Previous IMPC Data Release 8.0 Notes

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  • Release: 8.0
  • Published: 02 May 2018

Statistical Package

  • PhenStat
  • Version: 2.7.1
Genome Assembly
  • Mus musculus
  • Version: GRCm38


  • Number of phenotyped genes: 5,115
  • Number of phenotyped mutant lines: 5,505
  • Number of phenotype calls: 59,407

Data access


Data release 8.0

Release notes: Represents a major data release.

Data Reports

Lines and Specimens

Phenotyping Center Mutant Lines Baseline Mice Mutant Mice
JAX 1,060 7,473 30,791
TCP 483 6,475 21,697
HMGU 265 2,731 4,851
KMPC 32 591 658
MARC 235 1,878 3,776
MRC Harwell 512 5,349 13,254
RBRC 82 1,827 1,663
ICS 202 2,086 3,232
WTSI 1,311 4,512 21,051
BCM 475 1,995 15,640
UC Davis 848 2,919 20,110

Experimental Data and Quality Checks

Data Type QC passed QC failed issues
categorical 13,047,108 3,221 * 15,810 *
unidimensional 9,463,677 29,870 * 209,608 *
time series 12,844,228 2,471 * 11 *
text 160,354 11,176 * 48,130 *
image record 366,858 0 0

* Excluded from statistical analysis.

Distribution of Phenotype Annotations

Created with Highcharts 6.0.3Number of genotype-phenotype associationsChart context menuDistribution of Phenotype Associations in IMPChemizygoteheterozygotehomozygoteadipose tissue phenotypebehavior/neurological phenotypecardiovascular system phenotypecraniofacial phenotypedigestive/alimentary phenotypeendocrine/exocrine gland phenotypegrowth/size/body region phenotypehearing/vestibular/ear phenotypehematopoietic system phenotypehomeostasis/metabolism phenotypeimmune system phenotypeintegument phenotypelimbs/digits/tail phenotypemortality/agingmuscle phenotypenervous system phenotypenormal phenotypepigmentation phenotyperenal/urinary system phenotypereproductive system phenotyperespiratory system phenotypeskeleton phenotypevision/eye phenotypeembryo phenotypeliver/biliary system phenotype0100k200k300k400k500k600k
Created with Highcharts 6.0.3Number of genesChart context menuGenotyping Status202015153 9803 9803 4683 468Micro-injection in progressChimeras obtainedGenotype confirmedCre Excision Complete01k2k3k4k5k
Created with Highcharts 6.0.3Number of genesChart context menuPhenotyping Status9589586626625 0575 057Phenotype Attempt RegisteredPhenotyping StartedPhenotyping Complete02k4k6k

By Center

Created with Highcharts 6.0.3Number of GenesChart context menuGenotyping Status by CenterJAXTCPMonterotondoVETMEDUNIHarwellMonterotondo R&DSEATMARCOuluBCMCDTAHMGUCAM-SU GRCCCP-IMGCIPHECNBKMPCUCDICSWTSINARLabsRIKEN BRCMonashMicro-injection in progressChimeras obtainedGenotype confirmedCre Excision Complete050010001500200025003000350040004500
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Created with Highcharts 6.0.3Number of GenesChart context menuPhenotyping Status by CenterJAXTCPMonterotondoHarwellSEATMARCBCMCDTAHMGUCAM-SU GRCCCP-IMGCIPHEKMPCUCDICSWTSIRIKEN BRCPhenotype Attempt RegisteredPhenotyping StartedPhenotyping Complete01k2k3k4k5k6k
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More charts and status information are available from iMits.

Phenotype Associations

Created with Highcharts 6.0.3Number of phenotype callsChart context menuPhenotype calls per procedureCenter by centerJAXTCPHMGUKMPCMARCMRC HarwellRBRCICSWTSIBCMUC DavisCombined SHIRPA and DysmorphologyOpen FieldAuditory Brain Stem ResponseAcoustic Startle and Pre-pulse Inhibition (PPI)Indirect CalorimetryClinical ChemistryBody Composition (DEXA lean/fat)Electrocardiogram (ECG)EchoEye MorphologyFertility of Homozygous Knock-out MiceGrip StrengthHematologyHeart WeightIntraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT)Viability Primary ScreenX-rayInsulin Blood LevelRotarodElectroconvulsive Threshold TestingHole-board ExplorationLight-Dark TestPlasma ChemistrySleep WakeTail SuspensionUrinalysisOrgan WeightChallenge Whole Body Plethysmography05001000150020002500300035004000
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Created with Highcharts 6.0.3Genes/Mutant LinesPhenotype CallsChart context menuGenes/Mutant Lines/MP CallsRelease by ReleasePhenotyped genesPhenotyped linesMP calls1.
Created with Highcharts 6.0.3 Data points Chart context menu Data points Categorical (QC failed) Categorical (QC passed) Categorical (issues) Image record (QC failed) Image record (QC passed) Image record (issues) Text (QC failed) Text (QC passed) Text (issues) Time series (QC failed) Time series (QC passed) Time series (issues) Unidimensional (QC failed) Unidimensional (QC passed) Unidimensional (issues) 1.0 1.1 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.0 4.2 4.3 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 0 5000000 10000000 15000000
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