increased prepulse inhibition

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P-values equal or lower to 10-4 (P < 0.0001) are marked as significant.
% Pre-pulse inhibition - PPI1UC DavisErlec1em1(IMPC)MbphomozygoteEarly adultCR15261.2x10-41.99x10-33.74x10-6
% Pre-pulse inhibition - GlobalUC DavisErlec1em1(IMPC)MbphomozygoteEarly adultCR15261x10-42.31x10-24.59x10-5

Erlec1 data charts

% Pre-pulse inhibition - PPI1
Combination tested with the lowest p-value of 3.74x10-6
Experiments performed

A Acoustic Startle and Pre-pulse Inhibition (PPI) phenotypic assay was performed on 2820 mice. The charts show the results of measuring % Pre-pulse inhibition - PPI1 in 8 female, 8 male mutants compared to 1399 female, 1405 male controls. The mutants are for the Erlec1em1(IMPC)Mbp allele.

Associated phenotype
Testing protocol
Measured value
% Pre-pulse inhibition - PPI1
Testing environment
Lab conditions and equipment
Life stage
Early adult
Background Strain
involves: C57BL/6NCrl
Phenotyping center
UC Davis

* The high throughput nature of the IMPC means that large control sample sizes may accumulate over a long period of time. See the animal welfare guidelines for more information.

Statistical information

Batch effect significant true
Variance significant true
Genotype*Sex interaction effect p value 3.74x10-6
Genotype parameter estimate N/A
Genotype standard error estimate 5.300
Genotype Effect P Value 3.74x10-6
Sex Parameter Estimate N/A
Sex Standard Error Estimate N/A
Sex Effect P Value 3.74x10-6
Intercept Estimate 46.932
Intercept Estimate Standard Error 3.192
Sex Male KO P Value 3.74x10-6
Sex Female KO P Value 3.74x10-6
WT Residuals Normality Tests 1.46x10-2
KO Residuals Normality Tests 5.01x10-1

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