:253300
Developmental Delay With Short Stature, Dysmorphic Facial Features, And Sparse Hair 2
Muscular ventricular septal defect OMIM:620062
Emphysema, Congenital Lobar
Respiratory distress OMIM:130710
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Atelectasis, Atrial situs ambiguous, Abnormal heart morphology, Abnormal atrial arrangement, Pulm... ORPHA:244
Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen Disease
Hypoplastic scapulae, Hypoplasia of the odontoid process, Limitation of joint mobility, Hypoplast... OMIM:223800
Respiratory distress, Absent or minimally ossified vertebral bodies, Short neck, Narrow pelvis bo... ORPHA:66637
Surfactant Metabolism Dysfunction, Pulmonary, 1
Absent bronchoalveolar dimeric surfactant-protein B, Intraalveolar phospholipid accumulation, Int... OMIM:265120
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 16 With Or Without Polydactyly
Angel-shaped phalanx, Short distal phalanx of finger, Sandal gap, Respiratory distress, Cone-shap... OMIM:617102
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 11
Talipes equinovarus, Absent proximal finger flexion creases, Limited pronation/supination of fore... OMIM:620019
Megabladder, Congenital
Bicuspid aortic valve, Left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy, Atrial septal defect, Ventr... OMIM:618719
Short Syndrome
Radial deviation of finger, Slender long bone, Clinodactyly, Premature skin wrinkling, Intrauteri... OMIM:269880
Thiemann Disease
Short phalanx of finger, Broad phalanx OMIM:165700
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Ic
Osteopenia, Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis, Recurrent pneumonia, Sandal gap, Atelectasis, T... OMIM:613177
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iy
Respiratory distress, Scoliosis, Clinodactyly OMIM:300934
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Spondylodysplastic Type, 3
Platyspondyly, Osteopenia, Joint contracture of the hand, Broad femoral neck, Bruising susceptibi... OMIM:612350
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Recessive 18, With Or Without Epilepsy
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:614249
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 16
Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:617408
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 30
Respiratory distress, Death in infancy OMIM:616341
Imperforate Oropharynx-Costovertebral Anomalies Syndrome
Abnormal form of the vertebral bodies, Respiratory distress, Long palm, Arachnodactyly, Joint hyp... ORPHA:2759
Enthesitis-Related Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Sacroiliac arthritis, Dilatation of the ventricular cavity, Abnormal thoracic spine morphology, A... ORPHA:85438
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita
Platyspondyly, Hypoplasia of the odontoid process, Kyphosis, Atlantoaxial instability, Respirator... OMIM:183900
Moebius Syndrome
Hand clenching, Abnormal pelvic girdle bone morphology, Clinodactyly, Radial deviation of finger,... OMIM:157900
Lethal Osteosclerotic Bone Dysplasia
Respiratory distress, Intrauterine growth retardation, Dyspnea, Short neck ORPHA:1832
Atrial Septal Defect 2
Atrioventricular canal defect, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Dextrocardia, Pul... OMIM:607941
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 12
Hypoplastic scapulae, Pulmonary hypoplasia, Short toe, Atelectasis, Short finger, Intrauterine gr... OMIM:269860
Sandestig-Stefanova Syndrome
Muscular ventricular septal defect, Perimembranous ventricular septal defect OMIM:618804
Atrial Septal Defect 4
Atrial septal defect, Patent foramen ovale OMIM:611363
Autosomal Dominant Cutis Laxa
Osteopenia, Hip dislocation, Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis, Bronchiolitis, Premature skin ... ORPHA:90348
Otopalatodigital Syndrome, Type I
Toe syndactyly, Synostosis of carpal bones, Short hallux, Dislocated radial head, Hip dislocation... OMIM:311300
Acromicric Dysplasia
Cone-shaped epiphysis, Fifth metacarpal with ulnar notch, Ovoid vertebral bodies, Short long bone... OMIM:102370
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type X
Platyspondyly, Osteopenia, Rhizomelia, Recurrent pneumonia, Micromelia, Respiratory distress, Gen... OMIM:613848
Lipodystrophy, Generalized, With Impaired Intellectual Development, Deafness, Short Stature, And Slender Bones
Abnormality of carpal bone ossification, Osteopenia, Progeroid facial appearance, Intrauterine gr... OMIM:608154
Farber Disease
Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Short toe, Atelectasis, Short finger, Respiratory d... ORPHA:333
Nicolaides-Baraitser Syndrome
Broad distal phalanx of finger, Sandal gap, Broad 2nd toe, Recurrent respiratory infections, Peri... OMIM:601358
Microcephalic Primordial Dwarfism, Montreal Type
Scoliosis, Premature graying of hair, Dry skin, Vertebral segmentation defect, Prematurely aged a... ORPHA:2617
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 36
Premature skin wrinkling OMIM:617950
Joint contracture of the hand, Finger clinodactyly, Camptodactyly of finger, Premature skin wrink... ORPHA:263487
Congenital Myopathy 10A, Severe Variant
Respiratory distress, Talipes equinovarus, Scoliosis, Camptodactyly of finger OMIM:614399
Mesoaxial Hexadactyly And Cardiac Malformation
Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:249670
Interstitial Lung Disease 1
Usual interstitial pneumonia, Intralobular septal thickening, Elevated bronchoalveolar lavage flu... OMIM:619611
Dermatosparaxis Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Osteopenia, Rickets, Abnormality of subcutaneous fat tissue, Osteomalacia, Avascular necrosis of ... ORPHA:1901
Intellectual Developmental Disorder With Speech Delay And Axonal Peripheral Neuropathy
Respiratory distress, Kyphoscoliosis OMIM:619099
Thoc6-Related Developmental Delay-Microcephaly-Facial Dysmorphism Syndrome
Abnormal heart morphology, Perimembranous ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Muscul... ORPHA:363444
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Iib
Congenital hip dislocation, Osteopenia, Bruising susceptibility, Intrauterine growth retardation,... OMIM:612940
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Short Stature, Prominent Forehead, And Feeding Difficulties
Pericardial effusion, Multiple muscular ventricular septal defects, Atrial septal defect OMIM:620070
Smith-Mccort Dysplasia 1
Platyspondyly, Hypoplastic scapulae, Hypoplastic acetabulae, Limitation of joint mobility, Hypopl... OMIM:607326
Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica
Pneumonia, Recurrent pneumonia, Bronchitis, Atelectasis, Exertional dyspnea, Recurrent respirator... ORPHA:3348
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Gg
Respiratory distress, Left ventricular noncompaction, Dilated cardiomyopathy OMIM:613642
Porencephaly, Cerebellar Hypoplasia, And Internal Malformations
Tetralogy of Fallot, Situs inversus totalis, Atrial septal defect OMIM:601322
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Spastic Quadriplegia And Brain Abnormalities With Or Without Seizures
Respiratory distress, Joint contracture, Kyphoscoliosis OMIM:617977
Myoclonic-Astatic Epilepsy
Premature skin wrinkling, Syndactyly ORPHA:1942
Myasthenic Syndrome, Congenital, 6, Presynaptic
Respiratory distress, Apneic episodes precipitated by illness, fatigue, stress, Arthrogryposis mu... OMIM:254210
Neuronopathy, Distal Hereditary Motor, Autosomal Recessive 6
Arthrogryposis-like hand anomaly, Respiratory distress, Recurrent acute respiratory tract infecti... OMIM:620011
Pomt1-Related Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy R11
Cardiomyopathy, Respiratory distress, Lumbar hyperlordosis, Triceps weakness, Left ventricular hy... ORPHA:86812
Gaucher Disease Type 2
Respiratory distress, Recurrent respiratory infections, Flexion contracture, Abnormal pattern of ... ORPHA:77260
Microcephaly-Polymicrogyria-Corpus Callosum Agenesis Syndrome
Respiratory distress ORPHA:171703
Chronic Pneumonitis Of Infancy
Intercostal retractions, Respiratory distress, Ground-glass opacification, Cyanosis, Tachypnea, D... ORPHA:91359
Respiratory Bronchiolitis-Interstitial Lung Disease Syndrome
Ground-glass opacification, Emphysema, Respiratory tract infection, Chronic bronchitis, Diffuse r... ORPHA:79127
Respiratory Infections, Recurrent, And Failure To Thrive With Or Without Diarrhea
Abnormal pulmonary interstitial morphology, Atelectasis, Ground-glass opacification, Pleural effu... OMIM:620233
Otospondylomegaepiphyseal Dysplasia
Epiphyseal dysplasia, Abnormal vertebral morphology, Limitation of joint mobility, Fibular bowing... ORPHA:1427
X-Linked Dominant Chondrodysplasia, Chassaing-Lacombe Type
Platyspondyly, Metaphyseal cupping of metacarpals, Rhizomelia, Abnormality of the calcaneus, Hypo... ORPHA:163966
Fontaine Progeroid Syndrome
Reduced subcutaneous adipose tissue, Neonatal death, Bicuspid aortic valve, Atrial septal defect,... OMIM:612289
Fg Syndrome Type 1
Clinodactyly of the 2nd finger, Finger syndactyly, Facial wrinkling, Abnormal thumb morphology, S... ORPHA:93932
Cutis Laxa, Neonatal, With Marfanoid Phenotype
Emphysema, Abnormal heart morphology, Arachnodactyly, Cutis laxa, Hip dislocation OMIM:614100
Brachydactyly-Syndactyly Syndrome
Finger syndactyly, Oligodactyly, Short digit, Brachydactyly, Camptodactyly, Short phalanx of fing... OMIM:610713
Unossified sacrum, Tracheomalacia, Delayed vertebral ossification, Respiratory distress, Intraute... OMIM:608022
Indomethacin Embryofetopathy
Atrial septal defect, Cardiomyopathy, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:1909
Pleural Mesothelioma
Respiratory distress, Abnormal pleura morphology, Pleural effusion, Dyspnea, Abnormal lung morpho... ORPHA:50251
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Reticular pattern on pulmonary HRCT, Usual interstitial pneumonia, Ground-glass opacification, Ex... ORPHA:2032
Cardiomyopathy-Hypotonia-Lactic Acidosis Syndrome
Respiratory distress, Cyanosis, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ORPHA:91130
Sotos Syndrome
Muscular ventricular septal defect, Prolonged neonatal jaundice, Atrial septal defect, Ventricula... OMIM:117550
Heyn-Sproul-Jackson Syndrome
Intrauterine growth retardation, Broad phalanx, Short phalanx of finger, Short metacarpal, Broad ... OMIM:618724
Cataract-Intellectual Disability-Hypogonadism Syndrome
Ulnar deviation of finger, Abnormal distal phalanx morphology of finger, Abnormality of the hand,... ORPHA:1387
Catel-Manzke Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:1388
Craniofacial Abnormalities, Cataracts, Congenital Heart Disease, Sacral Neural Tube Defects, And Growth And Developmental Retardation
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:608227
Saul-Wilson Syndrome
Platyspondyly, Short distal phalanx of finger, Pseudoepiphyses of the metacarpals, Hypoplasia of ... OMIM:618150
Opitz-Kaveggia Syndrome
Joint contracture of the hand, Broad thumb, Prominent fingertip pads, Clinodactyly, Radial deviat... OMIM:305450
Hypertension And Brachydactyly Syndrome
Short phalanx of finger, Type E brachydactyly, Cone-shaped epiphysis, Short metacarpal OMIM:112410
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 2B1
Rocker bottom foot, Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, Scoliosis, Camptodactyly of finger, Ulnar... OMIM:601680
Noonan Syndrome 11
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Palmoplantar cutis laxa, Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:618499
Split-Hand/Foot Malformation 2
Finger syndactyly, Split hand, Short phalanx of finger, Short metacarpal, Split foot OMIM:313350
Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency, Primary, 8
Respiratory distress, Intrauterine growth retardation, Left ventricular hypertrophy, Flexion cont... OMIM:616733
Pulmonary Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Infection
Respiratory distress, Pleural effusion, Pneumothorax, Dyspnea, Pericardial effusion, Bronchiectas... ORPHA:411703
Chitayat Syndrome
Tracheomalacia, Respiratory distress, Hallux valgus, Brachydactyly, Abnormal pulmonary interstiti... OMIM:617180
Interstitial Lung Disease 2
Usual interstitial pneumonia, Alveolar cell carcinoma, Exertional dyspnea, Dyspnea, Pulmonary fib... OMIM:178500
Short Chain Acyl-Coa Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Respiratory distress, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cardiomyopathy ORPHA:26792
Otospondylomegaepiphyseal Dysplasia, Autosomal Recessive
Epiphyseal dysplasia, Platyspondyly, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the capital femoral epiphysis, Recurre... OMIM:215150
Orofaciodigital Syndrome Type 10
Polysyndactyly of hallux, Radial deviation of the hand, Short tibia, Short toe, Preaxial polydact... ORPHA:2756
Ventricular Septal Defect 3
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:614432
Greenberg Dysplasia
Fractured rib, Postaxial foot polydactyly, Supernumerary vertebral ossification centers, Decrease... OMIM:215140
Ruvalcaba Syndrome
Small hand, Kyphosis, Micromelia, Limited elbow extension, Short foot, Short metatarsal, Short ph... OMIM:180870
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 19 With Or Without Polydactyly
Hypoplastic ilia, Pulmonary hypoplasia, Micromelia, Respiratory distress, Ventricular septal defe... OMIM:617895
Achondroplasia, Severe, With Developmental Delay And Acanthosis Nigricans
Platyspondyly, Rhizomelia, Respiratory distress, Lumbar hyperlordosis, Femoral bowing, Redundant ... OMIM:616482
Vertebral, Cardiac, Tracheoesophageal, Renal, And Limb Defects
Muscular ventricular septal defect, Spina bifida occulta OMIM:619227
Chromosome 8Q22.1 Duplication Syndrome
Broad thumb, Limitation of joint mobility, Short thumb, Interphalangeal joint contracture of fing... OMIM:151200
Cardiac-Valvular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Poor wound healing, Sandal gap, Bruising susceptibility, Abnormal heart valve morphology, Recurre... ORPHA:230851
B4Galt7-Related Spondylodysplastic Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Osteopenia, Progeroid facial appearance, Joint hypermobility, Arachnodacty... ORPHA:75496
Myasthenic Syndrome, Congenital, 4A, Slow-Channel
Respiratory distress, Apneic episodes precipitated by illness, fatigue, stress, Sudden episodic a... OMIM:605809
Idiopathic Bronchiectasis
Emphysema, Respiratory tract infection, Acute infectious pneumonia, Clubbing, Dyspnea, Recurrent ... ORPHA:60033
Congenital Lobar Emphysema
Respiratory distress, Emphysema ORPHA:1928
Severe X-Linked Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy
Respiratory distress ORPHA:238329
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iu
Respiratory distress, Scoliosis, Congenital contracture, Death in infancy OMIM:615042
Myopathy And Diabetes Mellitus
Respiratory distress, Achilles tendon contracture, Hyporeflexia of upper limbs, Shoulder girdle m... ORPHA:2596
Lissencephaly Syndrome, Norman-Roberts Type
Respiratory distress, Intrauterine growth retardation, Patent foramen ovale, Adducted thumb, Atri... ORPHA:89844
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 3
Congenital hip dislocation, Scoliosis, Camptodactyly of finger, Ulnar deviation of the hand or of... OMIM:114300
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 30
Respiratory distress, Left ventricular hypertrophy, Death in infancy OMIM:616974
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia-Brachydactyly And Distinctive Speech
Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Hypoplastic iliac wing, Carpal bone hypoplasia, Short neck, Shor... OMIM:611717
Rnf13-Related Severe Early-Onset Epileptic Encephalopathy
Respiratory distress, Wrist hypermobility, Joint hypermobility, Hip dysplasia, Finger joint hyper... ORPHA:544503
Vertical Talus, Congenital
Calcaneovalgus deformity, Rocker bottom foot, Equinus calcaneus, Arthritis OMIM:192950
Brachydactyly-Arterial Hypertension Syndrome
Short metacarpal, Short phalanx of finger, Brachydactyly ORPHA:1276
Spinal muscular atrophy, type I, with congenital bone fractures
Congenital hip dislocation, Osteopenia, Respiratory distress, Arachnodactyly, Multiple prenatal f... OMIM:271225
Atelosteogenesis Type Ii
Hypoplastic cervical vertebrae, Elbow dislocation, Genu valgum, Short neck, Broad phalanx, Bilate... ORPHA:56304
Acromesomelic Dysplasia 4
Radial bowing, Prominent deltoid tuberosities, Genu valgum, Beaking of vertebral bodies, Broad to... OMIM:619636
Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia, X-Linked
Hypoplasia of the odontoid process, Broad long bones, Broad phalanx, Flat acetabular roof, Short ... OMIM:300106
Peripheral Dysostosis
Hip osteoarthritis, Short phalanx of finger, Cone-shaped epiphyses of the phalanges of the hand OMIM:170700
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Ie
Ankle flexion contracture, Small hand, Upper limb undergrowth, Respiratory distress, Knee flexion... OMIM:608799
Myopathy, Congenital, With Fiber-Type Disproportion, X-Linked
Respiratory distress, Dilated cardiomyopathy OMIM:300580
Infantile-Onset X-Linked Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Ankle flexion contracture, Interphalangeal joint contracture of finger, Respiratory distress, Elb... ORPHA:1145
Staphylococcal Necrotizing Pneumonia
Pneumonia, Respiratory distress, Pleural effusion, Parenchymal consolidation, Pulmonary infiltrat... ORPHA:36238
Progeroid Syndrome, Petty Type
Short distal phalanx of finger, Intrauterine growth retardation, Redundant skin, Reduced subcutan... ORPHA:2963
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 39
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Perimembranous ventricular septal defect, Cardiomegaly, Atrial septa... OMIM:620135
Choanal Atresia
Tracheomalacia, Respiratory distress, Cyanosis, Polydactyly, Craniosynostosis, Recurrent respirat... ORPHA:137914
De Barsy Syndrome
Congenital hip dislocation, Osteopenia, Progeroid facial appearance, Prominent veins on trunk, In... ORPHA:2962
Myopathy, Lactic Acidosis, And Sideroblastic Anemia 2
Respiratory distress, Pallor, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy OMIM:613561
Stüve-Wiedemann Syndrome
Limitation of joint mobility, Genu valgum, Bowing of the long bones, Talipes equinovarus, Flexion... ORPHA:3206
16P13.11 Microduplication Syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot, Transposition of the great arteries, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septa... ORPHA:261243
Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome
Arachnodactyly, Hip dislocation, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Avascular necrosis of the capital f... ORPHA:3342
Three M Syndrome 3
Slender long bone, Increased vertebral height, Joint hypermobility, Short neck, Prominent calcane... OMIM:614205
Campomelic Dysplasia
Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Hypoplastic scapulae, Hypoplastic cervical vertebrae, Shortening... OMIM:114290
Osteoglophonic Dysplasia
Hypoplastic scapulae, Broad thumb, Bowing of the long bones, Short neck, Broad phalanx, Short foo... OMIM:166250
Congenital Vertical Talus
Distal arthrogryposis, Rocker bottom foot, Equinus calcaneus, Achilles tendon contracture ORPHA:178382
Ogden Syndrome
Facial wrinkling, Ventricular septal defect, Pulmonary edema, Bicuspid aortic valve, Short neck, ... OMIM:300855
Xk Aprosencephaly Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:3469
Arthrogryposis, Perthes Disease, And Upward Gaze Palsy
Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:614262
Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia
Respiratory distress, Ground-glass opacification, Parenchymal consolidation, Cyanosis, Pneumothor... ORPHA:1302
Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Acid Maltase Deficiency
Atelectasis, Respiratory distress, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Respiratory tract infection, Card... ORPHA:365
Congenital Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia
Respiratory distress, Pleural effusion, Cyanosis, Chylopericardium, Pulmonic stenosis ORPHA:2414
Trichorhinophalangeal Syndrome, Type Iii
Cone-shaped epiphyses of the middle phalanges of the hand, Osteopenia, Short finger, Avascular ne... OMIM:190351
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple Types, 3
Abnormal heart morphology, Tetralogy of Fallot, Atrial septal defect OMIM:614954
Neuropathy, Congenital, With Arthrogryposis Multiplex
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, Calcaneovalgus deformity, Hyperlordosis OMIM:162370
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Iiib
Osteopenia, Dermal translucency, Elbow flexion contracture, Intrauterine growth retardation, Exce... OMIM:614438
Biventricular hypertrophy, Redundant skin, Patent foramen ovale, Muscular ventricular septal defect ORPHA:79324
Thiamine-Responsive Megaloblastic Anemia Syndrome
Pallor, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:49827
Neurooculocardiogenitourinary Syndrome
Redundant neck skin, Patent foramen ovale, Cardiomegaly, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal... OMIM:618652
Radio-Renal Syndrome
Chylothorax, Micromelia, Abnormal form of the vertebral bodies, Respiratory distress, Pleural eff... ORPHA:3015
Dilated Cardiomyopathy With Ataxia
Muscular ventricular septal defect, Dilated cardiomyopathy ORPHA:66634
Congenital Hypothyroidism Due To Maternal Intake Of Antithyroid Drugs
Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Abnormal epiphysis morphology, Respiratory distress, Dry skin, P... ORPHA:226313
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 1
Joint contracture of the hand, Small hand, Elbow dislocation, Cutaneous finger syndactyly, Genu v... OMIM:224690
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Ventricular hypertrophy, Aortic valve calcification, Limitation of joint m... ORPHA:740
Laryngotracheal Angioma
Respiratory distress, Apnea, Intercostal retractions, Cyanosis ORPHA:137935
Keppen-Lubinsky Syndrome
Recurrent pneumonia, Progeroid facial appearance, Premature skin wrinkling, Increased susceptibil... ORPHA:435628
Laron Syndrome
Short toe, Brachydactyly, Osteoarthritis, Prematurely aged appearance, Abnormality of the elbow ORPHA:633
Succinic Acidemia
Respiratory distress OMIM:600335
Acute Lung Injury
Pneumonia, Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, Respiratory distress, Pulmonary infiltrates, Tachypnea, D... ORPHA:178320
Sarcoidosis, Susceptibility To, 2
Bronchiectasis, Emphysema, Pleural effusion, Pulmonary infiltrates, Pneumothorax, Dyspnea, Abnorm... OMIM:612387
Segmental Outgrowth-Lipomatosis-Arteriovenous Malformation-Epidermal Nevus Syndrome
Reduced bone mineral density, Recurrent fractures, Upper limb asymmetry, Excessive wrinkled skin ORPHA:137608
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 19
Hypoplastic left heart, Partial atrioventricular canal defect, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular ... OMIM:615996
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 2
Bicuspid aortic valve, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Atrial septal defect OMIM:615981
Campomelia, Cumming Type
Clubbing of toes, Micromelia, Death in infancy, Bowing of the long bones, Brachydactyly, Prematur... ORPHA:1318
Tetrasomy 5P
Respiratory distress, Overlapping toe, Cyanosis, Redundant neck skin, Talipes equinovarus, Short ... ORPHA:3309
Chondrodysplasia With Platyspondyly, Distinctive Brachydactyly, Hydrocephaly, And Microphthalmia
Platyspondyly, Metaphyseal cupping of metacarpals, Rhizomelia, Metaphyseal cupping, Distal shorte... OMIM:300863
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Iia
Congenital hip dislocation, Intrauterine growth retardation, Redundant skin, Excessive wrinkled s... OMIM:219200
Restrictive Dermopathy 2
Overtubulated long bones, Respiratory distress, Intrauterine growth retardation, Cyanosis, Short ... OMIM:619793
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type 2A
Congenital hip dislocation, Progeroid facial appearance, Intrauterine growth retardation, Increas... ORPHA:357058
Meckel Syndrome, Type 4
Encephalocele, Ventricular septal defect, Hydrocephalus, Atrial septal defect, Meningocele, Anenc... OMIM:611134
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Hypotonia, Facial Dysmorphism, And Brain Abnormalities
Recurrent respiratory infections, Respiratory distress, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Overlapping ... OMIM:619383
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia With Congenital Joint Dislocations
Aortic valve stenosis, Ventricular hypertrophy, Elbow dislocation, Genu valgum, Bilateral single ... OMIM:143095
Desbuquois Dysplasia 2
Epiphyseal dysplasia, Broad thumb, Short neck, Advanced ossification of carpal bones, Flat acetab... OMIM:615777
Pulmonary Capillary Hemangiomatosis
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, Centrilobular ground-glass opacification on pulmonary HRCT, Interlob... ORPHA:199241
Li-Campeau Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Patent foramen ovale, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:619189
Lmna-Related Cardiocutaneous Progeria Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Ventricular hypertrophy, Premature skin wrinkling, Emphysema, Premature gr... ORPHA:363618
Primary Non-Essential Cutis Verticis Gyrata
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:357225
Chromosome 15Q14 Deletion Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:616898
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome, Myopathic Form
Respiratory distress, Recurrent pneumonia, Scoliosis ORPHA:254875
Atrial Septal Defect 8
Atrial septal defect, Anomalous pulmonary venous return OMIM:614433
Werner Syndrome
Small hand, Subcutaneous calcification, Skin ulcer, Premature graying of hair, Joint stiffness, P... ORPHA:902
Larsen Syndrome
Hypoplastic cervical vertebrae, Elbow dislocation, Ventricular septal defect, Talipes equinovarus... OMIM:150250
Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch Syndrome
Clinodactyly, Prominent scalp veins, Dry skin, Reduced subcutaneous adipose tissue, Talipes equin... OMIM:264090
Corpus Callosum, Agenesis Of, With Facial Anomalies And Robin Sequence
Clinodactyly, Tracheomalacia, Cardiomyopathy, Respiratory distress, Redundant neck skin, Short ne... OMIM:217980
Short Stature, Developmental Delay, And Congenital Heart Defects
Atrial septal defect, Patent foramen ovale, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:617044
Classical-Like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 2
Elbow dislocation, Prominent veins on trunk, Mitral valve prolapse, Arachnodactyly, Hip dislocati... ORPHA:536532
Atrial Septal Defect 6
Atrial septal defect OMIM:613087
Scimitar Syndrome
Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Dextrocardia, Single ventricle, Hypoplastic left... ORPHA:185
Ulnar/Fibula Ray Defect-Brachydactyly Syndrome
Atrial septal defect ORPHA:52056
Pfeiffer Syndrome Type 2
Deviation of the thumb, Small hand, Toe syndactyly, Broad thumb, Finger syndactyly, Limitation of... ORPHA:93259
Relapsing Polychondritis
Erythema, Limitation of joint mobility, Atelectasis, Abnormal pattern of respiration, Abnormal ao... ORPHA:728
Acromesomelic Dysplasia 3
Aplasia of the proximal phalanx of the 2nd finger, Widened proximal tibial metaphyses, Short 1st ... OMIM:609441
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Ig
Rhizomelia, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Recurrent pneumonia, Short tibia, Sanda... OMIM:607143
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 5D
Congenital hip dislocation, Hypermobility of distal interphalangeal joints, Elbow flexion contrac... OMIM:615065
Congenital Myopathy 11
Atrial septal defect, Patent foramen ovale OMIM:619967
Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch Syndrome
Prominent scalp veins, Reduced subcutaneous adipose tissue, Synovitis, Irregular sclerotic endpla... ORPHA:3455
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant 1
Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis, Poor wound healing, Progeroid facial appearance, Emphysema,... OMIM:123700
Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome 1
Myocardial necrosis, Proximal femoral epiphysiolysis, Respiratory distress, Metaphyseal sclerosis... OMIM:260400
Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia, Sedaghatian Type
Delayed epiphyseal ossification, Widened greater sciatic notch, Talipes equinovarus, Short neck, ... OMIM:250220
Lujo Hemorrhagic Fever
Atelectasis, Respiratory distress, Stiff neck, Ecchymosis, Myocarditis, Purpura ORPHA:319213
Laminin Subunit Alpha 2-Related Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
Atelectasis, Cardiomyopathy, Hypoventilation, Hyperlordosis, Recurrent lower respiratory tract in... ORPHA:258
Polysyndactyly With Cardiac Malformation
Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Stillbirth OMIM:263630
Severe X-Linked Intellectual Disability, Gustavson Type
Congenital hip dislocation, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Contractures of the lar... ORPHA:3078
Wrinkly Skin Syndrome
Congenital hip dislocation, Osteopenia, Slender long bone, Progeroid facial appearance, Muscular ... OMIM:278250
Noonan Syndrome With Multiple Lentigines
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Atrioventricular canal defect, Intrauterine growth retardation, Abno... ORPHA:500
Acrodysostosis 2 With Or Without Hormone Resistance
Cone-shaped epiphysis, Intrauterine growth retardation, Brachydactyly, Short metatarsal, Advanced... OMIM:614613
Heterotaxy, Visceral, 7, Autosomal
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Mitral atresia, Atrioventricular canal defect, Situs inv... OMIM:616749
Congenital Tracheomalacia
Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Single ventricle, Tracheomalacia, Abnormal heart... ORPHA:95430
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Kyphoscoliotic Type, 1
Progressive congenital scoliosis, Congenital hip dislocation, Recurrent pneumonia, Osteopenia, Po... OMIM:225400
Nestor-Guillermo Progeria Syndrome
Progeroid facial appearance, Pathologic fracture, Dry skin, Joint stiffness, Mandibular osteolysi... OMIM:614008
Weaver Syndrome
Joint contracture of the hand, Broad thumb, Clinodactyly, Hypoplastic iliac wing, Overlapping toe... OMIM:277590
Hadziselimovic Syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricular hypertrophy, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:612946
Epiphyseal Dysplasia, Multiple, With Myopia And Conductive Deafness
Epiphyseal dysplasia, Genu valgum, Brachydactyly, Short phalanx of finger, Coxa valga OMIM:132450
Episodic Ataxia Type 1
Respiratory distress, Hand clenching, Scoliosis, Kyphoscoliosis ORPHA:37612
Mucopolysaccharidosis-Plus Syndrome
Recurrent pneumonia, Respiratory distress, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Acetabular dysplasia, Dea... OMIM:617303
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 1
Pneumonia, Atelectasis, Situs inversus totalis, Recurrent bronchitis, Bronchiectasis OMIM:244400
Atrial Septal Defect 1
Aortic valve stenosis, Secundum atrial septal defect, Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia,... OMIM:108800
8Q12 Microduplication Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:228399
Seckel Syndrome
Cone-shaped epiphysis, Scoliosis, Sandal gap, Intrauterine growth retardation, Joint hypermobilit... ORPHA:808
Congenitally Uncorrected Transposition Of The Great Arteries
Biventricular hypertrophy, Dextrotransposition of the great arteries, Abnormal pulmonary valve mo... ORPHA:860
Pde4D Haploinsufficiency Syndrome
Cone-shaped epiphysis, Short toe, Broad hallux, Upper limb undergrowth, Short middle phalanx of f... ORPHA:439822
Cardiac Septal Defects With Coarctation Of The Aorta
Perimembranous ventricular septal defect, Secundum atrial septal defect OMIM:212090
Brachydactyly, Type E, With Atrial Septal Defect, Type Ii
Atrial septal defect OMIM:113301
Chylothorax, Atelectasis, Emphysema, Pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis, Pulmonary infiltrates, Pneum... ORPHA:538
Beta-Mercaptolactate Cysteine Disulfiduria
Dry skin, Atrial septal defect, Umbilical hernia ORPHA:1035
46,Xx Sex Reversal 5
Hypoplastic left heart, Secundum atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:618901
Ritscher-Schinzel Syndrome 1
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypoplastic left heart, Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricular septal defect, Do... OMIM:220210
Vacterl Association, X-Linked, With Or Without Hydrocephalus
Abnormal vertebral morphology, Abnormality of the vertebral column, Atrioventricular canal defect... OMIM:314390
Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia-Cone-Rod Dystrophy Syndrome
Ivory epiphyses, Hypoplastic ilia, Rhizomelia, Platyspondyly, Abnormal epiphysis morphology, Meta... ORPHA:85167
Acromesomelic Dysplasia 2B
Deformed tarsal bones, Rhizomelia, Deviation of finger, Fibular aplasia, Malaligned carpal bone, ... OMIM:228900
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy-Corticobasal Syndrome
Respiratory distress, Hand clenching ORPHA:240103
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Cardiac Valvular Type
Calcaneovalgus deformity, Bruising susceptibility, Mitral valve prolapse, Joint hypermobility OMIM:225320
Right Atrial Isomerism
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Tetralogy of Fallot, Situs inversus totalis, Complete at... OMIM:208530
Global Developmental Delay With Or Without Impaired Intellectual Development
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:618330
Avian Influenza
Pneumonia, Respiratory distress, Ground-glass opacification, Pleural effusion, Pulmonary infiltra... ORPHA:454836
Frontometaphyseal Dysplasia
Joint contracture of the hand, Broad thumb, Short distal phalanx of the thumb, Limited elbow move... ORPHA:1826
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Ataxia, Hypotonia, And Microcephaly
Muscular ventricular septal defect OMIM:618569
Severe Neonatal Hypotonia-Seizures-Encephalopathy Syndrome Due To 5Q31.3 Microdeletion
Recurrent pneumonia, Aspiration pneumonia, Respiratory distress, Abnormal heart morphology, Apnea... ORPHA:314655
Atelis Syndrome 1
Dry skin, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:620184
Congenital Limbs-Face Contractures-Hypotonia-Developmental Delay Syndrome
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, Abnormal pattern of respiration, Ulnar deviation of the hand ... ORPHA:562528
Pneumonia, Respiratory distress, Pleural effusion, Pulmonary infiltrates, Abnormal pulmonary thor... ORPHA:3392
Hypertelorism And Other Facial Dysmorphism, Brachydactyly, Genital Abnormalities, Impaired Intellectual Development, And Recurrent Inflammatory Episodes
Small hand, Clinodactyly, Brachydactyly, Pericardial effusion, Short phalanx of finger, Broad finger OMIM:614684
Congenital Contractures Of The Limbs And Face, Hypotonia, And Developmental Delay
Congenital contracture, Elbow flexion contracture, Hip contracture, Knee flexion contracture, Tal... OMIM:616266
Respiratory distress ORPHA:673
Hereditary Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis
Respiratory distress, Crazy paving pattern, Tachypnea, Acute infectious pneumonia ORPHA:264675
Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere Syndrome 1
Respiratory distress, Nocturnal hypoventilation, Death in childhood, Hand muscle atrophy, Dyspnea... OMIM:211530
Premature graying of hair, Telangiectasia of the skin, Recurrent respiratory infections, Prematur... ORPHA:100
Aortic Valve Disease 3
Aortic valve stenosis, Bicuspid aortic valve, Atrial septal defect OMIM:618496
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Iie
Secundum atrial septal defect, Intrauterine growth retardation, Overlapping fingers, Excessive wr... OMIM:608779
Barber-Say Syndrome
Dermal translucency, Premature skin wrinkling, Dry skin, Redundant skin, Talipes equinovarus, Bra... OMIM:209885
Atelosteogenesis, Type I
Radial bowing, Elbow dislocation, Fibular aplasia, Neonatal death, Talipes equinovarus, Short nec... OMIM:108720
Heterotaxy, Visceral, 1, X-Linked
Ventricular septal defect, Bilateral trilobed lung, Atrial septal defect, Dextrocardia, Single ve... OMIM:306955
Acrootoocular Syndrome
Small hypothenar eminence, Short toe, Sandal gap, Short finger, Kyphoscoliosis, Decreased palmar ... ORPHA:2980
Three M Syndrome 2
Short 5th finger, Slender long bone, Clinodactyly, Intrauterine growth retardation, Lumbar hyperl... OMIM:612921
X-Linked Centronuclear Myopathy
Respiratory distress, Recurrent respiratory infections, Pneumonia ORPHA:596
Combined Osteogenesis Imperfecta And Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 1
Dermal translucency, Bruising susceptibility, Poor wound healing, Atrial septal defect OMIM:619115
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 2J
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Secundum atrial septal defect OMIM:620635
Respiratory distress, Pulmonary hemorrhage, Pneumonia, Subcutaneous hemorrhage ORPHA:238459
Noonan Syndrome 8
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Ventricular septal defect, Palmoplantar cutis laxa, Left ventricular... OMIM:615355
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 20
Aortic valve stenosis, Recurrent pneumonia, Atelectasis, Situs inversus totalis, Recurrent sinusi... OMIM:615067
Lenz-Majewski Hyperostotic Dwarfism
Aplastic clavicle, Scoliosis, Limitation of joint mobility, Finger syndactyly, Cranial hyperostos... ORPHA:2658
Pfeiffer Syndrome Type 3
Small hand, Toe syndactyly, Broad thumb, Finger syndactyly, Limitation of joint mobility, Tracheo... ORPHA:93260
Gaucher Disease, Perinatal Lethal
Respiratory distress, Intrauterine growth retardation, Apnea, Petechiae, Neonatal death, Cardiome... OMIM:608013
22Q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
Atelectasis, Abnormal lung lobation, Multiple suture craniosynostosis, Tetralogy of Fallot, Intra... ORPHA:567
Cleidocranial Dysplasia 1
Hypoplastic scapulae, Hypoplastic iliac wing, Delayed pubic bone ossification, Long second metaca... OMIM:119600
Congenital Myopathy 22B, Severe Fetal
Spinal rigidity, Tapered toe, Shoulder flexion contracture, Slender long bone, Respiratory distre... OMIM:620369
Larsen-Like Syndrome
Radial deviation of the 4th finger, Joint hypermobility, Kyphoscoliosis, Talipes equinovarus, Bip... OMIM:608545
Focal Facial Dermal Dysplasia Type Iii
Prematurely aged appearance, Abnormal sacroiliac joint morphology, Redundant skin ORPHA:1807
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum
Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Bruising susceptibility, Striae distensae, Excessive wrinkled skin, L... ORPHA:758
Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Left ventricular di... ORPHA:3282
Thanatophoric Dysplasia Type 2
Redundant skin, Encephalocele, Hydrocephalus, Atrial septal defect, Holoprosencephaly ORPHA:93274
14Q24.1Q24.3 Microdeletion Syndrome
Abnormal heart morphology, Truncus arteriosus, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:401935
Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis 2, With Periostitis And Pustulosis
Osteopenia, Periostitis, Respiratory distress, Osteomyelitis, Pulmonary fibrosis, Osteolysis, Fus... OMIM:612852
Autism Spectrum Disorder Due To Auts2 Deficiency
Abnormal heart morphology, Atrial septal defect, Umbilical hernia ORPHA:352490
Auriculocondylar Syndrome 2A
Respiratory distress, Apnea OMIM:614669
Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome Of Lowe
Platyspondyly, Abnormal epiphysis morphology, Skin ulcer, Atelectasis, Osteomalacia, Kyphosis, Jo... ORPHA:534
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 52
Hypoplastic left heart, Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Mitral atresia, Situs inversus t... OMIM:620570
Fibrosis, Neurodegeneration, And Cerebral Angiomatosis
Ventricular hypertrophy, Atelectasis, Death in childhood, Cardiomegaly, Tachypnea, Recurrent resp... OMIM:618278
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation, Type Ix
Respiratory distress, Intrauterine growth retardation, Death in childhood OMIM:615597
Homocystinuria-Megaloblastic Anemia, Cblg Complementation Type
Respiratory distress, Slender finger, Jaundice OMIM:250940
Erythroderma, Congenital, With Palmoplantar Keratoderma, Hypotrichosis, And Hyper-Ige
Multiple muscular ventricular septal defects, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:615508
Symphalangism, Distal, With Microdontia, Dental Pulp Stones, And Narrowed Zygomatic Arch
Cone-shaped epiphyses of the middle phalanges of the hand, Short distal phalanx of finger, Distal... OMIM:606895
Progeria-Short Stature-Pigmented Nevi Syndrome
Short distal phalanx of finger, Osteopenia, Progeroid facial appearance, Multiple joint contractu... ORPHA:2959
Li-Ghorbani-Weisz-Hubshman Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:618974
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked 99, Syndromic, Female-Restricted
Small hand, Respiratory distress, Joint hypermobility, Postaxial polydactyly, Atrial septal defec... OMIM:300968
Atrial Septal Defect 7 With Or Without Atrioventricular Conduction Defects
Secundum atrial septal defect, Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricular septal defect, Left ventricular h... OMIM:108900
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System-Blocker-Induced Angioedema
Respiratory distress, Erythema, Angioedema ORPHA:100057
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Intracranial Hemorrhage, Seizures, And Spasticity
Pulmonary artery atresia, Tracheomalacia, Atelectasis, Patent foramen ovale, Cardiomegaly, Talipe... OMIM:620371
Cardiofaciocutaneous Syndrome 3
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:615279
Heterotaxy, Visceral, 6, Autosomal
Hypoplastic left heart, Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Unbalanced atrioventricular cana... OMIM:614779
Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier Deficiency
Respiratory distress OMIM:614741
Chromosome 6Q24-Q25 Deletion Syndrome
Small hand, Sandal gap, Prominent fingertip pads, Respiratory distress, Intrauterine growth retar... OMIM:612863
Neurodegeneration And Seizures Due To Copper Transport Defect
Short tibia, Respiratory distress, Cardiomegaly, Talipes equinovarus, Pneumothorax, Short femur, ... OMIM:620306
Brachyphalangy, Polydactyly, And Tibial Aplasia/Hypoplasia
Broad thumb, Toe syndactyly, Shallow acetabular fossae, Hypoplastic iliac wing, Talipes equinovar... OMIM:609945
Microcephalic Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism, Type I
Tetralogy of Fallot, Muscular ventricular septal defect, Dry skin, Patent foramen ovale, Ventricu... OMIM:210710
Growth Hormone Insensitivity Syndrome With Immune Dysregulation 1, Autosomal Recessive
Respiratory distress, Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia OMIM:245590
Fetal Trimethadione Syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot, Transposition of the great arteries, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septa... ORPHA:1913
Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary, 2
Respiratory distress, Situs inversus totalis, Dextrocardia, Recurrent respiratory infections, Bro... OMIM:606763
Synaptic Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes
Hand muscle weakness, Respiratory distress, Hypoventilation, Talipes equinovarus, Limited wrist e... ORPHA:98915
Cardiofaciocutaneous Syndrome
Palmoplantar keratoderma, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Dry skin, Abnormal heart valve morphology,... ORPHA:1340
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Respiratory distress, Dyspnea, Acute infectious pneumonia ORPHA:140896
Mandibuloacral Dysplasia With Type A Lipodystrophy
Short distal phalanx of finger, Limitation of joint mobility, Progeroid facial appearance, Lack o... ORPHA:90153
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type 2, Classic Type
Congenital hip dislocation, Prominent veins on trunk, Intrauterine growth retardation, Redundant ... ORPHA:357074
Congenital Laryngeal Web
Respiratory distress, Abnormal cardiac septum morphology ORPHA:2374
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple Types, 6
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Secundum atrial septal defect, Tetralogy of Fallot, Comp... OMIM:613854
Multiple Mitochondrial Dysfunctions Syndrome 2 With Hyperglycinemia
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Respiratory distress, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Death in infancy, Tach... OMIM:614299
Thiamine-Responsive Megaloblastic Anemia Syndrome
Situs inversus totalis, Atrial septal defect, Cardiomyopathy, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:249270
Metaphyseal Chondromatosis With D-2-Hydroxyglutaric Aciduria
Dry skin, Lumbar scoliosis, Short neck, Metaphyseal dysplasia, Abnormal bone ossification, Genu v... ORPHA:99646
Ablepharon-Macrostomia Syndrome
Toe syndactyly, Premature skin wrinkling, Dry skin, Cutaneous finger syndactyly, Redundant skin, ... OMIM:200110
Satb2-Associated Syndrome Due To A Chromosomal Rearrangement
Slender finger, Small hand, Broad thumb, Osteopenia, Broad hallux, Abnormal hip bone morphology, ... ORPHA:251028
Respiratory distress OMIM:150280
Premature Aging Syndrome, Penttinen Type
Short distal phalanx of finger, Slender long bone, Prematurely aged appearance, Tibial bowing, Fl... OMIM:601812
Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis, Acquired
Pneumonia, Intraalveolar phospholipid accumulation, Cyanosis, Lung abscess, Dyspnea, Recurrent re... OMIM:610910
Linear Skin Defects With Multiple Congenital Anomalies 2
Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricular hypertrophy, Atrial septal defect OMIM:300887
Respiratory distress, Overlapping fingers, Apnea, Hypoventilation, Thoracic scoliosis, Pulmonary ... ORPHA:79330
Martsolf Syndrome 1
Broad femoral neck, Short toe, Slender ulna, Tracheomalacia, Cardiomyopathy, Avascular necrosis o... OMIM:212720
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Eye Movement Abnormalities And Ataxia
Atrial septal defect OMIM:620094
Immunodeficiency, Developmental Delay, And Hypohomocysteinemia
Bicuspid aortic valve, Atrial septal defect OMIM:617744
Carnitine Deficiency, Systemic Primary
Cardiomyopathy, Respiratory distress, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Endocardial fibroelastosis, Ca... OMIM:212140
Atelectasis, Osteolysis, Pleural effusion, Parenchymal consolidation, Pulmonary infiltrates, Pneu... ORPHA:73263
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 6
Ventricular hypertrophy, Tetralogy of Fallot, Mitral valve prolapse, Ventricular septal defect, A... OMIM:612561
Skeletal Dysplasia-T-Cell Immunodeficiency-Developmental Delay Syndrome
Enlarged metaphyses, Abnormal ilium morphology, Postaxial foot polydactyly, Broad phalanges of th... ORPHA:508533
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy-Parkinsonism Syndrome
Respiratory distress ORPHA:240085
Recombinant Chromosome 8 Syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricular septal defect, Double outlet right ventricle, Atrial septal defe... OMIM:179613
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1Oo
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Atrial septal defect OMIM:620247
Pulmonic Stenosis, Atrial Septal Defect, And Unique Electrocardiographic Abnormalities
Secundum atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:178650
Microcephaly-Micromelia Syndrome
Absent thumb, Short tibia, Micromelia, Oligodactyly, Intrauterine growth retardation, Humeroradia... OMIM:251230
Formiminoglutamic Aciduria
Atrial septal defect ORPHA:51208
X-Linked Intellectual Disability, Hedera Type
Left ventricular hypertrophy, Scoliosis, Calcaneovalgus deformity, Hyporeflexia of upper limbs ORPHA:93952
Short Syndrome
Excessive wrinkled skin, Brachydactyly, Short palm, Joint hypermobility ORPHA:3163
Lethal Short-Limb Skeletal Dysplasia, Al Gazali Type
Platyspondyly, Shortening of all phalanges of fingers, Limb undergrowth, Shortening of all metaca... OMIM:601356
Mandibuloacral Dysplasia With Type B Lipodystrophy
Progeroid facial appearance, Decreased adipose tissue around neck, Death in early adulthood, Shor... OMIM:608612
Alfadhel Syndrome
Talipes equinovarus, Nasal flaring, Joint hypermobility OMIM:620655
Congenital Muscular Dystrophy With Intellectual Disability And Severe Epilepsy
Osteopenia, Contractures of the large joints, Respiratory distress, Recurrent respiratory infecti... ORPHA:329178
Atrial Septal Defect 9
Bicuspid aortic valve, Secundum atrial septal defect OMIM:614475
Lung Agenesis-Heart Defect-Thumb Anomalies Syndrome
Atrioventricular canal defect, Abnormal aortic valve morphology, Bicuspid aortic valve, Atrial se... ORPHA:1120
Folinic Acid-Responsive Seizures
Respiratory distress, Apnea ORPHA:79097
Mitochondrial Complex Iv Deficiency, Nuclear Type 2
Respiratory distress, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Myofiber disarray, Death in infancy, Irregular... OMIM:604377
Chromosome 17P13.3, Telomeric, Duplication Syndrome
3-4 finger syndactyly, Short tibia, Short toe, Absent hallux, Oligodactyly, Ectrodactyly, Contrac... OMIM:612576
Heterotaxy, Visceral, 4, Autosomal
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Atrioventricular canal defect, Dextrotransposition of th... OMIM:613751
Agnathia-Otocephaly Complex
Secundum atrial septal defect, Tracheomalacia, Respiratory distress, Situs inversus totalis, Pulm... OMIM:202650
Muscular Dystrophy, Limb-Girdle, Autosomal Recessive 28
Respiratory distress, Proximal muscle weakness in upper limbs, Upper limb amyotrophy OMIM:620375
Lodder-Merla Syndrome, Type 2, With Developmental Delay And With Or Without Cardiac Arrhythmia
Patent foramen ovale OMIM:617182
Lessel-Kreienkamp Syndrome
Bicuspid aortic valve, Pulmonic stenosis, Atrial septal defect, Patent foramen ovale OMIM:619149
Frank-Ter Haar Syndrome
Mitral valve prolapse, Ventricular septal defect, Bowing of the long bones, Talipes equinovarus, ... OMIM:249420
Esophageal Atresia
Abnormal vertebral morphology, Bronchitis, Clinodactyly, Respiratory distress, Tetralogy of Fallo... ORPHA:1199
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 8A (Encephalomyopathic Type With Renal Tubulopathy)
Respiratory distress OMIM:612075
White Forelock With Malformations
Spina bifida occulta, Atrial septal defect ORPHA:2475
Focal Facial Dermal Dysplasia 3, Setleis Type
Aged leonine appearance OMIM:227260
Congenital Myopathy 2C, Severe Infantile, Autosomal Dominant
Joint contracture of the hand, Chylothorax, Respiratory distress, Death in childhood, Death in in... OMIM:620278
Kagami-Ogata Syndrome Due To Paternal Uniparental Disomy Of Chromosome 14
Hypoplastic scapulae, Short tibia, Thumb contracture, Hypoplastic iliac wing, Ventricular septal ... ORPHA:96334
Congenital Pulmonary Valvar Stenosis
Atrial septal defect ORPHA:3189
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 66
Atrial septal defect, Dextrocardia, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:618067
Mandibuloacral Dysplasia With Type B Lipodystrophy
Abnormal fingertip morphology, Short distal phalanx of finger, Progeroid facial appearance, Acroo... ORPHA:90154
Microlissencephaly-Micromelia Syndrome
Micromelia, Respiratory distress, Bilateral single transverse palmar creases, Short neck, Adducte... ORPHA:50810
Temple-Baraitser Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:611816
Acrodysostosis 1 With Or Without Hormone Resistance
Spinal canal stenosis, Calvarial hyperostosis, Long hallux, Cone-shaped epiphyses of the phalange... OMIM:101800
Congenital Rubella Syndrome
Jaundice, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:290
Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome
Congenital hip dislocation, Neuropathic spinal arthropathy, Cyanosis, Episodic respiratory distre... ORPHA:590
Presynaptic Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes
Congenital hip dislocation, Neuropathic spinal arthropathy, Cyanosis, Episodic respiratory distre... ORPHA:98914
Cockayne Syndrome
Congenital contracture, Abnormal epiphysis morphology, Contractures of the large joints, Prematur... ORPHA:191
Atrial Septal Defect 5
Secundum atrial septal defect OMIM:612794
Atrial Septal Defect 3
Secundum atrial septal defect OMIM:614089
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Hypoplastic left heart, Atrial septal defect, Mitral stenosis, Mitral atresia ORPHA:2248
Paternal 20Q13.2Q13.3 Microdeletion Syndrome
Respiratory distress, Intrauterine growth retardation ORPHA:261304
Feingold Syndrome Type 1
Abnormal heart morphology, Multiple muscular ventricular septal defects, Tricuspid stenosis, Tric... ORPHA:391641
Marfanoid-Progeroid-Lipodystrophy Syndrome
Bruising susceptibility, Progeroid facial appearance, Intrauterine growth retardation, Reduced su... OMIM:616914
Mitochondrial Myopathy With Reversible Cytochrome C Oxidase Deficiency
Respiratory distress ORPHA:254864
Recon Progeroid Syndrome
Progeroid facial appearance, Dry skin, Long thumb, Cutaneous photosensitivity, Joint hypermobilit... OMIM:620370
Werner Syndrome
Subcutaneous calcification, Progeroid facial appearance, Low back pain, Osteoporosis, Prematurely... OMIM:277700
Nipah Virus Disease
Respiratory distress, Recurrent pharyngitis ORPHA:99825
Idiopathic Neonatal Atrial Flutter
Respiratory distress, Tachypnea ORPHA:45452
Microcephaly-Seizures-Intellectual Disability-Heart Disease Syndrome
Respiratory distress, Redundant neck skin, Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Posta... ORPHA:2519
Thrombocytopenia-Absent Radius Syndrome
Short forearm, Broad thumb, Finger syndactyly, Carpal synostosis, Fibular aplasia, Patellar aplas... OMIM:274000
Cardiospondylocarpofacial Syndrome
Muscular ventricular septal defect, Patent foramen ovale, Dysplastic tricuspid valve, Ventricular... OMIM:157800
Trisomy X
Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect ORPHA:3375
Wiedemann-Steiner Syndrome
Short 5th finger, Small hand, Short toe, Long hallux, Contracture of the distal interphalangeal j... OMIM:605130
Codas Syndrome
Congenital hip dislocation, Absent epiphyses, Hypoplasia of the odontoid process, Scoliosis, Atri... OMIM:600373
Osteopenia, Respiratory distress, Abnormal heart morphology, Ventricular septal defect, Brachydac... ORPHA:79329
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 102
Situs inversus totalis, Atrial septal defect OMIM:619881
Congenital Heart Block
Endocardial fibroelastosis, Pallor, Cyanosis, Patent foramen ovale, Pericardial effusion ORPHA:60041
Thanatophoric Dysplasia
Hydrocephalus, Redundant skin, Atrial septal defect ORPHA:2655
Very Long Chain Acyl-Coa Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Pneumonia, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Respiratory distress, Episodic tachypnea, Patent foramen ovale... ORPHA:26793
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Hypotonia And Dysmorphic Facies
Hypoplastic left heart, Erythema, Mitral atresia, Muscular ventricular septal defect, Dry skin, R... OMIM:619503
Microcephaly, Facial Dysmorphism, Renal Agenesis, And Ambiguous Genitalia Syndrome
Hypoplastic right heart, Atrial septal defect, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:618142
Whim Syndrome
Pneumonia, Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, Recurrent pneumonia, Atelectasis, Tetral... ORPHA:51636
Acquired Partial Lipodystrophy
Progeroid facial appearance ORPHA:79087
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis, Guion-Almeida Type
Slender finger, Preaxial hand polydactyly, Respiratory distress, Ventricular septal defect, Atria... OMIM:610536
Chromosome 1Q21.1 Deletion Syndrome, 1.35-Mb
Muscular ventricular septal defect, Truncus arteriosus, Bicuspid aortic valve, Perimembranous ven... OMIM:612474
Wrinkly Skin Syndrome
Atrial septal dilatation, Congenital hip dislocation, Osteopenia, Prominent veins on trunk, Multi... ORPHA:2834
Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Generalized abnormality of skin, Respiratory distress, Abnormal cardiomyo... ORPHA:367
15Q11.2 Microdeletion Syndrome
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, Abnormal heart morphology, Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricu... ORPHA:261183
Rhizomelia, Metaphyseal cupping, Hypoplasia of the odontoid process, Recurrent respiratory infect... OMIM:258480
Prader-Willi Syndrome Due To Translocation
Small hand, Clinodactyly, Respiratory distress, Abnormal heart morphology, Overlapping toe, Clino... ORPHA:177907
Familial Cutaneous Collagenoma
Atrial septal defect, Cardiomyopathy ORPHA:53296
Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia, Familial, 8
Atrial septal defect OMIM:620211
Bacterial Toxic-Shock Syndrome
Pneumonia, Respiratory distress, Osteomyelitis, Respiratory tract infection, Ecchymosis, Myocardi... ORPHA:36234
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Respiratory distress, Pulmonary hypoplasia ORPHA:2140
Pentalogy Of Cantrell
Tetralogy of Fallot, Abnormal pericardium morphology, Encephalocele, Ventricular septal defect, A... ORPHA:1335
Frontoocular Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis OMIM:605321
Idiopathic Hypereosinophilic Syndrome
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Angioedema, Swelling of proximal interphalangeal joints, Respiratory dist... ORPHA:3260
Partial Atrioventricular Septal Defect
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypoplastic left heart, Bacterial endocarditis, Coronary sinus enlargement... ORPHA:1330
Atrial septal defect ORPHA:2477
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 90
Atrial septal defect OMIM:301058
Greig Cephalopolysyndactyly Syndrome
Abnormal heart morphology, Hydrocephalus, Atrial septal defect, Umbilical hernia OMIM:175700
Hyperparathyroidism, Transient Neonatal
Osteopenia, Fractured rib, Metaphyseal spurs, Respiratory distress, Femoral bowing, Subperiosteal... OMIM:618188
Trichorhinophalangeal Syndrome Type 1
Short distal phalanx of finger, Cone-shaped epiphysis, Camptodactyly of finger, Shortening of all... ORPHA:77258
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 1 With Or Without Polydactyly
Irregular epiphyses, Hypoplastic iliac wing, Hypoplastic pelvis, Early ossification of capital fe... OMIM:208500
Intellectual Disability-Craniofacial Dysmorphism-Cryptorchidism Syndrome
Umbilical hernia, Patent foramen ovale, Ventricular septal defect, Bicuspid aortic valve, Atrial ... ORPHA:329224
Vitamin B12-Unresponsive Methylmalonic Acidemia Type Mut-
Respiratory distress, Cardiomyopathy ORPHA:79312
Intellectual Developmental Disorder With Cardiac Defects And Dysmorphic Facies
Parachute mitral valve, Tetralogy of Fallot, Patent foramen ovale, Ventricular septal defect, Dou... OMIM:618316
Even-Plus Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Patent foramen ovale OMIM:616854
Gapo Syndrome
Abnormal pelvic girdle bone morphology, Abnormal form of the vertebral bodies, Joint hypermobilit... ORPHA:2067
Abnormal forearm morphology, Abnormal pulmonary artery morphology, Generalized abnormality of ski... ORPHA:167635
Frontonasal Dysplasia-Bifid Nose-Upper Limb Anomalies Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Frontal encephalocele ORPHA:521308
Acitretin/Etretinate Embryopathy
Abnormality of the calcaneus, Atrioventricular canal defect, Conotruncal defect, Aplasia/hypoplas... ORPHA:40366
Spondylometaepiphyseal Dysplasia, Short Limb-Hand Type
Hypoplasia of the odontoid process, Broad long bones, Short neck, Broad phalanx, Short metacarpal... OMIM:271665
Chand Syndrome
Short fifth metatarsal, Dry skin, Atelectasis ORPHA:1401
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Dermatosparaxis Type
Osteopenia, Poor wound healing, Short toe, Bruising susceptibility, Spontaneous neonatal pneumoth... OMIM:225410
Chromosome 5Q12 Deletion Syndrome
Atrial septal defect, Patent foramen ovale, Ventricular septal defect OMIM:615668
Respiratory distress, Intrauterine growth retardation ORPHA:370924
Vertebral, Cardiac, Renal, And Limb Defects Syndrome 1
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypoplastic left heart, Spinal dysraphism, Mitral stenosis, Atrial septal ... OMIM:617660
3C Syndrome
Aortic valve stenosis, Hypoplastic left heart, Tetralogy of Fallot, Atrioventricular canal defect... ORPHA:7
Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
Respiratory distress, Dyspnea, Neoplasm of the lung ORPHA:142
Multiple Acyl-Coa Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Respiratory distress, Jaundice, Neonatal death, Pulmonary hypoplasia OMIM:231680
Acquired Methemoglobinemia
Respiratory distress, Dyspnea, Cyanosis ORPHA:464453
Snijders Blok-Campeau Syndrome
Perimembranous ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Pulmonic stenosis, Umbilical hernia OMIM:618205
Meacham Syndrome