Not currently registered for phenotyping at IMPC

Phenotyping is currently not planned for a knockout strain of this gene.

Gene Summary

neuregulin 3

IMPC Data Collections

  • No Body Weight Data
  • No Embryo Imaging Data
  • No Viability Data

IMPC Phenotype Summary

Not Significant
Not tested


The IMPC applies a panel of phenotyping screens to characterise single-gene knockout mice by comparison to wild types. Click on the different tabs to visualise significant phenotypes identified by the IMPC, as well as all data that was measured.

lacZ Expression

Expression data not available

Associated Images

Images submitted by IMPC centres for a selection of procedures. Each set of images is available to view in our image comparator.

Phenotype associated images not available

Human diseases caused by Nrg3 mutations

The analysis uses data from IMPC, along with published data on other mouse mutants, in comparison to human disease reports in OMIM, Orphanet, and DECIPHER.

Phenotype comparisons summarize the similarity of mouse phenotypes with human disease phenotypes.

No human diseases associated to this gene by orthology or annotation.

The table below shows human diseases predicted to be associated to Nrg3 by phenotypic similarity.

Disease Similarity of
Matching phenotypes Source
Nipples, Supernumerary
Supernumerary nipple OMIM:163700
Bullous Lichen Planus
Breast aplasia ORPHA:33408
Familial Supernumerary Nipples
Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:2456
Chromosome 10Q22.3-Q23.2 Deletion Syndrome
Breast aplasia OMIM:612242
Breasts And/Or Nipples, Aplasia Or Hypoplasia Of, 1
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the nipples, Absent nipple, Hypoplastic areola, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the b... OMIM:113700
Woods Syndrome
Frontal hirsutism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:615236
Hidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia, Halal Type
Supernumerary nipple, Sparse body hair, Absent eyelashes, Trichodysplasia, Absent eyebrow, Sparse... ORPHA:1809
Ectodermal Dysplasia With Adrenal Cyst
Breast hypoplasia, Hypoplastic nipples OMIM:129550
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 30, With Speech Delay And Behavioral Abnormalities
Synophrys, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:616083
Choroidal Atrophy-Alopecia Syndrome
Fine hair, Supernumerary nipple, Thin eyebrow, Sparse or absent eyelashes, Sparse hair ORPHA:1433
Cerebellar Ataxia-Hypogonadism Syndrome
Gynecomastia, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:1173
Estrogen Resistance
Breast aplasia, Polycystic ovaries OMIM:615363
Becker Nevus Syndrome
Unilateral breast hypoplasia OMIM:604919
Global Developmental Delay With Speech And Behavioral Abnormalities
Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:619243
Barber-Say Syndrome
Breast aplasia, Sparse or absent eyelashes, Generalized hirsutism, Hypoplastic nipples, Aplasia/H... ORPHA:1231
Intellectual Disability-Dysmorphism-Hypogonadism-Diabetes Mellitus Syndrome
Sparse pubic hair, Elevated circulating luteinizing hormone level, Breast aplasia, Decreased test... ORPHA:3044
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 47
Thin eyebrow, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:617635
Becker Nevus Syndrome
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the breasts, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:64755
Acces Syndrome
Sparse scalp hair, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:619959
Leydig Cell Hypoplasia
Breast aplasia, Hypoplasia of the Leydig cells, Testicular gonadoblastoma, Cryptorchidism, Increa... ORPHA:755
Breasts And/Or Nipples, Aplasia Or Hypoplasia Of, 2
Highly arched eyebrow, Absent nipple, Cryptorchidism, Hypoplastic nipples, Hypoplastic areola OMIM:616001
Tyshchenko Syndrome
Low anterior hairline, Cryptorchidism, Thick hair, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:615102
Postaxial Acrofacial Dysostosis
Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:246
Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia
Generalized hypopigmentation of hair, Breast aplasia, Trichorrhexis nodosa, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of... ORPHA:238468
Deafness-Genital Anomalies-Metacarpal And Metatarsal Synostosis Syndrome
Alopecia, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:3224
Incontinentia Pigmenti
Alopecia, Coarse hair, Fine hair, Supernumerary nipple, Breast aplasia, Breast hypoplasia, Atroph... OMIM:308300
Vertebral Hypersegmentation And Orofacial Anomalies
Widow's peak, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:619122
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 51
Supernumerary nipple OMIM:617339
Trisomy 12P
Thick eyebrow, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:1699
Mandibuloacral Dysplasia With Type A Lipodystrophy
Absent eyelashes, Abnormal eyebrow morphology, Alopecia, Breast aplasia ORPHA:90153
Ulnar-Mammary Syndrome
Breast aplasia, Hypoplastic nipples, Cryptorchidism, Absent axillary hair ORPHA:3138
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 5 With Or Without Polydactyly
Supernumerary nipple OMIM:614376
Char Syndrome
Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:46627
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Recessive 65
Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:618109
Limb-Mammary Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Absent nipple, Breast aplasia, Aplasia of the ovary, Hypoplastic nipple... ORPHA:69085
Filippi Syndrome
Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:3255
19Q13.11 Microdeletion Syndrome
Wide intermamillary distance, Sparse lateral eyebrow, Fine hair, Supernumerary nipple, Sparse or ... ORPHA:217346
10Q22.3Q23.3 Microdeletion Syndrome
Breast aplasia ORPHA:276413
Mesomelic Dysplasia, Savarirayan Type
Supernumerary nipple OMIM:605274
Tetramelic Deficiencies, Ectodermal Dysplasia, Deformed Ears, And Other Abnormalities
Hypoplastic nipples, Sparse hair, Hypoplastic areola OMIM:273400
Microcephaly-Seizures-Intellectual Disability-Heart Disease Syndrome
Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:2519
Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Hypotonia, Impaired Language, And Dysmorphic Features
Supernumerary nipple OMIM:616579
Agenesis Of Corpus Callosum, Cardiac, Ocular, And Genital Syndrome
Low posterior hairline, Synophrys, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:618929
Scalp-Ear-Nipple Syndrome
Breast aplasia, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the nipples, Sparse hair ORPHA:2036
Developmental Delay With Variable Intellectual Disability And Dysmorphic Facies
Sparse eyebrow, High anterior hairline, Supernumerary nipple, Thick eyebrow, Inverted nipples, Sy... OMIM:620098
Ichthyosis With Confetti
Hypoplastic nipples, Hypertrichosis OMIM:609165
Ectodermal Dysplasia 11A, Hypohidrotic/Hair/Tooth Type, Autosomal Dominant
Sparse hair, Absent nipple, Brittle hair, Absent hair OMIM:614940
Tessadori-Bicknell-Van Haaften Neurodevelopmental Syndrome 4
Highly arched eyebrow, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:619951
Limb-Mammary Syndrome
Hypoplastic nipples OMIM:603543
Moebius Syndrome
Breast aplasia ORPHA:570
2Q37 Microdeletion Syndrome
Highly arched eyebrow, Sparse eyebrow, Wide intermamillary distance, Supernumerary nipple, Sparse... ORPHA:1001
Rapp-Hodgkin Syndrome
Sparse hair, Sparse eyebrow, Decreased number of sweat glands, Fine hair, Supernumerary nipple, P... OMIM:129400
Ectodermal Dysplasia-Intellectual Disability-Central Nervous System Malformation Syndrome
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the eyebrow, Cryptorchidism, Fine hair, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:1812
Chromosome 1Q41-Q42 Deletion Syndrome
Sparse eyebrow, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:612530
Oliver Syndrome
Thick eyebrow, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:2920
Adult Syndrome
Absent nipple, Wide intermamillary distance, Fair hair, Breast hypoplasia, Alopecia of scalp, Spa... OMIM:103285
Adult Syndrome
Alopecia, Absent nipple, Fine hair, Breast hypoplasia, Hypoplastic nipples, Sparse scalp hair ORPHA:978
Craniofrontonasal Dysplasia-Poland Anomaly Syndrome
Low posterior hairline, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the nipples, Sparse eyebrow, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:1521
Isolated Follicle Stimulating Hormone Deficiency
Sparse pubic hair, Decreased testicular size, Gonadotropin deficiency, Sparse axillary hair, Hype... ORPHA:52901
Ectodermal Dysplasia 11B, Hypohidrotic/Hair/Tooth Type, Autosomal Recessive
Absent nipple, Sparse lateral eyebrow, Sparse body hair, Sparse eyelashes, Absent eyelashes, Hypo... OMIM:614941
Bohring-Opitz Syndrome
Wide intermamillary distance, Supernumerary nipple, Hypertrichosis, Low anterior hairline, Hypere... OMIM:605039
Blepharophimosis With Facial And Genital Anomalies And Impaired Intellectual Development
Dystrophic toenail, Supernumerary nipple, Long eyelashes, Low anterior hairline, Low posterior ha... OMIM:604314
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 7
Breast aplasia, Thin eyebrow, Cryptorchidism OMIM:617063
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism-Retinitis Pigmentosa Syndrome
Secondary growth hormone deficiency, Anterior hypopituitarism, Breast hypoplasia, Hypoplasia of t... ORPHA:2235
2P15P16.1 Microdeletion Syndrome
Sparse eyebrow, Wide intermamillary distance, Fine hair, Supernumerary nipple, Decreased testicul... ORPHA:261349
Scalp-Ear-Nipple Syndrome
Sparse pubic hair, Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the nipples, Fine hair, Breast aplasia, Sparse axillary ... OMIM:181270
Postaxial Acrofacial Dysostosis
Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:263750
3Mc Syndrome
Highly arched eyebrow, Bilateral cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:293843
Ankyloblepharon-Ectodermal Defects-Cleft Lip/Palate
Supernumerary nipple, Sparse body hair, Nail dystrophy, Sparse eyelashes, Absent eyelashes, Patch... OMIM:106260
Intellectual Disability-Macrocephaly-Hypotonia-Behavioral Abnormalities Syndrome
Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:457279
Ankyloblepharon-Ectodermal Defects-Cleft Lip/Palate Syndrome
Sparse eyebrow, Coarse hair, Dystrophic toenail, Supernumerary nipple, Sparse eyelashes, Dystroph... ORPHA:1071
Severe Microbrachycephaly-Intellectual Disability-Athetoid Cerebral Palsy Syndrome
Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:1236
Hyperphosphatasia-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Highly arched eyebrow, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:247262
Cleft Palate, Psychomotor Retardation, And Distinctive Facial Features
Highly arched eyebrow, Synophrys, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:616728
Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome
Highly arched eyebrow, Supernumerary nipple, Thin eyebrow, Long eyelashes, Thick eyebrow, Cryptor... OMIM:615485
Ear-Patella-Short Stature Syndrome
Breast aplasia, Cryptorchidism ORPHA:2554
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 4
Breast hypoplasia, Cryptorchidism OMIM:613804
Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome
Sparse medial eyebrow, Frontal upsweep of hair, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:610954
Estrogen Resistance Syndrome
Enlarged polycystic ovaries, Breast hypoplasia, Increased circulating gonadotropin level ORPHA:785
Pterygia, Impaired Intellectual Development, And Distinctive Craniofacial Features
Hypoplastic nipples OMIM:177980
Kleefstra Syndrome
Highly arched eyebrow, Synophrys, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:261494
Tetraamelia Syndrome 2
Absent nipple OMIM:618021
Palatal Anomalies-Widely Spaced Teeth-Facial Dysmorphism-Developmental Delay Syndrome
Sparse eyebrow, High anterior hairline, Supernumerary nipple, Hypertrichosis, Cryptorchidism, Spa... ORPHA:477993
Ring Chromosome 12 Syndrome
Breast hypoplasia, Dystrophic toenail, Cryptorchidism, Hirsutism ORPHA:1439
Hirsutism, Low posterior hairline, Generalized hirsutism, Hypoplastic nipples, Synophrys OMIM:269921
Craniofacial Dysmorphism, Skeletal Anomalies, And Impaired Intellectual Development Syndrome 1
Highly arched eyebrow, Wide intermamillary distance, Supernumerary nipple, Decreased response to ... OMIM:213980
Dyrk1A-Related Intellectual Disability Syndrome Due To 21Q22.13Q22.2 Microdeletion
Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Breast aplasia, Cryptorchidism, Posterior ... ORPHA:268261
Joubert Syndrome With Jeune Asphyxiating Thoracic Dystrophy
Wide intermamillary distance, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:397715
Normosmic Congenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Wide intermamillary distance, Sparse body hair, Breast hypoplasia, Decreased testicular size, Gyn... ORPHA:432
Intellectual Developmental Disorder With Impaired Language And Dysmorphic Facies
Highly arched eyebrow, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:618653
Incontinentia Pigmenti
Abnormal hair morphology, Alopecia, Dystrophic toenail, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:464
Oculoectodermal Syndrome
Pineal cyst, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:600268
Scarf Syndrome
Wide intermamillary distance, Cryptorchidism, Low posterior hairline, Hypoplastic nipples, Sparse... ORPHA:3134
3Mc Syndrome 1
Highly arched eyebrow, Synophrys, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:257920
Developmental Delay With Or Without Dysmorphic Facies And Autism
Highly arched eyebrow, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:618454
Au-Kline Syndrome
Wide intermamillary distance, Sparse lateral eyebrow, Supernumerary nipple, Inverted nipples, Cry... OMIM:616580
Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome
Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:2896
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 2
Breast hypoplasia OMIM:613800
Microcephalic Primordial Dwarfism, Dauber Type
Bilateral breast hypoplasia ORPHA:319675
Neurofacioskeletal Syndrome With Or Without Renal Agenesis
High anterior hairline, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:619194
Chromosome 13Q14 Deletion Syndrome
Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:613884
Stolerman Neurodevelopmental Syndrome
Hypoplastic nipples, Cryptorchidism OMIM:618505
Scarf Syndrome
Wide intermamillary distance, Cryptorchidism, Low anterior hairline, Low posterior hairline, Hypo... OMIM:312830
Primary Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism-Partial Alopecia Syndrome
Small pituitary gland, Sparse pubic hair, Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Abnormal eyebrow morphology, ... ORPHA:2232
Czeizel-Losonci Syndrome
Hypoplastic nipples, Wide intermamillary distance ORPHA:2437
Kallmann Syndrome
Breast hypoplasia, Decreased testicular size, Gynecomastia, Cryptorchidism, Anterior hypopituitarism ORPHA:478
Skin Creases, Congenital Symmetric Circumferential, 1
Hypoplastic nipples, Wide intermamillary distance OMIM:156610
Amastia, Bilateral, With Ureteral Triplication And Dysmorphism
Absent nipple OMIM:104350
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 1
Alopecia, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:100300
Neurodevelopmental Disorder-Craniofacial Dysmorphism-Cardiac Defect-Skeletal Anomalies Syndrome Due To A Point Mutation
Inverted nipples, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:453504
Neurodevelopmental Disorder-Craniofacial Dysmorphism-Cardiac Defect-Skeletal Anomalies Syndrome Due To 9Q21.3 Microdeletion
Inverted nipples, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:352665
Brachycephaly, Deafness, Cataract, Microstomia, And Impaired Intellectual Development
Breast hypoplasia, Long eyelashes, Cryptorchidism, Absent axillary hair OMIM:601353
Martin-Probst Syndrome
Hypoplastic nipples, Wide intermamillary distance, Cryptorchidism OMIM:300519
Gapo Syndrome
Alopecia, Sparse eyebrow, Breast hypoplasia, Sparse eyelashes, Hypoplastic nipples, Sparse hair OMIM:230740
Sheehan Syndrome
Secondary growth hormone deficiency, Sparse pubic hair, Breast hypoplasia, Panhypopituitarism, Go... ORPHA:91355
Craniofrontonasal Syndrome
Breast hypoplasia, Cryptorchidism, Low posterior hairline, Unilateral breast hypoplasia, Curly ha... OMIM:304110
Carpenter Syndrome 2
Highly arched eyebrow, Sparse eyebrow, Wide intermamillary distance, Supernumerary nipple, Bilate... OMIM:614976
Nablus Mask-Like Facial Syndrome
Highly arched eyebrow, Sparse eyebrow, Wide intermamillary distance, Frontal upsweep of hair, Cry... OMIM:608156
Short Stature, Onychodysplasia, Facial Dysmorphism, And Hypotrichosis
Breast hypoplasia, Sparse hair OMIM:614813
Ectodermal Dysplasia 1, Hypohidrotic, X-Linked
Sparse eyebrow, Absent nipple, Fine hair, Sparse body hair, Sparse eyelashes, Absent eyelashes, A... OMIM:305100
Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome
Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:373
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 3
Breast hypoplasia, Sparse pubic hair, Sparse axillary hair, Cryptorchidism OMIM:613803
Macrocephaly-Intellectual Disability-Left Ventricular Non Compaction Syndrome
Bilateral cryptorchidism, Cryptorchidism, Anterior pituitary hypoplasia, Supernumerary nipple ORPHA:466791
Ablepharon Macrostomia Syndrome
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the nipples, Fine hair, Breast hypoplasia, Absent eyelashes, Abnormal hair ... ORPHA:920
Hypoplastic nipples, Long eyelashes, Inverted nipples, Hirsutism ORPHA:79329
Focal Dermal Hypoplasia
Supernumerary nipple, Nail dystrophy, Cryptorchidism, Patchy alopecia, Hypoplastic nipples, Britt... OMIM:305600
21Q22.11Q22.12 Microdeletion Syndrome
Hypoplastic nipples, Nail dystrophy ORPHA:261323
Barber-Say Syndrome
Sparse eyebrow, Absent nipple, Hypertrichosis, Inverted nipples, Cryptorchidism, Low anterior hai... OMIM:209885
Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked 99, Syndromic, Female-Restricted
Unilateral breast hypoplasia, Hypertrichosis OMIM:300968
Van Maldergem Syndrome 2
Hypoplastic nipples, Cryptorchidism, High anterior hairline OMIM:615546
Aymé-Gripp Syndrome
Breast hypoplasia, Long eyelashes, Cryptorchidism, Sparse scalp hair ORPHA:1272
Trichohepatoneurodevelopmental Syndrome
Cholelithiasis, Thoracic hypertrichosis, Coarse hair, Long eyelashes, Hypoplastic nipples, Curly ... OMIM:618268
Branchiooculofacial Syndrome
Wide intermamillary distance, Supernumerary nipple, Premature graying of hair, White forelock, Cr... OMIM:113620
Ulnar-Mammary Syndrome
Ectopic posterior pituitary, Axillary apocrine gland hypoplasia, Sparse lateral eyebrow, Breast h... OMIM:181450
Mowat-Wilson Syndrome
Broad eyebrow, Cryptorchidism, Supernumerary nipple OMIM:235730
Dyrk1A-Related Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Breast hypoplasia, Cryptorchidism, Anterior pituitary hypoplasia ORPHA:464306
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 1
Breast hypoplasia, Long eyelashes, Cryptorchidism OMIM:224690
Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome, Type 1
Short nail, Wide intermamillary distance, Hypertrichosis, Supernumerary nipple, Cryptorchidism OMIM:312870
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 12
Hypoplastic nipples, Wide intermamillary distance OMIM:269860
Cornelia De Lange Syndrome 1
Highly arched eyebrow, Long eyelashes, Curly eyelashes, Cryptorchidism, Hirsutism, Low posterior ... OMIM:122470
Acrorenal-Mandibular Syndrome
Absent nipple, Abnormality of the breast OMIM:200980
Ectrodactyly, Ectodermal Dysplasia, And Cleft Lip/Palate Syndrome 3
Sparse pubic hair, Sparse eyebrow, Fair hair, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation te... OMIM:604292
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 5A (Zellweger)
Hypoplastic nipples, Cryptorchidism OMIM:614866
Multiple Pterygium Syndrome, Escobar Variant
Hypoplastic nipples, Cryptorchidism OMIM:265000
Hypertrichosis, Inverted nipples, Low posterior hairline, Hypoplastic nipples, Hypoplasia of the ... ORPHA:79328
Coloboma, Congenital Heart Disease, Ichthyosiform Dermatosis, Impaired Intellectual Development, And Ear Anomalies Syndrome
Sparse hair, Highly arched eyebrow, Sparse lateral eyebrow, Fine hair, Low-set nipples, Hypoplast... OMIM:280000
Gabriele-De Vries Syndrome
Sparse eyebrow, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation test, Breast hypoplasia, Frontal... ORPHA:506358
Branchial Arch Abnormalities, Choanal Atresia, Athelia, Hearing Loss, And Hypothyroidism Syndrome
Sparse eyebrow, Absent nipple, Nail dystrophy, Aplasia of the thymus, Hypoplastic nipples, Sparse... OMIM:620186
Ectrodactyly, Ectodermal Dysplasia, And Cleft Lip/Palate Syndrome 1
Sparse pubic hair, Sparse eyebrow, Fair hair, Decreased response to growth hormone stimulation te... OMIM:129900
Ablepharon-Macrostomia Syndrome
Absent eyelashes, Hypoplastic nipples, Sparse hair, Absent eyebrow OMIM:200110
Schinzel-Giedion Midface Retraction Syndrome
Hypoplastic nipples, Splenopancreatic fusion, Hypertrichosis OMIM:269150
Branchioskeletogenital Syndrome
Highly arched eyebrow, Absent nipple, Synophrys ORPHA:1299
Pallister-Killian Syndrome
Sparse eyebrow, Alopecia, Supernumerary nipple, Sparse anterior scalp hair, Cryptorchidism, Spars... OMIM:601803
Fontaine Progeroid Syndrome
Absent nipple, Coarse hair, Hypertrichosis, Cryptorchidism, Low anterior hairline, Low posterior ... OMIM:612289
Cornelia De Lange Syndrome
Highly arched eyebrow, Long eyelashes, Curly eyelashes, Thick eyebrow, Cryptorchidism, Low anteri... ORPHA:199
Kagami-Ogata Syndrome Due To Paternal Uniparental Disomy Of Chromosome 14
Wide intermamillary distance, Inverted nipples, Cryptorchidism, Hypoplastic nipples, Frontal hirs... ORPHA:96334
X-Linked Female Restricted Facial Dysmorphism-Short Stature-Choanal Atresia-Intellectual Disability
Cyst of the ductus choledochus, Hypoplastic nipples, Hypertrichosis, Curly hair ORPHA:480880
Ulna And Fibula, Absence Of, With Severe Limb Deficiency
Hypoplastic nipples, Cryptorchidism OMIM:276820
Johanson-Blizzard Syndrome
Fair hair, Frontal upsweep of hair, Cryptorchidism, Hypoplastic nipples, Sparse scalp hair OMIM:243800
Yunis-Varon Syndrome
Sparse eyebrow, Absent nipple, Cryptorchidism, Sparse eyelashes, Hypoplastic nipples, Sparse scal... OMIM:216340


Summary table of phenotypes displayed during the Histopathology procedure which are considered significant. Full histopathology data table, including submitted images, can be accessed by clicking any row in this table.

There is no histopathology data for Nrg3

IMPC related publications

The table below lists publications which used either products generated by the IMPC or data produced by the phenotyping efforts of the IMPC. These publications have also been associated to Nrg3.

There are 1 publication which use IMPC produced mice or data.

Title Journal IMPC Allele PubMed ID
Subcellular sorting of neuregulins controls the assembly of excitatory-inhibitory cortical circuits. eLife (December 2020) Nrg3tm1a(KOMP)Mbp PMC7755390

Order Mouse and ES Cells

All available products are supplied via our member's centres or partnerships. When ordering a product from the IMPC you will be redirected to one of their websites or prompted to start an email.

MGI Allele Allele Type Produced
Nrg3tm109229(L1L2_Bact_P) KO first allele (reporter-tagged insertion with conditional potential) Targeting vectors

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