persistence of hyaloid vascular system

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P-values equal or lower to 10-4 (P < 0.0001) are marked as significant.
Persistence of hyaloid vascular systemMRC HarwellSynj1tm1b(EUCOMM)WtsiheterozygoteEarly adultH-SYNJ1-C03-TM1B15.22x10-74.81x10-6

Synj1 data charts

Persistence of hyaloid vascular system
Combination tested with the lowest p-value of 5.22x10-7
Experiments performed

A Eye Morphology phenotypic assay was performed on 5357 mice. The charts show the results of measuring Persistence of hyaloid vascular system in 8 female, 8 male mutants compared to 2701 female, 2640 male controls. The mutants are for the Synj1tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi allele.

Associated phenotype
Testing protocol
Measured value
Persistence of hyaloid vascular system
Testing environment
Lab conditions and equipment
Life stage
Early adult
Background Strain
involves: C57BL/6NTac
Phenotyping center
MRC Harwell

* The high throughput nature of the IMPC means that large control sample sizes may accumulate over a long period of time. See the animal welfare guidelines for more information.

Results of statistical analysis

Counts by sample type

Statistical method

Fisher Exact Test framework

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